913 resultados para 396.5[82]
We have investigated the influence of Fe excess on the electrical transport and magnetism of Fe1+yTe0.5Se0.5 (y=0.04 and 0.09) single crystals. Both compositions exhibit resistively determined superconducting transitions (T-c) with an onset temperature of about 15 K. From the width of the superconducting transition and the magnitude of the lower critical field H-c1, it is inferred that excess of Fe suppresses superconductivity. The linear and nonlinear responses of the ac susceptibility show that the superconducting state for these compositions is inhomogeneous. A possible origin of this phase separation is a magnetic coupling between Fe excess occupying interstitial sites in the chalcogen planes and those in the Fe-square lattice. The temperature derivative of the resistivity d(rho)/d(T) in the temperature range T-c < T < T-a with T-a being the temperature of a magnetic anomaly, changes from positive to negative with increasing Fe. A log 1/T divergence of the resistivity above T-c in the sample with higher amount of Fe suggests a disorder-driven electronic localization.
We describe the synthesis and structural characterization of new layered bismuth titanates, A[Bi3Ti4O13] and A[Bi3PbTi5O16]for A = K, Cs, corresponding to n = 4 and 5 members of the Dion-Jacobson series of layered perovskites of the general formula, A[A'n-1BnO3n+1]. These materials have been prepared by solid state reaction of the constituents containing excess alkali, which is required to suppress the formation of competitive Aurivillius phases. Unlike the isostructural niobates and niobium titanates of the same series, the new phases reported here are spontaneously hydrated-a feature which could make them potentially useful as photocatalysts for water splitting reaction. On hydration of the potassium compounds, the c axis expands by ca. 2 Angstrom and loses its doubling [for example, the tetragonal lattice parameters of K[Bi3Ti4O13] and its dihydrate are respectively a = 3900(1)Angstrom c 37.57(2) Angstrom; a 3.885(1) Angstrom, c = 20.82(4) Angstrom]; surprisingly, the cesium analogues do not show a similar change on hydration.
By employing a procedure that combines ELISA and photoacoustic spectroscopy, we have examined the content of 5-methylcytosine (m(5)C) in DNA of individuals who differed from one another in the number of X chromosomes in their genomes. The results show that the human inactive X chromosome (Xi) contains very high amounts of this modified nucleotide. We estimate that in the 46,XX female there is more m(5)C in Xi (similar to3.6 x 10(7)) than in all the remaining chromosomes put together (similar to2.1 x 10(7)). Our results also suggest that nearly one-fifth of all cytosines in Xi are methylated and that, in addition to CpG methylation, there is extensive non-CpG methylation as well.
El presente estudio se realizó en la Estación Experimental " Raúl González" del Valle de Sebaco en el período del 5 de junio al 16 de septiembre de 1992. Se evaluaron las variedades, UC-82 y Topacio, las densidades de siembra de 27,777 y 50,000 plantas/ha y cuatro niveles de nitrógeno, O Kg/ha, 75 Kg/ha, 150 Kg/ha y 225 Kg/ha. Se desarrolló el estudio con tres factores y se estableció un diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar, evaluándose los parámetros de crecimiento del cultivo, así como, lo relacionado al rendimiento agronómico e industrial. Los datos obtenidos se sometieron al análisis de varianza y a la prueba de SNK al 5%, Los resultados en cuanto a crecimiento y desarrollo fueron los siguientes: La mayor altura la presentó la variedad UC-82 en combinación con la densidad de 50,OOO plantas/ha y con la aplicación de 75 Kg/ha de Nitrógeno; e1 mayor número de hijos se obtuvo con la misma variedad y densidad y la aplicación de 225 Kg/ha de Nitrógeno. En cuanto a floración y fructificación los mejores resultados se alcanzaron con la variedad UC-82, la densidad de 27,111 plantas/ha y con 75 Kg/ha de Nitrógeno. Respecto al rendimiento agronómico, el mejor tratamiento fue la variedad uc-82, con la densidad de 50,000 plantas/ha y una aplicación de 75 Kg/ha de Nitrógeno. En el rendimiento industrial la variedad Topacio, con la densidad de 50,000 plantas/ha y 225 Kg/ha de Nitrógeno reporta los mejores resultados.
El trabajo se realizó de Octubre de 1996 a Marzo de 1997, en la Estación Experimental "Raúl González" del valle de Sébaco, Matagalpa. Se evaluó la utilización de "Microorganismos Efectivos" en el manejo de insectos-plagas y enfermedades en el cultivo del tomate (Lycopersicum esculentum Mili), variedad UC-82. Los tratamientos utilizados fueron: Tratamiento 1, Productos Químicos; Tratamiento 2, Neem (Azadirachta indica); Tratamiento 3, EM-5B (extracto de hierbas y microorganismos); Tratamiento 4, EM-5 (microorganismos); Tratamiento 5, Testigo absoluto (sin ningún tipo de aplicación). En la etapa de semillero los tratamientos EM-5 y EM-5B mostraron un efecto reductor sobre las poblaciones de mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci Genn). Después del trasplante la mayor densidad de mosca blanca se observó en el tratamiento a base de productos químicos. El mayor porcentaje de poblaciones de Lyriomiza spp. lo obtuvieron los tratamientos químicos y EM-5. En cuanto al porcentaje de población de Diabrotica spp. no se presentaron diferencias significativas a lo largo del experimento. Referente al daño causado por Heliothis spp. se observó a los 77 DDT (días después del trasplante), los tratamientos en los que menos daños se presentaron fueron neem y químico. Sin embargo estos mismos tratamientos mostraron mayor incidencia de virosis a los 42 DDT, asi mismo no se observó diferencias estadísticas. La mayor altura la presentó el tratamiento EM-5B y el mayor número de hijos lo obtuvo el tratamiento químico y EM-5. También se presentaron resultados positivos entre los caracteres grosor del mesocarpio y diámetro polar y ecuatorial obteniendo los mejores resultados EM- 5 y EM-5B. En cuanto al rendimiento comercial de producción el tratamiento que dio valores más aceptables fue el de Neem con 26,974 Kg/Ha de frutos comercializables con rendimiento total 27,979 Kg/Ha; haciendo la salvedad que este tratamiento fue fertilizado con el biofertilizante EM-Bokashi
En siembra de tomate industrial (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill C.v. “UC-82”) bajo condiciones de riego, en el valle de sebaco (1986-1987”) se realizó el comportamiento de 5 herbicidas: OXODIAZON, METRIBUZIN, PENDIMENTALIN, NEPROPAMIDA y TRIFLURALIN, cada uno en dos dosis, aplicados según su época en pre siembra incorporado y pre emergente, con el objetivo de determinar el tratamiento que mejor controla las malezas y la influencia que estas mismas ejercen sobre el crecimiento desarrollo y rendimiento del cultivo: los resultados se compararon con dos testigos: uno enmalezado y otro mantenido siempre limpio por el método de control manual. Se observó que ciertas dosis causaron alteración en la normal fenología del cultivo, tal es el caso, de METRIBUZIN 0.35 kg/ha que causo adelanto del periodos de máxima floración, en cambio que PENDIMENTALIN 1.7kg/ha causo retraso sobre el mismo periodo alargando hasta los 80 días después de la siembra, lo que incidió en la obtención de los más bajos rendimientos. Se determinó además que NAPROPAMIDA 2.1 13 kg/ha, controló eficazmente las malezas, permitió un mejor comportamiento y desarrollo del cultivo asegurando un alto vigor y buena formación del fruto, lo que se tradujo en la obtención del mayor rendimiento real, que en comparación co el obtenido por la parcela de labores manuales, represento un aumento de 21% de la producción por consiguiente una mejor rentabilidad del cultivo
青稞(Hordeum vulgare L.var.nudum Hook.f.),即裸大麦,是兼食用、饲用和酿造于一体的作物,有着重要的利用价值。淀粉是青稞籽粒中含量最多、最重要的碳水化合物,淀粉含量、直支淀粉比将会直接影响淀粉的功能特性,进而影响淀粉的应用领域。我国青藏高原青稞的栽培和食用历史悠久,特色青稞资源极其丰富。目前关于青藏高原青稞淀粉特性的报道还不多见,筛选和培育特色淀粉青稞利于拓展青稞的应用领域, 从而提高其经济价值。 本研究以114份青藏高原青稞品种(系)为实验材料,通过SDS-PAGE对材料的胚乳淀粉颗粒结合蛋白(SGAPs)进行分离,确定各蛋白的分子量大小、组合类型和多态性等。然后按照国标法测试材料的籽粒总淀粉含量和直链淀粉含量,通过微型糊化粘度仪分析相应的淀粉糊化特性,最后使用显微镜观察比较了青稞的淀粉颗粒形态特征。主要结果如下: 1、114种青稞中共分离出20种不同的SGAP条带,条带分子量为35.00~112.39 KDa,分布频率为12.28~97.37%。材料含有的SGAPs条带数从10到14不等,超过一半的材料含11种SGAP条带。20种条带形成16种组合类型,其中西藏地区青稞包含所有16个组合类型,四川地区青稞包含其中12个组合类型。青藏高原青稞籽粒淀粉颗粒结合蛋白的差异很大,遗传多样性丰富。 2、114份青稞的总淀粉含量、直链淀粉含量、直支淀粉比、峰值粘度、糊化温度和峰值温度的变幅分别为51.26~66.70%、14.64~29.74%、0.17~0.42、194~1135BU、58.8~65.2℃和81.4~92.4℃,相应的平均值分别为59.82%、23.60%、0.31、722.30BU、62.1℃和88.8℃。群体在总淀粉含量、直链淀粉含量、直支淀粉比、峰值粘度、糊化温度和峰值温度上的分布具有明显的正态性;所有胚乳淀粉体的淀粉粒都呈复粒结构。对西藏和四川的材料进行了分组比较, 两地区的青稞在直链淀粉含量和直支淀粉比上的差异达到显著水平。 3、筛选出18份具有特殊淀粉特性的青稞品种,其中5份材料的总淀粉含量超过65%,包括NB63-1、NB67、甘孜白六棱、98221-1和NB63;3份材料的直链淀粉含量大于29%,包括藏青85、藏青3号和喜马拉6号;8份材料的直支淀粉比小于0.25,包括99033-6、春青稞、阿坝330、Jan-03、米麦114、396、NB63-1和92013;7份材料的糊化温度低于60℃,同时材料的峰值粘度大于1000BU,并且峰值温度低于90℃,包括足捉春、Jan-03、阿坝330、米麦114、春青稞、20003和阿青5号。 4、各淀粉特性间存在高度相关性。直链淀粉含量和直支淀粉比与糊化温度成极显著正相关,与峰值粘度成极显著负相关,与A型淀粉粒数量和大小呈负相关。不同SGAPs组合的品种之间,淀粉含量和淀粉糊化特性间差异均达显著水平。SGAP2、SGAP5、SGAP6和SGAP7可能对籽粒直链淀粉含量、直支淀粉比和糊化温度有正向效应;SGAP3、SGAP9∼SGAP20可能对峰值粘度有正向效应。 本研究对青藏高原青稞淀粉资源进行了较为全面的评价,对该区青稞淀粉特性有了系统的认识。研究筛选出的特殊青稞品种可作为青稞育种和青稞淀粉工业应用的潜在资源,淀粉特性差异巨大的众多青稞品种也为拓宽青稞应用领域提供了丰富的资源保障。本研究对部分SGAPs在性质上的鉴定和功能上的初步推断为青稞材料的筛选提供了指导,也为品质育种提供了理论参考。 Hulless barley (naked barley, Hordeum vulgare L.) is a short- season, early maturing crop with a wide range of adaptation. It has been attracting more and more attention due to its superior nutrition and extensive industrial applications. Starch is the main ingredient in hulless barley seeds which makes up 65 percent of hulless barley’s dry weight. The ratio of the amylose/amylopectin and the size, shape, distribution of starch granules can affect the physico-chemical and functional properties of starch, which may turn affect its utilizations. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is located in southwestern China, is a typical area of vertical agricultural ecosystem and one of the barley origin centers with abundant hulless barley resources. There are little reports about hulless barley in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at present. To screen and cultivate some characteristic hulless barley can improve its value. An improved SDS-PAGE was used to identify SGAPs combination of 114 hulless barley varieties. Starch content (total starch and amylose starch) was determined according to the standard methods GB5006-85 and GB/T 15683 using PerkinElmer M341 Precision Automatic Polarimeter and UV spectrophotometer 755B respectively. The pasting properties were measured by BRABENDER Micrio Visco-Amylo- Graph 803201. The morphology of starch granules were observed and compared with Axioplan 2 Imaging light microscopy. The following were the results obtained: 1. There were 20 major SGAPs presented in 114 varieties, with the molecular weight ranged from 35.00 to 112.39 KDa, and the frequencies ranged from 12.28% to 97.37%. The number of SGAP bands in each accession varied from 10 to 14, more than half of the population had 11 bands. There were 16 distinct SGAP patterns in the 114 varieties, the Tibet hulless barley had all of the 16 types and the Sichuan hulless barley had 12 types. The results indicated the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau hulless barley had a polymorphism of the SGAPs. 2. The ranges of the total starch content, amylose content, Am/Ap, peak viscosity, pasting temperature and peak temperature of the 114 hulless barley were 51.26~66.70%,14.64~29.74%,0.17~0.42,194~1135BU,58.8~65.2 and 81.4℃~92.4, with an average of ℃59.82%, 23.60%, 0.31, 722.30BU, 62.1 and 88.8,℃℃ respectively. The distributions of the total starch content, amylose content, Am/Ap, peak viscosity, pasting temperature and peak temperature were visibly normal school. All of the amyloplasts in endosperm of varieties showed bimodal size distributions.The main starch properties of hulless barley from Tibet and Sichuan were separated and compared, the differences on amylose content and Am/Ap were obvious. 3. Eighteen accessions which had special starch properties were screened out. Five accessions with total starch content beyond 65%, including NB63-1, NB67, Ganzibailiuleng, 98221-1 and NB63; three accessions, Zangqing85, Zangqing3 and Ximala6, with the highest amylose content (>29%); five accessions with Am/Ap less than 0.25, including 99033-6, Chun Qingke, A Ba 330, Jan-03, Mi Mai114, 396, NB63-1 and 92013; seven accessions had a pasting temperature under 60, ℃meanwhile their peak viscosity beyond 1000BU and their peak temperature under 90℃,including Zu Cuochun, Jan-03, A Ba 330, Mi Mai 114, Chun Qingke, 20003 and A Qing 5. 4. There were high correlations between starch properties. Amylose content and Am/Ap were positively correlated to pasting temperature, negatively correlated to peak viscosity, negatively correlated to the number and granule size of A-type granule. Different SGAP combinations caused significant diversities in starch content and pasting properties. SGAP2, SGAP5, SGAP6 and SGAP7 may have positive effect on amylose content, Am/Ap and pasting temperature; SGAP3, SGAP9∼SGAP20 may have positive effect on peak viscosity. Our research made a comprehensive evaluation on the hulless barley starch from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, we can get a systemic understanding. Some special accessions were screened out can be used on the hulless barley breeding lines and industries utilization.The combination of the SGAPs may become a criterion to evaluate the hulless barley endosperm starch quality. Consequently, the results will be good information for further studies on the hulless barley.
A comparison of methane dehydroaromatization (MDA) on 6Mo/MCM-22 and 6Mo/ZSM-5 was carried out using a gas mixture of 90%CH4, 2%CO2 and 8%Ar as the feed. The results indicate that the stability of 6Mo/MCM-22 is better than that of 6Mo/ZSM-5. A detailed study reveals that the ability for coke accommodation and the retention of the shape selectivity for aromatics formation is responsible for the stability of a MDA catalyst.
The crystal structure and liquid crystalline properties of a biphenyl-containing acetylene, [5-[(4'-heptoxy-4- biphenylyl) carbonyloxy]-1-pentyne (A3EO7) were investigated by electron crystallography, X-ray diffraction, polarizing optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, transmission electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. A3EO7 crystals obtained from a toluene solution adopts a monoclinic P112/m space group with unit cell parameters of a = 6.25 Angstrom, b = 7.82 Angstrom, c = 46.70 Angstrom and gamma = 96.7degrees, as determined using electron diffraction. Upon cooling from the isotropic phase, A3EO7 exhibits a smectic A phase in the temperature range 72.4 - 53.6degreesC. Further lowering of the temperature results in the formation of a smectic C phase which exhibits a strong tendency towards crystallization.
meso-Tetra (alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha-O-phenylacetyl benzene) porphyrin was used as a complete antigen to elicit monoclonal antibody 1F2 through the immunization and cell fusion techniques. McAb 1F2 obtained was demonstrated very pure by HPLC and MALDI/TOFMS. The retention time of McAb 1F2 was 2. 63 min. The subtype of McAb 1F2 was IgG2a. The relative molecular weight was 156 678. 8. When the McAb 1F2-porphyrin was formed, the maximal absorption of the porphyrin soret region had a redshift from 408 to 416 nm and hyperchromical effect, showing that the antigen-antibody combination was rigid and intense, and the abzyme constancy was high. But compared with HRP, the activity of the abzyme was only 4. 687 5 U/mg and 1. 899 % of that of HRP. Its K-m was 20. 29 mmol/L, k(cat) 396. 82 min(-1), k(cat)/K-m. 1. 955 7 X 10(4) L . mol(-1) . min(-1).