927 resultados para 659999 Other (e.g. safety)
Fifty samples of Roman time soil preserved under the thick ash layer of the A.D.79 eruption of Mt Vesuvius were studied by pollen analysis: 33 samples from a former vineyard surrounding a Villa Rustica at Boscoreale (excavation site 40 x 50 m), 13 samples taken along the 60 m long swimming pool in the sculpture garden of the Villa of Poppaea at Oplontis, and four samples from the formal garden (12.4 x 17.5 m) of the House of the Gold Bracelet in Pompeii. To avoid contamination with modern pollen all samples were taken immediately after uncovering a new portion of the A.D. 79 soil. For comparison also samples of modern Italian soils were studied. Using standard methods for pollen preparation the pollen content of 15 of the archaeological samples proved to be too little to reach a pollen sum of more than 100 grains. The pollen spectra of these samples are not shown in the pollen tables. (Flotation with a sodium tungstate solution, Na2WO4, D = 2.05, following treatment with HCl and NaOH would probably have given a somewhat better result. This method was, however, not available as too expensive at that time.) Although the archaeological samples were taken a few meters apart their pollen values differ very much from one sample to the other. E.g., at Boscoreale (SW quarter). the pollen values of Pinus range from 1.5 to 54.5% resp. from 1 to 244 pine pollen grains per 1 gram of soil, the extremes even found under pine trees. Vitis pollen was present in 7 of the 11 vineyard samples from Boscoreale (NE quarter) only. Although a maximum of 21.7% is reached, the values of Vitis are mostly below 1.5%. Even the values of common weeds differ very much, not only at Boscoreale, but also at the other two sites. The pollen concentration values show similar variations: 3 to 3053 grains and spores were found in 1 g of soil. The mean value (290) is much less than the number of pollen grains, which would fall on 1 cm2 of soil surface during one year. In contrast, the pollen and spore concentrations of the recent soil samples, treated in exactly the same manner, range from 9313 to almost 80000 grains per 1 g of soil. Evidently most of the Roman time pollen has disappeared since its deposition, the reasons not being clear. Not even species which are known to have been cultivated in the garden of Oplontis, like Citrus and Nerium, plant species with easily distinguishable pollen grains, could be traced by pollen analysis. The loss of most of the pollen grains originally contained in the soil prohibits any detailed interpretation of the Pompeian pollen data. The pollen counts merely name plant species which grew in the region, but not necessarily on the excavated plots.
In the course of discussing different target types for their suitability in the European Spallation Source (ESS) one main focus was on neutronics' performance. Diverse concepts have been assessed baselining some preliminary engineering and geometrical details and including some optimization. With the restrictions and resulting uncertainty imposed by the lack of detailed designs optimizations at the time of compiling this paper, the conclusion drawn is basically that there is a little difference in the neutronic yield of the investigated targets. Other criteria like safety, environmental compatibility, reliability and cost will thus dominate the choice of an ESS target.
Entre otros medios de protección colectiva, en los últimos años se vienen utilizando en España redes verticales de cierre de fachadas, a paño completo entre forjados en fase de estructura, y también para huecos menores como ventanas o puertas, en fases posteriores. Este tipo de protección no cuenta hasta el momento con ningún tipo de regulación oficial, si bien en el grupo de trabajo AEN/CTN81/SC2/GT7 se desarrolla actualmente el borrador de la norma Pr UNE 81651 a tal fin. Desde el Dtº. de Ing. de la Construcción de la Universidad de Alicante, varios miembros del grupo de trabajo han desarrollado, contando con la experiencia en otros sistemas de protección, algunos modelos numéricos con elementos finitos para valorar y cuantificar variables mecánicas asociadas al episodio de una eventual caÃda de una persona sobre este tipo de redes, caracterizado por una menor energÃa cinética que para otros tipos de ellas. En el artÃculo se exponen los resultados obtenidos para ambos tipos de paños, grandes y pequeños, donde se han valorado la separación de anclajes de la red, las aberturas generadas en su perÃmetro durante la retención, los esfuerzos en anclajes y elementos textiles, el factor de impacto que sufrirÃa el accidentado y la repercusión de la disposición geométrica de la red, al cuadro o al rombo.