904 resultados para neo-liberal governmentality


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The reform of cities spaces and housing has been a key issue with campaigners on the left for more than a century. These campaigns have found allies in the work of socially committed photographers from Jacob Riis at the turn of the twentieth century to Margaret Morton and Camilo Jose Vergara today. Globally the current phase of neo-liberalism has brought its own issues to the city as ‘regeneration’ strategies dispossess the urban poor in areas that are potentially lucrative to real estate development. In this process known as ‘accumulation by dispossession’ large profits are accumulated in the process of dispossessing people of their land, rights and homes. Central to the theoretical component of this paper, is an interrogation of contemporary ideas on the production and photographic representation of urban space. The research hence questions photography’s ability to make ‘legible’ the key drivers of today’s emergent terrains and to visualize their connections to the networks of power and capital that articulate the current political economy (Sassen 2011:36). One strand here will be the ‘fleshing out’ of the cultural practices behind photographers mediating urban development (Jones 2013: 1.2). Alongside current corporate depictions historical precedents will be discussed. Photographers as far back as Charles Marville in Paris of the 1850’s have documented urban reconstruction (Kennel 2013). Often employed by those undertaking the demolition, these photographic images frequently suppress certain narratives of the unbuilding process. Acting as a propaganda tool they eliminate the impact on the lives of inhabitants or the economic realities driving the valorization of reconstruction schemes (James 2004). Reformist documentary images have also played their part in justifying large-scale urban reconstruction that involved the eventual displacement of existing communities (Rose 1997: Blaikie 2006). Focusing on the gentrification of social housing in Pendleton, Salford (Greater Manchester) the presentation will explore the artists’ own work through a critical discussion, photographic images and excerpts from site writing they’ve undertaken in the area since 2004. It asks can an alternative photographic and visual strategy provide a meaningful political counter narrative to combat persuasive corporate discourses on ‘urban revitalization’? The paper will explore strategies and techniques of witnessing and ask whether these types of record can counter neo-liberal visualizations that mediate the material transformation of city areas. Can such representations begin a critical conversation about the nature of urban change and who benefits from these transformations (Wyly 2010)? Can we develop this critical photography into a type of practice that moves beyond generalisations and talks about social relations though an ‘explicit analysis of society’ (Rosler 2004:195).


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This paper begins by outlining and critiquing what we term the dominant anglophone model of neo-liberal community safety and crime prevention. As an alternative to this influential but flawed model, a comparative analysis is provided of the different constitutional-legal settlements in each of the five jurisdictions across the UK and the Republic of Ireland (ROI), and their uneven institutionalization of community safety. In the light of this it is argued that the nature of the anglophone community safety enterprise is actually subject to significant variation. Summarizing the contours of this variation facilitates our articulation of some core dimensions of community safety. Then, making use of Colebatch’s (2002) deconstruction of policy activity into categories of authority and expertise, and Brunsson’s (2002) distinction between policy talk, decisions and action, we put forward a way of understanding policy activity that avoids the twin dangers of ‘false particularism’ and ‘false universalism’ (Edwards and Hughes, 2005); that indicates a path for further empirical enquiry to assess the ‘reality’ of policy convergence; and that enables the engagement of researchers with normative questions about where community safety should be heading.


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I den här avhandlingen är intresset riktat mot svensk utbildningspolitik och medborgarskap. I tider av globalisering, och med ett etablerat svenskt medlemskap i Europeiska unionen, har det nationella policyskapandet kring utbildningens medborgardanande funktion hamnat under ökat tryck. I studien undersöks hur detta hanteras i svensk utbildningspolitik under 1990-talet, en tid som utmärker sig genom betydande förändringar på utbildningsområdet i Sverige. Frågan är, mera precist, vilken riktning för skolans, enligt lag befästa, uppdrag att fostra demokratiska medborgare som utstakas i svensk utbildningspolitik vid denna tid. Genom att fästa vikt vid mål, visioner och motiv som formuleras i utbildningspolitiska 1990-talstexter klarläggs förståelser av medborgarskap som karaktäriserar svensk utbildningspolitik under denna tid. Även en bredare historisk analys görs, ur vilken historiska målsättningar med skolans medborgarfostran som föregår 1990-talets framträder. Studiens syfte är kritiskt. Förståelserna granskas utifrån vad de innesluter och vad de utesluter, vilka möjliga konsekvenser de kan tänkas få för olika individer och grupper i samhället, och om det finns öppningar för tänkbara alternativ. Studien visar på två historiska skiften vad gäller medborgarskapets innehåll och mening i det inhemska policyskapandet. Det första skiftet äger rum under 1990-talets tidiga del. Då bryts en etablerad samhällsbyggande medborgarroll upp, till förmån för andra mera marknadsorienterade medborgarroller. Under 1990-talets senare del, då marknadsorienteringen förstärks i neoliberal riktning, sker ett andra skifte; en historiskt vedertagen gemenskapstanke – nationen – bryts upp som grund för medborgerlig gemenskap. Denna tanke ersätts av en annan som är globaliseringsinriktad, vilken visar sig ha andra inne- och uteslutande mekanismer för olika individer och samhällsgrupper. Utifrån dessa forskningsrön tecknas avslutningsvis några konturer till ett alternativt sätt att tänka kring medborgarskap och gemenskap. Detta alternativ tar form i ambitionen att, i högre grad än vad som blir synligt i svensk utbildningspolitik, resonera kring möjligheter för ett medborgarskap bortom förhandstecknade indelningsgrunder för ett “vi”. Språk som politisk och samhällelig förändringskraft ges en central betydelse i avhandlingen. I analysen av texternas tal om skolans medborgarfostrande roll undersöks pågående politiska motsättningar när det gäller att vinna tal- och tolkningsföreträde till skolans fostransmål. Utgångarna av dessa motsättningar belyses genom tre områden för medborgarfostran som urskilts som centrala; ett politiskt, ett kulturellt samt ett ekonomi- och arbetslivsriktat. Genom dessa har rådande medborgarskapsdiskurser tagit form, ur vilka de utbildningspolitiska förståelserna av medborgarskap gestaltas och diskuteras.


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This article examines how the concept of active citizenship has been given a neo-liberal character by examining practice in three different educational contexts in Sweden. The concept of active citizenship has become influential in educational policy and practice throughout the European Union. The aim of this article is to highlight concerns at how this concept has come to be re-shaped by neo-liberal principles in Swedish education. The analysis highlights three themes, based on voice, ethical awareness and complexity and mutuality of lived experience, and argues that they provide the basis for a shift away from the present neo-liberal colouring of the concept.


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Since the neo-liberal turn, corporate investment in universities has accelerated as the withdrawal of government funding, among other factors, has further exposed universities to market forces. While this process offers numerous benefits for corporations and wealthy individuals, it has been mostly detrimental for students, educators, and the public at large. In this interview, international scholars Dave Hill, Alpesh Maisuria, Anthony Nocella, and Michael Parenti broadly explain why corporations have been aggressively investing in universities. They address the numerous ways that corporate involvement in university activity negatively impacts academic freedom, research outcomes, and the practice of democracy. The interview ends on a hopeful note by presenting examples of resistance against corporate influence. Their analyses focus primarily on the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.


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Preparedness for disaster scenarios is progressively becoming an educational agenda for governments because of diversifying risks and threats worldwide. In disaster-prone Japan, disaster preparedness has been a prioritised national agenda, and preparedness education has been undertaken in both formal schooling and lifelong learning settings. This article examines the politics behind one prevailing policy discourse in the field of disaster preparedness referred to as ‘the four forms of aid’ – ‘kojo [public aid]’, ‘jijo [self-help]’, ‘gojo/kyojo [mutual aid]’. The study looks at the Japanese case, however, the significance is global, given that neo-liberal governments are increasingly having to deal with a range of disaster situations whether floods or terrorism, while implementing austerity measures. Drawing on the theory of the adaptiveness of neo-liberalism, the article sheds light on the hybridity of the current Abe government’s politics: a ‘dominant’ neo-liberal economic approach – public aid and self-help – and a ‘subordinate’ moral conservative agenda – mutual aid. It is argued that the four forms of aid are an effective ‘balancing act’, and that kyojo in particular is a powerful legitimator in the hybrid politics. The article concludes that a lifelong and life-wide preparedness model could be developed in Japan which has taken a social approach to lifelong learning. © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group


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Desde la década de los 90’ cuando aún en ciernes se maduraban las Reformas de los diferentes Estados para afrontar la corriente Neo-liberal, Colombia asume el reto de reformarse y con él, el sector social más sensible para mantener la capacidad productiva intacta: El sector salud. Se impulsa en consecuencia la conocida Ley 100 y sus artículos reglamentarios llevando al Sistema Sanitario de un modelo de subsidio a la oferta (envío de los recursos directamente para financiar los servicios de salud ofertados) a uno de subsidio a la demanda (los recursos se destinan a cubrir los costos de la afiliación de los usuarios) y con ellos, la pérdida de la obligatoriedad del Estado de enviar los dineros a los Prestadores de servicios. Invita a públicos y privados a formar parte de un mercado abierto, competitivo, en igualdad de condiciones y en un mercado capaz de efectuar la depuración de sus participantes en función de la satisfacción de los usuarios, los resultados sociales y ante todo, los rendimientos económicos. Y la herramienta que ordena el proceso planificador de recursos en ambas organizaciones (públicas y privadas) se llama la Nota Técnica. El presente documento explica sus características, su alcance así como su aplicación y utilidad en el diario devenir de las organizaciones sanitarias (hospitalarias y ambulatorias) en el escenario de competencia empresarial propuesto por la Seguridad Social en Salud.


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The first two decades of 21st century were times of great social, economic and political changes in Brazil where sport mega events (FIFA WC 2014, Rio 2016) played a key role in how the nation portrayed and promoted itself in a global scale. Despite the undeniable importance of Presidents Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff in attempt to present the country as global protagonist with more political power and social advancements, this works is intended to discuss and extended the discussion upon mega events as different ways of repeating old traditions and practices, (radically) contextualizing the role of other players and agents (sport officials, local politicians, sponsors and local media), their biases and interests, in accordance to traditional colonial processes and the dominant neo-liberal paradigm.


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El entorno económico colombiano ha estado dominado desde 1990 por los programas de reforma estructural que lanzó tímidamente la Administración Barco y adoptó con ímpetu y velocidades poco conocidos en el país la Administración Gaviria. La radicalidad de los cambios se basa en un diagnóstico según el cual, en ausencia de medidas radicales que abrieran la economía a las libres fuerzas del mercado, el país estaba abocado a una severa crisis de desarrollo. Obviamente, dichas reformas tienen como marco general esfuerzos paralelos que vienen teniendo lugar a lo largo y ancho del mundo, como respuesta al desencanto generalizado por el excesivo intervencionismo estatal y al resurgimiento consecuente de un claro espiritu neo-liberal.


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Tomar decisões em qualquer contexto da vida pessoal ou profissional implica todo um processo mental e emocional assaz complexo, que se inicia com a deteção de um problema que necessita de ser solucionado. Em todas as organizações empresariais ou escolares, essa tarefa requer o domínio de mecanismos concretos e conhecimentos específicos em várias áreas que é preciso gerir. Por esse motivo, o líder deve ser capaz de ativar, procurar, requerer, convocar e trabalhar esses saberes para poder influenciar os seus colaboradores na concretização dos objetivos da organização, encaminhando-os para o cumprimento da missão, à qual subjaz uma visão, que projeta para o sucesso, com a máxima eficácia. Em educação, o diretor, líder de topo da organização educativa, também deve dominar os procedimentos que permitem a preparação, a decisão e a execução do processo de tomada de decisão a fim de liderar com eficácia a escola. Todavia, o líder escolar tem de lidar com as vicissitudes implícitas ao exercício das suas funções, desde logo esforçando-se por encontrar um equilíbrio entre o reforço de poderes e de autoridade, decretado pelo atual regime de autonomia, administração e gestão das escolas (DL n.º 75/2008, de 22 de abril, alterado pelo DL n.º 139/2012, de 2 de julho) e a centralização da administração do Ministério da Educação, ainda entranhada por uma visão demasiadamente neoliberalista da escola. Foi sob esta premissa que foi desenvolvido este trabalho. Com o objetivo de analisar as decisões tomadas pelos líderes escolares, levando-os a interrogar-se sobre o processo da tomada de decisão, a partir do modelo de Tichy e Bennis, seis líderes pertencentes ao CFAE- Bragança Norte responderam a um inquérito. Da análise dos dados, foi possível depreender que a falta de experiência e de formação em determinadas áreas específicas da administração da escola pode dificultar-lhes, de certa forma, a tomada de decisão criteriosa, isto é, eficaz.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Departamento de Pós-Graduação, Mestrado Profissional em Educação, 2015.


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The financial and economic crisis which originated in 2008 has had a severe impact on the population of the Southern European countries. The economic policies of austerity and public deficit control, as well as the neo-liberal and conservative social policies are redefining the public social protection systems, in particular the Social Services. In order to get to understand the current situation, we shall explain how the Social Services were developed in Spain and analyse the causes and consequences of the economic crisis. The working hypothesis is that the greater the increase on the population’s needs, the more developed the Social Services should be. We carried out a descriptive analysis of the situation as far as the social impacts of the crisis per region are concerned. We tested the hypothesis through a parametric model of analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) triangulating with the non-parametric Kruscal-Wallis test. The working hypothesis failed. The regions with better developed Social Services show a lower level of poverty and social exclusion. The challenges that the public Social Services system faces in times of crisis is three-fold: 1) re-modelling of local administration and transferring of the municipal Social Services responsibilities to the regional administration; 2) an increase of the population at risk of poverty and social exclusion 3) impact on social policies.


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Contemporary Central American fiction has become a vital project of revision of the tragic events and the social conditions in the recent history of the countries from which they emerge. The literary projects of Sergio Ramirez (Nicaragua), Dante Liano (Guatemala), Horacio Castellanos Moya (El Salvador), and Ramon Fonseca Mora (Panama), are representative of the latest trends in Central American narrative. These trends conform to a new literary paradigm that consists of an amalgam of styles and discourses, which combine the testimonial, the historical, and the political with the mystery and suspense of noir thrillers. Contemporary Central American noir narrative depicts the persistent war against social injustice, violence, criminal activities, as well as the new technological advances and economic challenges of the post-war neo-liberal order that still prevails throughout the region. Drawing on postmodernism theory proposed by Ihab Hassan, Linda Hutcheon and Brian MacHale, I argued that the new Central American literary paradigm exemplified by Sergio Ramirez’s El cielo llora por mí, Dante Liano’s El hombre de Montserrat, Horacio Castellanos Moya’s El arma en el hombre and La diabla en el espejo, and Ramon Fonseca Mora’s El desenterrador, are highly structured novels that display the characteristic marks of postmodern cultural expression through their ambivalence, which results from the coexistence of multiple styles and conflicting ideologies and narrative trends. The novels analyzed in this dissertation make use of a noir sensitivity in which corruption, decay and disillusionment are at their core to portray the events that shaped the modern history of the countries from which they emerge. The revolutionary armed struggle, the state of terror imposed by military regimes and the fight against drug trafficking and organized crime, are among the major themes of these contemporary works of fiction, which I have categorized as perfect examples of the post-revolutionary post-modernism Central American detective fiction at the turn of the 21st century.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the ongoing debate on governance, accountability, transparency and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the mining sector of a developing country context. It examines the reporting practices of the two largest transnational gold-mining companies in Tanzania in order to draw attention to the role played by local government regulations and advocacy and campaigning by nationally organised non-governmental organisations (NGOs) with respect to promoting corporate social reporting practices. Design/methodology/approach – The paper takes a political economy perspective to consider the serious implications of the neo-liberal ideologies of the global capitalist economy, as manifested in Tanzania’s regulatory framework and in NGO activism, for the corporate disclosure, accountability and responsibility of transnational companies (TNCs). A qualitative field case study methodology is adopted to locate the largely unfamiliar issues of CSR in the Tanzanian mining sector within a more familiar literature on social accounting. Data for the case study were obtained from interviews and from analysis of documents such as annual reports, social responsibility reports, newspapers, NGO reports and other publicly available documents. Findings – Analysis of interviews, press clips and NGO reports draws attention to social and environmental problems in the Tanzanian mining sector, which are arguably linked to the manifestation of the broader crisis of neo-liberal agendas. While these issues have serious impacts on local populations in the mining areas, they often remain invisible in mining companies’ social disclosures. Increasing evidence of social and environmental ills raises serious questions about the effectiveness of the regulatory frameworks, as well as the roles played by NGOs and other pressure groups in Tanzania. Practical implications – By empowering local NGOs through educational, capacity building, technological and other support, NGOs’ advocacy, campaigning and networking with other civil society groups can play a pivotal role in encouraging corporations, especially TNCs, to adopt more socially and environmentally responsible business practices and to adhere to international and local standards, which in turn may help to improve the lives of many poor people living in developing countries in general, and Tanzania in particular. Originality/value – This paper contributes insights from gold-mining activities in Tanzania to the existing literature on CSR in the mining sector. It also contributes to political economy theory by locating CSR reporting within the socio-political and regulatory context in which mining operations take place in Tanzania. It is argued that, for CSR reporting to be effective, robust regulations and enforcement and stronger political pressure must be put in place.


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The Swedish system of social security has often been regarded as comprehensive and comprehensive and inclusive. During major reforms in the 1990s and 2000s, it has maintained its essential character as a popular and well-endowed provider of social security and stability. Employment-related benefits are generous in financial terms, but come with the need for recipients to remain actively engaged in the economic or educational field. However, Sweden’s geographical and demographic diversity made it necessary to increase the role of local authorities in implementing active labour market policies. This article tracks these developments since the mid-1990s, both with regard to changing the benefits system and with regard to changing local government involvement. It argues that backed by broad political support, the Swedish system has achieved the necessary modernisation and adaptation to remain a viable alternative to more neo-liberal welfare retrenchment projects conducted in other European countries.