922 resultados para power system computation
In this paper we present the results of the use of a methodology for multinodal load forecasting through an artificial neural network-type Multilayer Perceptron, making use of radial basis functions as activation function and the Backpropagation algorithm, as an algorithm to train the network. This methodology allows you to make the prediction at various points in power system, considering different types of consumers (residential, commercial, industrial) of the electric grid, is applied to the problem short-term electric load forecasting (24 hours ahead). We use a database (Centralised Dataset - CDS) provided by the Electricity Commission de New Zealand to this work.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The power system stability analysis is approached taking into explicit account the dynamic performance of generators internal voltages and control devices. The proposed method is not a direct method in the usual sense since conclusion for stability or instability is not exclusively based on energy function considerations but it is automatic since the conclusion is achieved without an analyst intervention. The stability test accounts for the nonconservative nature of the system with control devices such as the automatic voltage regulator (AVR) and automatic generation control (AGC) in contrast with the well-known direct methods. An energy function is derived for the system with machines forth-order model, AVR and AGC and it is used to start the analysis procedure and to point out criticalities. The conclusive analysis itself is made by means of a method based on the definition of a region surrounding the equilibrium point where the system net torque is equilibrium restorative. This region is named positive synchronization region (PSR). Since the definition of the PSR boundaries have no dependence on modelling approximation, the PSR test conduces to reliable results. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a new algorithm for optimal power flow problem. The algorithm is based on Newton's method which it works with an Augmented Lagrangian function associated with the original problem. The function aggregates all the equality and inequality constraints and is solved using the modified-Newton method. The test results have shown the effectiveness of the approach using the IEEE 30 and 638 bus systems.
A branch and bound (B& B) algorithm using the DC model, to solve the power system transmission expansion planning by incorporating the electrical losses in network modelling problem is presented. This is a mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problem, and in this approach, the so-called fathoming tests in the B&B algorithm were redefined and a nonlinear programming (NLP) problem is solved in each node of the B& B tree, using an interior-point method. Pseudocosts were used to manage the development of the B&B tree and to decrease its size and the processing time. There is no guarantee of convergence towards global optimisation for the MINLP problem. However, preliminary tests show that the algorithm easily converges towards the best-known solutions or to the optimal solutions for all the tested systems neglecting the electrical losses. When the electrical losses are taken into account, the solution obtained using the Garver system is better than the best one known in the literature.
A decentralized approach for optimal reactive power dispatch using a Lagrangian decomposition method
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper applies two methods of mathematical decomposition to carry out an optimal reactive power flow (ORPF) in a coordinated decentralized way in the context of an interconnected multi-area power system. The first method is based on an augmented Lagrangian approach using the auxiliary problem principle (APP). The second method uses a decomposition technique based on the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) first-order optimality conditions. The viability of each method to be used in the decomposition of multi-area ORPF is studied and the corresponding mathematical models are presented. The IEEE RTS-96, the IEEE 118-bus test systems and a 9-bus didactic system are used in order to show the operation and effectiveness of the decomposition methods.
This work presents a methodology to analyze transient stability for electric energy systems using artificial neural networks based on fuzzy ARTMAP architecture. This architecture seeks exploring similarity with computational concepts on fuzzy set theory and ART (Adaptive Resonance Theory) neural network. The ART architectures show plasticity and stability characteristics, which are essential qualities to provide the training and to execute the analysis. Therefore, it is used a very fast training, when compared to the conventional backpropagation algorithm formulation. Consequently, the analysis becomes more competitive, compared to the principal methods found in the specialized literature. Results considering a system composed of 45 buses, 72 transmission lines and 10 synchronous machines are presented. © 2003 IEEE.
Indices that report how much a contingency is stable or unstable in an electrical power system have been the object of several studies in the last decades. In some approaches, indices are obtained from time-domain simulation; others explore the calculation of the stability margin from the so-called direct methods, or even by neural networks.The goal is always to obtain a fast and reliable way of analysing large disturbance that might occur on the power systems. A fast classification in stable and unstable, as a function of transient stability is crucial for a dynamic security analysis. All good propositions as how to analyse contingencies must present some important features: classification of contingencies; precision and reliability; and efficiency computation. Indices obtained from time-domain simulations have been used to classify the contingencies as stable or unstable. These indices are based on the concepts of coherence, transient energy conversion between kinetic energy and potential energy, and three dot products of state variable. The classification of the contingencies using the indices individually is not reliable, since the performance of these indices varies with each simulated condition. However, collapsing these indices into a single one can improve the analysis significantly. In this paper, it is presented the results of an approach to filter the contingencies, by a simple classification of them into stable, unstable or marginal. This classification is performed from the composite indices obtained from step by step simulation with a time period of the clearing time plus 0.5 second. The contingencies originally classified as stable or unstable do not require this extra simulation. The methodology requires an initial effort to obtain the values of the intervals for classification, and the weights. This is performed once for each power system and can be used in different operating conditions and for different contingencies. No misplaced classification o- - ccurred in any of the tests, i.e., we detected no stable case classified as unstable or otherwise. The methodology is thus well fitted for it allows for a rapid conclusion about the stability of th system, for the majority of the contingencies (Stable or Unstable Cases). The tests, results and discussions are presented using two power systems: (1) the IEEE17 system, composed of 17 generators, 162 buses and 284 transmission lines; and (2) a South Brazilian system configuration, with 10 generators, 45 buses and 71 lines.
In this paper is presented a new approach for optimal power flow problem. This approach is based on the modified barrier function and the primal-dual logarithmic barrier method. A Lagrangian function is associated with the modified problem. The first-order necessary conditions for optimality are fulfilled by Newton's method, and by updating the barrier terms. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been examined by solving the Brazilian 53-bus, IEEE118-bus and IEEE162-bus systems.
An analysis of the performances of three important methods for generators and loads loss allocation is presented. The discussed methods are: based on pro-rata technique; based on the incremental technique; and based on matrices of circuit. The algorithms are tested considering different generation conditions, using a known electric power system: IEEE 14 bus. Presented and discussed results verify: the location and the magnitude of generators and loads; the possibility to have agents well or poorly located in each network configuration; the discriminatory behavior considering variations in the power flow in the transmission lines. © 2004 IEEE.
This paper describes a method for the decentralized solution of the optimal reactive power flow (ORPF) problem in interconnected power systems. The ORPF model is solved in a decentralized framework, consisting of regions, where the transmission system operator in each area operates its system independently of the other areas, obtaining an optimal coordinated but decentralized solution. The proposed scheme is based on an augmented Lagrangian approach using the auxiliary problem principle (APP). An implementation of an interior point method is described to solve the decoupled problem in each area. The described method is successfully implemented and tested using the IEEE two area RTS 96 test system. Numerical results comparing the solutions obtained by the traditional and the proposed decentralized methods are presented for validation. ©2008 IEEE.
ResumoThe main idea of this work is based on the analysis of the electric torque through the acting of the PS in the power system, provided of a control for the compensation degree (PSC). A linear model of the single machine-infinite bus system is used with a PS installed (SMIB/PS system). The variable that represents the presence of PS in the net is associated to the phase displacement introduced in the terminal voltage of the synchronous machine by PS. For the input signals of the PSC are evaluated variations of the angular speed of the rotor, the current magnitude and the active power through the line where the PS is located. The simulations are accomplished to analyze the influence of the PS in the torque formation (synchronizing and damping), of the SMIB/PS system. The analysis are developed in the time and frequency domain.
This paper proposes a new approach for optimal phasor measurement units placement for fault location on electric power distribution systems using Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure metaheuristic and Monte Carlo simulation. The optimized placement model herein proposed is a general methodology that can be used to place devices aiming to record the voltage sag magnitudes for any fault location algorithm that uses voltage information measured at a limited set of nodes along the feeder. An overhead, three-phase, three-wire, 13.8 kV, 134-node, real-life feeder model is used to evaluate the algorithm. Tests show that the results of the fault location methodology were improved thanks to the new optimized allocation of the meters pinpointed using this methodology. © 2011 IEEE.
This paper proposes a heuristic constructive multi-start algorithm (HCMA) to distribution system restoration in real time considering distributed generators installed in the system. The problem is modeled as nonlinear mixed integer and considers the two main goals of the restoration of distribution networks: minimizing the number of consumers without power and the number of switching. The proposed algorithm is implemented in C++ programming language and tested using a large real-life distribution system. The results show that the proposed algorithm is able to provide a set of feasible and good quality solutions in a suitable time for the problem. © 2011 IEEE.