968 resultados para scientific information, news website, news, Science News


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This is an extended version of an article presented at the Second International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria, 11–12 September 2010.


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Directions the outcomes of the OpenAIRE project, which implements the EC Open Access (OA) pilot. Capitalizing on the OpenAIRE infrastructure, built for managing FP7 and ERC funded articles, and the associated supporting mechanism of the European Helpdesk System, OpenAIREplus will “develop an open access, participatory infrastructure for scientific information”. It will significantly expand its base of harvested publications to also include all OA publications indexed by the DRIVER infrastructure (more than 270 validated institutional repositories) and any other repository containing “peer-reviewed literature” that complies with certain standards. It will also generically harvest and index the metadata of scientific datasets in selected diverse OA thematic data repositories. It will support the concept of linked publications by deploying novel services for “linking peer- reviewed literature and associated data sets and collections”, from link discovery based on diverse forms of mining (textual, usage, etc.), to storage, visual representation, and on-line exploration. It will offer both user-level services to experts and “non-scientists” alike as well as programming interfaces for “providers of value-added services” to build applications on its content. Deposited articles and data will be openly accessible through an enhanced version of the OpenAIRE portal, together with any available relevant information on associated project funding and usage statistics. OpenAIREplus will retain its European footprint, engaging people and scientific repositories in almost all 27 EU member states and beyond. The technical work will be complemented by a suite of studies and associated research efforts that will partly proceed in collaboration with “different European initiatives” and investigate issues of “intellectual property rights, efficient financing models, and standards”.


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The development of nutrition and health guidelines and policies requires reliable scientific information. Unfortunately, theoretical considerations and empirical evidence indicate that a large percentage of science-based claims rely on studies that fail to replicate. The session "Strategies to Optimize the Impact of Nutrition Surveys and Epidemiological Studies" focused on the elements of design, interpretation, and communication of nutritional surveys and epidemiological studies to enhance and encourage the production of reliable, objective evidence for use in developing dietary guidance for the public. The speakers called for more transparency of research, raw data, consistent data-staging techniques, and improved data analysis. New approaches to collecting data are urgently needed to increase the credibility and utility of findings from nutrition epidemiological studies. Such studies are critical for furthering our knowledge and understanding of the effects of diet on health.


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the article explores the putatively non-metaphysical – non-voluntarist, and even non-causal – concept of freedom outlined in Hegel’s work and discusses its influential interpretation by robert Pippin as an ‘essentially practical’ concept. I argue that Hegel’s affirmation of freedom must be distinguished from that of Kant and Fichte, since it does not rely on a prior understanding of self-consciousness as an originally teleological relation and it has not the nature of a claim ‘from a practical point of view’.


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Introdução: A peri-implantite, um processo inflamatório que destroi e afeta tanto os tecidos moles como o tecido osseo em redor de um implante dentário Esta patologia vai ter grande influência a quando da escolha de uma solução terapêutica, sendo as principais opções terapêuticas a cirurgia regenerativa e ressetiva. Objetivo: Efetuar uma revisão bibliográfica no que diz respeito á peri-implantite e aos seus tratamentos cirurgicos convencionais, abordando tambem questões epidemiologicas da patologia e fatores de risco. Metodologia: A presente revisão bibliográfica foi baseada em informação ciêntifica publicada. Recorreu-se ás seguintes bases de dados: “MEDLINE/Pubmed”, “SciELO”, “EBSCO HOST” e “Science Direct”, através da introdução das seguintes palavras-chave: “Peri-implantitis”, “Mucositis”, “Peri-implant infections”, “Diagnosis”, “Treatment”, “Risk factors”, “Surgical treatment”. Conclusão: Para cada situação clínica de peri-implantite, é importante recorrer a diversos parâmetros de diagnóstico, como por exemplo o índice de placa, profundidade e hemorragia à sondagem, supuração e a evidência de perda óssea radiográfica. Aquando de reabilitação oral com implantes, o paciente deverá obedecer a um programa de manutenção eficaz, com o objetivo de manter a integridade dos tecidos peri-implantares. Na literatura científica são descritas diversas possibilidades de tratamento, existe enumero protocolos terapêuticos a efetuar. O médico dentista deve adoptar com base no diagnostico rigoroso o melhor tratamento a efetuar. Nesta linha de pensamentos existem várias aborgens terapêuticas que podemos efetuar, sendo a cirurgia ressetiva e a cirurgia regenerativa soluções têrapeuticas de elevada importância no que diz respeito ao sucesso no tratamento da peri-implantite.


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A sociedade em que vivemos hoje encontra-se submersa pela tecnologia em todas as áreas e saberes, exigindo-se aos cidadãos a capacidade de pensar e agir racionalmente perante os desafios e problemas que vão surgindo ao longo da vida. As tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC) são uma presença evidente no quotidiano e diversas investigações e estudos têm vindo a enfatizar o seu potencial no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Ademais, face aos desafios científicos e tecnológicos da nossa sociedade, é fundamental formar-se cidadãos capazes de pensar criticamente e racionalmente, de tomarem decisões focadas no que se deve fazer ou acreditar. Assim, reconhecendo a importância de se promover o pensamento crítico (PC) recorrendo-se às TIC, desenvolveu-se a presente investigação com o intuito de promover o PC dos alunos, através da exploração de diversos recursos digitais já disponíveis gratuitamente na internet. Decorrente da finalidade apresentada formularam-se as seguintes questões de estudo: (i) Quais os contributos dos recursos digitais explicitamente promotores de pensamento crítico dos alunos do 3.º ano de escolaridade?; e (ii) Quais os contributos dos recursos digitais explicitamente promotores de pensamento crítico para a construção de conhecimentos científicos, na área das Ciências, dos alunos do 3.º ano de escolaridade?. A presente investigação desenvolveu-se de acordo com um paradigma sócio-crítico, segundo uma perspetiva metodológica predominantemente qualitativa e com base num plano de Investigação-Ação. A implementação das três atividades construídas, incluindo a exploração dos recursos digitais, decorreu numa turma de 26 alunos inseridos num colégio do distrito de Aveiro, no qual se realizou a Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada da professora investigadora. Para a recolha dos dados utilizaram-se diversos instrumentos, nomeadamente testes de levantamento inicial e final das capacidades de PC, listas de verificação, diário do investigador, fichas de trabalho resolvidas pelos alunos (tendo por base a Taxonomia de Ennis) e questionários de autoavaliação do desempenho dos mesmos. Na análise de dados, privilegiou-se a análise de conteúdo recorrendo-se ao software WebQDA. Com base nos instrumentos de recolha de dados referidos verificou-se que os alunos manifestaram uma maior facilidade a responder a questões que promoviam o uso de capacidades de PC referentes à Clarificação Elementar e à Indução e uma dificuldade acentuada na dimensão das Estratégias e Táticas. No que diz respeito à construção de conhecimentos científicos, os alunos demonstraram, principalmente, dificuldades em reconhecer que o movimento é impulsionado pelas rodas dentadas e a constatar que o tamanho do fio influencia a velocidade do pêndulo. Pode-se concluir que os recursos digitais, de um modo geral, contribuíram para mobilizar o potencial de capacidades de PC e para a construção de conhecimentos científicos. O contributo deste estudo, embora modesto, prende-se com o potencial das TIC na Educação em Ciências dos 1º CEB, na promoção do pensamento crítico e de conhecimentos.


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A pesquisa sobre empreendedorismo tem crescido de forma exponencial nos últimos anos. Este artigo teve como principal objetivo quantificar esta produção acadêmica, identificando os principais veículos de produção científica, os autores e artigos mais citados, os países e instituições mais produtivos, verificando a estrutura de co-citação entre os artigos. Dados relativos às citações foram coletados no site Web of Science presente na base de dados científicos do Institute for Scientific Information [ISI] da Thompson Reuters, considerado como o indicador de impacto científico mais reconhecido no mundo. Os dados foram importados e analisadas em um estudo bibliométrico usando o software HistCite. No total, foram encontrados 19.564 registros. Os resultados indicaram que a produção acadêmica e citações sobre empreendedorismo cresceu consideravelmente nos últimos anos. Os dados indicam que os dez países com artigos mais citados têm 68.586 citações, ou 79,50% do total, mostrando uma grande concentração. Concentrações semelhantes foram encontradas em relação a universidades e os principais periódicos. Outros achados e suas implicações, além de sugestões para futuras pesquisas são apresentadas.


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Collecting and analyzing consumer data is essential in today’s data-driven business environment. However, consumers are becoming more aware of the value of the information they can provide to companies, thereby being more reluctant to share it for free. Therefore, companies need to find ways to motivate consumers to disclose personal information. The main research question of the study was formed as “How can companies motivate consumers to disclose personal information?” and it was further divided into two subquestions: 1) What types of benefits motivate consumers to disclose personal information? 2) How does the disclosure context affect the consumers’ information disclosure behavior? The conceptual framework consisted of a classification of extrinsic and intrinsic benefits, and moderating factors, which were recognized on the basis of prior research in the field. The study was conducted by using qualitative research methods. The primary data was collected by interviewing ten representatives from eight companies. The data was analyzed and reported according to predetermined themes. The findings of the study confirm that consumers can be motivated to disclose personal information by offering different types of extrinsic (monetary saving, time saving, self-enhancement, and social adjustment) and intrinsic (novelty, pleasure, and altruism) benefits. However, not all the benefits are equally useful ways to convince the customer to disclose information. Moreover, different factors in the disclosure context can either alleviate or increase the effectiveness of the benefits and the consumers’ motivation to disclose personal information. Such factors include the consumer’s privacy concerns, perceived trust towards the company, the relevancy of the requested information, personalization, website elements (especially security, usability, and aesthetics of a website), and the consumer’s shopping motivation. This study has several contributions. It is essential that companies recognize the most attractive benefits regarding their business and their customers, and that they understand how the disclosure context affects the consumer’s information disclosure behavior. The likelihood of information disclosure can be increased, for example, by offering benefits that meet the consumers’ needs and preferences, improving the relevancy of the asked information, stating the reasons for data collection, creating and maintaining a trustworthy image of the company, and enhancing the quality of the company’s website.


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This document reports on the French oceanographic cruises conducted in 2015. It was drawn up by IFREMER, and more specifically by the SISMER (French acronym for Scientific information systems for the SEA) department which is in charge of managing the metadata and data produced by French research cruises. It provides a detailed description of the role of the various players managing French ocean-going facilities and of the means to archive cruise information and oceanographic data. It presents the fleet's activity in 2015 and provides dynamic access to cruise information through the new research cruise catalogue: http://campagnes.flotteoceanographique.fr/. Previous years' reports for French oceanographic cruises are also available via the Archimer website IFREMER'S institutional archive, at: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/.


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Background: Preterm labor, which defines as live-birth delivery before 37 weeks of gestation is a main determinant of neonatal morbidity and mortality around the world. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of preterm labor in Iran by a meta-analysis study, to be as a final measure for policy makers in this field. Materials and Methods: In this meta-analysis, the databases of Thomson database (Web of Knowledge), PubMed/Medline, Science Direct, Scopus, Google Scholar, Iranmedex, Scientific Information Database (SID), Magiran, and Medlib were searched for articles in English and Persian language published between 1995 and 2014. Among the studies with regard to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 14 studies (out of 1370 publications) were selected. Data were analyzed by using Stata software version 11. The heterogeneity of reported prevalence among studies was evaluated by the Chi-square based Q test and I2 statistics. Results: The results of Chi-square based on Q test and I2 statistics revealed severe heterogeneity (Q=2505.12, p-value < 0.001 and I2= 99.5%) and consequently, the random effect model was used for the meta-analysis. Based on the random effect model, the overall estimated prevalence of preterm in Iran was 9.2% (95% CI: 7.6 – 10.7). Conclusion: Present study summarized the results of previous studies and provided a comprehensive view about the preterm delivery in Iran. In order to achieve a more desirable level and its reduction in the coming years, identifying affecting factor and interventional and preventive actions seem necessary.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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The Lattes platform is the major scientific information system maintained by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). This platform allows to manage the curricular information of researchers and institutions working in Brazil based on the so called Lattes Curriculum. However, the public information is individually available for each researcher, not providing the automatic creation of reports of several scientific productions for research groups. It is thus difficult to extract and to summarize useful knowledge for medium to large size groups of researchers. This paper describes the design, implementation and experiences with scriptLattes: an open-source system to create academic reports of groups based on curricula of the Lattes Database. The scriptLattes system is composed by the following modules: (a) data selection, (b) data preprocessing, (c) redundancy treatment, (d) collaboration graph generation among group members, (e) research map generation based on geographical information, and (f) automatic report creation of bibliographical, technical and artistic production, and academic supervisions. The system has been extensively tested for a large variety of research groups of Brazilian institutions, and the generated reports have shown an alternative to easily extract knowledge from data in the context of Lattes platform. The source code, usage instructions and examples are available at http://scriptlattes.sourceforge.net/.


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Objective: Although some scientific information on electronic body protectors in taekwondo is available, no research has been done to assess the impact of kicks in a competitive situation. The purpose of this study, then, was to assess the energy absorbed by these protectors from kicks performed in an actual taekwondo competition. Methods: Subjects consisted of junior (14-17 years) and senior (>= 18 years) male taekwondo-in, who participated in an open tournament. Data on the energy imparted by valid kicks in Joules (1) were collected from a public visual electronic monitor. Results: Energy was higher for the seniors: 264.31 +/- 56.63 J versus 224.38 +/- 48.23 J for the juniors (eta(2) = 0.121). The seniors scored lower in percent impact but the effect was trivial: 123.46 +/- 24.77% versus 136.70 +/- 26.33% (eta(2) = 0.087). Conclusions: The difference between senior and junior taekwondo-in in absolute energy generated was small, while the difference in relative energy impact was trivial in favour of the junior taekwondo athletes.


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Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification promises international consumers that `green-label` timber has been logged sustainably. However, recent research indicates that this is not true for ipe (Tabebuia spp.), currently flooding the US residential decking market, much of it logged in Brazil. Uneven or non-application of minimum technical standards for certification could undermine added value and eventually the certification process itself. We examine public summary reports by third-party certifiers describing the evaluation process for certified companies in the Brazilian Amazon to determine the extent to which standards are uniformly applied and the degree to which third-party certifier requirements for compliance are consistent among properties. Current best-practice harvest systems, combined with Brazilian legal norms for harvest levels, guarantee that no certified company or community complies with FSC criteria and indicators specifying species-level management. No guidelines indicate which criteria and indicators must be enforced, or to what degree, for certification to be conferred by third-party assessors; nor do objective guidelines exist for evaluating compliance for criteria and indicators for which adequate scientific information is not yet available to identify acceptable levels. Meanwhile, certified companies are expected to monitor the long-term impacts of logging on biodiversity in addition to conducting best-practice forest management. This burden should reside elsewhere. We recommend a clarification of `sustained timber yield` that reflects current state of knowledge and practice in Amazonia. Quantifiable verifiers for best-practice forest management must be developed and consistently employed. These will need to be flexible to reflect the diversity in forest structure and dynamics that prevails across this vast region. We offer suggestions for how to achieve these goals.


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BACKGROUND: Glyphosate is used to control weeds in citrus orchards, and accidental spraying or wind drift onto the seedlings may cause growth arrest owing to metabolism disturbance. Two experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of non-lethal rates (0, 180, 360 and 720 g Al ha(-1)) of glyphosate on four-month-old `Cravo` lime, Citrus limonia (L.) Osbeck, seedlings. Photosynthesis and the concentrations of shikimic acid, total free amino acids and phenolic acids were evaluated. RESULTS: Only transitory effects were observed in the! contents of shikimate and total free amino acids. No visual effects were observed. CONCLUSION: The present study showed that glyphosate at non-lethal rates, which is very usual when accidental spraying or wind drift occurs in citrus orchard, did not cause severe metabolic damage in `Cravo` lime seedlings. (C) 2009 Society of Chemical Industry