997 resultados para random topology


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The probability that a random process crosses an arbitrary level for the first time is expressed as a Gram—Charlier series, the leading term of which is the Poisson approximation. The coefficients of this series are related to the moments of the number of level crossings. The results are applicable to both stationary and non-stationary processes. Some numerical results are presented for the response process of a linear single-degree-of-freedom oscillator under Gaussian white noise excitation.


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Herbivorous insects, their host plants and natural enemies form the largest and most species-rich communities on earth. But what forces structure such communities? Do they represent random collections of species, or are they assembled by given rules? To address these questions, food webs offer excellent tools. As a result of their versatile information content, such webs have become the focus of intensive research over the last few decades. In this thesis, I study herbivore-parasitoid food webs from a new perspective: I construct multiple, quantitative food webs in a spatially explicit setting, at two different scales. Focusing on food webs consisting of specialist herbivores and their natural enemies on the pedunculate oak, Quercus robur, I examine consistency in food web structure across space and time, and how landscape context affects this structure. As an important methodological development, I use DNA barcoding to resolve potential cryptic species in the food webs, and to examine their effect on food web structure. I find that DNA barcoding changes our perception of species identity for as many as a third of the individuals, by reducing misidentifications and by resolving several cryptic species. In terms of the variation detected in food web structure, I find surprising consistency in both space and time. From a spatial perspective, landscape context leaves no detectable imprint on food web structure, while species richness declines significantly with decreasing connectivity. From a temporal perspective, food web structure remains predictable from year to year, despite considerable species turnover in local communities. The rate of such turnover varies between guilds and species within guilds. The factors best explaining these observations are abundant and common species, which have a quantitatively dominant imprint on overall structure, and suffer the lowest turnover. By contrast, rare species with little impact on food web structure exhibit the highest turnover rates. These patterns reveal important limitations of modern metrics of quantitative food web structure. While they accurately describe the overall topology of the web and its most significant interactions, they are disproportionately affected by species with given traits, and insensitive to the specific identity of species. As rare species have been shown to be important for food web stability, metrics depicting quantitative food web structure should then not be used as the sole descriptors of communities in a changing world. To detect and resolve the versatile imprint of global environmental change, one should rather use these metrics as one tool among several.


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Nonlinear vibration analysis is performed using a C-0 assumed strain interpolated finite element plate model based on Reddy's third order theory. An earlier model is modified to include the effect of transverse shear variation along the plate thickness and Von-Karman nonlinear strain terms. Monte Carlo Simulation with Latin Hypercube Sampling technique is used to obtain the variance of linear and nonlinear natural frequencies of the plate due to randomness in its material properties. Numerical results are obtained for composite plates with different aspect ratio, stacking sequence and oscillation amplitude ratio. The numerical results are validated with the available literature. It is found that the nonlinear frequencies show increasing non-Gaussian probability density function with increasing amplitude of vibration and show dual peaks at high amplitude ratios. This chaotic nature of the dispersion of nonlinear eigenvalues is also r


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For hybrid electric vehicles the batteries and the drive dc-link may be at different voltages. The batteries are at low voltage to obtain higher volumetric efficiencies and the dc-link is at higher voltage to have higher efficiency on the motor side. Therefore a power interface between the batteries and the drive's dc-link is essential. This power interface should handle power flow from battery to motor, motor to battery, external genset to battery and grid to battery. This paper proposes a multi power port topology which is capable of handling multiple power sources and still maintains simplicity and features like obtaining any gain, wide load variations, lower output current ripple and capability of parallel battery energy due to the modular structure. The development and testing of a bi-directional fly-back DC-DC converter for hybrid electric vehicle is described in this paper. Simple hysteresis voltage control is used for DC link voltage regulation. The experimental results are presented to show the working of the proposed converter.


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Conventional three-dimensional isoparametric elements are susceptible to problems of locking when used to model plate/shell geometries or when the meshes are distorted etc. Hybrid elements that are based on a two-field variational formulation are immune to most of these problems, and hence can be used to efficiently model both "chunky" three-dimensional and plate/shell type structures. Thus, only one type of element can be used to model "all" types of structures, and also allows us to use a standard dual algorithm for carrying out the topology optimization of the structure. We also address the issue of manufacturability of the designs.


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The notion of optimization is inherent in protein design. A long linear chain of twenty types of amino acid residues are known to fold to a 3-D conformation that minimizes the combined inter-residue energy interactions. There are two distinct protein design problems, viz. predicting the folded structure from a given sequence of amino acid monomers (folding problem) and determining a sequence for a given folded structure (inverse folding problem). These two problems have much similarity to engineering structural analysis and structural optimization problems respectively. In the folding problem, a protein chain with a given sequence folds to a conformation, called a native state, which has a unique global minimum energy value when compared to all other unfolded conformations. This involves a search in the conformation space. This is somewhat akin to the principle of minimum potential energy that determines the deformed static equilibrium configuration of an elastic structure of given topology, shape, and size that is subjected to certain boundary conditions. In the inverse-folding problem, one has to design a sequence with some objectives (having a specific feature of the folded structure, docking with another protein, etc.) and constraints (sequence being fixed in some portion, a particular composition of amino acid types, etc.) while obtaining a sequence that would fold to the desired conformation satisfying the criteria of folding. This requires a search in the sequence space. This is similar to structural optimization in the design-variable space wherein a certain feature of structural response is optimized subject to some constraints while satisfying the governing static or dynamic equilibrium equations. Based on this similarity, in this work we apply the topology optimization methods to protein design, discuss modeling issues and present some initial results.


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The author presents adaptive control techniques for controlling the flow of real-time jobs from the peripheral processors (PPs) to the central processor (CP) of a distributed system with a star topology. He considers two classes of flow control mechanisms: (1) proportional control, where a certain proportion of the load offered to each PP is sent to the CP, and (2) threshold control, where there is a maximum rate at which each PP can send jobs to the CP. The problem is to obtain good algorithms for dynamically adjusting the control level at each PP in order to prevent overload of the CP, when the load offered by the PPs is unknown and varying. The author formulates the problem approximately as a standard system control problem in which the system has unknown parameters that are subject to change. Using well-known techniques (e.g., naive-feedback-controller and stochastic approximation techniques), he derives adaptive controls for the system control problem. He demonstrates the efficacy of these controls in the original problem by using the control algorithms in simulations of a queuing model of the CP and the load controls.


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We report numerical results for the phase diagram in the density-disorder plane of a hard-sphere system in the presence of quenched, random, pinning disorder. Local minima of a discretized version of the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff free energy functional are located numerically and their relative stability is studied as a function of the density and the strength of disorder. Regions in the phase diagram corresponding to liquid, glassy, and nearly crystalline states are mapped out, and the nature of the transitions is determined. The liquid to glass transition changes from first to second order as the strength of the disorder is increased. For weak disorder, the system undergoes a first-order crystallization transition as the density is increased. Beyond a critical value of the disorder strength, this transition is replaced by a continuous glass transition. Our numerical results are compared with those of analytical work on the same system. Implications of our results for the field-temperature phase diagram of type-II superconductors are discussed.


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The stochasticity of domain-wall (DW) motion in magnetic nanowires has been probed by measuring slow fluctuations, or noise, in electrical resistance at small magnetic fields. By controlled injection of DWs into isolated cylindrical nanowires of nickel, we have been able to track the motion of the DWs between the electrical leads by discrete steps in the resistance. Closer inspection of the time dependence of noise reveals a diffusive random walk of the DWs with a universal kinetic exponent. Our experiments outline a method with which electrical resistance is able to detect the kinetic state of the DWs inside the nanowires, which can be useful in DW-based memory designs.


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We study the relaxation of a degenerate two-level system interacting with a heat bath, assuming a random-matrix model for the system-bath interaction. For times larger than the duration of a collision and smaller than the Poincaré recurrence time, the survival probability of still finding the system at timet in the same state in which it was prepared att=0 is exactly calculated.


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This paper proposes a new five-level inverter topology for open-end winding induction motor (IM) drive. The popular existing circuit configurations for five-level inverter include the NPC inverter and flying capacitor topologies. Compared to the NPC inverter, the proposed topology eliminates eighteen clamping diodes having different voltage ratings in the present circuit. Moreover it requires only one capacitor bank per phase, whereas flying capacitor schemes for five level topologies require six capacitor banks per phase. The proposed topology is realized by feeding the phase winding of an open-end induction motor with two-level inverters in series with flying capacitors. The flying capacitor voltages are balanced using the switching state redundancy for full modulation range. The proposed inverter scheme is capable of producing two-level to five-level pulse width modulated voltage across the phase winding depending on the modulation range. Additionally, in case of any switch failure in the flying capacitor connection, the proposed inverter topology can be operated as a three-level inverter for full modulation range. The proposed scheme is experimentally verified on a four pole, 5hp induction motor drive.


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Given an n x n complex matrix A, let mu(A)(x, y) := 1/n vertical bar{1 <= i <= n, Re lambda(i) <= x, Im lambda(i) <= y}vertical bar be the empirical spectral distribution (ESD) of its eigenvalues lambda(i) is an element of C, i = l, ... , n. We consider the limiting distribution (both in probability and in the almost sure convergence sense) of the normalized ESD mu(1/root n An) of a random matrix A(n) = (a(ij))(1 <= i, j <= n), where the random variables a(ij) - E(a(ij)) are i.i.d. copies of a fixed random variable x with unit variance. We prove a universality principle for such ensembles, namely, that the limit distribution in question is independent of the actual choice of x. In particular, in order to compute this distribution, one can assume that x is real or complex Gaussian. As a related result, we show how laws for this ESD follow from laws for the singular value distribution of 1/root n A(n) - zI for complex z. As a corollary, we establish the circular law conjecture (both almost surely and in probability), which asserts that mu(1/root n An) converges to the uniform measure on the unit disc when the a(ij) have zero mean.


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Markov random fields (MRF) are popular in image processing applications to describe spatial dependencies between image units. Here, we take a look at the theory and the models of MRFs with an application to improve forest inventory estimates. Typically, autocorrelation between study units is a nuisance in statistical inference, but we take an advantage of the dependencies to smooth noisy measurements by borrowing information from the neighbouring units. We build a stochastic spatial model, which we estimate with a Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation method. The smooth values are validated against another data set increasing our confidence that the estimates are more accurate than the originals.


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A technique is developed to study random vibration of nonlinear systems. The method is based on the assumption that the joint probability density function of the response variables and input variables is Gaussian. It is shown that this method is more general than the statistical linearization technique in that it can handle non-Gaussian excitations and amplitude-limited responses. As an example a bilinear hysteretic system under white noise excitation is analyzed. The prediction of various response statistics by this technique is in good agreement with other available results.