972 resultados para starch granules
In the present study, the efficacy of ozone inactivation of B. subtilis spores and E. coli in cassava starch was evaluated. Cassava starch with 18 and 30% moisture content was processed with ozone at concentrations of 40-118 ppm and exposure times of 15-120 minutes. The processing at 113 ppm/120 minutes (maximum exposure level to ozone evaluated) at 18% of moisture content did not cause significant reduction of B. subtilis spores and caused the reduction of only 2 decimal of E. coli. On the other hand, when the ozonation process was carried out for 120 minutes at 30% of moisture content, 3.6 decimal reduction of B. subtilis was achieved at 40 ppm of ozone and total B. subtilis load reduction (>5 log cycles) was observed at 118 ppm of ozone. Similarly, total E. coli load reduction (>7 log cycles) was achieved at 40 ppm of ozone exposure for 60 minutes. Therefore, the results indicate that the ozone efficacy against microorganisms in cassava starch was mainly dependent on the sample moisture content and to ozone concentration and exposure time. Moreover, it was observed that ozone is a promising technology to reduce microbial counts in dried food.
The opportunity to supplement common cassava biscuits with a product of higher nutritional value meets consumer expectations. In this work it was studied the effects of process parameters and flaxseed addition on physical properties of expanded snacks. Extrusion process was carried out using a single screw extruder in a factorial central composite rotatable design with four factors: flaxseed flour percentage (0-20%), moisture (12-20%), extrusion temperature (90-130 °C) and screw speed (190-270). The effect of extrusion variables was investigated in terms of expansion index, specific volume, water absorption index, water solubility index, color parameters (L*, a* ,b*) and hardness. The data analysis showed that variable parameters of the extrusion process and flaxseed flour affected physical properties of puffed snacks. Among the experimental conditions used in the present study, expanded snack products with good physical properties can be obtained under the conditions of 10% flaxseed flour, 230 rpm screw speed, temperature of 90 °C and moisture of 12%.
Technological functional properties of native and acid-thinned pinhão (seeds of Araucária angustifolia, Brazilian pine) starches were evaluated and compared to those of native and acid-thinned corn starches. The starches were hydrolyzed (3.2 mol.L-1 HCl, 44 ºC, 6 hours) and evaluated before and after the hydrolysis reaction in terms of formation, melting point and thermo-reversibility of gel starches, retrogradation (in a 30-day period and measurements every three days), paste freezing and thawing stability (after six freezing and thawing cycles), swelling power, and solubility. The results of light transmittance (%) of pastes of native and acid-thinned pinhão starches was higher (lower tendency to retrogradation) than that obtained for corn starches after similar storage period. Native pinhão starch (NPS) presented lower syneresis than native corn starch (NCS) when submitted to freeze-thaw cycles. The acid hydrolysis increased the syneresis of the two native varieties under storage at 5 ºC and after freezing and thawing cycles. The solubility of NPS was lower than that of native corn starch at 25, 50, and 70 ºC. However, for the acid-thinned pinhão starch (APS), this property was significantly higher (p < 0.05) when compared to that of acid-thinned corn starch (ACS). From the results obtained, it can be said that the acid treatment was efficient in producing a potential fat substitute from pinhão starch variety, but this ability must be further investigated.
Found in different foods, starch is the most important source of carbohydrates in the diet. Some factors present in starchy foods influence the rate at which the starch is hydrolyzed and absorbed in vivo. Due the importance of cassava products in Brazilian diet, the objective of this study was to analyze total starch, resistant starch, and digestible starch contents in commercial cassava products. Thirty three commercial cassava products from different brands, classifications, and origin were analyzed. The method used for determination of resistant starch consisted of an enzymatic process to calculate the final content of resistant starch considering the concentration of glucose released and analyzed. The results showed significant differences between the products. Among the flours and seasoned flours analyzed, the highest levels of resistant starch were observed in the flour from Bahia state (2.21%) and the seasoned flour from Paraná state (1.93%). Starch, tapioca, and sago showed levels of resistant starch ranging from 0.56 to 1.1%. The cassava products analyzed can be considered good sources of resistant starch; which make them beneficial products to the gastrointestinal tract.
Egg yolk was partially replaced (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%) with octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA)-modified potato starch in a reduced-fat mayonnaise formulation to curtail the problems associated with high cholesterol and induced allergic reactions. The physicochemical properties included parameters such as: pH, fat content, and emulsion stability of the formulations analyzed. The samples with 75% and 100% egg yolk substitute showed the maximum emulsion stability (>95% after two of months storage), and they were selected according to cholesterol content, particle size distributions, dynamic rheological properties, microstructure, and sensory characteristic. A significant reduction (84-97%) in the cholesterol content was observed in the selected samples. Particle size analysis showed that by increasing the amount of OSA starch, the oil droplets with the peak size of 70 µm engulfed by this compound became larger. The rheological tests elucidated that in the absence of egg yolk, OSA starch may not result in a final product with consistent texture and that the best ratio of the two emulsifiers (OSA starch/egg yolk) to produce stable reduced-fat, low cholesterol mayonnaise is 75/25. The microscopic images confirmed the formation of a stable cohesive layer of starch surrounding the oil droplets emulsified in the samples selected.
Abstract Biodegradable films blends made of safflower oil nutraceutical capsules waste corn starch (20:4, 30:4, 40:4 and 50:4) were prepared. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of addition of different concentrations of safflower oil nutraceutical capsule waste in the mechanical properties (tensile strength, elongation at break, Young’s modulus) and thickness of corn starch films. A decrease in tensile strength and Young’s modulus and an increase in elongation at break were observed with the increase in the content of the nutraceutical capsule waste. The results showed that the blends of safflower oil capsules waste-corn starch films demonstrated promising characteristics to form biodegradable films with different mechanical characteristics.
CASCO (Canada Starch Company) began operations in 1982 and was officially opened in May of 1983. Premier William Davis was in attendance. CASCO is a company whose roots can be traced back to 1858 when it was founded by W.T. Benson in Cardinal, Ontario. The company grew as corn uses were developed. Corn derived products now include: corn oil, liquid sweetener and feed for dairy and cattle. Starch is used as a finish for fine papers, a component in dry cell batteries, pharmaceuticals, wallpaper, film, tires, surgical dressings, plastics and plywood. Corn syrup is used in beverages, canned fruit, frozen seafood, licorice, ice cream and baking products. Corn solubles are used in animal feed, rubber substitutes, soap, paint and varnish. There are more than 250 industrial and food uses for corn
Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.
Les amidons non modifiées et modifiés représentent un groupe d’excipients biodégradables et abondants particulièrement intéressant. Ils ont été largement utilisés en tant qu’excipients à des fins diverses dans des formulations de comprimés, tels que liants et/ou agents de délitement. Le carboxyméthylamidon sodique à haute teneur en amylose atomisé (SD HASCA) a été récemment proposé comme un excipient hydrophile à libération prolongée innovant dans les formes posologiques orales solides. Le carboxyméthylamidon sodique à haute teneur en amylose amorphe (HASCA) a d'abord été produit par l'éthérification de l'amidon de maïs à haute teneur en amylose avec le chloroacétate. HASCA a été par la suite séché par atomisation pour obtenir le SD HASCA. Ce nouvel excipient a montré des propriétés présentant certains avantages dans la production de formes galéniques à libération prolongée. Les comprimés matriciels produits à partir de SD HASCA sont peu coûteux, simples à formuler et faciles à produire par compression directe. Le principal objectif de cette recherche était de poursuivre le développement et l'optimisation des comprimés matriciels utilisant SD HASCA comme excipient pour des formulations orales à libération prolongée. A cet effet, des tests de dissolution simulant les conditions physiologiques du tractus gastro-intestinal les plus pertinentes, en tenant compte de la nature du polymère à l’étude, ont été utilisés pour évaluer les caractéristiques à libération prolongée et démontrer la performance des formulations SD HASCA. Une étude clinique exploratoire a également été réalisée pour évaluer les propriétés de libération prolongée de cette nouvelle forme galénique dans le tractus gastro-intestinal. Le premier article présenté dans cette thèse a évalué les propriétés de libération prolongée et l'intégrité physique de formulations contenant un mélange comprimé de principe actif, de chlorure de sodium et de SD HASCA, dans des milieux de dissolution biologiquement pertinentes. L'influence de différentes valeurs de pH acide et de temps de séjour dans le milieu acide a été étudiée. Le profil de libération prolongée du principe actif à partir d'une formulation de SD HASCA optimisée n'a pas été significativement affecté ni par la valeur de pH acide ni par le temps de séjour dans le milieu acide. Ces résultats suggèrent une influence limitée de la variabilité intra et interindividuelle du pH gastrique sur la cinétique de libération à partir de matrices de SD HASCA. De plus, la formulation optimisée a gardé son intégrité pendant toute la durée des tests de dissolution. L’étude in vivo exploratoire a démontré une absorption prolongée du principe actif après administration orale des comprimés matriciels de SD HASCA et a montré que les comprimés ne se sont pas désintégrés en passant par l'estomac et qu’ils ont résisté à l’hydrolyse par les α-amylases dans l'intestin. Le deuxième article présente le développement de comprimés SD HASCA pour une administration orale une fois par jour et deux fois par jour contenant du chlorhydrate de tramadol (100 mg et 200 mg). Ces formulations à libération prolongée ont présenté des valeurs de dureté élevées sans nécessiter l'ajout de liants, ce qui facilite la production et la manipulation des comprimés au niveau industriel. La force de compression appliquée pour produire les comprimés n'a pas d'incidence significative sur les profils de libération du principe actif. Le temps de libération totale à partir de comprimés SD HASCA a augmenté de manière significative avec le poids du comprimé et peut, de ce fait, être utilisé pour moduler le temps de libération à partir de ces formulations. Lorsque les comprimés ont été exposés à un gradient de pH et à un milieu à 40% d'éthanol, un gel très rigide s’est formé progressivement sur leur surface amenant à la libération prolongée du principe actif. Ces propriétés ont indiqué que SD HASCA est un excipient robuste pour la production de formes galéniques orales à libération prolongée, pouvant réduire la probabilité d’une libération massive de principe actif et, en conséquence, des effets secondaires, même dans le cas de co-administration avec une forte dose d'alcool. Le troisième article a étudié l'effet de α-amylase sur la libération de principe actif à partir de comprimés SD HASCA contenant de l’acétaminophène et du chlorhydrate de tramadol qui ont été développés dans les premières étapes de cette recherche (Acetaminophen SR et Tramadol SR). La modélisation mathématique a montré qu'une augmentation de la concentration d’α-amylase a entraîné une augmentation de l'érosion de polymère par rapport à la diffusion de principe actif comme étant le principal mécanisme contrôlant la libération de principe actif, pour les deux formulations et les deux temps de résidence en milieu acide. Cependant, même si le mécanisme de libération peut être affecté, des concentrations d’α-amylase allant de 0 UI/L à 20000 UI/L n'ont pas eu d'incidence significative sur les profils de libération prolongée à partir de comprimés SD HASCA, indépendamment de la durée de séjour en milieu acide, le principe actif utilisé, la teneur en polymère et la différente composition de chaque formulation. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse démontre clairement l'utilité de SD HASCA en tant qu'un excipient à libération prolongée efficace.
Les Granule de Stress (GS) sont des inclusions cytoplasmiques contenant des protéines et des ARNm qui s’assemblent en réponse à l’exposition à un stress. Leur formation fait partie intégrante de la réponse cellulaire au stress et est considérée comme une étape déterminante pour la résistance au stress et la survie cellulaire. Actuellement, les GS sont reliés à divers pathologies allant des infections virales aux maladies neurovégétatives. L’une d’entre elle, la Sclérose Latérale Amyotrophique (SLA) est particulièrement agressive, caractérisée par une perte des neurones moteurs aboutissant à la paralysie et à la mort du patient en cinq ans en moyenne. Les mécanismes de déclenchement de la pathologie restent encore à déterminer. TDP-43 (TAR DNA binding protein 43) et FUS (Fused in liposarcoma) sont deux protéines reliées à la pathologie qui présentent des similarités de structure et de fonction, suggérant un mécanisme commun de toxicité. TDP-43 et FUS sont toutes les deux recrutées au niveau des GS en condition de stress. Nous avons démontré pour la première fois que la fonction des GS est de protéger les ARNm de la dégradation induite par l’exposition au stress. Cette fonction n’était que suspectée jusqu’alors. De plus nous avons mis en évidence que G3BP1 (Ras GTPase-activating protein-binding protein 1) est l’effectrice de cette fonction via son implication dans la dynamique de formation des GS. TDP-43 étant un régulateur de G3BP1, nous prouvons ainsi que la perte de fonction de TDP-43/G3BP1 aboutit à un défaut de réponse au stress aboutissant à une vulnérabilisation cellulaire. Le mécanisme de toxicité emprunter par FUS diffère de celui de TDP-43 et ne semble pas passer par une perte de fonction dans le cadre de la réponse au stress.
Glucoamylase from Aspergillus Niger was immobilized on montmorillonite clay (K-10) by two procedures, adsorption and covalent binding. The immobilized enzymes were characterized using XRD, surface area measurements and 27Al MAS NMR and the activity of the immobilized enzymes for starch hydrolysis was tested in a fixed bed reactor (FBR). XRD shows that enzyme intercalates into the inter-lamellar space of the clay matrix with a layer expansion up to 2.25 nm. Covalently bound glucoamylase demonstrates a sharp decrease in surface area and pore volume that suggests binding of the enzyme at the pore entrance. NMR studies reveal the involvement of octahedral and tetrahedral Al during immobilization. The performance characteristics in FBR were evaluated. Effectiveness factor (η) for FBR is greater than unity demonstrating that activity of enzyme is more than that of the free enzyme. The Michaelis constant (Km) for covalently bound glucoamylase was lower than that for free enzyme, i.e., the affinity for substrate improves upon immobilization. This shows that diffusional effects are completely eliminated in the FBR. Both immobilized systems showed almost 100% initial activity after 96 h of continuous operation. Covalent binding demonstrated better operational stability.
Biodegradation is the chemical degradation of materials brought about by the action of naturally occurring microorganisms. Biodegradation is a relatively rapid process under suitable conditions of moisture, temperature and oxygen availability. The logic behind blending biopolymers such as starch with inert polymers like polyethylene is that if the biopolymer component is present in sufficient amount, and if it is removed by microorganisms in the waste disposal environment, then the base inert plastic should slowly degrade and disappear. The present work focuses on the preparation of biodegradable and photodegradable blends based on low density polyethylene incorporating small quantities of ionomers as compatibilizers. The thesis consists of eight chapters. The first chapter presents an introduction to the present research work and literature survey. The details of the materials used and the experimental procedures undertaken for the study are described in the second chapter. Preparation and characterization of low density polyethylene (LDPE)-biopolymer (starch/dextrin) blends are described in the third chapter. The result of investigations on the effect of polyethylene-co-methacrylic acid ionomers on the compatibility of LDPE and starch are reported in chapter 4. Chapter 5 has been divided into two parts. The first part deals with the effect of metal oxides on the photodegradation of LDPE. The second part describes the function of metal stearates on the photodegradation of LDPE. The results of the investigations on the role of various metal oxides as pro-oxidants on the degradation of ionomer compatibilized LDPE-starch blends are reported in chapter 6. Chapter 7 deals with the results of investigations on the role of various metal stearates as pro-oxidants on the degradation of ionomer compatibilized LDPE-starch blends. The conclusion of the investigations is presented in the last chapter of the thesis.
Low-density polyethylene, (LDPE) was mixed with two grades of tapioca starch–lowgrade and high-grade. Various compositions were prepared and mechanical and thermal studies performed. The biodegradability of these samples was checked using a culture medium containing Vibrios (an amylase-producing bacteria), which was isolated from a marine benthic environment. The soil burial test and reprocessability of these samples were checked. The studies on biodegradability show that these blends are partially biodegradable. These low-density polyethylene-starch blends are reprocessable without sacrificing much of their mechanical properties
Earthworms of the family Lumbricidae, which includes many common species, produce and secrete up to millimeter-sized calcite granules, and the intricate fine-scale zoning of their constituent crystals is unique for a biomineral. Granule calcite is produced by crystallization of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) that initially precipitates within the earthworm calciferous glands, then forms protogranules by accretion on quartz grain cores. Crystallization of ACC is mediated by migrating fluid films and is largely complete within 24 11 of ACC production and before granules leave the earthworm. Variations in the density of defects formed as a byproduct of trace element incorporation during calcite crystall growth have generated zoning that can be resolved by cathodoluminescence imaging at ultraviolet to blue wavelengths and using the novel technique of scanning electron microscope charge contrast imaging. Mapping of calcite crystal orientations by electron backscatter diffraction reveals an approximate radial fabric to the granules that reflects crystal growth from internal nucleation sites toward their margins. The survival within granules of ACC inclusions for months after they enter soils indicates that they crystallize only within the earthworm and in the presence of fluids containing biochemical catalysts. The earthworm probably promotes crystallization of ACC in order to prevent remobilization of the calcium carbonate by dissolution. Calcite granules vividly illustrate the role of transient precursors in biomineralization, but the underlying question of why earth-worms produce granules in volumes sufficient to have a measurable impact on soil carbon cycling remains to be answered.
A study was designed to examine the relationships between protein, condensed tannin and cell wall carbohydrate content and composition and the nutritional quality of seven tropical legumes (Desmodium ovalifolium, Flemingia macrophylla, Leucaena leucocephala, L pallida, L macrophylla, Calliandra calothyrsus and Clitotia fairchildiana). Among the legume species studied, D ovalifolium showed the lowest concentration of nitrogen, while L leucocephala showed the highest. Fibre (NDF) content was lowest in C calothyrsus, L Leucocephala and L pallida and highest in L macrophylla, which had no measurable condensed tannins. The highest tannin concentration was found in C calothyrsus. Total non-structural polysaccharides (NSP) varied among legumes species (lowest in C calothyrsus and highest in D ovalifolium), and glucose and uronic acids were the most abundant carbohydrate constituents in all legumes. Total NSP losses were lowest in F macrophylla and highest in L leucocephala and L pallida. Gas accumulation and acetate and propionate levels were 50% less with F macrophylla and D ovalifolium as compared with L leucocephala. The highest levels of branched-chain fatty acids were observed with non-tanniniferous legumes, and negative concentrations were observed with some of the legumes with high tannin content (D ovalifolium and F macrophylla). Linear regression analysis showed that the presence of condensed tannins was more related to a reduction of the initial rate of gas production (0-48 h) than to the final amount of gas produced or the extent (144h) of dry matter degradation, which could be due to differences in tannin chemistry. Consequently, more attention should be given in the future to elucidating the impact of tannin structure on the nutritional quality of tropical forage legumes. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.