888 resultados para perceived market orientation


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The current context of higher education is dynamic with various demands for change. Among catalysts for change are competition, market orientation, globalisation and technology. Nevertheless, the fact is, implementing major change in higher education is not an easy task. Higher education as an entity is unique unlike business organisations. A university has distinctive fundamental characters and practices such as the presence of diverse and ambiguous objectives and semi-autonomous organisational structures. Another issue is the presence of the human factor. In this aspect, the problems, views, experiences and knowledge of faculty members need to be taken into account. All these aspects may contribute to the success of the major change. Yet, some might also resist change. In this light, literature has shown that organisational change impacts individuals of the organization and vice versa. In addition, an imposed change may create negative emotions such as fear of losing something important, anger and anxiety. On the other hand, planned change may be accompanied by excitement and hope. In all these developments, literature has shown that studies on post change era are scarce. This is interesting because scholars have argued that post change era is an important time since it determines the success and failure of the change. This paper is about the effects of major change in an Australian university. Major change is defined as an amalgamation in a higher institution. In this case study, interviews were carried out to extract experiences of leaders and co-workers who had lived through the major change. These multi perspectives provide a rich description of the why, how and what aspects of the major change that may prove useful to leaders and staff of an academic organisation. The paper ends with some suggestions on improving institutional amalgamation.


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The thesis found that frontline employees’ (FLEs) experience of internal marketing (IM) programs positively influence their views of internal market orientation and their job outcomes of organisational identification and job satisfaction which then predicts FLEs’ customer oriented behaviour which is the targeted outcome of IM.


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O Internet banking tem evoluído rapidamente nos últimos anos. Se em 1996 apenas alguns pioneiros se arriscavam a oferecer serviços bancários através da Web, hoje milhões de usuários no mundo todo transformaram o Internet banking numa das aplicações de maior sucesso no universo do comércio eletrônico. Entretanto, este crescimento do Internet banking não está ocorrendo de forma homogênea no mercado bancário. Dois dos fatores influenciam o grau de investimento de um banco nos serviços on-line pela Web são: porte do banco e orientação de mercado varejo ou atacado dos serviços oferecidos. Este estudo mostra que os bancos de maior porte e os serviços voltados para o varejo estão mais consolidados no uso do Internet banking, embora os bancos de menor porte e os serviços para o mercado de atacado já disponham de importantes iniciativas de uso da Internet como canal bancário.


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Este relatório trata de uma pesquisa sobre o Impacto da Orientação para o Mercado sobre o Desempenho Financeiro. Foi realizada uma revisão teórica e seguiu-se o delineamento de um modelo conceitual. Tal modelo foi testado empiricamente com os dados de uma amostra de 192 concessionárias de veículos General Motors operando no Brasil, utilizando-se do método de modelagem de equações estruturais. Apesar das limitações incidentes, o ajustamento global do Modelo revelou-se bem pequeno. Em especial, os vínculos causais entre os três componentes da Orientação para o Mercado (Orientação para o Consumidor, Orientação para a Concorrência e Coordenação Interdepartamental) mostraram-se como não significantes. Os resultados são discutidos à luz da literatura e suas implicações avaliadas. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para compreender esses complexos fenômenos.


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Este relatório trata de uma pesquisa sobre o Impacto da Orientação para o Mercado sobre o Desempenho Financeiro. Foi realizada uma revisão teórica e seguiu-se o delineamento de um modelo conceitual. Tal modelo foi testado empiricamente com os dados de uma amostra de 122 executivos principais de concessionárias de veículos da Fiat operando no Brasil, utilizando-se do método de modelagem de equações estruturais. Numa etapa anterior, a mesma análise foi aplicada a uma amostra de dirigentes de concessionárias da General Motors no país. Nesta etapa, apesar das limitações incidentes, o ajustamento global do Modelo revelou-se pequeno. Em especial, apenas o vínculo causal entre o componente Orientação para a Concorrência da Orientação para o Mercado mostrou como causa significantes do Desempenho Financeiro. Os resultados são discutidos à luz da literatura e suas implicações avaliadas. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para compreender esses complexos fenômenos.


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Este relatório trata de uma pesquisa sobre o Impacto da Orientação para o Mercado sobre o Desempenho Financeiro. Foi realizada uma revisão teórica e seguiu-se o delineamento de um modelo conceitual. Tal modelo foi testado empiricamente com os dados de uma amostra de 294 executivos de concessionárias de veículos da Ford e Volkswagen operando no Brasil, utilizando-se do método de modelagem de equações estruturais. Em duas etapas anteriores, a mesma análise foi aplicada a amostras ligadas à Fiat e General Motors. Desta feita, o ajustamento global do Modelo revelou-se pequeno. Apenas o vínculo causal entre o componente Orientação para a Concorrência da Orientação para o Mercado mostrou-se como causa significante do Desempenho Financeiro. Os resultados são discutidos à luz da literatura, sendo suas implicações avaliadas. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para compreender tais complexos fenômenos.


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In the 1990, and after the process of privatizations of governmental companies in Brazil, cultural products had gained strategical importance for different types of organizations, specially for nationalized companies of the telecommunications sector. Based on the concept of market orientation, and specifically on the concept of cultural marketing, it is possible to understand the approximation between companies and cultural products restrictedly in the level of products and services. However, there has been little questioning about the concept of market orientation and the marginalization of plural and critical approaches which leaves gaps in the understanding of this approximation. Based in other areas of knowledge which understand this approximation between companies and cultural products and based in studies that present critics about the market forces it is possible to recognize the strategical corporative level of cultural products. Based in specific approaches in strategy, and defending pluralism and interdisciplinary research, it is possible to fill this gaps in the marketing literature. Specifically, in this study, are presented approaches that recognize the dimensions of power, politics and symbolism that influence strategies and are responsible for the approximation between these strategies and cultural products. Especially in Brazil, these debates are central, since in a context composed by nationalized companies many ambiguities are common. With this objective, a case study about a telecommunications sector company that has importance in the investment in cultural products is presented. From this case study, based on primary and secondary data, it is possible to comprehend the strategy in cultural products.


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The concept of market orientation appeared in the beginning of the year 1990 as one of the main marketing developments, getting prominence, at the end of the decade, in the strategy area as well. However due to universalization presuppositions and due to the statistical positivism, this concept seems to be limited for an organization type that still receives from researchers' little attention: nationalized companies. These companies origin is linked to the privatization processes, which happened throughout the years after 1990 in Brazil. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this thesis recognizes the main marketing and strategy debates; however it points for neglectful dimensions in both areas, necessary for a broader OPM concept understanding. With the objective of a broader understanding of the OPM concept, this thesis searches for the alignment of the OPM concept with the strategy as social practice conceptions as a framework for the conduction of a case study on nationalized companies belonging to the telecommunication sectors. The exploratory character of the study reveals important subjects that can help the development of the OPM concept in a broader way for future researches as: the government influence over markets, market culture development in nationalized companies and different market concepts existence.


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The subject entrepreneurship has been gaining strength within the area of strategy, as the entrepreneurial activity represents one of the gears of economic growth and a political social and economic response of the entrepreneur¿s capital. Nevertheless, there are not many studies that investigated if entrepreneurial orientation influences firm performance in Brazil. The objective of the research is to understand and conclude on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. To achieve this objective, qualitative research through in-depth interviews with 14 managers was followed by quantitative research through data collection involving 104 managers in a heterogeneous sample of 104 companies. The research used the model of Lumpkin; Dess (1996) for entrepreneurial orientation in five dimensions (autonomy, innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness and competitive aggressiveness), to which two more dimensions were added: strategic alliances and market orientation ¿ that emerged during the qualitative phase of the study. As a result a generic model was obtained ¿ composed of one variable (proactiveness) which positively impacts the firm performance. Proactiveness was also the key factor that positively impacted the firm performance for the service sector and small businesses. For the commercial sector, the model was composed by three dimensions (innovativeness, risk taking and market orientation). While the industry / construction sectors showed no linear relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. Competitive aggressiveness is the key factor that impacts positively on firm performance for big companies, whereas for mediumsized companies it is the market orientation which relates positively to firm performance. Finally, there are no significant differences depending on the sector in which the firm operates or its size.


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The general aim of this dissertation is to describe and analyse how public old-age care in Sweden has developed and changed during the last century. The study applies a provider perspective on how care has been planned and professionally carried out. A broader social policy perspective, studying old-age care at central/national as well as local/municipal level, is also developed. A special focus is directed at the large local variation in care and services for the elderly. The empirical base is comprised of official documents and other public sources, survey data from interviews with elderly recipients of public old-age care, and official statistics on publicly financed and controlled old-age care and services. Study I addresses the development of old-age care in Sweden during the twentieth century by studying an important occupation in this field – the supervisors and their professional roles, tasks and working conditions. Throughout, the roles of supervisors have followed the prevailing official policy on the proper way to provide care for elderly people in Sweden; from poor relief at the beginning of the 1900s, via a generous level of services in the 1960s and 1970s, to today’s restricted and economy-controlled mode of operation. Study II describes and compares two main forms of public old-age care in Sweden today, home help services and institutional care. The care-load found in home-based care was comparable to and sometimes even larger than in service-homes and other institutions, indicating that large care needs among elderly people in Sweden today can be met in their homes as well as in institutional settings. Studies III and IV analyse the local variation in public old-age care in Sweden. During the last decades there has been an overall decline in home help services. The coverage of home help for elderly people shows large differences between municipalities throughout this period, and the relative variation has increased. The local disparity seems to depend more on historical factors, e.g., previous coverage rates, than on the present municipal situation in levels of need or local economy and politics. In an introductory part the four papers are linked together by an outline of the demographic situation and the social policy model for old-age care in Sweden. Trends that have been apparent over time, e.g. professionalisation and market orientation, are traced and discussed. Conflicts between prevailing ideologies are analysed, in regards to for instance home-based and institution-based care, social and medical culture, and local and central levels of decision-making. ’Welfare municipality’, ‘path dependency’, and ‘decentralisation’ are suggested as a conceptual framework for describing the large and increasing local variations in old-age care. Finally, implications of the four studies with regard to old-age care policy and further research are discussed.


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A multitude of products, systems, approaches, views and notions characterize the field of e-learning. This article attempts to disentangle the field by using economic and sociological theories, theories of marketing management and strategy as well as practical experience gained by the author while working with leading edge suppliers of e-learning. On this basis, a distinction between knowledge creation e-learning and knowledge transfer e-learning is made. The various views are divided into four different ideal-typical paradigms, each with its own characteristics and limitations. Selecting the right paradigm to use in the development of an e-learning strategy may prove crucial to success. Implications for the development of an e-learning strategy in businesses and educational institutions are outlined.


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This paper focuses on the impact of Indonesia's economic crisis on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It shows how the performance of SMEs during the crisis varied widely even in the same industrial subsector, and found that the factors most affecting performance have been market orientation and the linkages that the SMEs have formed with the buyers of their products. Well-performing SMEs were found to have utilized putting-out linkages with wholesalers which enabled them to switch to products having better markets. On the other hand, the SMEs which had subcontracting linkages with assemblers or contracting linkages with user-factories (with the exception of SMEs having export-oriented linkages) suffered badly in the crisis because of specificity of products with little room for switching. The paper also found that exposure to debt due to borrowing for investment has been another factor affecting performance, but that enterprise size has had no linear correlation with performance.


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Over the last decade, the international business literature has placed ever-greater emphasis on the role that learning and innovation play in determining multinational and multinational subsidiary performance. The present research seeks to understand the organizational paths leading to such desirable outcomes as greater learning, increased innovation and improved performance. Using a model tested with data collected through a survey of managers in subsidiaries of multinational firms, we find dual, independent paths to improved performance - one through networking and inter-unit learning and the other through subsidiary autonomy and innovation. A particular feature of these findings is that they can be shown to be robust after controlling for a wide range of environmental pressures and firm and industry factors. However, in the absence of environmental controls the dual path finding is rejected. These conflicting findings support the imperative to test models that include a diverse range of environmental pressures so that the true effects of organizational factors on learning, innovation and performance can be identified.


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A manager's perception of industry structure (dynamism) has the potential to impact various organizational strategies and behaviors. This may be particularly so with regard to perceptions driving organizational learning orientations and innovation based marketing strategy. The position taken here suggests that firms operating within a competitive industry tend to pursue innovative ways of performing value-creating activities, which requires the development of learning capabilities. The results of a study of SMEs suggest that market focused learning, relative to other learning capabilities plays a key role in the relationships between industry structure, innovation and brand performance. The findings also show that market focused learning and internally focused learning influence innovation and that innovation influences a brand's performance. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Theory suggests that firms that adopt innovation share some common characteristics, just as those who do not adopt innovation and firms adopt a particular technology because the functions provided by the chosen technology fulfils their needs. Building on these arguments, this research project investigates the antecedents and consequences of e-business adoption among manufacturing firms in Malaysia. This thesis develops from the existing literature of organisational innovation adoption, information technology and strategic marketing/management. It further adds to the existing literature by using cultural-based predictors representing organisational characteristics consisting of market orientation, innovativeness and organisational learning. The study also formalises the theoretical framework of organisational-environment-technology. This study develops a new construct called technology motivation in addition to the introduction of several e-business technology scales. The results substantiate the significance of firm technology motivation in determining firm adoption of the various e-business initiatives. In addition, business environment and market orientation are found to influence firm choice of technology motivation. Meanwhile, innovativeness and organisational learning are shown to influence the magnitude of a firm’s e-business adoption. Finally, the results show that firm adoption of e-business technology does not influence organisational performance. This investigation clarifies the rationale and importance of firm technology motivation in adopting the various e-business initiatives. It also highlights the importance of having the appropriate organisational culture in ensuring a successful technology adoption.