879 resultados para ANTICARIES EFFICACY


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BACKGROUND: Brief motivational intervention (BMI) has shown promising results to reduce alcohol use in young adults. Knowledge on mechanisms that predict BMI efficacy could potentially improve treatment effect sizes through data that optimize clinical training and implementation. Particularly, little attention has been given to counselor influence on treatment mechanisms. METHODS: We investigated the influence of counselors on BMI efficacy in reducing alcohol use among non-treatment-seeking young men (age 20) screened as hazardous drinkers. Participants were randomly allocated to (i) a group receiving a single BMI from 1 of 18 counselors selected to maximize differences in several of their characteristics (gender, professional status, clinical experience, and motivational interviewing [MI] experience) or (ii) a control group receiving assessment only. Drinking at 3-month follow-up was first compared between the BMI and control groups to assess efficacy. Then, the influence of counselors' characteristics (i.e., gender, professional status, clinical experience, MI experience, BMI attitudes, and expectancies) and within-session behaviors (i.e., measured by the Motivational Interviewing Skill Code) on outcome was tested in regression analyses. RESULTS: There was a significant (p = 0.02) decrease in alcohol use among the BMI group compared to the control group. Counselors that were male, more experienced, that had more favorable BMI attitudes and expectancies, higher MI skills, but surprisingly less MI-consistent behaviors, had significantly better outcomes than the control group while their counterparts did not. CONCLUSIONS: The current study demonstrated BMI efficacy on alcohol use reduction within a sample of non-treatment-seeking young adult males. Moreover, BMI effect was related to interindividual differences among counselors, and results therefore provide recommendations for BMI training and implementation with similar populations.


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IgM-ELISA is an immunoenzymatic method useful for detection of IgM antibodies against a fraction of Schistosoma mansoni adult worm antigen (AWA) that is soluble in trichloroacetic acid (AWA-TCA). This method was applied to three groups of individuals with different clinical and epidemiological characteristics, and the results compared with those obtained by other diagnostic methods: immunofluorescence test for detection of IgM antibodies (IgM-IFT) or IgG antibodies (IgG-IFT), ELISA for detection of IgG antibodies (IgG-ELISA), and two parasitological methods, Kato-Katz and miracidium hatching. The IgM-ELISA presented a sensitivity of 98%, when the parasitologic fecal examination was defined as reference diagnostic method, and a specificity of 98 and 97.3%, respectively for the group of clinically healthy individuals and other helminth carriers. A comparative analysis between the results of IgM-ELISA and those obtained by other serologic tests showed a good degree of agreement, with Kappa indices ranging from 0.95 to 0.98. The diagnostic efficacy of 97.8%, as determined with schistosomiasis patients with low parasitic burden, suggests the excellent performance of the IgM-ELISA and its usefulness for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis when applied in low endemic areas.


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��Report: Background�� Chronic insomnia is a common health problemwith substantial consequences in older adults. Cognitive behavioraltreatments are efficacious but not widely available. The aimof this study was to test the efficacy of brief behavioral treatmentfor insomnia (BBTI) vs an information control (IC) condition.��Methods�� A total of 79 older adults (mean age, 71.7 years;54 women [70%]) with chronic insomnia and common comorbiditieswere recruited from the community and 1 primary care clinic.Participants were randomly assigned to either BBTI, consistingof individualized behavioral instructions delivered in 2 interventionsessions and 2 telephone calls, or IC, consisting of printededucational material. Both interventions were delivered by anurse clinician. The primary outcome was categorically definedtreatment response at 4 weeks, based on sleep questionnairesand diaries. Secondary outcomes included self-report symptomand health measures, sleep diaries, actigraphy, and polysomnography.��Conclusion�� We found that BBTI is a simple, efficacious,and durable intervention for chronic insomnia in older adultsthat has potential for dissemination across medical settings.����������


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This work has been carried out to investigate the effect of Schistosoma mansoni infection on mice livers after treatment with the ethanolic extract of Citrus reticulata root or the oleo-resin extract from Myrrh of Commiphora molmol tree (Mirazid), as a new antishistosomal drug. Marker enzymes for different cell organelles were measured; succinate dehydrogenase (SDH); lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and its isoenzymes; glucose-6-phosphatase (G-6-Pase); acid phosphatase (AP) and 5'- nucleotidase. Liver function enzymes; aspartate aminotransferase (AST); alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were also estimated. Parasitological studies through ova count and worm burden will also be taken into consideration. The results showed a marked reduction in SDH, LDH, AST, and ALT enzyme activities and a significant increase in G-6-Pase, AP, 5'- nucleotidase, and ALP after S. mansoni infection. A noticeable alteration in LDH subunits were also noticed. Treatment with C. reticulata or Mirazid improved all the previous enzyme activities with a noticeable reduction in ova count and worm burden.


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Purpose: Elevated IOP is commonly associated with iris and ciliary body melanoma. Traditional management requires the majority of eyes to undergo enucleation. The authors describe the first series of Baerveldt aqueous shunts in eyes with uveal melanoma, treated by total anterior segment irradiation.Methods: 25 consecutive patients with unilateral iris melanoma were prospectively recruited after obtaining informed consent. All patients underwent anterior segment proton beam irradiation, corneal limbal autografts and Baerveldt tube implantation at Jules Gonin Eye Hospital, Lausanne. Postoperative examinations were performed on day 1, weeks 1,3,6,9 and months 3,6,12 and annually thereafter. Success was defined as: IOP </=18mmHg (definition A); IOP </= 21mmHg and 20% reduction in IOP (definition B). All complications were recorded.Results: Mean age was 53; mean follow up, 10.3 months; mean interval to treatment following irradiation, 2.4 years; mean pre-op IOP was 29.9 mmHg; mean post-op IOP 14.1 mmHg; mean pre-op medications 3.0; post-op medications 1.3. Success rates were, definition A: 95%; definition B: 90%. Only11% had minor complications and there were no sight-threatening complications. Aggressive ocular hypertension was observed in the several eyes prior to shunt implantation. Two eyes were enucleated for non-glaucoma related sequelae.Conclusions: Baerveldt aqueous shunts are safe and efficacious following total anterior segment irradiation for uveal melanoma. The novel interdisciplinary approach improved ocular retention rates, offering a promising alternative to current management algorithms.


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The thrombospondin related adhesion protein (TRAP) is a malaria pre-erythrocytic antigen currently pursued as malaria vaccine candidate to Plasmodium falciparum. In this study, a long synthetic peptide (LSP) representing a P. vivax TRAP fragment involved in hepatocyte invasion was formulated in both Freund and Montanide ISA 720 adjutants and administered by IM and subcutaneous routes to BALB/c mice and Aotus monkeys. We measured specific humoral immune responses in both animal species and performed a sporozoite challenge in Aotus monkeys to assess the protective efficacy of the vaccine. After immunization both mice and Aotus seroconverted as shown by ELISA, and the specific anti-peptide antibodies cross reacted with the parasite in IFAT assays. Only two out of six immunized animals became infected after P. vivax sporozoite challenge as compared with four out of six animals from the control group. These results suggest that this TRAP fragment has protective potential against P. vivax malaria and deserves further studies as vaccine candidate.


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Resistance in Plasmodium falciparum to amodiaquine (AQ) can be reversed in vitro with with antihistaminic and tricyclic antidepressant compounds, but its significance in vivo is unclear. The present report presents the enhancement of the antimalarial efficacy of AQ by chlorpheniramine, an H1 receptor antagonist that reverses chloroquine (CQ) resistance in vitro and enhances its efficacy in vivo, in five children who failed CQ and/or AQ treatment, and who were subsequently retreated and cured with a combination of AQ plus CP, despite the fact that parasites infecting the children harboured mutant pfcrtT76 and pfmdr1Y86 alleles associated with AQ resistance. This suggests a potential clinical appliation of the reversal phenomenon.


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The idea that a receptor can produce signalling without agonist intervention and that several antagonists can be 'active' in repressing such spontaneous activity is contained in the concept of ligand-induced conformational changes. Yet, this idea was neglected by pharmacologists for many years. In this article, we review the events that brought inverse agonism and constitutive activity to general attention and made this phenomenon a topic of current research. We also suggest a classification of antagonists based on the cooperativity that links their primary site of interaction with other functional domains of the receptor.


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The discovery of a targeted therapeutic compound along with its companion predictive biomarker is a major goal of clinical development for a personalized anticancer therapy to date. Here we present evidence of the predictive value of TLR3 expression by tumor cells for the efficacy of Poly (A:U) dsRNA in 194 breast cancer patients enrolled in a randomized clinical trial. Adjuvant treatment with double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) was associated with a significant decrease in the risk of metastatic relapse in TLR3 positive but not in TLR3-negative breast cancers. Moreover, we show the functional relevance of TLR3 expression by human tumor cells for the antitumor effects mediated by dsRNA in several preclinical mouse models carried out in immunocompromised animals. These 2 independent lines of evidence relied upon the generation of a novel tool, an anti-TLR3 antibody (40F9.6) validated for routine detection of TLR3 expression on paraffin-embedded tissues. Altogether, these data suggest that dsRNA mediates its therapeutic effect through TLR3 expressed on tumor cells, and could therefore represent an effective targeted treatment in patients with TLR3-positive cancers.


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Chloroquine (CQ) resistance in Plasmodium falciparum contributes to increasing malaria-attributable morbidity and mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite a change in drug policy, continued prescription of CQ did not abate. Therefore the therapeutic efficacy of CQ in uncomplicated falciparum malaria patients was assessed in a standard 28-day protocol in 116 children aged between six and 120 months in Osogbo, Southwest Nigeria. Parasitological and clinical assessments of response to treatment showed that 72 (62.1%) of the patients were cured and 44 (37.9%) failed the CQ treatment. High initial parasite density and young age were independent predictors for early treatment failure. Out of the 44 patients that failed CQ, 24 received amodiaquine + sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine (AQ+SP) and 20 received chlorpheniramine + chloroquine (CH+CQ) combinations. Mean fever clearance time in those treated with AQ+SP was not significantly different from those treated with CH+CQ (p = 0.05). There was no significant difference in the mean parasite density of the two groups. The cure rate for AQ+SP group was 92% while those of CH+CQ was 85%. There was a significant difference in parasite clearance time (p = 0.01) between the two groups. The 38% treatment failure for CQ reported in this study is higher than the 10% recommended by World Health Organization in other to effect change in antimalarial treatment policy. Hence we conclude that CQ can no more be solely relied upon for the treatment of falciparum malaria in Osogbo, Nigeria. AQ+SP and CH+CQ are effective in the treatment of acute uncomplicated malaria and may be considered as useful alternative drugs in the absence of artemisinin-based combination therapies.