958 resultados para urine color
Selostus: Mahdollisuus lyhytaikaisen virtsankeruun käyttöön lypsylehmien virtsan pseudouridiinin erityksen määrittämisessä
For more than 20 years, measurement of catecholamines in plasma and urine in clinical chemistry laboratories has been the cornerstone of the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors deriving from the neural crest such as pheochromocytoma (PHEO) and neuroblastoma (NB), and is still used to assess sympathetic stress function in man and animals. Although assay of catecholamines in urine are still considered the biochemical standard for the diagnosis of NB, they have been progressively abandoned for excluding/confirming PHEOs to the advantage of metanephrines (MNs). Nevertheless, catecholamine determinations are still of interest to improve the biochemical diagnosis of PHEO in difficult cases that usually require a clonidine-suppression test, or to establish whether a patient with PHEO secretes high concentrations of catecholamines in addition to metanephrines. The aim of this chapter is to provide an update about the catecholamine assays in plasma and urine and to show the most common pre-analytical and analytical pitfalls associated with their determination.
Selostus: Korkealla virranvoimakkuudella tainnutettujen broilereiden rintafileen irroitushetken vaikutus lihaksen leikkausvoiman vastukseen, pH:hon, keittohävikkiin ja väriin
Selostus: Kationi-anionitasapaino ummessaolevien lypsylehmien säilörehuruokinnassa kalsiumin saannin ollessa runsas
Selostus: Kationi-anionitasapaino ja kalsiumin saanti ummessaolevien lypsylehmien säilörehuruokinnassa
Selostus: Kationi-anionitasapaino ja magnesiumin saanti ummessaolevien lypsylehmien säilörehuruokinnassa
Naive scale invariance is not a true property of natural images. Natural monochrome images possess a much richer geometrical structure, which is particularly well described in terms of multiscaling relations. This means that the pixels of a given image can be decomposed into sets, the fractal components of the image, with well-defined scaling exponents [Turiel and Parga, Neural Comput. 12, 763 (2000)]. Here it is shown that hyperspectral representations of natural scenes also exhibit multiscaling properties, observing the same kind of behavior. A precise measure of the informational relevance of the fractal components is also given, and it is shown that there are important differences between the intrinsically redundant red-green-blue system and the decorrelated one defined in Ruderman, Cronin, and Chiao [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 15, 2036 (1998)].
El presente artículo analiza la significación simbólica del color como manifestación de la Belleza divina en el Diarium spirituale (La revelación de los secretos, Kaslzfal-nsr2r) de RGzbihh Baqli ShirazT (m. 606/1209), uno de los grandes místicos del amor del sufismo persa. El diario de RGzbihan es un documento excepcional de la literatura sufí. Paul Nwyia ha descrito este texto como «único en el campo de La mística islámica, incluso de la literatura mística universal», y Henry Corbin era de la misma opinión. El diario de RGzbihari está lleno de visiones de asombrosa intensidad, y contiene encuentros extraordinarios con Dios, los ángeles, los profetas y los santos sufíes. A su vez, en el arte moderno, los Diarios de Paul Klee muestran la vigencia del sentido espiritual del color como una forma de visión interior.
We explored the washout period of creatine (Cr) after repeated ingestions of high doses of exogenous Cr. Ten athletes ingested daily, in a randomized double-blind study design, 30 g of exoge- nous Cr (n = 5, Cr-group) or a placebo (n = 5, Pl-group). Serum and urine samples were collected 1) before supplementation (BEFO- RE), 2) after one week Cr supplementation (AFTER), and 3) one week later without supplementation (LATER). The Cr and crea- tinine (Crn) concentrations in serum (sCr, sCrn) and in multiple spots urine (uCr, uCrn) were measured. We observed a significant rise (p < 0.01) in sCr, uCr and sCrn between BEFORE and AFTER supplementation in Cr-group, as well as a significant difference between Cr-group and Pl-group. Body weight increased signifi- cantly (+1.5 kg), but relative body fat (%fat) was unchanged. After the washout period in LATER Cr-group, sCr and uCr decreased to low residual values. No loss of body weight occurred during thisperiod. In contrast, sCrn and uCrn returned to baseline values. In conclusion, regular uptake of high doses of exogenous Cr affects both Cr and Crn concentrations in serum (sCr: 14 folds; sCrn: 1.2 folds) and urine (uCr: 140 folds; uCrn: 1.5 folds). An abuse of Cr is therefore mostly spilled over in urine. Surprise drug tests, such as doping controls, happening during the period of Cr supplementa- tion can reveal an important increase in Cr and Crn concentrations, although subjects stopped suddenly Cr loading. The discernible effect of Cr supplementation on these values disappeared within one week.
The function of sleep remains unknown. To gain insight into the function of sleep in natural conditions, I assessed variation in sleep architecture and its link with fitness-related phenotypic traits. I considered melanin-based coloration because its underlying genetic basis is very well known giving an opportunity to examine whether some genes pleiotropically regulate both coloration and sleep. The melanocortin system is known to generate covariation between melanin-based coloration and other phenotypes like behaviour, physiology and life history traits. I investigated whether this system of genes could participate in the co-expression of coloration and sleep. I carried out a study with nestling barn owls (Tyto alba) in order to tackle the potential link between variation in color traits and the ontogeny of sleep under natural conditions. For this I established a suitable method for recording the brain activity (electroencephalogram) of owls in nature. Birds are especially interesting, because they convergently evolved sleep states similar to those exhibited by mammals. As in mammals, I found that in owlets time spent in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep declines with age, a relationship thought to eflect developmental changes in the brain. Thus this developmental trajectory appears to reflect a fundamental feature of sleep. Additionally, I discovered an association between a gene involved in melanism expressed in the feather follicles (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 2, PCSK2) and the age-related changes in sleep in the brain. Nestlings with higher expression levels of PCSK2 showed a more precocial pattern of sleep development and a higher degree of melanin-based coloration compared to nestlings with lower PCSK2 expression. Also sleep architecture and the development of rhythmicity in brain and physical activity was related to plumage traits of the nestlings and their biological parents. This pattern during ontogeny might reflect differences in life l history strategies, antipredator behaviour and developmental pace. Therefore, differently colored individuals may differentially deal with trade-offs between the costs and benefits of sleep which in turn lead to differences in brain organization and ultimately fitness. These results should stimulate evolutionary biologists to consider sleep as a major life history trait. Résumé La fonction du sommeil reste inconnue. Afin d'acquérir une meilleur compréhension de la fonction du sommeil dans les conditions naturelles, j'ai analysé la variation dans l'architecture du sommeil et son lien avec d'autres traits phénotypiques liés au succès reproducteur (fitness). J'ai choisi et examiné la coloration mélanique, car ses bases génétiques sont bien connues et il est ainsi possible d'étudier si certains gènes, de façon pléiotropique régulent à la fois la coloration et le sommeil. J'ai exploré si ce système génétique était impliqué dans la co-expression de la coloration et du sommeil. J'ai effectué mon étude sur des poussins de chouette effraie (Tyto alba) en condition naturelle, pour rechercher ce lien potentiel entre la variation de la coloration et l'ontogenèse du sommeil. Dans ce but, j'ai établi une méthodologie permettant d'enregistrer l'activité cérébrale (électroencéphalogramme) des chouettes dans la nature. Les oiseaux sont particulièrement intéressants car ils ont développé, par évolution convergente, des phases de sommeil similaires à celles des mammifères. De manière semblable à ce qui a été montré chez les mammifères, j'ai découvert que le temps passé dans le sommeil paradoxal diminue avec l'âge des poussins. On pense que ceci est dû aux changements développementaux au niveau du cerveau. Cette trajectoire développementale semble refléter une caractéristique fondamentale du sommeil. J'ai également découvert une association entre l'un des gènes impliqué dans le mélanisme, exprimé dans les follicules plumeux (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 2, PCSK2), et les changements dans la structure du sommeil avec l'âge. Les poussins ayant un niveau d'expression génétique élevé de la PCSK2 présentent une structure du sommeil plus précoce et un taux de coloration dû à la mélanine plus élevé que des poussins avec un niveau d'expression moindre de la PCSK2. L'architecture du sommeil et le développement de la rythmicité dans le cerveau ainsi que l'activité physique sont également liés à la coloration des plumes des poussins et pourraient ainsi refléter des différences de stratégies d'histoire de vie, de comportements anti-prédateur et de vitesses développementales. Ainsi, des individus de coloration différente sembleraient traiter différemment les coûts et les bénéfices du sommeil, ce qui aurait des conséquences sur l'organisation cérébrale et pour finir, sur le succès reproducteur. Ces résultats devraient encourager les biologistes évolutionnistes à considérer le sommeil comme un important trait d'histoire de vie. Zusammenfassung Die Funktion von Schlaf ist noch unbekannt. Um mehr Einsicht in diese unter natürlichen Bedingungen zu bekommen, habe ich die Variation in der Schlafarchitektur und die Verknüpfung mit phänotypischen Merkmalen, die mit der Fitness zusammenhängen, studiert. Ich habe mir melanin-basierte Färbung angesehen, da die zugrunde liegende genetische Basis bekannt ist und somit die Möglichkeit gegeben ist, zu untersuchen, ob einige Gene beides regulieren, Färbung und Schlaf. Das melanocortin System generiert eine Kovariation zwischen melanin-basierter Färbung und anderen phänotypischer Merkmale wie Verhalten, Physiologie und Überlebensstrategien. Ich habe untersucht, ob dieses Gensystem an einer gleichzeitigen Steuerung von Färbung und Schlaf beteiligt ist. Dazu habe ich Schleiereulen (Tyto alba) studiert um einen möglichen Zusammenhang zwischen der Variation in der Pigmentierung und der Entwicklung des Schlafs unter natürlichen Bedingungen zu entdecken. Für diese Studie entwickelte ich eine Methode um die Gehirnaktivität (Elektroenzephalogramm) bei Eulen in der Natur aufzunehmen. Vögel sind besonders interessant, da sie die gleichen Schlafstadien aufweisen wie Säugetiere und diese unabhängig konvergent entwickelt haben. Genauso wie bei Säugetieren nahm die Dauer des sogenannten ,,rapid eye movement" (REM) - Schlafes mit zunehmendem Alter ab. Es wird angenommen, dass dieser Zusammenhang die Entwicklung des Gehirns widerspiegelt. Daher scheint dieses Entwicklungsmuster ein fundamentaler Aspekt von Schlaf zu sein. Zusätzlich entdeckte ich einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Aktivität eines Gens in den Federfollikeln (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 2, PCSK2), das für die Ausprägung schwarzer Punkte auf den Federn der Eulen verantwortlich ist, und den altersabhängigen Änderungen im Schlafmuster im Gehirn. Küken mit höherer Aktivität von PCSK2 zeigten eine frühreifere Schlafentwicklung und eine dunklere Färbung als Küken mit niedriger PCSK2 Aktivität. Die Architekture des Schlafes und die Entwicklung der Rhythmik im Gehirn und die der physischen Aktivität ist mit der Färbung des Gefieders von den Küken und ihren Eltern verknüpft. Dieses Muster während der Entwicklung kann Unterschiede in Überlebensstrategien, Feindabwehrverhalten und in der Entwicklungsgeschwindigkeit reflektieren. Unterschiedlich gefärbte Individuen könnten unterschiedliche Strategien haben um zwischen den Kosten und Nutzen von Schlaf zu entscheiden, was zu Unterschieden in der Gehirnstruktur führen kann und letztendlich zur Fitness. Diese Ergebnisse sollten Evolutionsbiologen stimulieren Schlaf als einen wichtigen Bestandteil des Lebens zu behandeln.
The ring sulfoxidation of thioridazine (THD), a widely used neuroleptic agent, yields two diastereoisomeric pairs, fast- and slow-eluting (FE and SE) thioridazine 5-sulfoxide (THD 5-SO). Until now, studies in which concentrations of these metabolites were measured in THD-treated patients have revealed no significant differences in their concentrations. Preliminary experiments in our laboratory had shown that sunlight and, to a lesser extent, dim daylight led to racemization and probably also to photolysis of the diastereoisomeric pairs as measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. Similar results were also obtained with direct UV light (UV lamp). In appropriate light-protected conditions, THD, northioridazine, mesoridazine, sulforidazine, and FE and SE THD 5-SO were measured in 11 patients treated with various doses of THD for at least 1 week. Significantly higher concentrations of the FE stereoisomeric pair were found. The concentration ratios THD 5-SO (FE)/THD 5-SO (SE) ranged from 0.89 to 1.75 in plasma and from 1.15 to 2.05 in urine. Because it is known that the ring sulfoxide contributes to the cardiotoxicity of the drug even more potently than the parent compound does, these results justify further studies to determine whether there is stereoselectivity in the cardiotoxicity of THD 5-SO.
The new-generation nebulizers are commonly used for the administration of salbutamol in mechanically ventilated patients. The different modes of administration and new devices have not been compared. We developed a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of concentrations as low as 0.05 ng/mL of salbutamol, corresponding to the desired plasma concentration after inhalation. Salbutamol quantification was performed by reverse-phase HPLC. Analyte quantification was performed by electrospray ionization-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry using selected reaction monitoring detection ESI in the positive mode. The method was validated over concentrations ranging from 0.05 to 100 ng/mL in plasma and from 0.18 to 135 ng/mL in urine. The method is precise, with mean inter-day coefficient of variation (CV%) within 3.1-8.3% in plasma and 1.3-3.9% in urine, as well as accurate. The proposed method was found to reach the required sensitivity for the evaluation of different nebulizers as well as nebulization modes. The present assay was applied to examine whether salbutamol urine levels, normalized with the creatinine levels, correlated with the plasma concentrations. A suitable, convenient and noninvasive method of monitoring patients receiving salbutamol by mechanical ventilation could be implemented. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The arms race between predators and prey has led to morphological and behavioral adaptations. Different antipredator strategies can coexist within a population if each strategy is the result of a trade-off with competing demands. Antipredator behavior can be associated with morphological traits, like color patterns, either because in the context of sexual selection, coloration signals the ability to avoid predators or because coloration is a naturally selected trait useful in avoiding predators. Because in the barn owl (Tyto alba), heritable eumelanic plumage coloration is associated with the glucocorticoid-dependent response to stress, we tested whether antipredator behavior is also related to this trait. Compared with small-spotted nestlings, individuals displaying larger black spots hissed more intensely in the presence of humans, feigned death longer, had a lower breathing rate under stress, and were more docile when handled. Cross-fostering experiments showed that the covariation between the spot size and the duration of feigning death was inherited from the biological mother, whereas covariation between spot size and docility was inherited from the biological father. Our results confirm that melanin-based coloration is associated with suites of behavioral traits, which are under both genetic and environmental influence. Coloration can thus evolve as a direct or indirect response to predation, but it can also be a signal of antipredator strategies to potential mates.
Tiivistelmä: Viron soiden pinnanmuodot värillisten leijailmakuvien valossa