999 resultados para 63, 22 p.


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In this work we studied the toxicity in clams from the Gulf of Gabes, Tunisia (Southern Mediterranean). Samples from two stations (M2 and S6) were collected monthly from January 2009 to September 2010, and analyzed by the official control method of mousse bioassay (MBA) for lipophilic toxins. All samples were also analyzed with the LC-MS/MS method for the determination of lipophilic toxins, namely: okadaic acid group, pectenotoxins, yessotoxins and azaspiracids, spirolides and gymnodimines (GYMs). The results showed prevalence of GYMs since it was the only toxin group identified in these samples with a maximum of 2,136 g GYM -A kg-1 (February 2009 at M2). Furthermore, GYMs showed persistence in the area, with only one blank sample below the limit of detection. Interestingly, this blank sample was found in June 2009 after an important toxic episode which supports the recent findings regarding the high detoxification capability of clams, much faster than that reported for oysters. In comparison, good agreement was found among MBA, the LD50 value of 80-100 g kg-1 reported for GYM- A, and quantitative results provided by LC-MS/MS. On the contrary to that previously reported for Tunisian clams, we unambiguously identified and quantified by LC-MS/MS the isomers GYM- B/C in most samples. Phytoplankton identification and enumeration of Karenia selliformis usually showed higher densities at site M2 than S6 as expected bearing in mind toxin results, although additional results would be required to improve the correlation between K. selliformis densities and quantitative results of toxins. The prevalence and persistence of GYMs in this area at high levels strongly encourages the evaluation of the chronic toxic effects of GYMs. This is especially important taking into account that relatively large quantities of GYMs can be released into the market due to the replacement of the official control method from mouse bioassay to the LC-MS/MS for lipophilic toxins (Regulation (EU) No 15/2011), and the lack of Regulation for this group of toxins.


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Laigua i lenergia formen un binomi indissociable. En relaci al cicle de laigua, des de fa varies dcades shan desenvolupat diferents formes per recuperar part de lenergia relacionada amb laigua, per exemple a partir de centrals hidroelctriques. No obstant, ls daquesta aigua tamb porta associat un gran consum energtic, relacionat sobretot amb el transport, la distribuci, la depuraci, etc... La depuraci daiges residuals porta associada una elevada demanda energtica (Obis et al.,2009). En termes energtics, tot i que la despesa elctrica duna EDAR varia en funci de diferents parmetres com la configuraci i la capacitat de la planta, la crrega a tractar, etc... es podria considerar que el rati mig seria d aproximadament 0.5 KWhm-3.Els principals costos dexplotaci estan relacionats tant amb la gesti de fangs (28%) com amb el consum elctric (25%) (50% tractament biolgic). Tot i que moltes investigacions relacionades amb el tractament daigua residual estan encaminades en disminuir els costos doperaci, des de fa poques dcades sest investigant la viabilitat de que laigua residual fins i tot sigui una font denergia, canviant la perspectiva, i comenant a veure laigua residual no com a una problemtica sin com a un recurs. Concretament sestima que laigua domstica cont 9.3 vegades ms energia que la necessria per el seu tractament mitjanant processos aerobis (Shizas et al., 2004). Un dels processos ms desenvolupats relacionats amb el tractament daiges residuals i la producci energtica s la digesti anaerbia. No obstant, aquesta tecnologia permet el tractament daltes crregues de matria orgnica generant un efluent ric en nitrogen que shaur de tractar amb altres tecnologies. Per altre banda, recentment sest investigant una nova tecnologia relacionada amb el tractament daiges residuals i la producci energtica: les piles biolgiques (microbial fuel cells, MFC). Aquesta tecnologia permet obtenir directament energia elctrica a partir de la degradaci de substrats biodegradables (Rabaey et al., 2005). Les piles biolgiques, ms conegudes com a Microbial Fuel Cells (acrnim en angls, MFC), sn una emergent tecnologia que est centrant moltes mirades en el camp de l investigaci, i que es basa en la producci denergia elctrica a partir de substrats biodegradables presents en laigua residual (Logan., 2008). Els fonaments de les piles biolgiques s molt semblant al funcionament duna pila Daniell, en la qual es separa en dos compartiments la reacci doxidaci (compartiment andic) i la de reducci (compartiment catdic) amb lobjectiu de generar un determinat corrent elctric. En aquest estudi, bsicament es mostra la posada en marxa d'una pila biolgica per a l'eliminaci de matria orgnica i nitrogen de les aiges residuals.


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We prove two-sided inequalities between the integral moduli of smoothness of a function on R d[superscript] / T d[superscript] and the weighted tail-type integrals of its Fourier transform/series. Sharpness of obtained results in particular is given by the equivalence results for functions satisfying certain regular conditions. Applications include a quantitative form of the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma as well as several other questions in approximation theory and the theory of function spaces.


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Susceptibility and compatibility experiments were carried out with 700 Biomphalaria tenagophila from the Paran River basin exposed to infection with Schistosoma mansoni. Individual infection was performed with 10 miracidia of SJ2 strain from the Paraiba valley (Brazil) originally infective to B. tenagophila. These snails were laboratory-breed progeny of B. tenagophila collected from six localities of Argentina and one from Paraguay. From Argentina: Rincn de Vences (7%) and Posadas (11%) became infected with S. mansoni and the calculation of Frandsen's index (TCP/100) shows that they were Class II poorly compatible. Those snails from Goya (22%), Maloyas (5%), and Bern de Astrada (3%) were Class III compatible to the S. mansoni. None of the 100 snails exposed from Ca-Cat became infected (Class 0 incompatible). Tested samples from Paraguay (Encarnacin) were infected (20%) and compatible (Class III). It was also studied the persistence of the infection in 244 snails of the first generation (F1) of those that were susceptible from three places. It was demonstrated an increment of the susceptibility in the F1 from Maloyas (chi2 = 27.22; p = 0.0001) and Posadas (chi2 = 4.24; p = 0.04). The results point out the possibility that schistosomiasis might be able to spread into the Paran River basin where B. tenagophila exists.


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La famlia de protenes HERC contenen dos dominis caracterstics: HECT i RLD (RCC1-like). Protenes amb dominis HECT funcionen com ubiquitina ligasas i protenes amb dominis RLD actuen com a reguladors de GTPases. En humans, la famlia HERC est formada per sis membres: les gegants (HERC1-2) i les petites (HERC3-6). HERC1 va ser la primera a identificar-se, cont dos dominis RLD (RLD1 i RLD2) i ha estat implicada en trfic de membrana, proliferaci i creixement cel.lular per les seves interaccions amb clatrina, M2-piruvat quinasa i tuberina (TSC2). Aqu es descriu la caracteritzaci del ratol "rescat" d'una mutaci espontnia i recessiva anomenada tambaleante, que causa una degeneraci progressiva de les cl.lules de Purkinje amb atxia severa, un creixement redut i una menor supervivncia. Aquest rescat va ser realitzat amb un transgn de cDNA de HERC1 hum i demostra que HERC1 s el responsable del fenotip oscil.lant. Hem generats animals knock-outs de HERC1 que no expressen el extremo ubiquitina ligasa de la protena, i que no mimetitzen el fenotip tambaleante. La resposta de MEFs de tambaleante a insulina tampoc mimetitza l'activaci reduda dels substrats de mTOR, ni l'autofgia observats en l'animal tambaleante. Els nostres resultats suggereixen que HERC1 podria estar implicada en la regulaci de la biognesi ribosomal. Aquestes observacions contribueixen a la caracteritzaci funcional de la ubiquitina ligasa HERC1 i demostren un paper fins ara desconegut de HERC1 en creixement i neurodegeneraci.


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BACKGROUND: The objectives of this study were to determine the risk factors for relative adrenal insufficiency in cardiopulmonary bypass patients and the impact on postoperative vasopressor requirements. METHODS: Prospective cohort study on cardiopulmonary bypass patients who received etomidate or not during anesthetic induction. Relative adrenal insufficiency was defined as a rise in serum cortisol <or= 9 microg/dl after the administration of 250 microg of consyntropin. Plasma cortisol levels were measured preoperatively, immediately before, 30, 60, and 90 minutes after the administration of cosyntropin, and at 24 hours after surgery. RESULTS: 120 elective cardiopulmonary bypass patients were included. Relative adrenal insufficiency (Deltacortisol <or=9 microg/dl) incidence was 77.5%. 78 patients received etomidate and 69 (88%) of them developed relative adrenal insufficiency, (P < 0.001). Controlling for clinical characteristics with a propensity analysis, etomidate was the only independent risk factor associated with relative adrenal insufficiency (OR 6.55, CI 95%: 2.47-17.4; P < 0.001). Relative adrenal insufficiency patients showed more vasopressor requirements just after surgery (P = 0.04), and at 4 hours after surgery (P = 0.01). Pre and post-test plasma cortisol levels were inversely associated with maximum norepinephrine dose (rho = -0.22, P = 0.02; rho = -0.18, P = 0.05; rho = -0.21, P = 0.02; and rho = -0.22, P = 0.02, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Relative adrenal insufficiency in elective cardiopulmonary bypass patients may induce postoperative vasopressor dependency. Use of etomidate in these patients is a modifiable risk factor for the development of relative adrenal insufficiency that should be avoided.


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OBJECT: Cerebrovascular pressure reactivity is the ability of cerebral vessels to respond to changes in transmural pressure. A cerebrovascular pressure reactivity index (PRx) can be determined as the moving correlation coefficient between mean intracranial pressure (ICP) and mean arterial blood pressure. METHODS: The authors analyzed a database consisting of 398 patients with head injuries who underwent continuous monitoring of cerebrovascular pressure reactivity. In 298 patients, the PRx was compared with a transcranial Doppler ultrasonography assessment of cerebrovascular autoregulation (the mean index [Mx]), in 17 patients with the PET-assessed static rate of autoregulation, and in 22 patients with the cerebral metabolic rate for O(2). Patient outcome was assessed 6 months after injury. RESULTS: There was a positive and significant association between the PRx and Mx (R(2) = 0.36, p &lt; 0.001) and with the static rate of autoregulation (R(2) = 0.31, p = 0.02). A PRx &gt; 0.35 was associated with a high mortality rate (&gt; 50%). The PRx showed significant deterioration in refractory intracranial hypertension, was correlated with outcome, and was able to differentiate patients with good outcome, moderate disability, severe disability, and death. The graph of PRx compared with cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) indicated a U-shaped curve, suggesting that too low and too high CPP was associated with a disturbance in pressure reactivity. Such an optimal CPP was confirmed in individual cases and a greater difference between current and optimal CPP was associated with worse outcome (for patients who, on average, were treated below optimal CPP [R(2) = 0.53, p &lt; 0.001] and for patients whose mean CPP was above optimal CPP [R(2) = -0.40, p &lt; 0.05]). Following decompressive craniectomy, pressure reactivity initially worsened (median -0.03 [interquartile range -0.13 to 0.06] to 0.14 [interquartile range 0.12-0.22]; p &lt; 0.01) and improved in the later postoperative course. After therapeutic hypothermia, in 17 (70.8%) of 24 patients in whom rewarming exceeded the brain temperature threshold of 37 degrees C, ICP remained stable, but the average PRx increased to 0.32 (p &lt; 0.0001), indicating significant derangement in cerebrovascular reactivity. CONCLUSIONS: The PRx is a secondary index derived from changes in ICP and arterial blood pressure and can be used as a surrogate marker of cerebrovascular impairment. In view of an autoregulation-guided CPP therapy, a continuous determination of a PRx is feasible, but its value has to be evaluated in a prospective controlled trial.


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El objetivo de esta tesis es reinterpretar la idea tecnologa partiendo del ejemplo etnogrfico de varias comunidades ribereas del Bajo Amazonas. La hiptesis que va a defenderse es que si se trasciende la perspectiva tcnica y se analiza la tecnologa desde un punto de vista antropolgico, sta se revela como algo indisociable de otras dimensiones sociales como 1. el cuerpo, 2. el conocimiento local 3. la modernizacin, 4. la poltica agraria y 5. la espiritualidad. Los datos etnogrficos se han obtenido durante diez meses de trabajo de campo en diversas comunidades ribereas formadas, principalmente, por poblacin mestiza. La situacin hbrida de estos ribereos, que mantienen las tcnicas tradicionales indgenas y a la vez se acomodan al influjo de la modernidad, permite tender un puente analtico entre la tecnologa amaznica y la tecnologa occidental. El objetivo terico que subyace a la propia etnografa es establecer un eje de simetra entre ambos sistemas sociotcnicos, para lo cual se propone evitar la valoracin de la tecnologa en tanto que instrumento y einterpretarla como estrategia relacional. Partiendo de esa perspectiva analtica, a lo largo de este trabajo se ver cmo la antropologa amaznica y la antropologa de la tecnologa, aparentemente disociadas, confluyen en un cuadro interpretativo segn el cual los ribereos del Bajo Amazonas (y si la simetra es correcta, tambin la poblacin postindustrial), tienden a disolver la clsica distincin naturaleza/cultura en la continuidad relacional generada por sus sistemas tecnolgicos.


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We analyse in a unified way how the presence of a trader with privilege information makes the market to be efficient when the release time is known. We establish a general relation between the problem of finding an equilibrium and the problem of enlargement of filtrations. We also consider the case where the time of announcement is random. In such a case the market is not fully efficient and there exists equilibrium if the sensitivity of prices with respect to the global demand is time decreasing according with the distribution of the random time.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Cancer testis antigens (CTA) provide attractive targets for cancer-specific immunotherapy. Although CTA genes are expressed in some normal tissues, such as the testis, this immunologically protected site lacks MHC I expression and as such, does not present self antigens to T cells. To date, CTA genes have been shown to be expressed in a range of solid tumors via demethylation of their promoter CpG islands, but rarely in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) or other hematologic malignancies. DESIGN AND METHODS In this study, the methylation status of the HAGE CTA gene promoter was analyzed by quantitative methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (MSP) and sequencing in four Philadelphia-positive cell lines (TCC-S, K562, KU812 and KYO-1) and in CML samples taken from patients in chronic phase (CP n=215) or blast crisis (BC n=47). HAGE expression was assessed by quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS The TCC-S cell line showed demethylation of HAGE that was associated with over-expression of this gene. HAGE hypomethylation was significantly more frequent in BC (46%) than in CP (22%) (p=0.01) and was correlated with high expression levels of HAGE transcripts (p<0.0001). Of note, in CP-CML, extensive HAGE hypomethylation was associated with poorer prognosis in terms of cytogenetic response to interferon (p=0.01) or imatinib (p=0.01), molecular response to imatinib (p=0.003) and progression-free survival (p=0.05). INTERPRETATIONS AND CONCLUSION: The methylation status of the HAGE promoter directly correlates with its expression in both CML cell lines and patients and is associated with advanced disease and poor outcome.


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Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Enterobacter spp. are a major cause of infections in hospitalised patients. The aim of our study was to evaluate rates and trends of resistance to third-generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones in infected patients, the trends in use for these antimicrobials, and to assess the potential correlation between both trends. The database of national point prevalence study series of infections and antimicrobial use among patients hospitalised in Spain over the period from 1999 to 2010 was analysed. On average 265 hospitals and 60,000 patients were surveyed per year yielding a total of 19,801 E. coli, 3,004 K. pneumoniae and 3,205 Enterobacter isolates. During the twelve years period, we observed significant increases for the use of fluoroquinolones (5.8%-10.2%, p<0.001), but not for third-generation cephalosporins (6.4%-5.9%, p=NS). Resistance to third-generation cephalosporins increased significantly for E. coli (5%-15%, p<0.01) and for K. pneumoniae infections (4%-21%, p<0.01) but not for Enterobacter spp. (24%). Resistance to fluoroquinolones increased significantly for E. coli (16%30%, p<0.01), for K. pneumoniae (5%-22%, p<0.01), and for Enterobacter spp. (6%-15%, p<0.01). We found strong correlations between the rate of fluoroquinolone use and the resistance to fluoroquinolones, third-generation cephalosporins, or co-resistance to both, for E. coli (R=0.97, p<0.01, R=0.94, p<0.01, and R=0.96, p<0.01, respectively), and for K. pneumoniae (R=0.92, p<0.01, R=0.91, p<0.01, and R=0.92, p<0.01, respectively). No correlation could be found between the use of third-generation cephalosporins and resistance to any of the latter antimicrobials. No significant correlations could be found for Enterobacter spp.. Knowledge of the trends in antimicrobial resistance and use of antimicrobials in the hospitalised population at the national level can help to develop prevention strategies.


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This paper presents an application of the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) approach to the estimation of quantities of Gross Value Added (GVA) referring to economic entities defined at different scales of study. The method first estimates benchmark values of the pace of GVA generation per hour of labour across economic sectors. These values are estimated as intensive variables e.g. /hour by dividing the various sectorial GVA of the country (expressed in per year) by the hours of paid work in that same sector per year. This assessment is obtained using data referring to national statistics (top down information referring to the national level). Then, the approach uses bottom-up information (the number of hours of paid work in the various economic sectors of an economic entity e.g. a city or a province operating within the country) to estimate the amount of GVA produced by that entity. This estimate is obtained by multiplying the number of hours of work in each sector in the economic entity by the benchmark value of GVA generation per hour of work of that particular sector (national average). This method is applied and tested on two different socio-economic systems: (i) Catalonia (considered level n) and Barcelona (considered level n-1); and (ii) the region of Lima (considered level n) and Lima Metropolitan Area (considered level n-1). In both cases, the GVA per year of the local economic entity Barcelona and Lima Metropolitan Area is estimated and the resulting value is compared with GVA data provided by statistical offices. The empirical analysis seems to validate the approach, even though the case of Lima Metropolitan Area indicates a need for additional care when dealing with the estimate of GVA in primary sectors (agriculture and mining).