174 resultados para xenobiotic


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For hepatic schistosomiasis the egg-induced granulomatous response and the development of extensive fibrosis are the main pathologies. We used a Schistosoma japonicum-infected mouse model to characterise the multi-cellular pathways associated with the recovery from hepatic fibrosis following clearance of the infection with the anti-schistosomal drug, praziquantel. In the recovering liver splenomegaly, granuloma density and liver fibrosis were all reduced. Inflammatory cell infiltration into the liver was evident, and the numbers of neutrophils, eosinophils and macrophages were significantly decreased. Transcriptomic analysis revealed the up-regulation of fatty acid metabolism genes and the identification of Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha as the upstream regulator of liver recovery. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor signalling pathway which regulates xenobiotic metabolism was also differentially up-regulated. These findings provide a better understanding of the mechanisms associated with the regression of hepatic schistosomiasis.


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No plantio do arroz parte de um corpo d’água (rio, lago, lagoa) é desviado para a irrigação da plantação, e, posteriormente, a água utilizada nas lavouras é devolvida ao rio/lago/lagoa de origem. Assim, seja por lixiviação ou por qualquer outro fator, a água entra em contato com os agrotóxicos que, anteriormente, foram utilizados na plantação, podendo causar danos à qualidade do recurso hídrico e à fauna lacustre, devido à exposição a estes poluentes. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a citotoxicidade de agrotóxicos (herbicida e inseticida), utilizados na rizicultura no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, em células hepáticas da linhagem ZF-L. A partir da análise de funcionalidade de três alvos celulares diferentes, integridade da membrana celular, estabilidade lisossomal e atividade mitocondrial frente à exposição ao Roundup Transorb® , ao Furadan 350 SC® e à associação destes produtos. Foi analisada ainda, a capacidade de defesa das células, expostas aos poluentes escolhidos, no que diz respeito à atividade de proteínas extrusoras de xenobióticos, assim como à expressão de tais proteínas. A partir dos resultados obtidos foi verificado efeito citotóxico de ambos os agrotóxicos, bem como a mistura destes para todos os alvos verificados, apresentando ainda efeito inibitório à atividade de extrusão de xenobióticos pelas glicoproteínas P (P-gps). Apenas quando expostas ao inseticida e à mistura as células apresentaram um aumento na expressão de glicoproteínas (P-gp). Verificou-se a existência de correlação negativa entre a citotoxicidade apresentada, principalmente na atividade mitocondrial e na integridade lisossomo e a atividade das P-gps. Em conclusão, percebeu-se que as concentrações abaixo do permitido pela legislação brasileira, para os princípios ativos dos agrotóxicos testados, mostraram-se tóxicas para todos os alvos de citotoxicidade testados neste estudo, com exceção da mitocôndria, sugerindo que esta toxicidade apresentada pode ser devido aos surfactantes presentes nas formulações comerciais.


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Glutathione transferases (GSTs) are a diverse family of enzymes that catalyze the glutathione-dependent detoxification of toxic compounds. GSTs are responsible for the conjugation of the tripeptide glutathione (GSH) to a wide range of electrophilic substrates. These include industrial pollutants, drugs, genotoxic carcinogen metabolites, antibiotics, insecticides and herbicides. In light of applications in biomedicine and biotechnology as cellular detoxification agents, detailed structural and functional studies of GSTs are required. Plant tau class GSTs play crucial catalytic and non-catalytic roles in cellular xenobiotic detoxification process in agronomically important crops. The abundant existence of GSTs in Glycine max and their ability to provide resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses such as herbicide tolerance is of great interest in agriculture because they provide effective and suitable tools for selective weed control. Structural and catalytic studies on tau class GST isoenzymes from Glycine max (GmGSTU10-10, GmGSTU chimeric clone 14 (Sh14), and GmGSTU2-2) were performed. Crystal structures of GmGSTU10-10 in complex with glutathione sulfenic acid (GSOH) and Sh14 in complex with S-(p-nitrobenzyl)-glutathione (Nb-GSH) were determined by molecular replacement at 1.6 Å and 1.75 Å, respectively. Major structural variations that affect substrate recognition and catalytic mechanism were revealed in the upper part of helix H4 and helix H9 of GmGSTU10-10. Structural analysis of Sh14 showed that the Trp114Cys point mutation is responsible for the enhanced catalytic activity of the enzyme. Furthermore, two salt bridges that trigger an allosteric effect between the H-sites were identified at the dimer interface between Glu66 and Lys104. The 3D structure of GmGSTU2-2 was predicted using homology modeling. Structural and phylogenetic analysis suggested GmGSTU2-2 shares residues that are crucial for the catalytic activity of other tau class GSTs–Phe10, Trp11, Ser13, Arg20, Tyr30, Leu37, Lys40, Lys53, Ile54, Glu66 and Ser67. This indicates that the catalytic and ligand binding site in GmGSTU2-2 are well-conserved. Nevertheless, at the ligandin binding site a significant variation was observed. Tyr32 is replaced by Ser32 in GmGSTU2-2 and thismay affect the ligand recognition and binding properties of GmGSTU2-2. Moreover, docking studies revealed important amino acid residues in the hydrophobic binding site that can affect the substrate specificity of the enzyme. Phe10, Pro12, Phe15, Leu37, Phe107, Trp114, Trp163, Phe208, Ile212, and Phe216 could form the hydrophobic ligand binding site and bind fluorodifen. Additionally, side chains of Arg111 and Lys215 could stabilize the binding through hydrogen bonds with the –NO2 groups of fluorodifen. GST gene family from the pathogenic soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 was characterized and eight GST-like proteins in A. tumefaciens (AtuGSTs) were identified. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that four members of AtuGSTs belong to a previously recognized bacterial beta GST class and one member to theta class. Nevertheless, three AtuGSTs do not belong to any previously known GST classes. The 3D structures of AtuGSTs were predicted using homology modeling. Comparative structural and sequence analysis of the AtuGSTs showed local sequence and structural characteristics between different GST isoenzymes and classes. Interactions at the G-site are conserved, however, significant variations were seen at the active site and the H5b helix at the C-terminal domain. H5b contributes to the formation of the hydrophobic ligand binding site and is responsible for recognition of the electrophilic moiety of the xenobiotic. It is noted that the position of H5b varies among models, thus providing different specificities. Moreover, AtuGSTs appear to form functional dimers through diverse modes. AtuGST1, AtuGST3, AtuGST4 and AtuGST8 use hydrophobic ‘lock–and–key’-like motifs whereas the dimer interface of AtuGST2, AtuGST5, AtuGST6 and AtuGST7 is dominated by polar interactions. These results suggested that AtuGSTs could be involved in a broad range of biological functions including stress tolerance and detoxification of toxic compounds.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Molecular, 2016.


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Introducción. Los trabajadores de los talleres de reparación de automóviles conviven diariamente con la exposición a los solventes orgánicos, exposición que se convierte en un riesgo para su salud que generalmente en el corto plazo se presenta como déficits de concentración, memoria y tiempo de reacción y en el largo plazo produciendo graves repercusiones clínicas como efectos mutagénicos y carcinogénicos. Objetivo. Caracterizar las condiciones higiénicas y de seguridad de trabajadores ocupacionalmente expuestos a solventes orgánicos y determinar los niveles ambientales de benceno, tolueno y xileno (BTX) en talleres de lámina y pintura automotriz de la ciudad de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio de corte transversal en 60 trabajadores que laboran expuestos a solventes orgánicos en talleres de reparación automotriz en Bogotá. Se realizó una encuesta con variables sociodemográficas, laborales y se determinaron los niveles en aire de benceno, tolueno y xileno. Para los muestreos ambientales, las bombas se colocaron en una posición fija representativa del ambiente general, con el objeto de conocer la distribución de los solventes en el área de trabajo. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo por conteos de frecuencia, medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Se utilizó prueba de bondad de ajuste para distribución normal (Kolmogorov-Smirnov o Shapiro Wilk), prueba t Student para comparación de medias, o en su defecto prueba U de Mann Whitney para comparación de medianas. Para identificar la relación entre las características sociodemográficas y ocupacionales con la exposición a BTX, se utilizaron pruebas de asociación Chi cuadrado o análisis de correlación según la naturaleza de las variables. El nivel de significancia para cada prueba fue 0.05. Resultados. La edad promedio de los trabajadores fue de 43 años y un tiempo total de exposición a solventes de 20 años. Respecto al uso de protección corporal, 45 (75%) de los trabajadores manifestaron que usaban uniforme, mientras que 14 (23,3%) usaban ropa de calle durante la jornada laboral. El 46,7% manifestaron usar protección respiratoria. La concentración de benceno en aire fue entre 0,1 y 0,45 mg/l (mediana de 0,31 mg/l; DE 0,13 mg/l); la de tolueno estuvo entre 8,25 y 27,22 mg/l (mediana de 14,5 mg/l; DE 6.99 mg/l) y la de xileno entre 19,34 y 150,15 mg/l (mediana de 70,12 mg/l; DE 40,82 mg/l). Conclusión. Los pintores de automóviles están expuestos a niveles elevados de solventes en los lugares de trabajo y no cuentan con condiciones de higiene y seguridad industrial adecuados. Un gran número de pintores son informales lo que les impide el acceso a los beneficios del Sistema de Seguridad Social Integral.


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The aim of this study is to understand the biological role of Serratia quinivorans BXF1, a bacterium commonly found associated with Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the plant parasitic nematode responsible for pine wilt disease. Therefore, we studied strain BXF1 effect in pine wilt disease. We found that strain BXF1 promoted in vitro nematode reproduction. Moreover, the presence of bacteria led to the absence of nematode chitinase gene (Bxcht-1) expression, suggesting an effect for bacterial chitinase in nematode reproduction. Nevertheless, strain BXF1 was unable to colonize the nematode interior, bind to its cuticle with high affinity or protect the nematode from xenobiotic stress. Interestingly, strain BXF1 was able to promote tomato and pine plant-growth, as well as to colonize its interior, thus, acting like a plant-growth promoting endophyte. Consequently, strain BXF1 failed to induce wilting symptoms when inoculated in pine shoot artificial incisions. This bacterium also presented strong antagonistic activities against fungi and bacteria isolated from Pinus pinaster. Our results suggest that B. xylophilus does not possess a strict symbiotic community capable of inducing pine wilt disease symptoms as previously hypothesized. We show that bacteria like BXF1, which possess plant-growth promoting and antagonistic effects, may be opportunistically associated with B. xylophilus, possibly acquired from the bacterial endophytic community of the host pine.


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Pine wilt disease (PWD) results from the interaction of three elements: the pathogenic nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus; the insect-vector, Monochamus sp.; and the host tree, mostly Pinus species. Bacteria isolated from B. xylophilus may be a fourth element in this complex disease. However, the precise role of bacteria in this interaction is unclear as both plant-beneficial and as plant-pathogenic bacteria may be associated with PWD. Using whole genome sequencing and phenotypic characterization, we were able to investigate in more detail the genetic repertoire of Serratia marcescens PWN146, a bacterium associated with B. xylophilus. We show clear evidence that S. marcescens PWN146 is able to withstand and colonize the plant environment, without having any deleterious effects towards a susceptible host (Pinus thunbergii), B. xylophilus nor to the nematode model C. elegans. This bacterium is able to tolerate growth in presence of xenobiotic/organic compounds, and use phenylacetic acid as carbon source. Furthermore, we present a detailed list of S. marcescens PWN146 potentials to interfere with plant metabolism via hormonal pathways and/or nutritional acquisition, and to be competitive against other bacteria and/or fungi in terms of resource acquisition or production of antimicrobial compounds. Further investigation is required to understand the role of bacteria in PWD. We have now reinforced the theory that B. xylophilus-associated bacteria may have a plant origin.


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The migratory endoparasitic nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which is the causal agent of pine wilt disease, has phytophagous and mycetophagous phases during its life cycle. This highly unusual feature distinguishes it from other plantparasitic nematodes and requires profound changes in biology between modes. During the phytophagous stage, the nematode migrates within pine trees, feeding on the contents of parenchymal cells. Like other plant pathogens, B. xylophilus secretes effectors from pharyngeal gland cells into the host during infection.We provide the first description of changes in the morphology of these gland cells between juvenile and adult life stages. Using a comparative transcriptomics approach and an effector identification pipeline, we identify numerous novel parasitism genes which may be important for the mediation of interactions of B. xylophilus with its host. In-depth characterization of all parasitism genes using in situ hybridization reveals two major categories of detoxification proteins, those specifically expressed in either the pharyngeal gland cells or the digestive system. These data suggest that B. xylophilus incorporates effectors in a multilayer detoxification strategy in order to protect itself from host defence responses during phytophagy.


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A Histologia, o estudo de tecidos, é uma das áreas fundamentais da Biologia que permitiu enormes avanços científicos. Sendo uma tarefa exigente, meticulosa e demorada, será importante aproveitar a existência de ferramentas e algoritmos computacionais no seu auxílio, tornando o processo mais rápido e possibilitando a descoberta de informação que poderá não estar visível à partida. Esta dissertação tem como principal objectivo averiguar se um animal foi ou não sujeito à ingestão de um xenobiótico. Com esse objectivo em vista, utilizaram-se técnicas de processamento e segmentação de imagem aplicadas a imagens de tecido renal de ratos saudáveis e ratos que ingeriram o xenobiótico. Destas imagens extraíram-se inúmeras características do corpúsculo renal que após serem analisadas através de vários algoritmos de classificação mostraram ser possível saber se o animal ingeriu ou não o xenobiótico, com um reduzido grau de incerteza. ABSTRACT: Histology, the study of tissues, is one of the key areas of Biology that has allowed huge advances in Science. Being a demanding, meticulous and time consuming task, it is important to use the existence of computational tools and algorithms in its aid, making the process faster and enabling the discovery of information that may not be initially visible. The main goal of this thesis is to ascertain if an animal was subjected or not to the ingestion of a xenobiotic. With this in mind, were used image processing and segmentation techniques applied on images of kidney tissue from healthy rats and rats that ingested the xenobiotic. From these images were extracted several features of renal glomeruli that after being analyzed by various classification algorithms had shown to be possible to know, with an acceptable degree of certainty, if the animal ingested or not the xenobiotic.