837 resultados para process performance indicators


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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the main instruments of Business Performance Management. KPIs are the measures that are translated to both the strategy and the business process. These measures are often designed for an industry sector with the assumptions about business processes in organizations. However, the assumptions can be too incomplete to guarantee the required properties of KPIs. This raises the need to validate the properties of KPIs prior to their application to performance measurement. This paper applies the method called EXecutable Requirements Engineering Management and Evolution (EXTREME) for validation of the KPI definitions. EXTREME semantically relates the goal modeling, conceptual modeling and protocol modeling techniques into one methodology. The synchronous composition built into protocol modeling enables raceability of goals in protocol models and constructive definitions of a KPI. The application of the method clarifies the meaning of KPI properties and procedures of their assessment and validation.


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Different extraction processes were employed to extract the polyphenolic compounds from pitanga (Eugenia uniflora L) leaves: a one-step process using water, ethanol or supercritical CO(2) as solvents, and a two-step process using supercritical CO(2) followed by either water or ethanol. The total polyphenolic compounds, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity were determined in all the extracts obtained. The process performance was evaluated with respect to three variables: global extraction yield, concentration and yield of both polyphenols and flavonoids in the extracts. For the one-step extraction, the results showed that the extraction yield increased with solvent polarity. For the two-step process, the results suggested that water was more efficient in extracting the phenolic compounds from E. uniflora when the matrix was previously extracted with scCO(2). With respect to the antioxidant activity, the ethanolic extracts obtained from both processes, using either the DPPH radical scavenging method or the beta-carotene bleaching method, presented high antioxidant activities. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated the various sources of information used by business organisations and their association with business performance indicators. The results showed that larger Australian companies predominantly used various internal and external secondary data sources of information, followed by formal primary marketing research. The study indicated an association between market share and the use of competitors, advertising agencies, and sales promotion agencies as sources of information, while overall financial performance was associated with the use of competitors and media/trade publications.


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As part of a larger Simplification Project for program quality assurance processes conducted at RMIT University, this paper chronicles the refinement of one aspect: program assessment and reporting. This involved the realignment of criteria used in program quality assurance with those developed in higher-level strategic and business planning processes. In addition, the project attempted to address the lack of alignment between annual program processes and subsequent decisions made about the future of programs, particularly in profile planning processes.
A revised Program Annual Report process was developed that aimed to achieve simplicity and alignment while re-engaging program leaders and heads of schools with the quality agenda. A concerted effort was made to develop a process that improved on previously poor vertical communication inherent in program quality assurance. This paper explores the ways in which this was achieved by a) linking people to data through the use of agreed and contextualised performance indicators, and b) linking people to process through more meaningful input into planning and opportunity for dialogue.


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Despite the increasing significance of the construction industry as an emerging sector of the Australian economy, there is inadequate research performed on construction design firms in terms of theoretical and empirical foundations. Although past research has identified the barriers and success factors for firm market entry, evidence suggests that to date no research has explicitly explored the sustainability of construction design firms in international markets. SMEs and their approach to firm internationalisation differ significantly from large manufacturing firms and a vast majority of construction design firms operate as SMEs. This paper develops a sustainable business model for construction design SMEs, which rely upon the development of clear Client Following (CF) versus Market Seeking (MS) strategies to support internal firm strategic and operational management. The understanding of these strategies is vital as the application of either will shape the design management approach of firms, which would in turn impact on the sustainability of these firms in foreign markets. Long-term sustainability of firms in international markets relies heavily upon client satisfaction. Client and project team participants’ communication during various design processes has often been problematic and the added difficulty of communicating across international boundaries further compounds the problem of capturing and maintaining client’s requirements. Therefore this paper develops a model for business sustainability of Australian construction design firms working in international markets by exploring factors that affect client satisfaction across international boundaries, through the development of business performance indicators. These include not only the critical financial capital but also other ‘softer’ indicators, namely: social, cultural and intellectual capital. These act as a firm’s measure of success and the acquisition of this type of capital will provide significant advantages to firms’ success, hence sustainability in international markets.


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The future of computing lies with distributed systems, i.e. a network of workstations controlled by a modern distributed operating system. By supporting load balancing and parallel execution, the overall performance of a distributed system can be improved dramatically. Process migration, the act of moving a running process from a highly loaded machine to a lightly loaded machine, could be used to support load balancing, parallel execution, reliability etc. This thesis identifies the problems past process migration facilities have had and determines the possible differing strategies that can be used to resolve these problems. The result of this analysis has led to a new design philosophy. This philosophy requires the design of a process migration facility and the design of an operating system to be conducted in parallel. Modern distributed operating systems follow the microkernel and client/server paradigms. Applying these design paradigms, in conjunction with the requirements of both process migration and a distributed operating system, results in a system where each resource is controlled by a separate server process. However, a process is a complex resource composed of simple resources such as data structures, an address space and communication state. For this reason, a process migration facility does not directly migrate the resources of a process. Instead, it requests the appropriate servers to transfer the resources. This novel solution yields a modular, high performance facility that is easy to create, debug and maintain. Furthermore, the design easily incorporates providing multiple migration strategies. In order to verify the validity of this design, a process migration facility was developed and tested within RHODOS (ResearcH Oriented Distributed Operating System). RHODOS is a modern microkernel and client/server based distributed operating system. In RHODOS, a process is composed of at least three separate resources: process state - maintained by a process manager, address space - maintained by a memory manager and communication state - maintained by an InterProcess Communication Manager (IPCM). The RHODOS multiple strategy migration manager utilises the services of the process, memory and IPC Managers to migrate the resources of a process. Performance testing of this facility indicates that this design is as fast or better than existing systems which use faster hardware. Furthermore, by studying the results of the performance test ing, the conditions under which a particular strategy should be employed have been identified. This thesis also addresses heterogeneous process migration. The current trend is to have islands of homogeneous workstations amid a sea of heterogeneity. From this situation and the current literature on the topic, heterogeneous process migration can be seen as too inefficient for general use. Instead, only homogeneous workstations should be used for process migration. This implies a need to locate homogeneous workstations. Entities called traders, which store and disseminate knowledge about the resources of several workstations, should be used to provide resource discovery. Resource discovery will enable the detection of homogeneous workstations to which processes can be migrated.


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Invoking the resource-based view (RBV), this study investigates relationships between management control systems (MCSs) use, including information use from performance measurement systems (PMSs), and organisational capabilities in the context of academic units of Australian universities. Increased competition and attention to distinctive capabilities amongst universities, particularly at their strategic operating unit level of Schools 1, provides the setting for application of this theoretic perspective. The objective of this study is to model various relationships between diagnostic and interactive use of MCSs, attention given to centrally-imposed and discretionary types of PMS information, the strength of capabilities of the academic unit and, in turn, performance of the academic units. This objective is investigated using a field survey in which a mail survey instrument is administered to a census of all Heads of Schools in all 39 universities in Australia. Valid responses were received from 166 Heads. Principal components factor analysis finds that Heads conceived capabilities of their unit in functional dimensions, not in generic dimensions as found in prior literature; Heads also considered performance measures in terms of their importance (critical or discretionary) rather than type (financial versus non-financial). Partial least-squares analysis is then used for path modelling, and several significant results are obtained. Highlights are that diagnostic MCS use and centrally-imposed performance measures, i.e., key performance indicators, but not interactive MCS use or discretionary performance measures, significantly relate to some or all of the strength of capabilities in the fields of teaching, research and networking, and in turn indirectly relate to performance of the academic units. The findings have practical implications for styles of control systems use; focus on selected key performance measures; and development of organisational capabilities for achievement of superior performance by academic schools in universities.


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The Chinese construction industry has had significant activity in the international market in the last decade following the entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO). However the degree of activity and the sector performance is still relatively uncertain. A review of the literature in this field indicates that there is very little rigor in relation to adoption of quantitative measurement and performance indicators for internationalization, in particular for the measurement of the degree of internationalization specifically related to the international construction sector at both firm and country level. In addition the estimation of the influence and status of a country's construction activity in the international market has not been considered. There are useful indicators that we can borrow and consider from mainstream economics literature, such as, Dunning's Eclectic Paradigm (based on the ownership (0), location (L) and internalization (1) advantages of a firm) and Low et al.'s OLI+S Model (based on the Ownership, Location, Internalization and Specialty). Through an analysis of the attributes of the Chinese construction industry and a discussion on trends for the last decade, this paper proposes to develop a new model by adapting the Dunning model and acknowledging the significance of "Specialty" to measure the degree of internationalization both at the firm and country level. The International Level and Status Index was generated to measure the level and status of a country's construction industry in the international market by adopting the Depth Index (revenue composition), Height Index (top enterprises) and Width Index (fields involved). The key finding is that the degree of internationalization of Chinese construction industry and the status and influence of Chinese construction industry in the international market has not increased quickly. Surprisingly even though China had expectations of high growth after entry to WTO it has in fact declined. Contrarily, both of them declined in the early years after the accession to WTO.


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Cost and schedule are two of most important performance indicators of construction projects. Cost escalation and time overruns are typically associated with poor management practices. Cost overruns and delays have huge impacts on construction projects in relation to the costs of a project, the reputation of the parties involved, and the satisfaction of the final product. Therefore, it is imperative to understand the causes of cost and time overruns so that mitigation measures can be set in place. A group of industry professionals in South Australia were surveyed on their perceptions of the factors contributing towards the cost and time overruns in commercial construction projects. The results showed that timeliness of decision making is ranked as the top factor contributing towards delays whereas problems with design is perceived as most influential to the cost overruns. In addition, the questionnaire survey found that different parties, i.e. clients, contractors and consultants have different perceptions on the impacts of these factors. Similarly, the structural frame stage was considered the most critical stage for controlling the time and cost performance during the construction process. Implications are discussed.


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Purpose – Property performance indices have invariably focused upon prime markets with a variety of approaches used to measure investment returns. However, there is relatively little knowledge regarding the investment performance of property in regeneration areas. Indeed, there is a perception that such locations carry increased risk and that the returns achieved may not be sufficient to offset the added risk. The main objective of this paper, therefore, is to construct regeneration property performance indicators consistent with the CBRE rent index and average yield monitor.

Design/methodology/approach – Local market experts were asked to estimate rents and yields for hypothetical standardised offerings for a range of regeneration locations throughout the UK, covering the period 1995 to 2002.

Findings – The results show that rental growth was similar in regeneration locations compared to the prime market. However, the analysis highlights a major yield shift for property in regeneration areas in the short to medium term. The downward pressure in yields would suggest that once a regeneration area becomes established and rental growth emerges, investor interest is stimulated resulting in increased competition and a shortening of yields.

Originality/value – The significance of this research is the quantification of property investment performance from regeneration areas that previously has not been available to investment institutions and decision makers. From a policy perspective this analysis is of relevance in confirming the maturing of locations that have received high levels of public sector support and indicating the effectiveness of regeneration policy mechanisms in creating sustainable urban environments capable of meeting private sector investment goals.


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This study examines the relationships between spirituality in the workplace, organizational commitment and job performance measured in terms of key performance indicators (KPIs) based on a sample of 376 academic staff at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). The methods used in the study are factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. Three factors are found to explain organizational commitment: affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment. Affective and normative commitments are positively influenced by workplace spirituality, which is explained by three factors: alignment between organizational and individual values; sense of enjoyment at work and contribution to community; and opportunity for inner life. The study also finds that neither high commitment nor workplace spirituality among academic staff necessarily manifest in high KPIs. Instead, other staff background variables appear to have more influence on job performance, such as gender, stream, age and rank.


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AIM: This study examined the relationships between the personality traits of conscientiousness, openness and extraversion at trait and facet-levels and three indicators of work role performance; proficiency, 'adaptivity' and proactivity measured at individual, team and organisational levels. BACKGROUND: This is one of the first studies to explore the relationship between personality, measured at trait and facet-level and performance using a comprehensive range of performance indicators. METHOD: An online survey of 393 nurses from health-care organisations across Australia was conducted to test hypothesised relationships. RESULTS: Path analyses revealed numerous relationships between personality, measured at both trait and facet-levels, and work role performance. Conscientiousness was highlighted as the strongest driver of work role performance across all the indicators, with extraversion also strongly associated with work role performance. Openness to experience, previously considered a week predictor of performance, was, when examined at the facet-level, related to all of the work role performance indicators. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggests a bandwidth effect, where the personality traits drive global performance while the facets drive specific performance. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT: Better understanding of the relationship between personality and work role performance will help nurse managers to foster the fit between individual and organisation, improving job satisfaction, engagement, retention and performance in role.


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The Mauri Model DMF is unique in its approach to the management of water resources as the framework offers a transparent and inclusive approach to considering the environmental, economic, social and cultural aspects of the decisions being contemplated. The Mauri Model DMF is unique because it is capable of including multiple-worldviews and adopts mauri (intrinsic value or well-being) in the place of the more common monetised assessments of pseudo sustainability using Cost Benefit Analysis. The Mauri Model DMF uses a two stage process that first identifies participants’ worldviews and inherent bias regarding water resource management, and then facilitates transparent assessment of selected sustainability performance indicators. The assessment can then be contemplated as the separate environmental, economic, social and cultural dimensions of the decision, and collectively as an overall result; or the priorities associated with different worldviews can be applied to determine the sensitivity of the result to different cultural contexts or worldviews.