999 resultados para painéis FV


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C55.


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Expression of antibodies or antibody fragments in plants is a useful tool for producing active antibody derivatives for diagnostic or pharmaceutical purposes as well as for immunomodulation. We investigated the effect of cellular expression site on the stability and yield of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-specific single-chain Fv-fragments (scFv) in transgenic tobacco. Two antibodies (J2 and P6) belonging to the V23(J558) heavy chain variable gene family but differing in the light chain variable domain were used. scFvs were targeted to the cytoplasm – with or without anchoring them in the plasma membrane –, into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and to the apoplast. Although high mRNA concentrations were detected in all cases, scFv proteins accumulated only when scFvs were made ER-resident by appropriate signal sequences. When the ER retention signal was removed to allow scFv-secretion to the apoplast, no scFv-proteins were detected. Despite the strong homology of the VH-sequences of J2 and P6 antibodies, only P6 provided a stable scFv scaffold for intracytoplasmic expression. J2-scFv could not be stabilised neither by adding a C-terminal stabilisation signal nor by anchoring the protein at the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane (PM). It was found that dsRNA-specific J2-scFvs are active in vivo and enhance Potato Virus Y induced symptoms in infected tobacco. This is the first report describing the expression and biological effect of RNA-specific antibodies in plants.


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The developed study proposes a new computer modeling efficient and easy to apply in usual project situations to evaluate the interaction between masonry panels and support structure. The proposed model simulates the behavior of the wall exclusively using frame finite elements, thus compounding an equivalent frame. The validation was performed in two ways: firstly, through the analysis of various panels of generic plans, comparing the results obtained from equivalent frame model with the ones from a reference model, which uses shell finite elements in discretization of the walls; and in a second step, comparing with the results of the experimental model of Rosenhaupt. The analyzes considered the linear elastic behavior for materials and consisted basically in the evaluation of vertical displacements and efforts in support beams, and tensions at the base of walls. Was also evaluated, from flat and threedimensional modeling of some walls from a real project, important aspects of the wall-beam interaction, e.g.: the presence of openings of doors and windows, arranged in any position; conditions of support and linking of beams; interference of moorings between walls; and consideration of wind action. The analysis of the achieved results demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed modeling, since they have very similar aspects in the distribution of stresses and efforts, always with intensities slightly larger than those of the reference and experimental models.


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Since the creation of supersonic vehicles, during the Second World War, the engineers have given special attention to the interaction between the aerodynamic efforts and the structures of the aircrafts due to a highly destructive phenomenon called flutter in aeronautical panel. Flutter in aeronautical panels is a self-excited aeroelastic phenomenon, which can occurs during supersonic flights due to dynamic instability of inertia, elastic and aerodynamic forces of the system. In the flutter condition, when the critical aerodynamic pressure is reached, the vibration amplitudes of the panel become dynamically unstable and increase exponentially with time, affecting significantly the fatigue life of the existing aeronautical components. Thus, in this paper, the interest is to investigate the possibility of reducing the effects of the supersonic aeroelastic instability of rectangular plates by applying passive constrained viscoelastic layers. The rationale for such study is the fact that as the addition of viscoelastic materials provides decreased vibration amplitudes it becomes important to quantify the suppression of plate flutter coalescence modes that can be obtained. Moreover, despite the fact that much research on the suppression of panel flutter has been carried out by using passive, semi-active and active control techniques, very few of them are adapted to deal with the problem of estimating the flutter speeds of viscoelastic systems, since they must conveniently account for the frequency- and temperature-dependent behavior of the viscoelastic material. In this context, two different model of viscoelastic material are developed and applied to the model of sandwich plate by using finite elements. After the presentation of the theoretical foundations of the methodology, the description of a numerical study on the flutter analysis of a three-layer sandwich plate is addressed.


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Abstract not available


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Os sucessivos avanços tecnológicos permitem a criação de novos materiais de construção com características otimizadas ao uso que lhes é designado. Nesta categoria enquadram-se os materiais compósitos e mais concretamente os painéis compósitos de betão aligeirado de EPS com revestimento superficial de placas Megapan® estudados neste documento. Neste documento faz-se uma abordagem aos conceitos de material compósito e uma breve análise histórica do seu uso. Descreve-se também sucintamente as características gerais dos painéis em estudo e exemplifica-se algumas aplicações do material até à presente data. São analisados testes de resistência efetuados ao material estudado e efetua-se a caracterização mecânica do mesmo. Verifica-se neste estudo que os painéis de betão aligeirado de EPS com revestimento superficial de placas Megapan® possuem resistências mecânicas que permitem a sua utilização como parte integrante de um sistema estrutural. Sugere-se uma solução construtiva para uma estrutura que utilize os painéis estudados como elemento estrutural e os respetivos pormenores construtivos. É também sugerida uma metodologia de cálculo para dimensionar a estrutura analisada.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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La energía solar fotovoltaica ha adquirido en los últimos años una presencia cada vez mayor en el mercado mundial de producción energética y, para que realmente sea una forma de producción energética competitiva, es importante abaratar costes y poder tener una estimación fiel de la energía que se puede producir en una instalación fotovoltaica antes de su localización, para así poder tomar decisiones sobre la ubicación y aplicación de las tecnologías más adecuadas. Son varias las tecnologías presentes en el mercado fotovoltaico actual y de todas ellas, la de silicio policristalino es la que está más extendida, siendo sobre la que más se ha investigado y analizado su comportamiento. Actualmente existen nuevas tecnologías de módulos fotovoltaicos que están adquiriendo una cuota de mercado cada vez más significativa, entre las que destacan las de lámina delgada. Para poder realizar una estimación de la energía que puede producir un módulo, es de vital importancia conocer la temperatura de operación del mismo. Por ese motivo, en este trabajo se analiza la aplicabilidad de modelos de predicción de temperatura de operación de módulos existentes en la literatura a las nuevas tecnologías, se proponen nuevos modelos de predicción de temperatura y se utilizan en escalas temporales diferentes para poder comprobar la eficacia de los mismos. El estudio se realiza con módulos trabajando en condiciones de sol real, pues es así como funcionarán las instalaciones fotovoltaicas de producción energética. En este trabajo se ha comprobado que se obtienen mejores resultados en la predicción horaria de temperatura de operación de módulos que en la predicción de temperatura instantánea. También se ha comprobado que uno de los modelos propuestos, el de dos coeficientes, consigue resultados similares a otros modelos existentes previamente en la literatura, pese a la sencillez de cálculo del mismo. La aplicación de este modelo propuesto para la predicción de la producción energética podría ser de gran ayuda para una estimación fiel previa a la instalación de una planta fotovoltaica. El hecho de que sea aplicable a nuevas tecnologías fotovoltaicas de lámina delgada como el telururo de cadmio, el silicio amorfo y el tándem silicio amorfo y microcristalino es un valor añadido. Poder predecir con precisión la producción energética es lo que hará que la energía solar fotovoltaica se perfile como una energía competitiva, y adquiera una posición dominante entre las energías renovables.


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One of the main referring subjects to the solar energy is how to compare it economically with other sources of energy, as much alternatives as with conventionals (like the electric grid). The purpose of this work was to develop a software which congregates the technical and economic main data to identify, through methods of microeconomic analysis, the commercial viability in the sizing of photovoltaic systems, besides considering the benefits proceeding from the proper energy generation. Considering the period of useful life of the components of the generation system of photovoltaic electricity, the costs of the energy proceeding from the conventional grid had been identified. For the comparison of the conventional sources, electric grid and diesel generation, three scenes of costs of photovoltaic panels and two for the factor of availability of diesel generation had been used. The results have shown that if the cost of the panels is low and the place of installation is more distant of the electric grid, the photovoltaic system becomes the best option.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), endemic in Latin America, is a progressive systemic mycosis caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (P. brasiliensis), which primarily attacks lung tissue. Dendritic cells (DCs) are able to initiate a response in naive T cells, and they also participate in Th-cell education. Furthermore, these cells have been used for therapy in several disease models. Here we transfected DCs with a plasmid (pMAC/PS-scFv) encoding a single chain variable fragment (scFv) of an anti-Id antibody that is capable of mimicking gp43, the main antigenic component of P. brasiliensis. First, Balb/c mice were immunized subcutaneously with pMAC/PS-scFv and, after seven days, scFv protein was presented to the regional lymph nodes cells. Moreover, we showed that the DCs transfected with scFv were capable of efficiently activating proliferation of total lymph node cells and inducing a decrease in lung infection. Therefore, our results suggested that the use of scFv-transfected DCs may be a promising therapy in the paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) model.


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Ide, BN, Leme, TCF, Lopes, CR, Moreira, A, Dechechi, CJ, Sarraipa, MF, da Mota, GR, Brenzikofer, R, and Macedo, DV. Time course of strength and power recovery after resistance training with different movement velocities. J Strength Cond Res 25(7): 2025-2033, 2011-The purpose of this study was to evaluate the time course of strength and power recovery after a single bout of strength training designed with fast and slow contraction velocities. Nineteen male subjects were randomly divided into 2 groups: the slow-velocity contraction (SV) group and the fast velocity contraction (FV) group. Resistance training protocols consisted of 5 sets of 12 repetition maximum (5 x 12RM) with 50 seconds of rest between sets and 2 minutes between exercises. Contraction velocity was controlled by the execution time for each repetition (SV-6 seconds to complete concentric and eccentric phases and for FV-1.5 seconds). Leg Press 45 degrees 1RM (LP 1RM), horizontal countermovement jump (HCMJ), and right thigh circumference (TC) were accessed in 6 distinct moments: base (1 week before exercise), 0 (immediately after exercises), 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours after exercise protocol. The SV and FV presented significant LP 1RM decrements at 0, and these were still evident 24-48 hours postexercise. The magnitude of decline was significantly (p<0.05) higher for FV. The SV and FV presented significant HCMJ decrements at 0, but only for FV were these still evident 24-72 hours postexercise. The SV and FV presented significant TC increments at 0, and these were still evident 24-48 hours postexercise for SV but for FV it continued up to 96 hours. The magnitude of increase was significantly (p<0.05) higher for FV. In conclusion, the fast contraction velocity protocol resulted in greater decreases in LP 1RM and HCMJ performance, when compared with slow velocity. The results lead us to interpret that this variable may exert direct influence on acute muscle strength and power generation capacity.


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Simultaneous measurements of pulmonary blood flow (qPA), coeliacomesenteric blood flow (qCoA), dorsal aortic blood pressure (PDA), heart rate (fH) and branchial ventilation frequency (fv) were made in the Australian lungfish, /Neoceratodus forsteri, /during air breathing and aquatic hypoxia. The cho­linergic and adrenergic influences on the cardiovascular system were investigated during normoxia using pharmacological agents, and the presence of catecholamines and serotonin in different tissues was investi­gated using histochemistry. Air breathing rarely occurred during normoxia but when it did, it was always associated with increased pulmonary blood flow. The pulmonary vasculature is influenced by both a cho­linergic and adrenergic tonus whereas the coeliacomesenteric vasculature is influenced by a β-adrenergic vasodilator mechanism. No adrenergic nerve fibers could be demonstrated in /Neoceratodus /but catecholamine-containing endothelial cells were found in the atrium of the heart. In addition, serotonin-­immunoreactive cells were demonstrated in the pulmonary epithelium. The most prominent response to aquatic hypoxia was an increase in gill breathing frequency followed by an increased number of air breaths together with increased pulmonary blood flow. It is clear from the present investigation that /Neoceratodus /is able to match cardiovascular performance to meet the changes in respiration during hypoxia.


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Glossocercus chelodinae (MacCallum, 1921) n. comb. is redescribed from fresh material recovered from the intestine of an Australian freshwater turtle, Chelodina expansa. G. chelodinae can be distinguished from all other species of the genus by the shape of its rostellar hooks. it is suggested that this species has colonised fish-eating turtles from fish-eating birds. The morphological relationships among Parvitaenia, Bancroftiella and Glossocercus are discussed. The diagnosis of Bancroftiella is amended and marsupials are eliminated as hosts. Bancroftiella sudarikovi Spasskii & Yurpalova, 1970 becomes a synonym of Glossocercus glandularis (Fuhrmann, 1905); only B. tennis Johnston, 1911, the type-species, and B. ardeae Johnston, 1911 remain in the genus.


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Gallstones have been frequently diagnosed after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP). Gallbladder stasis associated with duodenal exclusion may play a role in their pathogenesis. Gallbladder emptying was studied before and on the 30th and 31st postoperative days (POD) after RYGBP in 20 morbidly obese patients. Gallbladder volume after fasting and every 15 min during a 2-h period following administration of a standard liquid meal was determined by sonography. On the 31st POD, the meal was administered through the gastrostomy in order to promote its transit through the duodenum. Fasting volume (FV), maximum ejection fraction (Max EF), and residual volume (RV) were determined. Biliary sludge and calculi were investigated after 1 and 6 months, respectively. FV was 39.4 +/- 20.2 ml, 50.1 +/- 22.7 ml, and 47.9 +/- 23.4 ml, respectively, for the preoperative and two postoperative assessments (P = 0.09). RV was 7.6 +/- 8.7 ml, 25.1 +/- 20.0 ml, and 24.6 +/- 20.9 ml; and Max EF was 80.5 +/- 20.9%, 54.3 +/- 21.4%, and 50.5 +/- 29.0%, respectively, for the pre-, postoral, and postgastrostomy infusion measurements. There was only a significant difference between the preoperative value and the two postoperative values (P < 0.001). Biliary sludge was detected in 65% of the patients and 46% of them subsequently developed gallstones. Gallbladder emptying became significantly compromised after RYGBP. This impairment was unrelated to duodenal exclusion but it was associated with biliary sludge and stone formation.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of various attitude-behavior theories in explaining alcohol use among young adults. The theory of reasoned action (TRA), the theory of planned behavior and an extension of the TRA that incorporates past behavior were compared by the method of maximum-likelihood estimation, as implemented in LISREL for Windows 8.12. Method: Respondents consisted of 122 university students (82 female) who were questioned about their attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, past behavior and intentions relating to drinking behavior. Students received course credit for their participation in the research. Results: Overall, the results suggest that the extension of the theory of reasoned action which incorporates past behavior provides the best fit to the data. For these young adults, their intentions to drink alcohol were predicted by their past behavior as well as their perceptions of what important others think they should do (subjective norm). Conclusions: The main conclusions drawn from the research concern the importance of focusing on normative influences and past behavior in explaining young adult alcohol use. Issues regarding the relative merit of various alternative models and the need for greater clarity in the measure of attitudes are also discussed.