795 resultados para Adaptive game AI
This work models the competitive behaviour of individuals who maximize their own utility managing their network of connections with other individuals. Utility is taken as a synonym of reputation in this model. Each agent has to decide between two variables: the quality of connections and the number of connections. Hence, the reputation of an individual is a function of the number and the quality of connections within the network. On the other hand, individuals incur in a cost when they improve their network of contacts. The initial value of the quality and number of connections of each individual is distributed according to an initial (given) distribution. The competition occurs over continuous time and among a continuum of agents. A mean field game approach is adopted to solve the model, leading to an optimal trajectory for the number and quality of connections for each individual.
This thesis evaluates a start-up company (Jogos Almirante Lda) whose single asset is a board game named Almirante. It aims to conclude whether it makes sense to create a company or just earn copyrights. The thesis analyzes the board game’s market, as part of the general toy’s market, from which some data exists: European countries as well as the USA. In this work it is analyzed the several ways to finance a start-up company and then present an overview of the valuation of the Jogos Almirante based on three different methods: Discounted Cash Flow, Venture Capital Method and Real Options.
Difficult and unpredictable times, due to economic instability, lead employees to feel high job insecurity. Organizations’ only way to subsistence is to search innovative ways of solving problems and find creative solutions. This study focuses on the impact that job insecurity has on adaptive performance, a recent measure integrating the response of creativity, reactivity in the face of emergencies, interpersonal adaptability, training effort, and handling work stress, and, mediated by burnout. From the responses of two questionnaires (????????1=252; ????????2=145), we conclude that job insecurity leads to exhaustion, but not to disengagement. In turn, it is the latter that demonstrates to have negative relations with some measures of adaptive performance. Thus, it is crucial to understand how organizations can minimize the inherent process.
Online third-party reviews have been grown over the last decade and they now play an important role as a tool for helping customers evaluate products and services that in many cases offer more than tangible features. This study intends to quantify the impact online ratings have over video game sales by conducting a linear regression analysis on 300 titles for the previous console generation (PlayStation® 3 and Xbox® 360) using a data from the video game industry to understand the existing influence on this particular market. The findings showed that these variables have a weak linear relationship thus suggesting that quality of a title explains little the commercial success of a video game and instead this should cover a wider range of factors. Afterwards, we compare results to previous ones and discuss the managerial implications for upcoming gaming generations.
A introdução de videojogos como ferramenta auxiliar do processo de educação tem vindo a crescer lado a lado com a evolução tecnológica. O aumento da capacidade dos processadores e das placas gráficas permitiram um aumento na complexidade dos videojogos e, por consequência, aumentaram as experiências fornecidas pelos mesmos. Sob o prisma da educação, o uso de um videojogo não foi a primeira ferramenta utilizada. O ensino por correspondência foi o primeiro auxílio ao método de ensino, iniciando assim o primeiro conceito de e-learning. Este permite enriquecer quem procura mais conhecimento, quem não consegue ter acesso ao mesmo ou quem tem dificuldades no ensino tradicional. A dificuldade presente em crianças com problemas do neurodesenvolvimento na aprendizagem da língua portuguesa é um problema na sociedade actual e para o combater são usados vários métodos manuais, sem recurso a tecnologia, passando normalmente por exercícios manuscritos e de observação. Desta forma, as pessoas que acompanham as crianças são obriga-das a estar presentes para recolher dados, em vez de se concentrarem nas outras actividades educativas. Este facto resulta numa possível falta de interesse por parte da criança no exercício apresentado, implicando uma perda de produtividade. A introdução de tecnologias ao serviço de causas sociais é crucial, pois permite um melhor acompanhamento das crianças, auxiliando tanto as pessoas que precisam do acompanhamento como aquelas que as acompanham. Por exemplo, um sistema automático que apresente os exercícios manuscritos num ecrã e, ao mesmo tempo, guarde os dados referentes ao seu uso seria útil para as pessoas que se encarregam de ajudar as crianças na aprendizagem da Língua Portuguesa. Esta dissertação insere-se num projecto desenvolvido pelo DIFERENÇAS – Centro de Desenvolvimento Infantil, denominado por “No Reino dos Fonemas”. Este projecto baseia-se em apresentar a crianças diversas imagens com objectivos diferentes de forma a cobrir as cinco vogais e todas as consoantes, no âmbito da aprendizagem da Língua Portuguesa. Neste contexto, as crianças podem-se interessar por um videojogo e aprender ao mesmo tempo, enquanto as pessoas que as acompanham, através dos dados do videojogo, podem focar-se mais nas dificuldades apresentadas por cada criança. Desta forma, é possível uma melhor organização dos dados de cada criança e, por conseguinte, um melhor acompanhamento das suas dificuldades.
RoboCup was created in 1996 by a group of Japanese, American, and European Artificial Intelligence and Robotics researchers with a formidable, visionary long-term challenge: “By 2050 a team of robot soccer players will beat the human World Cup champion team.” At that time, in the mid 90s, when there were very few effective mobile robots and the Honda P2 humanoid robot was presented to a stunning public for the first time also in 1996, the RoboCup challenge, set as an adversarial game between teams of autonomous robots, was fascinating and exciting. RoboCup enthusiastically and concretely introduced three robot soccer leagues, namely “Simulation,” “Small-Size,” and “Middle-Size,” as we explain below, and organized its first competitions at IJCAI’97 in Nagoya with a surprising number of 100 participants [RC97]. It was the beginning of what became a continously growing research community. RoboCup established itself as a structured organization (the RoboCup Federation www.RoboCup.org). RoboCup fosters annual competition events, where the scientific challenges faced by the researchers are addressed in a setting that is attractive also to the general public. and the RoboCup events are the ones most popular and attended in the research fields of AI and Robotics.RoboCup further includes a technical symposium with contributions relevant to the RoboCup competitions and beyond to the general AI and robotics.
It is a difficult task to avoid the “smart systems” topic when discussing smart prevention and, similarly, it is a difficult task to address smart systems without focusing their ability to learn. Following the same line of thought, in the current reality, it seems a Herculean task (or an irreparable omission) to approach the topic of certified occupational health and safety management systems (OHSMS) without discussing the integrated management systems (IMSs). The available data suggest that seldom are the OHSMS operating as the single management system (MS) in a company so, any statement concerning OHSMS should mainly be interpreted from an integrated perspective. A major distinction between generic systems can be drawn between those that learn, i.e., those systems that have “memory” and those that have not. These former systems are often depicted as adaptive since they take into account past events to deal with novel, similar and future events modifying their structure to enable success in its environment. Often, these systems, present a nonlinear behavior and a huge uncertainty related to the forecasting of some events. This paper seeks to portray, for the first time as we were able to find out, the IMSs as complex adaptive systems (CASs) by listing their properties and dissecting the features that enable them to evolve and self-organize in order to, holistically, fulfil the requirements from different stakeholders and thus thrive by assuring the successful sustainability of a company. Based on the revision of literature carried out, this is the first time that IMSs are pointed out as CASs which may develop fruitful synergies both for the MSs and for CASs communities. By performing a thorough revision of literature and based on some concepts embedded in the “DNA” of the subsystems implementation standards it is intended, specifically, to identify, determine and discuss the properties of a generic IMS that should be considered to classify it as a CAS.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Informática
The paper reflects the work of COST Action TU1403 Workgroup 3/Task group 1. The aim is to identify research needs from a review of the state of the art of three aspects related to adaptive façade systems: (1) dynamic performance requirements; (2) façade design under stochastic boundary conditions and (3) experiences with adaptive façade systems and market needs.
Objetivo Avaliar a equivalência semântica e a consistência interna da Game Addiction Scale (GAS): versão em português. Métodos O procedimento constituiu-se das seguintes etapas: a) revisão da literatura; b) tradução do instrumento original; c) retrotradução; d) revisão técnica e avaliação da compreensão verbal, realizada por profissionais da área da saúde; e) avaliação da compreensão verbal do instrumento, por uma amostra de estudantes; f) análise da consistência interna (alfa de Cronbach). Os participantes, com exceção dos especialistas, foram selecionados por conveniência. A participação dos sujeitos foi diferente em cada fase: tradutores (n = 2), retrotradução (n = 1), revisão técnica (n = 2), especialistas (n = 12), pré-teste com estudantes universitários (n = 40) e mensuração com estudantes universitários (n = 100). Resultados Poucas alterações semânticas de expressões e termos foram realizadas para adaptar-se à cultura-alvo. O nível de compreensão verbal dos participantes (especialistas e estudantes) foi superior a 90% e a análise do alfa de Cronbach correspondeu a 0,92 para todo o instrumento. Conclusão A Escala de Dependência de Jogos Eletrônicos (ESDEJE) foi submetida a tradução e adaptação para o idioma português (do Brasil), apresentando consistência interna adequada. Ademais, sugere-se a realização do processo de validação referente à equivalência de mensuração e reprodutibilidade do instrumento.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Informática
The data acquisition process in real-time is fundamental to provide appropriate services and improve health professionals decision. In this paper a pervasive adaptive data acquisition architecture of medical devices (e.g. vital signs, ventilators and sensors) is presented. The architecture was deployed in a real context in an Intensive Care Unit. It is providing clinical data in real-time to the INTCare system. The gateway is composed by several agents able to collect a set of patients’ variables (vital signs, ventilation) across the network. The paper shows as example the ventilation acquisition process. The clients are installed in a machine near the patient bed. Then they are connected to the ventilators and the data monitored is sent to a multithreading server which using Health Level Seven protocols records the data in the database. The agents associated to gateway are able to collect, analyse, interpret and store the data in the repository. This gateway is composed by a fault tolerant system that ensures a data store in the database even if the agents are disconnected. The gateway is pervasive, universal, and interoperable and it is able to adapt to any service using streaming data.