639 resultados para redundancy


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The basic characteristic of a chaotic system is its sensitivity to the infinitesimal changes in its initial conditions. A limit to predictability in chaotic system arises mainly due to this sensitivity and also due to the ineffectiveness of the model to reveal the underlying dynamics of the system. In the present study, an attempt is made to quantify these uncertainties involved and thereby improve the predictability by adopting a multivariate nonlinear ensemble prediction. Daily rainfall data of Malaprabha basin, India for the period 1955-2000 is used for the study. It is found to exhibit a low dimensional chaotic nature with the dimension varying from 5 to 7. A multivariate phase space is generated, considering a climate data set of 16 variables. The chaotic nature of each of these variables is confirmed using false nearest neighbor method. The redundancy, if any, of this atmospheric data set is further removed by employing principal component analysis (PCA) method and thereby reducing it to eight principal components (PCs). This multivariate series (rainfall along with eight PCs) is found to exhibit a low dimensional chaotic nature with dimension 10. Nonlinear prediction employing local approximation method is done using univariate series (rainfall alone) and multivariate series for different combinations of embedding dimensions and delay times. The uncertainty in initial conditions is thus addressed by reconstructing the phase space using different combinations of parameters. The ensembles generated from multivariate predictions are found to be better than those from univariate predictions. The uncertainty in predictions is decreased or in other words predictability is increased by adopting multivariate nonlinear ensemble prediction. The restriction on predictability of a chaotic series can thus be altered by quantifying the uncertainty in the initial conditions and also by including other possible variables, which may influence the system. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The least path criterion or least path length in the context of redundant basis vector systems is discussed and a mathematical proof is presented of the uniqueness of indices obtained by applying the least path criterion. Though the method has greater generality, this paper concentrates on the two-dimensional decagonal lattice. The order of redundancy is also discussed; this will help eventually to correlate with other redundant but desirable indexing sets.


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Plant organs are initiated as primordial outgrowths, and require controlled cell division and differentiation to achieve their final size and shape. Superimposed on this is another developmental program that orchestrates the switch from vegetative to reproductive to senescence stages in the life cycle. These require sequential function of heterochronic regulators. Little is known regarding the coordination between organ and organismal growth in plants. The TCP gene family encodes transcription factors that control diverse developmental traits, and a subgroup of class II TCP genes regulate leaf morphogenesis. Absence of these genes results in large, crinkly leaves due to excess division, mainly at margins. It has been suggested that these class II TCPs modulate the spatio-temporal control of differentiation in a growing leaf, rather than regulating cell proliferation per se. However, the link between class II TCP action and cell growth has not been established. As loss-of-function mutants of individual TCP genes in Arabidopsis are not very informative due to gene redundancy, we generated a transgenic line that expressed a hyper-activated form of TCP4 in its endogenous expression domain. This resulted in premature onset of maturation and decreased cell proliferation, leading to much smaller leaves, with cup-shaped lamina in extreme cases. Further, the transgenic line initiated leaves faster than wild-type and underwent precocious reproductive maturation due to a shortened adult vegetative phase. Early senescence and severe fertility defects were also observed. Thus, hyper-activation of TCP4 revealed its role in determining the timing of crucial developmental events, both at the organ and organism level.


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Soft error has become one of the major areas of attention with the device scaling and large scale integration. Lot of variants for superscalar architecture were proposed with focus on program re-execution, thread re-execution and instruction re-execution. In this paper we proposed a fault tolerant micro-architecture of pipelined RISC. The proposed architecture, Floating Resources Extended pipeline (FREP), re-executes the instructions using extended pipeline stages. The instructions are re-executed by hybrid architecture with a suitable combination of space and time redundancy.


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A "plan diagram" is a pictorial enumeration of the execution plan choices of a database query optimizer over the relational selectivity space. We have shown recently that, for industrial-strength database engines, these diagrams are often remarkably complex and dense, with a large number of plans covering the space. However, they can often be reduced to much simpler pictures, featuring significantly fewer plans, without materially affecting the query processing quality. Plan reduction has useful implications for the design and usage of query optimizers, including quantifying redundancy in the plan search space, enhancing useability of parametric query optimization, identifying error-resistant and least-expected-cost plans, and minimizing the overheads of multi-plan approaches. We investigate here the plan reduction issue from theoretical, statistical and empirical perspectives. Our analysis shows that optimal plan reduction, w.r.t. minimizing the number of plans, is an NP-hard problem in general, and remains so even for a storage-constrained variant. We then present a greedy reduction algorithm with tight and optimal performance guarantees, whose complexity scales linearly with the number of plans in the diagram for a given resolution. Next, we devise fast estimators for locating the best tradeoff between the reduction in plan cardinality and the impact on query processing quality. Finally, extensive experimentation with a suite of multi-dimensional TPCH-based query templates on industrial-strength optimizers demonstrates that complex plan diagrams easily reduce to "anorexic" (small absolute number of plans) levels incurring only marginal increases in the estimated query processing costs.


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We present a fractal coding method to recognize online handwritten Tamil characters and propose a novel technique to increase the efficiency in terms of time while coding and decoding. This technique exploits the redundancy in data, thereby achieving better compression and usage of lesser memory. It also reduces the encoding time and causes little distortion during reconstruction. Experiments have been conducted to use these fractal codes to classify the online handwritten Tamil characters from the IWFHR 2006 competition dataset. In one approach, we use fractal coding and decoding process. A recognition accuracy of 90% has been achieved by using DTW for distortion evaluation during classification and encoding processes as compared to 78% using nearest neighbor classifier. In other experiments, we use the fractal code, fractal dimensions and features derived from fractal codes as features in separate classifiers. While the fractal code is successful as a feature, the other two features are not able to capture the wide within-class variations.


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The Linear phase(LP) Finite Impulse Response(FIR) filters are widely used in many signal processing systems which are sensitive to phase distortion. In this article, we obtain a canonic lattice structure of an LP-FIR filter with a complex impulse response. This lattice structure is based on some novel lattice stages obtained from some properties of symmetric polynomials.This canonic lattice structure exploits the redundancy in the zeros of an LP-FIR filter.


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Toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems are found on both bacterial plasmids and chromosomes, but in most cases their functional role is unclear. Gene knockouts often yield limited insights into functions of individual TA systems because of their redundancy. The well-characterized F-plasmid-based CcdAB TA system is important for F-plasmid maintenance. We have isolated several point mutants of the toxin CcdB that fail to bind to its cellular target, DNA gyrase, but retain binding to the antitoxin, CcdA. Expression of such mutants is shown to result in release of the WT toxin from a functional preexisting TA complex as well as derepression of the TA operon. One such inactive, active-site mutant of CcdB was used to demonstrate the contribution of CcdB to antibiotic persistence. Transient activation of WT CcdB either by coexpression of the mutant or by antibiotic/heat stress was shown to enhance the generation of drug-tolerant persisters in a process dependent on Lon protease and RecA. An F-plasmid containing a ccd locus can, therefore, function as a transmissible persistence factor.


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Ensuring reliable operation over an extended period of time is one of the biggest challenges facing present day electronic systems. The increased vulnerability of the components to atmospheric particle strikes poses a big threat in attaining the reliability required for various mission critical applications. Various soft error mitigation methodologies exist to address this reliability challenge. A general solution to this problem is to arrive at a soft error mitigation methodology with an acceptable implementation overhead and error tolerance level. This implementation overhead can then be reduced by taking advantage of various derating effects like logical derating, electrical derating and timing window derating, and/or making use of application redundancy, e. g. redundancy in firmware/software executing on the so designed robust hardware. In this paper, we analyze the impact of various derating factors and show how they can be profitably employed to reduce the hardware overhead to implement a given level of soft error robustness. This analysis is performed on a set of benchmark circuits using the delayed capture methodology. Experimental results show upto 23% reduction in the hardware overhead when considering individual and combined derating factors.


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High performance video standards use prediction techniques to achieve high picture quality at low bit rates. The type of prediction decides the bit rates and the image quality. Intra Prediction achieves high video quality with significant reduction in bit rate. This paper presents novel area optimized architecture for Intra prediction of H.264 decoding at HDTV resolution. The architecture has been validated on a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA based platform and achieved a frame rate of 64 fps. The architecture is based on multi-level memory hierarchy to reduce latency and ensure optimum resources utilization. It removes redundancy by reusing same functional blocks across different modes. The proposed architecture uses only 13% of the total LUTs available on the Xilinx FPGA XC5VLX50T.


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Distributed compressed sensing exploits information redundancy, inbuilt in multi-signal ensembles with interas well as intra-signal correlations, to reconstruct undersampled signals. In this paper we revisit this problem, albeit from a different perspective, of taking streaming data, from several correlated sources, as input to a real time system which, without any a priori information, incrementally learns and admits each source into the system.


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Outlier detection in high dimensional categorical data has been a problem of much interest due to the extensive use of qualitative features for describing the data across various application areas. Though there exist various established methods for dealing with the dimensionality aspect through feature selection on numerical data, the categorical domain is actively being explored. As outlier detection is generally considered as an unsupervised learning problem due to lack of knowledge about the nature of various types of outliers, the related feature selection task also needs to be handled in a similar manner. This motivates the need to develop an unsupervised feature selection algorithm for efficient detection of outliers in categorical data. Addressing this aspect, we propose a novel feature selection algorithm based on the mutual information measure and the entropy computation. The redundancy among the features is characterized using the mutual information measure for identifying a suitable feature subset with less redundancy. The performance of the proposed algorithm in comparison with the information gain based feature selection shows its effectiveness for outlier detection. The efficacy of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated on various high-dimensional benchmark data sets employing two existing outlier detection methods.


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For one-dimensional flexible objects such as ropes, chains, hair, the assumption of constant length is realistic for large-scale 3D motion. Moreover, when the motion or disturbance at one end gradually dies down along the curve defining the one-dimensional flexible objects, the motion appears ``natural''. This paper presents a purely geometric and kinematic approach for deriving more natural and length-preserving transformations of planar and spatial curves. Techniques from variational calculus are used to determine analytical conditions and it is shown that the velocity at any point on the curve must be along the tangent at that point for preserving the length and to yield the feature of diminishing motion. It is shown that for the special case of a straight line, the analytical conditions lead to the classical tractrix curve solution. Since analytical solutions exist for a tractrix curve, the motion of a piecewise linear curve can be solved in closed-form and thus can be applied for the resolution of redundancy in hyper-redundant robots. Simulation results for several planar and spatial curves and various input motions of one end are used to illustrate the features of motion damping and eventual alignment with the perturbation vector.


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Systems biology is revealing multiple layers of regulatory networks that manifest spatiotemporal variations. Since genes and environment also influence the emergent property of a cell, the biological output requires dynamic understanding of various molecular circuitries. The metabolic networks continually adapt and evolve to cope with the changing milieu of the system, which could also include infection by another organism. Such perturbations of the functional networks can result in disease phenotypes, for instance tuberculosis and cancer. In order to develop effective therapeutics, it is important to determine the disease progression profiles of complex disorders that can reveal dynamic aspects and to develop mutitarget systemic therapies that can help overcome pathway adaptations and redundancy.


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In this paper, we present an extension of the iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm that simultaneously registers multiple 3D scans. While ICP fails to utilize the multiview constraints available, our method exploits the information redundancy in a set of 3D scans by using the averaging of relative motions. This averaging method utilizes the Lie group structure of motions, resulting in a 3D registration method that is both efficient and accurate. In addition, we present two variants of our approach, i.e., a method that solves for multiview 3D registration while obeying causality and a transitive correspondence variant that efficiently solves the correspondence problem across multiple scans. We present experimental results to characterize our method and explain its behavior as well as those of some other multiview registration methods in the literature. We establish the superior accuracy of our method in comparison to these multiview methods with registration results on a set of well-known real datasets of 3D scans.