911 resultados para Óptica y optometría
Póster presentado en el VII European/ I World Meeting in Visual and Physiological Optics
Póster presentado en el VII European/ I World Meeting in Visual and Physiological Optics
We rigorously analyze the propagation of localized surface waves that takes place at the boundary between a semi-infinite layered metal-dielectric (MD) nanostructure cut normally to the layers and a isotropic medium. It is demonstrated that Dyakonov-like surface waves (also coined dyakonons) with hybrid polarization may propagate in a wide angular range. As a consequence, dyakonon-based wave-packets (DWPs) may feature sub-wavelength beamwidths. Due to the hyperbolic-dispersion regime in plasmonic crystals, supported DWPs are still in the canalization regime. The apparent quadratic beam spreading, however, is driven by dissipation effects in metal.
Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the reliability of corneal thickness measurements derived from SOCT Copernicus HR (Fourier domain OCT). Methods: Thirty healthy eyes of 30 subjects were evaluated. One eye of each patient was chosen randomly. Images were obtained of the central (up to 2.0 mm from the corneal apex) and paracentral (2.0 to 4.0 mm) cornea. We assessed corneal thickness (central and paracentral) and epithelium thickness. The intra-observer repeatability data were analysed using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) for a range of 95 per cent within-subject standard deviation (SW) and the within-subject coefficient of variation (CW). The level of agreement by Bland–Altman analysis was also represented for the study of the reproducibility between observers and agreement between methods of measurement (automatic versus manual). Results: The mean value of the central corneal thickness (CCT) was 542.4 ± 30.1 μm (SD). There was a high intra-observer agreement, finding the best result in the central sector with an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.99, 95 per cent CI (0.989 to 0.997) and the worst, in the minimum corneal thickness, with an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.672, 95 per cent CI (0.417 to 0.829). Reproducibility between observers was very high. The best result was found in the central sector thickness obtained both manually and automatically with an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.990 in both cases and the worst result in the maximum corneal thickness with an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.827. The agreement between measurement methods was also very high with intra-class correlation coefficient greater than 0.91. On the other hand the repeatability and reproducibility for epithelial measurements was poor. Conclusion: Pachymetric mapping with SOCT Copernicus HR was found to be highly repeatable and reproducible. We found that the device lacks an appropriate ergonomic design as proper focusing of the laser beam onto the cornea for anterior segment scanning required that patients were positioned slightly farther away from the machine head-rest than in the setup for retinal imaging.
En esta publicación se recogen un conjunto de experiencias básicas de laboratorio de Acústica para los estudiantes de Grado en Sonido e Imagen.
Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados obtenidos mediante el empleo de los filtros de Bangerter en casos de ambliopía media o moderada asociada a estrabismo. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo con 30 pacientes de edades comprendidas entre 2 y 9 años con ambliopía media o moderada unilateral asociada a estrabismo. Todos los pacientes fueron tratados mediante la prescripción del empleo de filtros de Bangerter en el ojo no ambliope junto a su corrección refractiva. En todos los casos el filtro seleccionado indujo una reducción de la agudeza visual de 2 líneas por debajo de la agudeza visual corregida (AVCC) del ojo ambliope. Se realizó un seguimiento durante un periodo de 12 meses. Resultados: Se observó una mejoría estadísticamente significativa en la AVCC del ojo ambliope a los 3 meses (p<0.01), con mejorías adicionales a los 6, 9 y 12 meses (p≤0,02).La AVCC en los ojos no ambliopes permaneció sin cambios durante los primeros 6 meses de tratamiento (p≥0,52), con una mejoría significativa a los 9 meses (p=0,03). Sólo se evidenciaron diferencias significativas en la AVCC entre los ojos ambliopes y los ojos sanos a los 3 meses tras el uso de los filtros (p<0,01). La densidad del filtro tuvo que ser cambiada durante el seguimiento en 12 ojos (40%). Se encontró correlación inversa significativa entre la densidad del filtro y la AVCC al final del seguimiento (r≤-0,35, p≤0,01).Conclusiones: Los filtros de Bangerter son útiles para el tratamiento de la ambliopía media o moderada asociada a estrabismo, si bien la inversión de la dominancia ocular debe ser mantenida a lo largo del tratamiento para optimizar los resultados.
Presentamos un caso de ambliopía unilateral en una paciente de 7 años, no existiendo alteraciones refractivas, corneales o retinianas que lo justifiquen. La exploración mediante tecnología de cámara Scheimpflug permitió el diagnóstico de un Ienticono posterior asociado a una pequeña catarata congénita polar posterior. El estudio aberrométrico reveló la importancia óptica de dicha condición como causante de la ambliopía en este caso.
Purpose: To calculate theoretically the errors in the estimation of corneal power when using the keratometric index (nk) in eyes that underwent laser refractive surgery for the correction of myopia and to define and validate clinically an algorithm for minimizing such errors. Methods: Differences between corneal power estimation by using the classical nk and by using the Gaussian equation in eyes that underwent laser myopic refractive surgery were simulated and evaluated theoretically. Additionally, an adjusted keratometric index (nkadj) model dependent on r1c was developed for minimizing these differences. The model was validated clinically by retrospectively using the data from 32 myopic eyes [range, −1.00 to −6.00 diopters (D)] that had undergone laser in situ keratomileusis using a solid-state laser platform. The agreement between Gaussian (PGaussc) and adjusted keratometric (Pkadj) corneal powers in such eyes was evaluated. Results: It was found that overestimations of corneal power up to 3.5 D were possible for nk = 1.3375 according to our simulations. The nk value to avoid the keratometric error ranged between 1.2984 and 1.3297. The following nkadj models were obtained: nkadj= −0.0064286r1c + 1.37688 (Gullstrand eye model) and nkadj = −0.0063804r1c + 1.37806 (Le Grand). The mean difference between Pkadj and PGaussc was 0.00 D, with limits of agreement of −0.45 and +0.46 D. This difference correlated significantly with the posterior corneal radius (r = −0.94, P < 0.01). Conclusions: The use of a single nk for estimating the corneal power in eyes that underwent a laser myopic refractive surgery can lead to significant errors. These errors can be minimized by using a variable nk dependent on r1c.
Purpose: To evaluate the correlation of the magnitude of corneal toricity and power vector components of both corneal surfaces measured with a Scheimpflug photography-based system. Methods: A total of 117 healthy normal eyes of 117 subjects selected randomly with ages ranging from 7 to 80 years were included. All eyes received an anterior segment and corneal analysis with the Sirius system (CSO) evaluating the anterior and posterior mean toricity for 3 and 7 mm (aAST and pAST). The vector components J0 and J45 as well as the overall strength blur (B) were calculated for each keratometric measurement using the procedure defined by Thibos and Horner. Results: The coefficient of correlation between aAST and pAST was 0.52 and 0.62 and the mean anteroposterior ratio for toricity was 0.46 ± 0.39 and 0.57 ± 0.75 for 3 and 7 mm, respectively. These ratios correlated significantly with aAST, anterior corneal J0, and manifest refraction J0 (r ≥ 0.39, P < 0.01). The coefficient of correlation was 0.69 and 0.81 between anterior and posterior J0 for 3 and 7 mm, respectively. For J45, the coefficients were 0.62 and 0.71, respectively. The linear regression analysis revealed that the pAST and power vectors could be predicted from the anterior corneal data (R2 ≥ 0.40, P < 0.01). Conclusions: The toricity and astigmatic power vector components of the posterior corneal surface in the human healthy eye are related to those of the anterior and therefore can be predicted consistently from the anterior toricity and astigmatic power vectors.
Purpose: To evaluate postoperative spectral-domain optical coherence tomography findings after macular hole surgery. Methods: Retrospective, interventional, nonrandomized study. Overall, 164 eyes of 157 patients diagnosed with macular hole were operated on by vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane peeling. Preoperative and postoperative best-corrected visual acuity and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography images were obtained. Two groups were considered on the basis of the postoperative integrity of the back reflection line from the ellipsoid portion of the photoreceptor inner segment: group A (disruption of ellipsoid portion of the inner segment line, 60 eyes) and group B (restoration of ellipsoid portion of the inner segment line, 104 eyes). Results: Logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution best-corrected visual acuity improved significantly after the surgery of macular hole from a mean preoperative value of 0.79 ± 0.37 (range, 0.15–2.00) to a mean postoperative value of 0.35 ± 0.31 (range, 0.00–1.30) at the last follow-up visit (P < 0.01). Best-corrected visual acuity improved significantly in the 2 groups analyzed (all P < 0.01). A larger improvement was found in group B than in group A (P < 0.01). Conclusion: Ellipsoid portion of the inner segment line reconstruction seems to be a good prognostic factor for visual rehabilitation after macular hole surgery.
Dins de la tasca de coordinació del primer curs del grau de telecomunicacions s'ha observat un grau molt elevat d'abandonament de la titulació. Aquest fet condiciona la tasca i metodologia docent. Amb la intenció d'incrementar la qualitat del nou grau i augmentar les taxes de eficàcia, hem buscat els motius que originen aquest alt grau d’abandonament dins la titulació i hem ideat possibles solucions que posen remei o pal·lien en certa mesura aquest problema. Per això es presenten estratègies i mecanismes per augmentar la qualitat de la docència, es comparen els resultats dels darrers cursos i s’analitzen els resultats de les estratègies posades en marxa. La tasca ha estat desenvolupada pels coordinadors de cada assignatura que conjuntament han analitzat com es va produir l'abandó durant l'avaluació continuada.
Cuando finalice el curso 2013-14 se producirá la salida de la primera promoción de graduados en la Escuela Politécnica Superior (EPS). Teniendo en cuenta que antes de que transcurran seis años se debe renovar la acreditación de los títulos oficiales de Grado, consideramos adecuado efectuar un análisis crítico del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados del seguimiento realizado en el contexto educativo de los fundamentos físicos en los títulos de grado de la EPS. Estos resultados muestran la necesidad de abordar los cambios necesarios para corregir las deficiencias detectadas y mejorar la calidad del aprendizaje. Conviene recordar que el cambio que se pretendía realizar en la enseñanza universitaria era para centrarse en el aprendizaje del alumnado. Además incluimos un estudio de la evolución del aprendizaje de la física analizando las calificaciones de acceso en física y matemáticas y comparándolas con las obtenidas en los fundamentos físicos de los diferentes grados impartidos en la EPS. También presentaremos buena parte de las actividades realizadas para facilitar el aprendizaje continuo de nuestro alumnado mediante el uso de nuevas herramientas informáticas, como blogs, OpenCourseWare, materiales audiovisuales (pUAs), etc.
Purpose: To evaluate the correlation of the mean curvature and shape factors of both corneal surfaces for different corneal diameters measured with the Scheimpflug photography–based system in keratoconus eyes. Methods: A total of 61 keratoconus eyes of 61 subjects, aged 14 to 64 years, were included in this study. All eyes received a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination including anterior segment and corneal analysis with the Sirius system (CSO): anterior and posterior mean corneal radius for 3, 5, and 7 mm (aKM, pKM), anterior and posterior mean shape factor for 4.5 and 8 mm (ap, pp), central and minimal corneal thickness, and anterior chamber depth. Results: Mean aKM/pKM ratio around 1.20 (range, 0.95–1.48) was found for all corneal diameters (P = 0.24). Weak but significant correlations of this ratio with pachymetric parameters were found (r between −0.28 and −0.34, P < 0.04). The correlation coefficient between aKM and pKM was ≥0.92 for all corneal diameters. A strong and significant correlation was also found between ap and pp (r ≥ 0.86, P < 0.01). The multiple regression analysis revealed that central pKM was significantly correlated with aKM, central corneal thickness, anterior chamber depth, and spherical equivalent (R2 ≥ 0.88, P < 0.01) and that 8 mm pp was significantly correlated with 8 mm ap and age (R2 = 0.89, P < 0.01). Conclusions: Central posterior corneal curvature and shape factor in the keratoconus eye can be consistently predicted from the anterior corneal curvature and shape factor, respectively, in combination with other anatomical and ocular parameters.
Objective: To evaluate two cases of intermittent exotropia (IX(T)) treated by vision therapy the efficacy of the treatment by complementing the clinical examination with a 3-D video-oculography to register and to evidence the potential applicability of this technology for such purpose. Methods: We report the binocular alignment changes occurring after vision therapy in a woman of 36 years with an IX(T) of 25 prism diopters (Δ) at far and 18 Δ at near and a child of 10 years with 8 Δ of IX(T) in primary position associated to 6 Δ of left eye hypotropia. Both patients presented good visual acuity with correction in both eyes. Instability of ocular deviation was evident by VOG analysis, revealing also the presence of vertical and torsional components. Binocular vision therapy was prescribed and performed including different types of vergence, accommodation, and consciousness of diplopia training. Results: After therapy, excellent ranges of fusional vergence and a “to-the-nose” near point of convergence were obtained. The 3-D VOG examination (Sensoro Motoric Instruments, Teltow, Germany) confirmed the compensation of the deviation with a high level of stability of binocular alignment. Significant improvement could be observed after therapy in the vertical and torsional components that were found to become more stable. Patients were very satisfied with the outcome obtained by vision therapy. Conclusion: 3D-VOG is a useful technique for providing an objective register of the compensation of the ocular deviation and the stability of the binocular alignment achieved after vision therapy in cases of IX(T), providing a detailed analysis of vertical and torsional improvements.
La línea de actuación prioritaria, en la presente edición, que es la cuarta, de nuestra “Red para la colaboración con centros de secundaria para la formación experimental de alumnos de bachillerato”, sigue siendo el fomento del intercambio de experiencias en diferentes campos del conocimiento dirigidas al alumnado que cursa Bachillerato o estudios de Secundaria. En este marco, este curso hemos recibido en nuestros laboratorios, para la realización de diferentes prácticas, en las que los alumnos han sido los verdaderos protagonistas, a 14 centros de la provincia de Alicante, en los meses de Enero y Febrero, durante el periodo de exámenes de los alumnos de grado. En total han sido 265 alumnos los que han realizado bajo nuestra supervisión las prácticas de laboratorio que previamente habían sido ofertadas en esta edición a los centros. Como en anteriores ediciones, los resultados obtenidos han sido plenamente satisfactorios tanto para los alumnos como para todos los profesores integrantes de la Red.