199 resultados para Adenoma pleomórfico


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Sulfate plays an essential role during growth, development, bone/cartilage formation, and cellular metabolism. In this study, we have isolated the human sulfate anion transporter cDNA (hsat-1; SCL26A1) and gene (SAT1), determined its protein function in Xenopus oocytes and characterized SAT1 promoter activity in mammalian renal cell lines. hsat-1 encodes a protein of 75 kDa, with 12 putative transmembrane domains, that induces sulfate, chloride, and oxalate transport in Xenopus oocytes. hsat-1 mRNA is expressed most abundantly in the kidney and liver, with lower levels in the pancreas, testis, brain, small intestine, colon, and lung. The SAT1 gene is comprised of four exons stretching 6 kb in length, with an alternative splice site formed from an optional exon. SAT1 5' flanking region led to promoter activity in renal OK and LLC-PK1 cells. Using SAT1 5' flanking region truncations, the first 135 bp was shown to be sufficient for basal promoter activity. Mutation of the activator protein-1 (AP-1) site at position 252 in the SAT1 promoter led to loss of transcriptional activity, suggesting its requirement for SAT1 basal expression. This study represents the first functional characterization of the human SAT1 gene and protein encoded by the anion transporter hsat-1.


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Primary aldosteronism (PA) is a common form of endocrine hypertension previously believed to account for less than 1% of hypertensive patients. Hypokalemia was considered a prerequisite for pursuing diagnostic tests for PA. Recent studies applying the plasma aldosterone/plasma renin activity ratio (ARR) as a screening test have reported a higher prevalence. This study is a retrospective evaluation of the diagnosis of PA from clinical centers in five continents before and after the widespread use of the ARR as a screening test. The application of this strategy to a greater number of hypertensives led to a 5- to 15-fold increase in the identification of patients affected by PA. Only a small proportion of patients ( between 9 and 37%) were hypokalemic. The annual detection rate of aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) increased in all centers ( by 1.3-6.3 times) after the wide application of ARR. Aldosterone-producing adenomas constituted a much higher proportion of patients with PA in the four centers that employed adrenal venous sampling ( 28 - 50%) than in the center that did not (9%). In conclusion, the wide use of the ARR as a screening test in hypertensive patients led to a marked increase in the detection rate of PA. Copyright © 2004 by The Endocrine Society


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Once considered rare, primary aldosteronism (PAL) is now regarded as the commonest potentially curable and specifically treatable form of hypertension. At Greenslopes Hospital Hypertension Unit (GHHU), the decision in 1991 to screen all (and not just hypokalemic or resistant) hypertensives by aldosterone/renin ratio (ARR) testing led to a 10-fold increase in detection rate of PAL and four-fold increase in removal rate of aldosterone-producing adenomas (APAs). The GHHU/Princess Alexandra Hospital Hypertension Unit PAL series stands at 977 patients and 250 APAs removed with hypertension cured in 50-60% (remainder improved). Reliable detection requires that interfering medications are withdrawn (or their effects considered) before ARR measurement, and reliable methods (such as fludrocortisone suppression testing) to confirm PAL. Adrenal venous sampling is the only dependable way to differentiate APA from bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. Genetic testing has facilitated detection of alucocorticoid-remediable, familial PAL. Identification of mutations causing the more common familial variety described by GHHU in 1991 should further aid in detection of PAL. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Parotidectomy is a common surgical procedure performed for a wide array of benign and malignant tumours. The aim of the present study was to review a single-institution experience with parotidectomy over a 10 year period. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 170 patients who had parotidectomy performed. The preoperative investigations, clinicopathological parameters, perioperative morbidity and mortality were assessed. Results: One hundred and six (62%) of the patients were men. The mean age was 54 years (range 21-80). Indications for parotidectomy included benign tumour (44%), malignant tumour (42%), inflammatory parotid disease (7%) and miscellaneous (5%). The most common benign tumour was pleomorphic adenoma (25%). The most common malignant tumour was metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (19%). Fine needle aspiration cytology was performed in 83% patients with a sensitivity and specificity for benign tumours of 76% and 97%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity for malignant tumours was 90% and 99%, respectively. One (0.6%) patient died in the postoperative period. Postoperative complications included wound infection (2.3%), wound haematoma (3.5%) and seroma (6.6%). Six patients (3.5%) developed temporary complete facial paresis, while 33 patients (20%) developed temporary partial facial palsy in the immediate postoperative period. The 2-year disease-free and disease-specific survival for those patients with metastatic cutaneous SCC were 75% and 76%, respectively. Conclusions: The most common indications for parotidectomy were pleomorphic adenoma and metastatic cutaneous SCC. Our perioperative morbidity and survival for patients with malignant parotid disease compare favourably with other institutional series.


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This is the first reported case of benign intracranial hypertension (BIH) occurring with acromegaly and resolving after successful treatment of a growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenoma. BIH has been reported with recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) therapy of GH deficient patients and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) treatment of growth hormone (GH) insensitivity (Laron syndrome) in children. We postulate that the proposed mechanism causing BIH in rhGH-treated children and in acromegaly results from increased cerebrospinal fluid production from the choroid plexi secondary to elevated cerebrospinal fluid growth hormone concentrations that trigger local IGF-I secretion and activation of IGF-I receptors.


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Chromogenic (CISH) and fluorescent ( FISH) in situ hybridization have emerged as reliable techniques to identify amplifications and chromosomal translocations. CISH provides a spatial distribution of gene copy number changes in tumour tissue and allows a direct correlation between copy number changes and the morphological features of neoplastic cells. However, the limited number of commercially available gene probes has hindered the use of this technique. We have devised a protocol to generate probes for CISH that can be applied to formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections (FFPETS). Bacterial artificial chromosomes ( BACs) containing fragments of human DNA which map to specific genomic regions of interest are amplified with phi 29 polymerase and random primer labelled with biotin. The genomic location of these can be readily confirmed by BAC end pair sequencing and FISH mapping on normal lymphocyte metaphase spreads. To demonstrate the reliability of the probes generated with this protocol, four strategies were employed: (i) probes mapping to cyclin D1 (CCND1) were generated and their performance was compared with that of a commercially available probe for the same gene in a series of 10 FFPETS of breast cancer samples of which five harboured CCND1 amplification; (ii) probes targeting cyclin-dependent kinase 4 were used to validate an amplification identified by microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) in a pleomorphic adenoma; (iii) probes targeting fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 and CCND1 were used to validate amplifications mapping to these regions, as defined by aCGH, in an invasive lobular breast carcinoma with FISH and CISH; and (iv) gene-specific probes for ETV6 and NTRK3 were used to demonstrate the presence of t(12; 15)(p12; q25) translocation in a case of breast secretory carcinoma with dual colour FISH. In summary, this protocol enables the generation of probes mapping to any gene of interest that can be applied to FFPETS, allowing correlation of morphological features with gene copy number.


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El hiperadrenocorticismo (HAC) es una de las endocrinopatías más frecuentes en la especie canina, con una incidencia aproximada de 1-2/1000 perros/año. En el 80-85% de los casos el origen se encuentra en un exceso de secreción de hormona adrenocorticotropa (ACTH) provocado por un tumor hipofisario, denominándose HAC hipofisario. En el 15-20% restante el origen del HAC es un tumor (adenoma o carcinoma) adrenocortical que secreta una cantidad excesiva de glucocorticoides, denominándose HAC adrenal, y en un escaso porcentaje de casos, la etiología se sitúa ectópicamente a ambas glándulas. En la revisión bibliográfica de esta Tesis Doctoral se proporciona una visión general de la anatomía hipofisaria en la especie canina, de la regulación y de la síntesis de las hormonas hipofisarias y adrenales que intervienen en el desarrollo del HAC. Se describen los síntomas y signos clínicos de la enfermedad, los métodos de diagnóstico y las opciones terapéuticas farmacológica, quirúrgica y radioterápica...


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Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is a common endocrine neoplastic disorder caused by a failure of calcium sensing secondary to tumour development in one or more of the parathyroid glands. Parathyroid adenomas are comprised of distinct cellular subpopulations of variable clonal status that exhibit differing degrees of calcium responsiveness. To gain a clearer understanding of the relationship among cellular identity, tumour composition and clinical biochemistry in PHPT, we developed a novel single cell platform for quantitative evaluation of calcium sensing behaviour in freshly resected human parathyroid tumour cells. Live-cell intracellular calcium flux was visualized through Fluo-4-AM epifluorescence, followed by in situ immunofluorescence detection of the calcium sensing receptor (CASR), a central component in the extracellular calcium signalling pathway. The reactivity of individual parathyroid tumour cells to extracellular calcium stimulus was highly variable, with discrete kinetic response patterns observed both between and among parathyroid tumour samples. CASR abundance was not an obligate determinant of calcium responsiveness. Calcium EC50 values from a series of parathyroid adenomas revealed that the tumours segregated into two distinct categories. One group manifested a mean EC50 of 2.40 mM (95% CI: 2.37-2.41), closely aligned to the established normal range. The second group was less responsive to calcium stimulus, with a mean EC50 of 3.61 mM (95% CI: 3.45-3.95). This binary distribution indicates the existence of a previously unappreciated biochemical sub-classification of PHPT tumours, possibly reflecting distinct etiological mechanisms. Recognition of quantitative differences in calcium sensing could have important implications for the clinical management of PHPT.


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Lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC) is 5% and five-year survival at early-stage is 92%. CRC risk following index colonoscopy should establish post-screening surveillance benefit, which may be greater in high-risk patients. This review evaluated published cost-effectiveness estimates of post-polypectomy surveillance to assess the potential for personalised recommendations by risk sub-group. Current data suggested colonoscopy identifies those at low-risk of CRC, who may not benefit from intensive surveillance, which risks unnecessary harms and inefficient use of colonoscopy resources. Meta-analyses of incidence of advanced-neoplasia post-polypectomy for low-risk was comparable to those without adenoma; both rates were under the lifetime risk of 5%. Therefore, greater personalisation through de-intensified strategies for low-risk individuals could be beneficial and could employ non-invasive testing such as faecal immunochemical tests (FIT) combined with primary prevention or chemoprevention, thereby reserving colonoscopy for targeted use in personalised risk-stratified surveillance.
This systematic review aims to:
1. Assess if there is evidence supporting a program of personalised surveillance in patients with colorectal adenoma according to risk sub-group.
2. Compare the effectiveness of surveillance colonoscopy with alternative prevention strategies.
3. Assess trade-off between costs, benefits and adverse effects which must be considered in a decision to adopt or reject personalised surveillance.


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Introdução: As neoplasias do espaço parafaríngeo são raras, representando apenas 0,5% dos tumores da cabeça e pescoço. A maioria são benignas, mas uma ampla variedade de patologias benignas e malignas podem ser encontradas neste espaço, o que cria desafios complexos de diagnóstico e tratamento. Objetivo: Descrever e analisar uma série de casos de neoplasias primárias do espaço parafaríngeo tratadas no Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil (IPOLFG). Material e métodos: Estudo retrospetivo, com recolha e análise dos dados dos processos clínicos de tumores primários do espaço parafaríngeo, que foram diagnosticados ou referenciados ao IPOLFG entre 1 de Janeiro de 2003 e 31 de Dezembro de 2013. Resultados: Foram incluídos 38 doentes. A idade mediana foi de 52 anos (Âmbito Interquartil: 40-63 anos). Dez (26,3%) doentes eram assintomáticos. O sintoma mais comum à apresentação foi a sensação de corpo estranho orofaríngeo (23,7%) e o achado mais frequente foi um abaulamento orofaríngeo (78,4%). Todos os doentes fizeram exames de imagem pré-operatórios: 94,7% tomografia computorizada e 68,4% ressonância magnética. A citologia aspirativa foi realizada em 39,5%. 31 tumores eram benignos (81,6%), sendo os mais frequentes os adenomas pleomórficos (58,1%). 7 eram malignos (18,4%), com os carcinomas exadenomas pleomórficos (28,6%) e os linfomas (28,6%) sendo os mais comuns. 36 doentes (94,7%) foram submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico primário; os outros 2 doentes (5,3%) receberam tratamento não cirúrgico, com quimioterapia e quimioradioterapia, respectivamente. A abordagem cervical foi a mais utilizada (80%). A mandibulotomia foi necessária em apenas 5,7%. A complicação mais frequente foi a neuropatia de pares cranianos de novo, identificada em 22,2%. Destes, 75% foram sequela da resseção de tumores neurogénicos. Todas as neuropatias que resultaram da resseção de tumores não neurogénicos foram transitórias. O follow-up mediano foi de 6,5 anos. A taxa de recorrência foi de 13,5%. Conclusões: Os tumores do espaço parafaríngeo requerem um elevado índice de suspeição para serem diagnosticados num estadio precoce. A resseção cirúrgica completa é o principal tratamento. A abordagem cirúrgica deve ser selecionada caso a caso, mas a cervical fornece um excelente acesso à maioria dos tumores deste espaço


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A designação de polipo maligno significa a presença de um adenoma com um foco de carcinoma que invade a submucosa (carcinoma invasivo). Este tempo é habitualmente utilizado quando um polipo que foi ressecado por via endoscópica, se vem a comprovar, após exame histológico, conter carcinoma invasivo. A incidência de polipos malignos, removidos endoscopicamente, é em média de 4,7% (0,2-9,4%). O risco de malignidade está associado à dimensão, localização e configuração histológica. A abordagem terapêutica dum polipo maligno varia entre uma atitude conservadora, considerando a polipectomia tratamento adequado e suficiente e uma atitude cirúrgica de ressecção complementar, no caso contrário. A ressecção cirúrgica deverá tomar em conta os riscos potenciais de carcinoma residual e/ ou metastático da lesão excisada em comparação com o risco potencial, em termos de mobilidade e mortalidade, do próprio acto cirúrgico. A ressecção endoscópica de um polipo maligno pediculado, constitui habitualmente tratamento curativo, desde que esteja assegurada a sua excisão completa, com uma margem livre de ressecção e que o carcinoma não seja pouco diferenciado ou indiferenciado (grau III) e não exista invasão linfática ou vascular. O risco de doença metastática nesta situação é de 0,3%. Um polipo maligno sessil ressecado endoscopicamente possui maior risco de metastização (1,5%), mesmo com critérios histológicos favoráveis. A ressecção cirúrgica complementar deverá ser contemplada, em doentes cujo risco cirúrgico seja inferior ao risco de metastização. Cada caso deverá ser considerado individualmente, devendo a abordagem terapêutica ser devidamente ponderada pelos médicos intervenientes (gastrenterologista, anatomopatologista, cirurgião), em função dos riscos e beneficio de eventual ressecção cirúrgica complementar, após discussão com o doente e/ ou seus familiares.


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Objectives: To describe the possible pitfalls in correctly interpreting clinical, radiological and biochemical findings in ACTH-dependent Cushing's syndrome. Methods: We describe a case of a pituitary adenoma visualized at MRI not correlated with an ACTH-dependent Cushing’s syndrome. Results: Radiological imaging and hormonal testing can be misleading in suspected pituitary ACTH-related Cushing’s syndrome. Conclusion: Correct interpretation of the initial clinical presentation can help in the proper diagnosis and treatment of ACTH-dependent Cushing’s syndrome.


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Background and aim: This article provides a practical review to undertaking safe endoscopic ampullectomy and highlights some of the common difficulties with this technique as well as offering strategies to deal with these challenges. Methods: We conducted a review of studies regarding endoscopic ampullectomy for ampullary neoplasms with special focus on techniques. Results: Accurate preoperative diagnosis and staging of ampullary tumors is imperative for predicting prognosis and determining the most appropriate therapeutic approach. The optimal technique for endoscopic ampullectomy is dependent on the lesions size. En bloc resection is recommended for lesions confined to the papilla. There is no significant evidence to support the submucosal injection before ampullectomy. There is no consensus regarding the optimal current and power output for endoscopic ampulectomy. The benefits of a thermal adjunctive therapy remain controversial. A prophylactic pancreatic stent reduces the incidence and severity of pancreatitis post-ampullectomy. Conclusions: Endoscopic ampullectomy is a safe and efficacious therapeutic procedure for papillary adenomas in experienced endoscopist and it can avoid the need for surgical intervention.