997 resultados para A. bifilosa c6 f


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We describe the morphological organization of the deer brachial plexus in order to supply data to veterinary neuroclinics and anaesthesiology. The deer (Mazama gouazoubira) brachial plexus is composed of four roots: three cervical (C6, C7 and C8) and one thoracic (T1). Within each sex group, no variations are observed between the left and the right brachial plexus, though sex-related differences are seen especially in its origin. The origin of axillary and radial nerves was: C6, C7, C8 and T1 in males and C8-T1 (radial nerve) and C7, C8 and T1 (axillary nerve) in females; musculocutaneous nerve was: C6-C7 (males) and C8-T1 (females); median and ulnar nerves was: C8-T1 (males) and T1 (females); long thoracic nerve was: C7 (males) and T1 (females); lateral thoracic nerve was: C6, C7, C8 and T1 (males) and T1 (females); thoracodorsal nerve was: C6, C7, C8 and T1 (males) and C8-T1 (females); suprascapular nerve was: C6-C7 (males) and C6 (females) and subscapular nerve was: C6-C7 (males) and C7 (females). This study suggests that in male deer the origin of the brachial plexus is more cranial than in females and the origin of the brachial plexus is slightly more complex in males, i.e. there is an additional number of roots (from one to three). This sexual dimorphism may be related to specific biomechanical functions of the thoracic limb and electrophysiological studies may be needed to shed light on this morphological feature.


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Manter uma boa qualidade física do solo é importante para preservar o meio ambiente, além de maximizar a produtividade das plantas. Um solo compactado poderá interferir na densidade, na porosidade e na resistência do solo à penetr§Ã£o, influenciando no crescimento radicular. A presente pesquisa objetivou avaliar a qualidade física de um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, textura argilosa, com a cultivar de soja CAC-1, submetido a quatro níveis de compact§Ã£o e três níveis de irrig§Ã£o, utilizando os atributos físicos do solo, assim como a correl§Ã£o do sistema radicular com a produtividade da cultura. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Os níveis de compact§Ã£o foram: C0 = 0, C2 = 2, C4 = 4 e C6 = 6 passadas, no mesmo local, de um trator de 11 t. Foram coletadas amostras indeformadas de solo nas entrelinhas da cultura da soja, para determin§Ã£o dos atributos físicos, nas camadas de 0-0,10 e 0,10-0,20 m. A produtividade máxima da soja foi obtida com a resistência do solo à penetr§Ã£o de 0,71 MPa. O sistema radicular correlacionou-se inversamente com a produtividade da soja.


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The current natural gas production of 52 Mm3d-1 and the large projects for its expansion has been setting new boundaries for the Brazilian industry of oil and gas. So far, one of the biggest challenges regards to the logistics for gas transportation from offshore fields. Therefore, the transformation of natural gas into gasoline, diesel and/or olefins via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis would be an alternative to this matter. In this work, the production of hydrocarbons by Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in a slurry reactor was investigated and a perovskite-type catalyst (LayCu0,4Fe0,6O3 ± d) was used with y varying from 0 to 1 on a molar basis. In addition, Nb2O5 support was also applied in order to observe the selectivity of the produced hydrocarbons by the Fischer-Tropsch process. It is shown that the hydrogen conversion was influenced by the support as well as the different phases of the samples. The kinetic results for the CO2 production suffered great influence with the introduction of the Nb2O5 support throughout the series of samples studied. The catalysts allowed obtaining welldefined cuts of hydrocarbons in the range of C1-C6 and C17-C28, and these results were clearly influenced by the support and the lanthanum content. The higher olefin/paraffin ratio obtained was 1.8 when using a non-supported perovskite with y equal to 0.8. This would indicate the suitability of using this material for the production of olefins


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fund§Ã£o de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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An ethanolic extract from the stems of Styrax camporum Pohl (Styracaceae), a plant traditionally used for gastrointestinal diseases, was fractionated and subjected to flash chromatography and afforded two benzofuran lignans, egonol and homoegonol, and one furofuran lignan, (+/-) syringaresinol, which were identified by spectral data interpretation. Their cytotoxic activities against Hep-2 (larynx epidermoid carcinoma), HeLa (human cervix carcinoma) and C6 (rat glioma) cell lines were evaluated using the MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide) assay at several concentrations for 24 h. Activities could be observed for egonol against C6 (IC50 = 3.2 mu g/mL) and Hep-2 (IC50 = 3.6 mu g/mL) cell lines, and for homoegonol against C6 (IC50 = 4.9 mu g/mL) and HeLa (IC50 =- 5.3 mu g/mL) cells.


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Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films were grown from radiofrequency plasmas of acetylene-argon mixtures, at different excitation powers, P. The effects of this parameter on the plasma potential, electron density, electron temperature, and plasma activity were investigated using a Langmuir probe. The mean electron temperature increased from about 0.5 to about 7.0 eV while the mean electron density decreased from about 1.2x10(9) to about 0.2x10(9) cm(-3) as P was increased from 25 to 150 W. Both the plasma potential and the plasma activity were found to increase with increasing P. Through actinometric optical emission spectrometry, the relative concentrations of CH, [CH], and H, [H], in the discharge were mapped as a function of the applied power. A rise in [H] and a fall in [CH] with increasing P were observed and are discussed in relation to the plasma characteristics and the subimplantation model. The optical properties of the films were calculated from ultraviolet-visible spectroscopic data; the surface resistivity was measured by the two-point probe method. The optical gap, E(G), and the surface resistivity, rho(s), fall with increasing P. E(G) and rho(s) are in the ranges of about 2.0-1.3 eV and 10(14)-10(16) Omega/square, respectively. The plasma power also influences the film self-bias, V(b), via a linear dependence, and the effect of V(b) on ion bombardment during growth is addressed together with variation in the relative densities of sp(2) and sp(3) bonds in the films as determined by Raman spectroscopy.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fucans seaweed Lobophora variegata estructures are known for their chemical and biological properties. In this study, we analyzed, the action of fucans L. variegata and the fractions purified with acetone in Zymosan-induced arthritis. After differential fractionation with acetone, six fractions were obtained and named F0.3, F0.5, F0.8, F1, F1.5 and F2. The results showed that the fraction F1 showed high yield (51.9%) and was chosen for studies of antioxidant activity and induced arthritis. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of 13C showed signals at 103.3 and 15.78 ppm that are assigned to links β13 galactose and of the C6 methyl fucose, respectively. The infrared (IR) showed absorbance at 1238 and 850 cm-1 which are attributed to sulfate. The fraction F1 showed antioxidant activities in vitro. For analysis of inflammatory parameters chosen the polysaccharide was administered in different doses (25, 50 and 75 mg / kg ip, per body weight) and diclofenac sodium (5 mg / kg ip) and L-NAME (25 mg / kg ip) in groups of animals (n = 6). After 6 h, were analyzed for cellular influx and levels of nitrite. In experiment five days, were made analysis of swelling and serum TNF-α. Histopathological analysis were performed for confirmation of results. The fraction F1 (25, 50 and 75 mg / kg ip) reduced the cellular influx (52.1 to 96.7%) and nitric oxide levels (27.2 - 39%) compared to control group. The reduction of edema (63.4 - 100%) and serum TNF-α (p <0.001) were observed when the polysaccharide F1 administered at a dose (50 mg / kg) These results suggest that these heterofucanas of Lobophora variegata have besides the activity antioxidant and potential anti-inflammatory activity in arthritis induced by zymosan


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fund§Ã£o de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os autores relatam um caso raro de neurocisticercose intramedular em um paciente do sexo masculino, de 36 anos de idade. Foram realizadas tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética do crânio, que evidenciaram múltiplas lesões de tamanhos variados, com realce periférico após injeção de meio de contraste. Também foi realizada ressonância magnética da coluna cervical, que evidenciou form§Ã£o cística com escólex em seu interior ao nível de C5-C6 na região intramedular.


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Aproximadamente, 15% das discopatias em cães acometem a região cervical, sendo a dor o principal sinal clínico. Descreve-se a ocorrência de protrusão de disco cervical em 17 cães, agrupados segundo a r§a, sexo, peso, idade, assim como a distribuição quanto à dur§Ã£o dos sintomas, acometimento dos discos intervertebrais (DIV), tempo de recuper§Ã£o e porcentagem de sucesso, em rel§Ã£o à condição neurológica presente antes da cirurgia. A r§a Dachshund representou 29,5% (n=5), cães sem r§a definida, Poodle e Cocker Spaniel Inglês, 17,6% cada (n=9), Pinscher, 11,8% (n=2) e Dálmata, 5,9% (n=1). Destes, 58,8% eram machos (n=10) e 41,2%, fêmeas (n=7), com peso entre 2 e 29kg, e idade média igual a 5,8 anos. O quadro neurológico desses animais correspondia à dor e ataxia, com exceção de um cão Dálmata, 11 anos de idade, que apresentava tetraparesia. A dur§Ã£o dos sinais variou de 2 a 90 dias. Os DIV mais acometidos foram C2/3 (40%), C3/4 (25%), C4/5 (15%), C5/6 (10%) e C6/7 (10%), sendo que alguns animais apresentavam lesões múltiplas. O procedimento foi padrão para todos os animais, através da fenestr§Ã£o e curetagem de todos os DIV abordados pelo acesso ventral, ou seja, de C2/3 até C6/7, empregando-se para isso instrumental usado para remoção de tártaro dentário (curetas Gracey, curetas McCall, extratores de tártaro S.S.White e McCall). O tempo médio de recuper§Ã£o foi de 9 a 38 dias, sendo que 100% deles recuperaram totalmente as funções neurológicas. Conclui-se que a fenestr§Ã£o ventral apresenta excelentes resultados no tratamento das discopatias cervicais, desde que bem selecionados os pacientes, inclusive, com respeito aos diagnósticos diferenciais.


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The crystal structure of benzoyl-histidine monohydrate (BYLH hereafter), C-13H-12N-3O-3. H2O was determined from three dimensional data of 3012 independent reflections measured on a Enraf-Nonius (CAD4) single crystal diffractometer. The compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with cell dimensions alpha = 7.102(1) angstrom, b = 13.783(3) angstrom, c = 14.160(4) angstrom, V = 1385.92 angstrom-3, F.W. = 277.28, F(000) = 584 Q(calc) = 1.32 g cm-3 and Z = 4.The structure was solved with direct methods. All positional and anisotropic thermal parameters were refined by full-matrix least-squares calculations. The final reliability factor was R = 0.040, while the weighted one was Rw = 0.034. The H atoms found in the difference Fourier map were refined isotropically.The compound consists of a histidine molecule bound to a benzoyl group. There is also a cocrystallized water molecule stabilized through a hydrogen bridge.The 5-membered ring of the histidine has its tautomeric form, after the transfer of the H atom from the N(delta) to the N(epsilon) atom of the ring. There is an sp2 conformation around C6 while the conformation around C3 is that of sp3. The histidine ring forms with the benzene ring a dihedral angle of 109.8(1)-degree.All angle values and bond distances agree very well with the expected values in the literature.