981 resultados para 266
A laboratory experiment was carried out to study the effects of chemical and physical characteristics of the soil on the phosphate fixing capacity. One hundred samples collected from various localities were at first characterized chemically and their particlesize distribution determined. They were then tested as to their phosphate fixing capacities. The results obtained were statistically analysed by means of both simple linear and multiple correlation. The following conclusions could be drawn: 1. simple linear regression analysis indicated that % C, exchangeable Al+3, CEC, % clay, pH and % sand were the soil characteristics which significantly affected phosphate fixing capacity of São Paulo State soils; 2. multiple linear regression analysis indicated that % C, exchangeable Mg(+2)9 exchangeable- Al+3 and % clay were the soil characteristics which significantly affected the phosphate fixing capacity of São Paulo State soils; 3. the phosphate phonomena fixing as they occur in the soils of the São Paulo State can be best described by the following equation: Y = -2,266 - 3,484 + 3,514 + 5,559 + 1,005 %C Mg+2 Al+3 % clay exchangeable exchangeable 4. phosphate fixation in the soil is affected by the combined effects of both soil chemical and physical characteristics.
Foi conduzido um ensaio numa plantação comercial de café de variedade Mundo Novo de 9 anos de idade, com uma população de 1904 covas/ha, destinada a avaliar a quantidade de biomassa e de nutrientes removidas por diferentes tipos de poda: recepa a 0,40m; decote a 1,00, 1,50 e 2,00 m; decote a 1,50m com esqueletamento. A análise do material e dos dados permitiu tirar-se as seguintes conclusões: (1) a biomassa removida pela poda foi maior na recepa (24,3 t de matéria fresca e 11,9 de matéria seca) e no decote a 1,00 m (20,6 e 10,1 t, respectivamente); seguia-se o decote a 1,50 m com esqueletamento que deu 19,4 e 8,3 t de matéria fresca e seca por hectare; os pesos da matéria fresca e seca correspondentes aos decotes a 1,50 m e 2,00 m foram: 12,1 e 5,4; 5,6 e 2,5 t/ha; (2) a relação existente entre a altura de poda e quantidade de fitomassa removida é descrita por equações de regressão simples; (3) as quantidades de nutrientes removidas são proporcionais as quantidades de material podado sendo as seguintes de acordo com a ordem dos tratamentos dado, em kg/ha: N - 320, 294, 162, 80 e 261; P - 18, 15, 10, 44 e 16; K - 286, 266, 168, 78 e 273; Ca - 149, 139, 63, 33 e 101: Mg - 30, 33, 16, 8 e 26; S - 10, 7,6, 3 e 10; as quantidades de micronutrientes removidas foram, em g/ha: B - 306, 337, 163, 83 e 268; Cu - 229, 219, 121, 51 e 191; Fe - 2783, 2328, 1367, 544 e 2,088; Mn - 437, 779, 264, 142 e 412; Zn - 174, 152, 74, 28 e 121; (3) foram derivadas equações de regressão simples que relacionam quantidade extraídas e altura da poda; (4) a reciclagem de fitomassa contribui com economia substancial de fertilizantes para a nova vegetação. Cerca de dois terços e três quartos de nutrientes, entretanto, estão contidos no material lenhoso de caules e ramos o que deve fazer que a sua disponibilidade seja mais lenta.
A reprodução e a sobrevivência de Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Wulp, 1883) foram estudadas entre 22 e 28ºC, UR de 70% e fotoperíodo de 12h. Os dados foram analisados através de classes de idade, tabelas de vida de fecundidade, análise de sobrevivência pela distribuição de Weibull e análise das curvas de sobrevivência através do conceito de entropia (H). A taxa intrínseca de aumento natural (r m), taxa finita de aumento (lambda), taxa de reprodução líquida (R0) e tempo médio de uma geração (T) foram 0,534; 1,7; 59,439 e 7,65 respectivamente, sugerindo rápido crescimento populacional nestas condições. Isso foi causado pela alta fecundidade, confirmando o que ocorre para esta espécie, com média de 266 ovos/fêmea e período de pré-oviposição de 10,25 dias. O modelo de Weibull demonstrou que a sobrevivência não foi constante ao longo da vida de adultos, com mortalidade pronunciada depois da quarta e quinta semanas e valores de H intermediários aos valores teóricos esperados (0,0-0,5) para os ambos sexos, demonstrando que a curva de sobrevivência é retangular (com maior impacto da mortalidade na quarta e quinta semanas após a emergência). Os resultados apresentados podem ser considerados como base para estudos pormenorizados da dinâmica e do crescimento populacional desta espécie em hábitats naturais.
This article examines the uses of the local/global dichotomy in anthropology. It is argued that the use of these terms as analytical tools tends to lead to a reification of "global forces" seen as external to the local site where the ethnographic study takes place. To avoid endless debates on whether or not the "global" can be the object of ethnographic scrutiny, anthropologists should treat the local and the global as scalar properties of social systems that are generated in the course of historical processes.
β-Arrestin2 (ARRB2) is a component of the G-protein-coupled receptor complex and is involved in μ-opioid and dopamine D(2) receptor signaling, two central processes in methadone signal transduction. We analyzed 238 patients in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) and identified a haplotype block (rs34230287, rs3786047, rs1045280 and rs2036657) spanning almost the entire ARRB2 locus. Although none of these single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) leads to a change in amino-acid sequence, we found that for all the SNPs analyzed, with exception of rs34230287, homozygosity for the variant allele confers a nonresponding phenotype (n=73; rs1045280C and rs2036657G: OR=3.1, 95% CI=1.5-6.3, P=0.004; rs3786047A: OR=2.5, 95% CI=1.2-5.1, P=0.02) also illustrated by a 12-fold shorter period of negative urine screening (P=0.01). The ARRB2 genotype may thus contribute to the interindividual variability in the response to MMT and help to predict response to treatment.
La France inventa le dualisme gauche-droite et le système de partis se lit volontiers à travers cette dichotomie. Pourtant à l’instar d’autres «vieilles démocraties» du continent européen le système partisan français, fruit d’une longue histoire, se révèle à l’analyse bien plus riche que la «bipolarisation» donne à croire. A partir du contraste saisissant entre les scrutins tenus en 2007: le premier tour des présidentielles marqué par une remontée du centrisme d’une part et les législatives consacrant la suprématie de l’UMP et le statut d’opposition du PS, d’autre part. La thèse défendue ici est que la France est bel et bien multipolaire, ne va pas vers le bipartisme et que la bipolarisation est artificielle et résulte de contraintes liées à un mode de scrutin inéquitable. Chaque fois que l’électeur se voit offrir la possibilité d’échapper à cette cage de fer-européennes, premier tour de présidentielle- il exprime sa diversité.
The blood parasites of 15,574 birds representing 266 species of 43 families from primarily three areas in São Paulo State, Brazil were examined for haematozoa. Only 1240 (8.0% of 121 species fo 32 families were infected with blood parasites. This prevalence was similar to that reported in a previous study. Species of Haemoproteus were the most commonly encountered haematozoans (38.9%), followed by microfilaria (30.7%), Trypanosoma (13.7%), Plasmodium (7.5%) and Leucocytozoon (0.8%). Prevalence of parasitism was significantly different between the three major areas sampled. It was shown that this was due in part to differences in the avifaunas at both the familial and species levels. Prevalence varied markedly in only one of the 10 years of the study. Monthly fluctuations in prevalence were largely due to changes in relative proportions of highlytion of both. Prevalences of both microfilaria and Trypanosoma were higher than reported for any other similar survey in the world.
This paper compares the forecasting performance of different models which have been proposed for forecasting in the presence of structural breaks. These models differ in their treatment of the break process, the parameters defining the model which applies in each regime and the out-of-sample probability of a break occurring. In an extensive empirical evaluation involving many important macroeconomic time series, we demonstrate the presence of structural breaks and their importance for forecasting in the vast majority of cases. However, we find no single forecasting model consistently works best in the presence of structural breaks. In many cases, the formal modeling of the break process is important in achieving good forecast performance. However, there are also many cases where simple, rolling OLS forecasts perform well.
Estudiant el sistema de certificacions, concretament el PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) i el FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), s’ha analitzat la forest CUP 141 (catalogada d'utilitat pública) Sarredo-Manyero per a identificar-ne les mancances documentals en el Projecte d’Ordenació del PNAP (Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu). Dels resultats se’n desprèn un major grau de sostenibilitat del sistema FSC enfront del PEFC, fet que ha estat decisiu en l’elecció del primer com a certificació a estudiar al parc. Per altra banda, s’han constatat les discrepàncies existents quant a política forestal entre propietaris de les forests i l’administració del parc. Aquest fet té una incidència negativa si es vol revitalitzar el sector de la fusta a la zona. Finalment, i un cop avaluada la documentació de la CUP 141 amb els estàndards del sistema FSC, s’ha detectat que caldria completar aproximadament el 40% de la documentació necessària per a obtenir la certificació. Per tant, s’ha dissenyat un Protocol que serveixi de guia per a un nou Projecte d’Ordenació i que permeti obtenir la certificació de les forests del parc.
An epidemiological survey was conducted in south east Mexico, in an effort to establish the serological reactivity and carrier status to Babesia bigemina of an indigenous cattle population. The prevalance was obtained through the Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT), using an in vitro culture-derived B. bigemina antigen. A specific, digoxigenin-coupled, ~6kb B. bigemina-DNA probe (BBDP), was used to indicate the presence of the parasite. Serum samples from 925 animals of all ages, were obtained within the three regions (I, II, III) of the state of Yucatan and tested by IFAT. In addition, whole blood samples draw from 136 of the same animals of region II were analyzed using the BBDP. Positive IFAT (IFAT+) reactions were observed in 531 sera for a 57% overall prevalence. Regional values were: I = 157 + (56%), II = 266 + (68%) and III = 108 + (42%). Only 32 (23%) of the blood samples tested with BBDP showed distinctive hybridization signal, in contrast with 100 (73%) IFAT + animals. The responses distribution for IFAT vs. BBDP was: +/+ 23, +/- 77, -/+ 9 and -/- 27 respectively. It was found that the analytical sinsitivity of BBDP appears to be low for its utilization is widespread epidemiological surveys. It was considered, however, that the colorimetric probe mifht to be useful to safely detect transmission prone carriers, since it is able to detect parasitemias as low as 0.001%.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most intensively studied cancer types, partly because of its high prevalence but also because of the existence of its precursor lesions, tubular or villous adenomas, and more recently (sessile) serrated adenomas, which can be detected endoscopically and removed. The morphological steps in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence have been elucidated at a molecular level, which has been facilitated by identification of the genes responsible for familial intestinal cancer. However, apart from early detection of familial forms of CRC and its use in genetic counseling, until recently such detailed molecular knowledge has had little impact on clinical management of the disease. This has dramatically changed in the last decade. With drugs specifically targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) having been shown effective in CRC, mechanisms responsible for resistance have been explored. The finding that KRAS mutated cancers do not respond to anti-EGFR treatment has had a profound impact on clinical management and on molecular diagnostics of CRC. Additional genetic tests for mutations in NRAS, BRAF and PIK3CA contribute to determining who to treat, and others will follow. New therapies effective in patients with advanced CRC are under investigation. Remaining burning questions for optimal management are which patients will relapse after resection of the primary tumor and which patients will respond to the standard 5FU-oxaliplatin adjuvant treatment regimen. Predictive tests to address these issues are eagerly awaited. New classifications of CRC, based on molecular parameters, are emerging, and we will be confronted with new subtypes of CRC, for which the definition is based on combinations of gene expression patterns, chromosomal alterations, gene mutations and epigenetic characteristics. This will be instrumental in designing new approaches for therapy but will also be translated into molecular diagnostics. Both will contribute to improved clinical management of CRC.
The compatibility of Biomphalaria tenagophila, B. straminea and B. glabrata from Minas Gerais with different strains of Schistosoma mansoni was evaluated using the method of Frandsen (1979b) in standardized experiments. One hundred and fifty of each species of snail were individually exposed in the laboratory to 50 miracidia of S. mansoni lines LE, SJ and AL. The cercariae from the infected snails were counted and used to calculate TCP/100 indices, which were compared with those of Frandsen (1979b). For B. tenagophila the TCP/100 indices varied from 37,996 to 74,266 (class II and III). The snail was poorly compatible with LE (class II) and compatible with SJ and AL (class III). For B. straminea the indices varied from 9,484 to 20,508. The snail was not very compatible with SJ (class I) and poorly compatible with LE and AL (class II). For B. glabrata the indices varied from 588,828 to 1,039,065. The snails was extremely compatible (class VI) with the three lines of S. mansoni. These results confirm the epidemiological importance of B. glabrata in Brazil followed by B. tenagophila and B. straminea.
Although screening for elevated blood pressure (BP) in adults is beneficial, evidence of its beneficial effects in children is not clear. Elevated BP in children is associated with atherosclerosis early in life and tracks across the life course. However, because of the high variability in BP, tracking is weak, and having an elevated BP in childhood has a low predictive value for having elevated BP later in life. The absolute risk of cardiovascular diseases associated with a given level of BP in childhood and the long-term effect of treatment beginning in childhood are not known. No study has experimentally evaluated the benefits and harm of BP screening in children. One modeling study indicates that BP screen-and-treat strategies in adolescents are moderately cost-effective but less cost-effective than population-wide interventions to decrease BP for the reduction of coronary heart diseases. The US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the European Society of Hypertension recommend that children 3 years of age and older have their BP measured during every health care visit. According to the US Preventive Services Task Force, there is no sufficient evidence to recommend for or against screening, but their recommendations have to be updated. Whether the benefits of universal BP screening in children outweigh the harm has to be determined. Studies are needed to assess the absolute risk of cardiovascular diseases associated with elevated BP in childhood, to evaluate how to simplify the identification of elevated BP, to evaluate the long-term benefits and harm of treatment beginning in childhood, and to compare universal and targeted screening strategies.
A field study of the immune response to the shed acute phase antigen (SAPA) of Trypanosoma cruzi was carried out in the locality of Mizque, Cochabamba department, Bolivia. Schoolchildren (266), with an average of 8.6 ± 3.6 years, were surveyed for parasitological and serological diagnosis, as well as antibodies directed against SAPA using the corresponding recombinant protein in ELISA. The antibodies against SAPA were shown in 82% of patients presenting positive serological diagnosis (IgG specific antibodies). The positive and negative predictive values were 0.88. Antibodies anti-SAPA were shown in 80.8% of the chagasic patients in the initial stage of the infection (positive IgM serology and/or positive buffy coat (BC) test) and in 81.4% of the patients in the indeterminate stage of the infection (positive IgG serology with negative BC and IgM tests). These results show that the anti-SAPA response is not only present during the initial stage of the infection (few months) but extends some years after infection
RÉSUMÉ : Chez l'homme, le manque de sélectivité des agents thérapeutiques représente souvent une limitation pour le traitement des maladies. Le ciblage de ces agents pour un tissu défini pourrait augmenter leur sélectivité et ainsi diminuer les effets secondaires en comparaison d'agents qui s'accumuleraient dans tout le corps. Cela pourrait aussi améliorer l'efficacité des traitements en permettant d'avoir une concentration localisée plus importante. Le ciblage d'agents thérapeutiques est un champ de recherche très actif. Les stratégies sont généralement basées sur les différences entre cellules normales et malades. Ces différences peuvent porter soit sur l'expression des molécules à leurs surfaces comme des récepteurs ou des transporteurs, soit sur les activités enzymatiques exprimées. Le traitement thérapeutique choisi ici est la thérapie photodynamique et est déjà utilisé pour le traitement de certains cancers. Cette thérapie repose sur l'utilisation de molécules qui réagissent à la lumière, les photosensibilisants. Elles absorbent l'énergie lumineuse et réagissent avec l'oxygène pour former des radicaux toxiques pour les cellules. Les photosensibilisants utilisés ici sont de deux natures : (i) soit ils sont tétrapyroliques (comme les porphyrines et chlorines), c'est à dire qu'ils sont directement activables par la lumière ; (ii) soit ce sont des prodrogues de photosensibilisants comme l'acide 5aminolévulinique (ALA) qui est transformé dans la cellule en protoporphyrine IX photosensibilisante. Dans le but d'augmenter la sélectivité des photosensibilisants, nous avons utilisé deux stratégies différentes : (i) le photosensibilisant est modifié par le greffage d'un agent de ciblage ; (ii) le photosensibilisant est incorporé dans des structures moléculaires de quelques centaines de nanomètres. Les sucres et l'acide folique sont des agents de ciblage largement établis et ont été utilisés ici car leurs récepteurs sont surexprimés à la surface de nombreuses cellules malades. Ainsi, des dérivés sucres ou acide folique de l'ALA ont été synthétisés et évalués in vitro sur de nombreuses lignées cellulaires cancéreuses. La stratégie utilisant l'acide folique est apparue incompatible avec l'utilisation de l'ALA puisque aucune photosensibilité n'a été induite par le composé. La stratégie utilisant les sucres a, par ailleurs, provoquée de bonnes photosensibilités mais pas d'augmentation de sélectivité. En parallèle, la combinaison entre les propriétés anticancéreuses des complexes métalliques au ruthénium avec les propriétés photosensibilisantes des porphyrines, a été évaluée. En effet, les thérapies combinées ont émergé il y a une dizaine d'années et représentent aujourd'hui de bonnes alternatives aux monothérapies classiques. Des ruthenium(I1)-arènes complexés avec la tetrapyridylporphyrine ont ainsi présenté de bonnes cytotoxicités et de bonnes phototoxicités pour des cellules de mélanomes. Des porphyrines ont aussi été compléxées avec des noyaux de diruthénium et ce type de dérivé a présenté de bonnes phototoxicités et une bonne sélectivité pour les cellules cancéreuses de l'appareil reproducteur féminin. L'incorporation de photosensibilisants tétrapyroliques a finalement été effectuée en utilisant des nanoparticules (NP) biocompatibles composées de chitosan et de hyaluronate. L'effet de ces NP a été évalué pour le traitement de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PR). Les NP ont d'abord été testées in vitro avec des macrophages de souris et les résultats ont mis en évidence de bonnes sélectivités et photosensibilités pour ces cellules. In vivo chez un modèle marin de la PR, l'utilisation de ces NP a révélé un plus grand temps de résidence des NP dans le genou de la souris en comparaison du temps obtenu avec le photosensibilisant seul. Le traitement par PDT a aussi démontré une bonne efficacité par ailleurs égale à celle obtenue avec les corticoïdes utilisés en clinique. Pour finir, les NP ont aussi démontré une bonne efficacité sur les myelomonocytes phagocytaires humains et sur les cellules contenues dans le liquide synovial de patients présentant une PR. Tous ces résultats suggèrent que les deux stratégies de ciblage peuvent être efficaces pour les agents thérapeutiques. Afm d'obtenir de bons résultats, il est toutefois nécessaire de réaliser une analyse minutieuse de la cible et du mode d'action de l'agent thérapeutique. Concernant les perspectives, la combinaison des deux stratégies c'est à dire incorporer des agents thérapeutiques dans des nanostructures porteuses d'agents de ciblage, représente probablement une solution très prometteuse. SUMMARY : In humans, the lack of selectivity of drugs and their high effective concentrations often represent limitations for the treatment of diseases. Targeting the therapeutical agents to a defined tissue could enhance their selectivity and then diminish their side effects when compared to drugs that accumulate in the entire body and could also improve treatment efûciency by allowing a localized high concentration of the agents. Targeting therapeutics to defined cells in human pathologies is a main challenge and a very active field of research. Strategies are generally based on the different behaviors and patterns of expression of diseased cells compared to normal cells such as receptors, proteases or trans-membrane carriers. The therapeutic treatment chosen here is the photodynamic therapy and is already used in the treatment of many cancers. This therapy relies on the administration of a photosensitizer (PS) which will under light, react with oxygen and induce formation of reactive oxygen species which are toxic for cells. The PSs used here are either tetrapyrolic (i. e. porphyries and chlorins) or prodrugs of PS (5-aminolevulinic acid precursor of the endogenous protoporphyrin Imo. In order to improve PS internalization and selectivity, we have used two different strategies: the modification of the PSs with diseased cell-targeting agents as well as their encapsulation into nanostructures. Sugars and folic acid are well established as targeting entities for diseased cells and were used here since their transporters are overexpressed on the surface of many cancer cells. Therefore sugar- and folic acid-derivatives of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) were synthesized and evaluated in vitro in several cancer cell lines. The folic acid strategy appeared to be incompatible with ALA since no photosensitivity was induced while the strategy with sugars induced good photosensitivites but no increase of selectivity. Alternatively, the feasibility of combining the antineoplastic properties of ruthenium complexes with the porphyrin's photosensitizing properties, was evaluated since combined therapies have emerged as good alternatives to classical treatments. Tetrapyridylporphyrins complexed to ruthenium (I17 arenes presented good cytotoxicities and good phototoxicities toward melanoma cells. Porphyries were also complexed to diruthenium cores and this type of compound presented good phototoxicities and good selectivity for female reproductive cancer cells. The encapsulation of tetrapyrolic PSs was finally investigated using biocompatible nanogels composed of chitosan and hyaluronate. The behavior of these nanoparticles was evaluated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). They were first tested in vitro in mouse macrophages and results revealed good selectivities and phototoxicities toward these cells. In vivo in mice model of RA, the use of such nanoparticles instead of free PS showed longer time of residence in mice knees. Photodynamic protocols also demonstrated good efficiency of the treatment comparable to the corticoid injection used in the clinic. Finally our system was also efficient in human cells using phagocytic myelomonocytes or using cells of synovial fluids taken from patients with RA. Altogether, these results revealed that both strategies of modification or encapsulation of drugs can be successful in the targeting of diseased cells. However, a careful analysis of the target and of the mode of action of the drug, are needed in order to obtain good results. Looking ahead to the future, the combination of the two strategies (i.e. drugs loaded into nanostructures bearing the targeting agents) would represent probably the best solution.