918 resultados para Air electric potential gradient


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Dentre os métodos geofísicos, o da Eletrorresistividade é um dos mais tradicionais, com o seu desenvolvimento ocorrido há mais de 80 anos. Durante esse tempo o seu uso acompanhou o avanço no poder de processamento numérico e mais recentemente, a modelagem e inversão tridimensional tornou-se uma possibilidade para o geofísico. Apresentamos, neste trabalho, a técnica de elementos finitos aplicada ao método da eletrorresistividade 3-D, através do cálculo do potencial secundário. Para o desenvolvimento da metodologia, simulamos o levantamento do método da eletrorresistividade 3-D com os arranjos Dipolo-Dipolo e Schlumberger, visando medir as variações laterais e verticais da resistividade aparente do solo. Estes arranjos consistem na injeção de corrente elétrica na superfície e de medidas de diferenças de potencial elétrico, resultante da interação da corrente elétrica com o solo. Sendo que, as fontes e receptores são localizados de acordo com os arranjos escolhidos para o levantamento. Neste trabalho, as curvas de sondagem e as pseudo-secções de resistividade aparente, são obtidas através da modelagem de eletrorresistividade 3-D, usando malha de elementos finitos regular. Para efeito de validação, os resultados são comparados com a resposta 3-D obtida a partir dos potenciais totais.


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Um dos métodos clássicos da geofísica de exploração é o Método de Eletrorresistividade, estabelecido há um século pelos irmãos Schlumberger e desde então amplamente empregado em prospecção mineral, estudos ambientais e hidrogeologia e em pesquisa de fontes geotermais. Conceitualmente o método consiste de injeção de corrente elétrica na subsuperfície e de medida de diferença de potencial elétrico, resultante da interação da corrente com o meio. As localizações dessas fontes e receptores são determinadas pelo arranjo escolhido para o levantamento. Após o processamento, obtém-se pseudo-seções de resistividade aparente que indicam a distribuição de condutividade em subsuperfície. Devido à simplicidade dos fundamentos físicos de sua formulação, o método apresenta fácil implementação computacional quando comparado aos métodos eletromagnéticos de fonte controlada. Na literatura há inúmeros trabalhos de modelagem computacional, onde se calcula a resposta para problemas 2-D e 3-D. Nestes trabalhos, as pseudo-seções são obtidas a partir do cálculo do potencial elétrico total. Neste trabalho, apresentaremos a resposta da modelagem de eletroresistividade 2-D com o arranjo dipolo-dipolo, obtida a partir do potencial elétrico secundário. A solução é calculada através do método de elementos finitos usando malhas não estruturadas. Para efeito de validação, os resultados são comparados com a resposta 2-D obtida a partir dos potencias totais.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work aims to analyze data from a Natural Electric Potential landfill type ditch located in Cordeirópolis (SP). The procedure measures initially involved the assembly and installation of an apparatus cables, sensors and drain geophysical measurements and flow rate of biogas in a ditch later filled by solid waste. Biogas is a product of degradation of organic matter in waste by the action of microorganisms in an anaerobic environment. Its features high methane content in the gas potentially usable as fuel in energy generation systems or steam. The study area is characterized by clayey soil composition change from the diabase sill correlated to the event Serra Geral Formation siltstones overlapping Tatuí with groundwater level site around 50m. The cables were installed vertically in parallel with drain gas manifold, which allowed the collection of data by the technique geophysical logging every 15 days over a period of eight months. For data analysis we used four parameters in the study, the closing time of the ditch, natural electric potential, the flow velocity of biogas and rain. With the tabulated data plots were constructed for each collection day showing values in the range of the cable is in contact with waste (200 cm - 400 cm) and range of the cable in contact with the soil (600 cm - 800 cm). Subsequently graphs were generated with the period of eight months to analyze the data tabulated. A statistical correlation data, which show the influence of rainfall on the production of biogas. The results were satisfactory and demonstrated the feasibility of the research method in studies for the feasibility analysis for the capture of biogas energy


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Currently has few studies today concerning the behavior of the ethyl alcohol hydrated combustible in the geological environment, results of eventual spill or leaks in a wide transport chain and distribution. This work discusses the results of an experiment in laboratorial scale, that involves the monitoring of alterations in physical properties a simulate leak of alcohol in a tank with sand saturated in water, during 4920 hours. Are applied electrical resistivity, induced polarization and spontaneous potential geophysical methods. The electric resistivity is clearly correlating to the ethanol degradation pattern. The chargeability demonstrated sensibility to this pattern, while the natural electric potential revealed direct association with the oscillations of groundwater level. The variability of the physical parameters monitoring probable control for ethanol degradation process in environment study.


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The electrocardiogram (ECG) is an important tool used in the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias, since it gives the graphic representation of depolarization and repolarization processes of the cardiac muscle. This study allows recording the electrical activity of myocardial cells and the underlying differences in electric potential: the magnitude of this difference is measured in millivolts (mV), and its duration is measured in seconds. The ECG is indicated when an irregular rhythm is detected during physical examination, such as bradycardias, tachycardias or arrhythmias that are not secondary to breathing, in animals with a history of syncope or weakness, for monitoring the effectiveness of antiarrhythmic therapy, in cases of putative pleural or pericardial effusion, and also in systemic diseases that lead to arrhythmia. For a reliable assessment, the ECG must be evaluated in conjunction with findings from the physical examination and clinical signs of each patient.


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Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a tool used to probe the physical and chemical environments of specific atoms in molecules. This research explored small molecule analogues to biological materials to determine NMR parameters using ab initio computations, comparing the results with solid-state NMR measurements. Models, such as dimethyl phosphate (DMP) for oligonucleotides or CuCl for the active site of the protein azurin, represented computationally unwieldy macromolecules. 31P chemical shielding tensors were calculated for DMP as a function of torsion angles, as well as for the phosphate salts, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADHP), diammonium hydrogen phosphate, and magnesium dihydrogen phosphate. The computational DMP work indicated a problem with the current standard 31P reference of 85% H3PO4(aq.). Comparison of the calculations and experimental spectra for the phosphate salts indicated ADHP might be a preferable alternative as a solid state NMR reference for 31P. Experimental work included magic angle spinning experiments on powder samples using the UNL chemistry department’s Bruker Avance 600 MHz NMR to collect data to determine chemical shielding anisotropies. For the quadrupolar nuclei of copper and scandium, the electric field gradient was calculated in diatomic univalent metal halides, allowing determination of the minimal level of theory necessary to compute NMR parameters for these nuclei.


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Alfven eigenmodes (AEs) were studied in neutral beam injection (NBI) heated plasmas in the TJ-II stellarator using a heavy ion beam probe (HIBP) in the core, and by Langmuir (LP) and Mirnov probes (MP) at the edge. AEs were detected over the whole plasma radius by the HIBP with a spatial resolution of about 1 cm. AE-induced oscillations were detected in the plasma density n(e), electric potential phi and poloidal magnetic field B-pol with frequencies 50 kHz < f(AE) < 300 kHz. The LP, MP and HIBP data showed a high level of coherency for specific branches of AEs. Poloidal mode wave-vectors k(theta), mode numbers m (m < 8) and propagation velocities V-theta similar to 30 km s(-1) were detected for various branches of AEs, having different radial locations. When the density rose due to NBI fuelling, the AE frequency decreased as predicted by the Alfven law f(AE) similar to n(e)(-1/2). During the AE frequency decay the following new AE features were observed: (i) the poloidal wave-vector k(theta) and mode number m remained constant, (ii) the cross-phases between the oscillations in B-pol, n(e) and electric potential remained constant, having an individual value for each AE branch, (iii) V-theta decreased proportional to the AE frequency. The interaction of the AEs with the bulk (thermal) plasma resulted in clearly pronounced quasi-coherent peaks in the electrostatic turbulent particle flux spectra. Various AE branches exhibited different contributions to the particle flux: outward, inward and also zero, depending on the phase relations between the oscillations in E-pol and n(e), which are specific for each branch. A comparison with MHD mode modelling indicated that some of the more prominent frequency branches can be identified as radially extended helical AEs.


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Environmental biomonitoring has demonstrated that organisms such as crustaceans, fish and mushrooms are useful to evaluate and monitor both ecosystem contamination and quality. Particularly, some mushroom species have a high capacity to retain radionuclides and some toxic elements from the soil and the air. The potential of mushrooms to accumulate radionuclides in their fruit-bodies has been well documented. However, there are no studies that determine natural and artificial radionuclide composition in edible mushrooms, in Brazil. Artificial (Cs-137) and natural radioactivity (K-40. Ra-226. Ra-228) were determined in 17 mushroom samples from 3 commercialized edible mushroom species. The edible mushrooms collected were Agaricus sp., Pleurotus sp. and Lentinula sp. species. The activity measurements were carried out by gamma spectrometry. The levels of Cs-137 varied from 1.45 +/- 0.04 to 10.6 +/- 0.3 Bq kg(-1), K-40 levels varied from 461 +/- 2 to 1535 +/- 10 Bq kg(-1), Ra-226 levels varied from 14 +/- 3 to 66 +/- 12 Bq kg(-1) and Ra-228 levels varied from 6.2 +/- 0.2 to 54.2 +/- 1.7 Bq kg(-1). Cs-137 levels in Brazilian mushrooms are in accordance with the radioactive fallout in the Southern Hemisphere. The artificial and natural activities determined in this study were found to be below the maximum permissible levels as established by national legislation. Thus, these mushroom species can be normally consumed by the population without any apparent risks to human health.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Faktorisierungsmethode zur Erkennung von Inhomogenitäten der Leitfähigkeit in der elektrischen Impedanztomographie auf unbeschränkten Gebieten - speziell der Halbebene bzw. dem Halbraum - untersucht. Als Lösungsräume für das direkte Problem, d.h. die Bestimmung des elektrischen Potentials zu vorgegebener Leitfähigkeit und zu vorgegebenem Randstrom, führen wir gewichtete Sobolev-Räume ein. In diesen wird die Existenz von schwachen Lösungen des direkten Problems gezeigt und die Gültigkeit einer Integraldarstellung für die Lösung der Laplace-Gleichung, die man bei homogener Leitfähigkeit erhält, bewiesen. Mittels der Faktorisierungsmethode geben wir eine explizite Charakterisierung von Einschlüssen an, die gegenüber dem Hintergrund eine sprunghaft erhöhte oder erniedrigte Leitfähigkeit haben. Damit ist zugleich für diese Klasse von Leitfähigkeiten die eindeutige Rekonstruierbarkeit der Einschlüsse bei Kenntnis der lokalen Neumann-Dirichlet-Abbildung gezeigt. Die mittels der Faktorisierungsmethode erhaltene Charakterisierung der Einschlüsse haben wir in ein numerisches Verfahren umgesetzt und sowohl im zwei- als auch im dreidimensionalen Fall mit simulierten, teilweise gestörten Daten getestet. Im Gegensatz zu anderen bekannten Rekonstruktionsverfahren benötigt das hier vorgestellte keine Vorabinformation über Anzahl und Form der Einschlüsse und hat als nicht-iteratives Verfahren einen vergleichsweise geringen Rechenaufwand.


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Planar electrodes are increasingly used in therapeutic neural stimulation techniques such as functional electrical stimulation, epidural spinal cord stimulation (ESCS), and cortical stimulation. Recently, optimized electrode geometries have been shown to increase the efficiency of neural stimulation by increasing the variation of current density on the electrode surface. In the present work, a new family of modified fractal electrode geometries is developed to enhance the efficiency of neural stimulation. It is shown that a promising approach in increasing the neural activation function is to increase the "edginess" of the electrode surface, a concept that is explained and quantified by fractal mathematics. Rigorous finite element simulations were performed to compute electric potential produced by proposed modified fractal geometries. The activation of 256 model axons positioned around the electrodes was then quantified, showing that modified fractal geometries required a 22% less input power while maintaining the same level of neural activation. Preliminary in vivo experiments investigating muscle evoked potentials due to median nerve stimulation showed encouraging results, supporting the feasibility of increasing neural stimulation efficiency using modified fractal geometries.


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The objective of this study is the production of an Alpine Permafrost Index Map (APIM) covering the entire European Alps. A unified statistical model that is based on Alpine-wide permafrost observations is used for debris and bedrock surfaces across the entire Alps. The explanatory variables of the model are mean annual air temperatures, potential incoming solar radiation and precipitation. Offset terms were applied to make model predictions for topographic and geomorphic conditions that differ from the terrain features used for model fitting. These offsets are based on literature review and involve some degree of subjective choice during model building. The assessment of the APIM is challenging because limited independent test data are available for comparison and these observations represent point information in a spatially highly variable topography. The APIM provides an index that describes the spatial distribution of permafrost and comes together with an interpretation key that helps to assess map uncertainties and to relate map contents to their actual expression in terrain. The map can be used as a first resource to estimate permafrost conditions at any given location in the European Alps in a variety of contexts such as research and spatial planning. Results show that Switzerland likely is the country with the largest permafrost area in the Alps, followed by Italy, Austria, France and Germany. Slovenia and Liechtenstein may have marginal permafrost areas. In all countries the permafrost area is expected to be larger than the glacier-covered area.