467 resultados para 2401
[ES] Determinación del crecimiento del cladócero de agua dulce Daphnia sp. del copépodo Acartia clausi -a varias concentraciones de alimento y temperatura- en términos de talla corporal, empleando para ello la técnica de fotografía de siluetas.
[EN] Preliminary data of the length-weight relationship and reproduction of the bogue Boops boops off Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Central-east Atlantic) are provided. Two thousand and twenty-one individuals of bogue, ranging from 4 to 34 cm TL, were obtained from purse seine commercial landing. Reproduction parameters as sex determination, duration of spawning season, size at first maturity and GSI variation along time were determinated based on macroscopic evaluation of gonads. The results obtained suggest that bogue is a total spawner, with a long spawning season extending from January to May. Size at first maturity was 16.7 and 17.9 cm TL for males and females, respectively. The length-weight relationship obtained showed a positive allometry in both sexes
Máster en Gestión Sostenible de Recursos Pesqueros
[EN]A range of factors may affect the composition and abundance of macroalgae on subtidal rocky reefs. We experimentally determined the interactive effect of the occurrence of the long-spine sea urchin, Diadema antillarum, depth and sedimentation levels on macroalgal assemblage structure on eastern Atlantic rocky reefs. Specifically, we manipulated sea urchin densities (removal of all individuals vs. untouched controls at natural densities) on rocky reefs devoid of erect vegetation, and predicted (1) that removal of sea urchins would differently affect macroalgal assemblage structure between deep (16-18 m) and shallow (8-9 m) reef strata, and that (2) the effect of sea urchin removal on macroalgae would be altered under different scenarios of sedimentation (ambient vs. enhanced). Experimental circular plots (2 m in diameter) were set up at 3 locations at Gran Canaria (Canarian Archipelago), and were maintained and monitored every 4 wk for 1 y. At the end of the experimental period, the structure of the algal assemblages differed between urchin treatments and depth strata, with a larger cover of turf and bushlike algae where urchins were removed and at the shallow reef stratum. More important, differences in algal assemblage structure between urchin treatments were irrespective of sedimentation levels, but shifted from the shallow to the deep stratum. This interactive effect was, in turn, observed for bushlike algae, as a result of a larger magnitude of response (i.e., larger cover) in the shallow stratum relative to the deep stratum, but was not detected for either turf or crustose coralline algae. These results highlight the importance of sorne physical conditions (here, differences in depth) to interact with biotic processes (here, urchin abundance) to create patterns in the organization of subtidal and benthic assemblages
[EN] We examined whether the abundance and size of the starfish Marthasterias glacialis (Lamk.) exhibit a depth-dependent partitioning on subtidal reefs. We tested the hypothesis that differences in food availability can result in habitat partitioning along a depth gradient. The abundance and size of M. glacialis was registered at 4 depth strata: 0-4 m, 4-8 m, 8-12 m, and >12 m; we also recorded the number of food items that they were preying on. The abundance and size of M. glacialis decreased with depth. Mussels (Mytilus galloprivincialis) were the most preyed food item across all depth strata, followed by gastropods, sea urchins and barnacles; M. glacialis also consumed a significantly larger amount of mussels in feeding experiments compared with sea urchins and gastropods. The abundance of M. galloprivincialis beds decreased with depth. The clear link between the decrease in abundance and size of M. glacialis with depth and the decay of the most consumed prey (mussels) suggest that food availability may play an important role in the vertical distribution of this starfish, though wave-associated turbulence in the first few metres of the subtidal could also limit the abundance of M. glacialis.
Programa de Doctorado Ecología y Gestión de los Recursos Vivos Marinos. Trabajo realizado para optar al Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias del Mar
trabajo realizado por Medina Alcaraz, C., Castro, J.J., Sosa, P. A.
[ES]El lugar que ocupan en las pirámides alimentarias y su papel regulador de determinadas especies, hacen de las rapaces un grupo de especial interés. Su importancia se incrementa en Canarias al tratarse de ecosistemas aislados donde, al presentar pocos eslabones, la fragilidad de las cadenas tróficas es manifiesta. Las aves rapaces nocturnas de nuestro archipiélago pertenecen a dos especies: el búho chico (Asio otus canariensis), motivo de este trabajo; y la lechuza común (Tyto alba) con dos subespecies T.a.alba y T.a. gracilirostris, esta última restringida a las dos islas más orientales de Lanzarote y Fuerteventura. Si se compara su distribución dentro del marco macaronésico, se aprecia que el poblamiento de Canarias ha debido producirse de forma independiente del resto de las islas de ésta región zoogeográfica (si bien Cabo Verde presenta diferencias faunísticas, de por sí). Se aportan datos acerca de la morfología, biología y ecología de esta especie canaria y sus diferencias con la especie típica A. o. otus, así como metodología de muestreo, conservación del material y contabilización de las especies-presa. Así mismo se analiza su régimen alimentario en la isla de Gran Canaria y se comprueba si existen diferencias estacionales, como sucede en otras partes del mundo. Por último, cabe destacar la presencia de reptiles en la dieta de esta especie, hecho muy poco frecuente fuera de Canarias, y que ha sido confirmado posteriormente por otros autores en estudios realizados posteriormente en otras islas del archipiélago.
[ES]El presente trabajo de tesis titulado "Biomasa, distribución y metabolismo del zooplancton en aguas de la Península Antártica" forma parte de un ambicioso proyecto que tiene como finalidad cuantificar, examinar y desentrañar las interacciones complejas de la cadena trófica en el Océano Sur. La primera parte describe la complejidad de la red trófica característica del Océano Sur. También, esta parte introductora se enfoca en la distribución de las especies zooplanctónicas y surelación con el ciclo del carbono y nitrógeno. En este mismo proyecto y como segunda parte, hemos desarrollado un método no destructivo a partir de imágenes digitales para una estimación precisa de la biomasa de cada grupo sistemático del mesozooplancton.
Programa de doctorado: Sanidad animal
This thesis introduces new processing techniques for computer-aided interpretation of ultrasound images with the purpose of supporting medical diagnostic. In terms of practical application, the goal of this work is the improvement of current prostate biopsy protocols by providing physicians with a visual map overlaid over ultrasound images marking regions potentially affected by disease. As far as analysis techniques are concerned, the main contributions of this work to the state-of-the-art is the introduction of deconvolution as a pre-processing step in the standard ultrasonic tissue characterization procedure to improve the diagnostic significance of ultrasonic features. This thesis also includes some innovations in ultrasound modeling, in particular the employment of a continuous-time autoregressive moving-average (CARMA) model for ultrasound signals, a new maximum-likelihood CARMA estimator based on exponential splines and the definition of CARMA parameters as new ultrasonic features able to capture scatterers concentration. Finally, concerning the clinical usefulness of the developed techniques, the main contribution of this research is showing, through a study based on medical ground truth, that a reduction in the number of sampled cores in standard prostate biopsy is possible, preserving the same diagnostic power of the current clinical protocol.
To assist rational compound design of organic semiconductors, two problems need to be addressed. First, the material morphology has to be known at an atomistic level. Second, with the morphology at hand, an appropriate charge transport model needs to be developed in order to link charge carrier mobility to structure.rnrnThe former can be addressed by generating atomistic morphologies using molecular dynamics simulations. However, the accessible range of time- and length-scales is limited. To overcome these limitations, systematic coarse-graining methods can be used. In the first part of the thesis, the Versatile Object-oriented Toolkit for Coarse-graining Applications is introduced, which provides a platform for the implementation of coarse-graining methods. Tools to perform Boltzmann inversion, iterative Boltzmann inversion, inverse Monte Carlo, and force-matching are available and have been tested on a set of model systems (water, methanol, propane and a single hexane chain). Advantages and problems of each specific method are discussed.rnrnIn partially disordered systems, the second issue is closely connected to constructing appropriate diabatic states between which charge transfer occurs. In the second part of the thesis, the description initially used for small conjugated molecules is extended to conjugated polymers. Here, charge transport is modeled by introducing conjugated segments on which charge carriers are localized. Inter-chain transport is then treated within a high temperature non-adiabatic Marcus theory while an adiabatic rate expression is used for intra-chain transport. The charge dynamics is simulated using the kinetic Monte Carlo method.rnrnThe entire framework is finally employed to establish a relation between the morphology and the charge mobility of the neutral and doped states of polypyrrole, a conjugated polymer. It is shown that for short oligomers, charge carrier mobility is insensitive to the orientational molecular ordering and is determined by the threshold transfer integral which connects percolating clusters of molecules that form interconnected networks. The value of this transfer integral can be related to the radial distribution function. Hence, charge mobility is mainly determined by the local molecular packing and is independent of the global morphology, at least in such a non-crystalline state of a polymer.