696 resultados para 070 News media, journalism
Many actorsincluding scientists, journalists, artists, and campaigning organizationscreate visualizations of climate change. In doing so, they evoke climate change in particular ways, and make the issue meaningful in everyday discourse. While a diversity of climate change imagery exists, particular types of climate imagery appear to have gained dominance, promoting particular ways of knowing about climate change (and marginalizing others). This imagery, and public engagement with this imagery, helps to shape the cultural politics of climate change in important ways. This article critically reviews the nascent research area of the visual representations of climate change, and public engagement with visual imagery. It synthesizes a diverse body of research to explore visual representations and engagement across the news media, NGO communications, advertising, and marketing, climate science, art, and virtual reality systems. The discussion brings together three themes which occur throughout the review: time, truth, and power. The article concludes by suggesting fruitful directions for future research in the visual communication of climate change.
Using Marxist state theory as an analytical framework, this thesis explains the problems faced by the Ontario New Democratic Party government (1990-1995) in implementing a social democratic agenda. Not only was the government constrained in its ability to implement progressive policy, but it was also pushed to implement a Social Contract (involving legislated wage cuts to public sector employees) that alienated the party's base of support, making it more difficult for the party to organize in the future. Although this study relies predominantly on a reinterpretation of existing research on the topic, some primary research is used in the analysis, including interviews with members of the labour movement and former MPPs and analysis of the news media's treatment of the party/ government. Historical and class analytical perspectives are used to explain the evolution of the ONDP's structure and policies, as well as to assess the relative strength of the working class and its ability to support a social democratic political agenda. It was found that the ONDP' s unwillingness to develop a long term plan for social democracy, and its inability to act as a mass party or to build a strong working class movement, made it more difficult for the party to succeed when it formed the government. Moreover, the class nature of the capitalist state, along with pressure exerted by a well mobilized capitalist class, worked to limit the government' s options.
Ce mmoire porte sur le rle que jouent les mdias de masse dans la construction de la personnalit publique des nouveaux chefs de partis politiques. Lorsquun individu est nomm la tte dun parti politique, il est la plupart du temps peu connu du grand public. Or, comme une crasante majorit de citoyens na jamais loccasion dentrer en contact directement avec les hommes et les femmes politiques, cest exclusivement par le biais des mdias que la plupart des gens apprennent connatre leurs reprsentants politiques ou ceux qui aspirent jouer ce rle. Or les mdias ne se contentent pas de rpter ce que les politiciens disent. Les informations quils dcident dinclure dans leurs reportages, les mots quils utilisent et les cadrages quils retiennent contribuent dfinir la personnalit des leaders mergents dont ils parlent. Les mdias choisissent aussi de mettre laccent sur certains traits de personnalit et dcident den ignorer dautres. Afin de mieux comprendre ce phnomne, nous avons tudi le cas de lex-chef du Parti qubcois, Andr Boisclair. Nous avons cherch savoir si la couverture dont ce dernier a fait lobjet a t stable ou si elle a suivi certains cycles, et nous nous sommes intresss aux critres retenus par les mdias pour valuer sa personnalit. Pour ce faire, nous avons tudi le volume, le format, le ton, les objets et les cadrages qui caractrisent la couverture dont a t lobjet Andr Boisclair lantenne de la Socit Radio-Canada et du Rseau TVA entre le 4 juin 2005 et le 21 fvrier 2007. Nos conclusions sont leffet que la couverture a bel et bien suivi un cycle, et que les critres retenus par les mdias sont trs similaires ceux qui sont rputs tre importants pour la population dans le choix dun leader politique.
Tuesday 22nd April 2014 Speaker(s): Sue Sentance Organiser: Leslie Carr Time: 22/04/2014 15:00-16:00 Location: B32/3077 File size: 698 Mb Abstract Until recently, "computing" education in English schools mainly focused on developing general Digital Literacy and Microsoft Office skills. As of this September, a new curriculum comes into effect that provides a strong emphasis on computation and programming. This change has generated some controversy in the news media (4-year-olds being forced to learn coding! boss of the governments coding education initiative cannot code shock horror!!!!) and also some concern in the teaching profession (how can we possibly teach programming when none of the teachers know how to program)? Dr Sue Sentance will explain the work of Computing At School, a part of the BCS Academy, in galvanising universities to help teachers learn programming and other computing skills. Come along and find out about the new English Computing Revolution - How will your children and your schools be affected? - How will our University intake change? How will our degrees have to change? - What is happening to the national perception of Computer Science?
El propsito de este artculo periodstico es a partir de la descripcin de la situacin actual de la formacin de periodistas cientficos en Bogot, identificar las dinmicas que se pueden implantar en esta ciudad para mejorar la formacin de periodistas cientficos. El corpus del artculo est dividido en dos partes. En primer lugar, se realizar un contexto de la situacin actual del periodismo cientfico (PEC) y una investigacin que incluye los diferentes actores involucrados en ste. El segundo captulo plantear las recomendaciones y consideraciones frente al objeto de estudio. En este orden de ideas, se analiza la nula oferta de educacin de calidad para programas de profundizacin en la rama del periodismo cientfico. Se concluye dando unas posibles soluciones a la problemtica de formacin de periodistas cientficos en Bogot, siendo stas identificadas a partir de la investigacin realizada.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico
During 9-11 August 1988, a cyclone developed over Uruguay in the lee of the Andes Mountains and moved over the South Atlantic Ocean, where it redeveloped into an intense storm. This storm was responsible for unusual wave activity along the Brazilian shoreline from 22 to 32S. The Brazilian news media reported the loss of at least one life, waves of 3 m and higher, and the disappearance of a drainage pipe, which weighed 8000 kg, off the shores of Rio de Janeiro. In this paper, the evolution of this intense storm and the associated ocean wave response is studied through European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts analyses, a hydrostatic limited-area meteorological model, and a second-generation prognostic wave model. The atmospheric model results indicated the presence of a long-lived and large fetch with surface wind velocities higher than 12 m s -1 directed toward the coast. Some areas with velocities of 20 m s -1 were embedded in the fetch. The wave model forced by this wind field was able to simulate waves with a significant height of 8 m far from the coast and about 4 m in regions very close to the Brazilian coast in agreement with the occurrence reported at Rio de Janeiro. The swell propagation toward the coast of Rio de Janeiro was obstructed by a northeastward 10-m wind during the first 24-h period of the model's integration. During the second 24-h period, the fetch was still large and strong, but the obstacle was removed by a counterclockwise rotation of wind direction favoring the swell and windsea propagation toward the Rio de Janeiro coast.
Includes bibliography
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Televiso Digital: Informao e Conhecimento - FAAC
This is a news video produced by Journalism student Jackie Marsiglia. This is to test streaming functionality in the UConn Digital Commons. The RealPlayer movies have been shortened.
A face to face survey addressing environmental risk perception was conducted in January through March 2010. The 35 question survey was administered to a random sample of 73 households in El Paso, Texas. The instrument, administered in two adjacent residential communities neighboring an inactive copper smelter solicited responses about manmade and naturally occurring health risks and sources of health information that might utilized by respondents. The objective of the study was to determine if intervention which occurred in one of the communities increased residents' perception of risk to themselves and their families. The study was undertaken subsequent to increased attention from news media and public debate surrounding the request to reopen the smelter's operations. Results of the study indicated that the perception of environmental related health concerns were not significantly correlated with residence in a community receiving outreach and intervention. Both communities identified sun exposure as their greatest perceived environmental risk followed by cigarette smoking. Though industrial by products and chemical pollution were high ranking concerns, respondents indicated they felt that the decision not to reopen the smelter reduced risk in these areas. Residents expressed confidence in information received from the local health district though most indicated they received very little information from that source indicating an opportunity for public health education in this community as a strategy to address future health concerns.^
Este artigo analisa como a mdia impressa brasileira noticia o comrcio clandestino do misoprostol, o principal medicamento para aborto. Foram recuperadas 1.429 notcias, de 220 veculos de informao impressos e eletrnicos, entre 2004 e 2009. A anlise foi realizada em 524 notcias de 62 veculos impressos regionais e nacionais. O misoprostol pauta permanente, mas o enquadramento das notcias policial, diverso do aborto como uma questo religiosa, poltica e de sade pblica que domina a mdia brasileira. O misoprostol est inserido no mercado ilegal de medicamentos de gnero, tais como os para emagrecimento, disfuno ertil ou anabolizantes. Sessenta e quatro (12%) notcias impressas apresentam histrias de vida de mulheres que abortaram com o misoprostol. As mulheres tm de 13 a 46 anos e sua insero de classe demarca diferentes experincias de aborto. Trs personagens foram identificados nos itinerrios de aborto: amigas, intermedirios e mdicos. As histrias de aborto tardio so confundidas com a tipificao penal do infanticdio e so casos-limite para a narrativa miditica.