272 resultados para Équation différentielle de Riccati


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In last decades, control of nonlinear dynamic systems became an important and interesting problem studied by many authors, what results the appearance of lots of works about this subject in the scientific literature. In this paper, an Atomic Force Microscope micro cantilever operating in tapping mode was modeled, and its behavior was studied using bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits, time history, Poincare maps and Lyapunov exponents. Chaos was detected in an interval of time; those phenomena undermine the achievement of accurate images by the sample surface. In the mathematical model, periodic and chaotic motion was obtained by changing parameters. To control the chaotic behavior of the system were implemented two control techniques. The SDRE control (State Dependent Riccati Equation) and Time-delayed feedback control. Simulation results show the feasibility of the bothmethods, for chaos control of an AFM system. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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In this work the chaotic behavior of a micro-mechanical resonator with electrostatic forces on both sides is suppressed. The aim is to control the system in an orbit of the analytical solution obtained by the Method of Multiple Scales. Two control strategies are used for controlling the trajectory of the system, namely: State Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE) Control and Optimal Linear Feedback Control (OLFC). The controls proved effectiveness in controlling the trajectory of the system. Additionally, the robustness of each strategy is tested considering the presence of parametric errors and measurement noise in control. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper the dynamics of the ideal and non-ideal Duffing oscillator with chaotic behavior is considered. In order to suppress the chaotic behavior and to control the system, a control signal is introduced in the system dynamics. The control strategy involves the application of two control signals, a nonlinear feedforward control to maintain the controlled system in a periodic orbit, obtained by the harmonic balance method, and a state feedback control, obtained by the state dependent Riccati equation, to bring the system trajectory into the desired periodic orbit. Additionally, the control strategy includes an active magnetorheological damper to actuate on the system. The control force of the damper is a function of the electric current applied in the coil of the damper, that is based on the force given by the controller and on the velocity of the damper piston displacement. Numerical simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the control strategy in leading the system from any initial condition to a desired orbit, and considering the mathematical model of the damper (MR), it was possible to control the force of the shock absorber (MR), by controlling the applied electric current in the coils of the damper. © 2012 Foundation for Scientific Research and Technological Innovation.


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In this paper, an application is considered of both active and passive controls, to suppression of chaotic behavior of a simple portal frame, under the excitation of an unbalanced DC motor, with limited power supply (non-ideal problem). The adopted active control strategy consists of two controls: the nonlinear (feedforward) in order to keep the controlled system in a desirable orbit, and the feedback control, which may be obtained by considering state-dependent Riccati equation control to bringing the system into the desired orbit using a magneto rheological (MR) damper. To control the electric current applied in control of the MR damper the Bouc-Wen mathematical model was used to the MR damper. The passive control was obtained by means of a nonlinear sub-structure with properties of nonlinear energy sink. Simulations showed the efficiency of both the passive control (energy pumping) and active control strategies in the suppression of the chaotic behavior. © The Author(s) 2012.


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The performance of the optimal linear feedback control and of the state-dependent Riccati equation control techniques applied to control and to suppress the chaotic motion in the atomic force microscope are analyzed. In addition, the sensitivity of each control technique regarding to parametric uncertainties are considered. Simulation results show the advantages and disadvantages of each technique. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.


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In this paper we study the behavior of a structure vulnerable to excessive vibrations caused by an non-ideal power source. To perform this study, the mathematical model is proposed, derive the equations of motion for a simple plane frame excited by an unbalanced rotating machine with limited power (non-ideal motor). The non-linear and non-ideal dynamics in system is demonstrated with a chaotic behavior. We use a State-Dependent Riccati Equation Control technique for regulate the chaotic behavior, in order to obtain a periodic orbit small and to decrease its amplitude. The simulation results show the identification by State-Dependent Riccati Equation Control is very effective. © 2013 Academic Publications, Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Cette étude visait à générer une carte du potentiel d'érosion pour la Ferme Santa Edwirges, située à Lorena /SP. Les résultats ont etés classifiés en faible, modéré, élève et très élève potentiel d'érosion et la carte obtenue a été comparé par rapport aux autres cartes existantes pour la zone d'étude. La méthodologie proposée se basant sur une application qualitative simple L’équation Universelle de Perte de Sol (USLE ou EUPS), en considérant les parties de l'équation: érodibilité, la topographie et l'utilisation des terres. Les donnés ont etés intégrés par l'algèbre de carte dans l’environnement SIG de ArcGIS. Pour la représentation de chacune de ces parcelles, nous avons utilisé une carte des formations superficielles de la ferme, généré à partir d'une ré-interprétation de la carte géologique, une carte de la pente et une carte d'utilisation des terres, attribuant un poids d’important pour chaque catégorie de ces cartes dans le processus d'érosion et dans l'algèbre proposée. Les résultats obtenus sont compatibles avec les zones identifiées comme les plus critiques sur terrain. La ferme a été identifiée comme de potentiel d'érosion modérée et la partie sud de la ferme le plus critique, suivi du groupe conduit par la zone de cisaillement, par contre les plaines proches des rivières ont eté identifié comme la zone plus stable avec moins de potentiel d'érosionDe la comparaison des résultats de ce travail et d'autres qui ont fait antérieurement dans la zone d’intéresse, qui ont utilisé les paramètres géotechniques dans la représentation de l'érosivité des sols, nous avons pu voir des résultats similaires, en particulier dans les zones à potentiel élevé et faible pour l'érosion. De la discussion et analyse des résultats, la méthodologie proposée à eté validée


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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This paper examines the historical role that Tesnière’s theory on the centrality of the verb exerted on some theoretical branches that study the way utterances are built in language. The main goal of this paper is to evaluate the impact that such a proposal had in changing the view of the clause being purely logical (a proposition) or purely syntactic (abstractly equated) to a view that embodies semantics and pragmatics to the syntactic organization of the utterance. A close examination of research dedicated to the grammatical and lexicographic description of Portuguese helps to illustrate the here proposed assessment and contributes to support the claim of the influence of Tesnière on current linguistic analyses.


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A robotic control design considering all the inherent nonlinearities of the robot-engine configuration is developed. The interactions between the robot and joint motor drive mechanism are considered. The proposed control combines two strategies, one feedforward control in order to maintain the system in the desired coordinate, and feedback control system to take the system into a desired coordinate. The feedback control is obtained using State-Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE). For link positioning two cases are considered. Case I: For control positioning, it is only used motor voltage; Case II: For control positioning, it is used both motor voltage and torque between the links. Simulation results, including parametric uncertainties in control shows the feasibility of the proposed control for the considered system.