999 resultados para micro-arc oxidation
Este artigo trata da importância das questões de capital de giro na gestão das micro e pequenas empresas (MPE) no Brasil. Apresenta-se uma revisão dos conceitos de capital de giro e da importância das MPE no Brasil, além de uma discussão sobre a relevância de uma gestão financeira de curto prazo eficiente para o sucesso de um empreendimento de pequeno porte. Com características bem definidas, as micro e pequenas empresas são responsáveis pela geração da maior parte dos empregos formais no Brasil; apesar disso, ainda não contam com uma estrutura formal de apoio de crédito. O trabalho aponta como fator relevante para o sucesso das micro e pequenas empresas ter um bom gerenciamento do capital de giro. O mau gerenciamento desse fator contribui para o alto índice de mortalidade dessas empresas. Para que o administrador de capital de giro tenha êxito, é importante que haja um forte entrelaçamento com a administração estratégica, para uma solução definitiva do problema, isto é, que consista numa recuperação de lucratividade da empresa e as consequentes recomposições de seu fluxo de caixa, fazendo com que as micro e pequenas empresas consigam chegar à fase de maturidade.
Este artigo apresenta como a tecnologia de informação pode auxiliar na análise econômica e financeira em uma organização, favorecendo a apreciação dos resultados e de seu desempenho, com vistas à garantia da eficiência e da celeridade desse processo, e oferecendo, ainda, visibilidade das demonstrações financeiras para gestores e sócios. Também analisa como a contabilidade gerencial auxilia as micro e pequenas empresas no processo de planejamento e controle, focalizando a estrutura e o funcionamento dos elementos fundamentais para análise das demonstrações financeiras no apoio à decisão.
RESUMO: Este trabalho tem por objectivo discutir as formas como as incubadoras de empresas contribuem para a criação da cadeia de valores de Micros, Pequenas e Médias Empresas (MPMEs) permitindo a redução dos seus custos de transacção. Para melhor compreender a forma como se reduzem os custos de transacção é importante conhecer os pressupostos comportamentais que provocam a existência de tais custos: a racionalidade limitada, porque a nossa forma de pensar tem limitações; e o oportunismo, porque há pessoas com comportamentos desonestos envolvidas no negócio. O verdadeiro poder explicativo da teoria dos custos de transacção está, no entanto, na análise de três variáveis que determinam se esses custos serão mais baixos numa estrutura hierárquica ou num mercado. Estas três variáveis são: a especificidade de activos - se uma transacção envolve ou não activos específicos à actividade da empresa; a incerteza - qual o grau de incerteza em encontrar um produto ou serviço externo à empresa; e a frequência - e se um bem ou serviço é frequentemente utilizado ou não. As incubadoras de empresas são actualmente consideradas como uma iniciativa essencial ao desenvolvimento socioeconómico regional, e nacional. Estas instituições contribuem para corrigir ineficiências no mercado, conferindo às empresas uma capacidade de inovação tecnológica que garante empregos e a criação de riquezas, aumentando o bem-estar da sociedade. O sucesso da sua actuação resume-se à capacidade para gerar dimensões virtuais que contribuem para a cadeia de valores, permitindo as MPMEs, a redução dos seus custos de transacção. ABSTRACT: This work aims to discuss the relevant forms how incubators contribute to the value chain of a in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME´s) reducing their transaction costs. To better understand how transaction costs can be reduced one must recognize the behavioral assumptions that are behind there existence; bounded rationality - because our way of thinking has limitations and opportunism - because there are dishonest people involved in the business. The true cost theory´s explanatory power comes from the analyses of the three variables that determine whether those costs will be lower in a hierarchical structure or a market structure. These three variables are: specificity of assets - if the transaction involves or not specific assets in for the firm´s activity; the uncertainty - what is the degree of uncertainty in finding a product or service external to the firm; and the frequency - what is the frequency of the good or service use. Business incubators are currently regarded as a key initiative for the national or regional economic development. The institutions contribute to correct market inefficiencies, improving the capacity of firms to produce technological innovations that guaranty jobs and wealth creation increasing welfare. The success of this all boils down to the capacity to create virtual dimensions that contributes to the MSME´s value chain reducing transaction costs.
Esta pesquisa explora em perspectiva comparada as políticas públicas de empreendedorismo e Micro, Pequenas e Médias Empresas (MPMEs) no Brasil, no Canadá, no Chile e na Itália. A hipótese fundamental é que economias no estágio de inovação tendem a desenvolver mais políticas de empreendedorismo do que as de países no estágio da eficiência. Da mesma forma, países no estágio de inovação tendem a usar menos instrumentos de políticas de MPMEs do que países em estágio de eficiência, quase sempre para incentivar grupos, setores ou regiões em específico. O artigo contribui com a literatura de empreendedorismo ao analisar na prática a convergência/divergência das escolhas de política pública e estágio de desenvolvimento.
Estas linhas se constituem em políticas que pretendem promover o desenvolvimento econômico e social através da geração de trabalho e renda. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar se as linhas de crédito públicas - Proger e BNDES/Finame - foram acessadas pelas microempresas no município de Chapecó (SC), suas dificuldades e perspectivas. Caracteriza-se como um estudo exploratório descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa. Do universo investigado constatou-se um baixo índice de acesso, existindo mais dificuldades do que perspectivas concretas de que essas linhas se constituam em políticas de inclusão social que promovam o desenvolvimento para o município e região. A ausência de informações dos públicos-alvo a serem beneficiados por essas políticas mostra a necessidade de reformular as diretrizes de exigência necessárias para o acesso ao crédito.
The dioxovanadium(V) complexes [VO2(3,5-Me(2)Hpz)(3)][BF4] (1) (pz = pyrazolyl), [VO2{SO3C(pz)(3)}] (2), [VO2{HB(3,5-Me(2)pz)(3)}] (3) and [VO2{HC(pz)(3)}][BF4] (4), bearing pyrazole or scorpionate ligands, were obtained by reaction of triethyl vanadate [VO(OEt)(3)] with hydrotris(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)methane [HC(3,5-Me(2)pz)(3)] or 3,5-dimethylpyrazole (3,5-Me(2)Hpz; 1), lithium tris(1-pyrazolyl)methanesulfonate {Li[SO3C(pz)(3)], 2}, potassium hydrotris(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)borate {K[HB(3,5-Me(2)pz)(3)], 3} and hydrotris(1-pyrazolyl)methane [HC(pz)(3), 4], respectively. Treatment of [VO(OEt)(3)] with potassium hydrotris(1-pyrazolyl)borate {K[HB(pz)(3)]} led to the mixed eta(3)-tris(pyrazolyl)borate and eta(2)-bis(pyrazolyl)borate oxovanadium(IV) complex [VO{HB(pz)(3)}{H2B(pz)(2)}, 5]. The compounds were characterized by elemental analyses, IR, NMR and EPR spectroscopy, FAB and ESI mass spectrometry, cyclic voltammetry and, for 5, also by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. All complexes exhibit catalytic activity in the single-pot carboxylation [in trifluoroacetic acid/potassium peroxodisulfate (CF3COOH/K2S2O8)] of gaseous alkanes (methane and ethane) to carboxylic acids (yields up to 40%. TONs up to 157) and in the peroxidative oxidation [in water/acetonitrile (H2O/NCMe)] of liquid alkanes (cyclohexane and cyclopentane) to the corresponding alcohols and ketones (yields up to 24%, TONs up to 117), under mild conditions.
Reactions of copper(II) with 3-phenylhydrazopentane-2,4-diones X-2-C6H4-NHN = C{C(= O)CH3}(2) bearing a substituent in the ortho-position [X = OH (H2L1) 1, AsO3H2 (H3L2) 2, Cl (HL3) 3, SO3H (H2L4) 4, COOCH3 (HL5) 5, COOH (H2L6) 6, NO2 (HL7) 7 or H (HL8) 8] lead to a variety of complexes including the monomeric [CuL4(H2O)(2)]center dot H2O 10, [CuL4(H2O)(2)] 11 and [Cu(HL4)(2)(H2O)(4)] 12, the dimeric [Cu-2(H2O)(2)(mu-HL2)(2)] 9 and the polymeric [Cu(mu-L-6)](n)] 13 ones, often bearing two fused six-membered metallacycles. Complexes 10-12 can interconvert, depending on pH and temperature, whereas the Cu(II) reactions with 4 in the presence of cyanoguanidine or imidazole (im) afford the monomeric compound [Cu(H2O)(4){NCNC(NH2)(2)}(2)](HL4)(2)center dot 6H(2)O 14 and the heteroligand polymer [Cu(mu-L-4)(im)](n) 15, respectively. The compounds were characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction (complexes), electrochemical and thermogravimetric studies, as well as elemental analysis, IR, H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopies (diones) and ESI-MS. The effects of the substituents in 1-8 on the HOMO-LUMO gap and the relative stability of the model compounds [Cu(OH)(L-8)(H2O)]center dot H2O, [Cu(L-1)(H2O)(2)]center dot H2O and [Cu(L-4)(H2O)(2)]center dot H2O are discussed on the basis of DFT calculations that show the stabilization follows the order: two fused 6-membered > two fused 6-membered/5-membered > one 6-membered metallacycles. Complexes 9, 10, 12 and 13 act as catalyst precursors for the peroxidative oxidation (with H2O2) of cyclohexane to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone, in MeCN/H2O (total yields of ca. 20% with TONs up to 566), under mild conditions.
Renewable based power generation has significantly increased over the last years. However, this process has evolved separately from electricity markets, leading to an inadequacy of the present market models to cope with huge quantities of renewable energy resources, and to take full advantage of the presently existing and the increasing envisaged renewable based and distributed energy resources. This paper proposes the modelling of electricity markets at several levels (continental, regional and micro), taking into account the specific characteristics of the players and resources involved in each level and ensuring that the proposed models accommodate adequate business models able to support the contribution of all the resources in the system, from the largest to the smaller ones. The proposed market models are integrated in MASCEM (Multi- Agent Simulator of Competitive Electricity Markets), using the multi agent approach advantages for overcoming the current inadequacy and significant limitations of the presently existing electricity market simulators to deal with the complex electricity market models that must be adopted.
The reactions of FeCl2 center dot 2H(2)O and 2,2,2-tris(1-pyrazolyl) ethanol HOCH2C(pz)(3) (1) (pz = pyrazolyl) afford [Fe{HOCH2C(pz)(3)}(2)][FeCl4]Cl (2), [Fe{HOCH2C(pz)(3)}(2)](2)[Fe2OCl6](Cl)(2)center dot 4H(2)O (3 center dot 4H(2)O), [Fe{HOCH2C(pz)(3)}(2)] [FeCl{HOCH2C(pz)(3)}(H2O)(2)](2)(Cl)(4) (4) or [Fe{HOCH2C(pz)(3)}(2)]Cl-2 (5), depending on the experimental conditions. Compounds 1-5 were isolated as air-stable crystalline solids and fully characterized, including (1-4) by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses. The latter technique revealed strong intermolecular H-bonds involving the OH group of the scorpionate 2 and 3 giving rise to 1D chains which, in 3, are further expanded to a 2D network with intercalated infinite and almost plane chains of H-interacting water molecules. In 4, intermolecular pi center dot center dot center dot pi interactions involving the pyrazolyl rings are relevant. Complexes 2-5 display a high solubility in water (S-25 degrees C ca. 10-12 mg mL(-1)), a favourable feature towards their application as catalysts (or catalyst precursors) for the peroxidative oxidation of cyclo-hexane to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone, with aqueous H2O2/MeCN, at room temperature (TON values up to ca. 385). (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
In the energy management of the isolated operation of small power system, the economic scheduling of the generation units is a crucial problem. Applying right timing can maximize the performance of the supply. The optimal operation of a wind turbine, a solar unit, a fuel cell and a storage battery is searched by a mixed-integer linear programming implemented in General Algebraic Modeling Systems (GAMS). A Virtual Power Producer (VPP) can optimal operate the generation units, assured the good functioning of equipment, including the maintenance, operation cost and the generation measurement and control. A central control at system allows a VPP to manage the optimal generation and their load control. The application of methodology to a real case study in Budapest Tech, demonstrates the effectiveness of this method to solve the optimal isolated dispatch of the DC micro-grid renewable energy park. The problem has been converged in 0.09 s and 30 iterations.
The new hexanuclear mixed-valence vanadium complex [V3O3(OEt)(ashz)(2)(mu-OEt)](2) (1) with an N,O-donor ligand is reported. It acts as a highly efficient catalyst toward alkane oxidations by aqueous H2O2. Remarkably, high turnover numbers up to 25000 with product yields of up to 27% (based on alkane) stand for one of the most active systems for such reactions.
The oxovanadium(IV) complexes [VO(acac)(2)(Hpz)].HC(pz)(3) 1.HC(pz)(3) (acac= acetylacetonate, Hpz = pyrazole, pz = pyrazoly1) and [VOCl2{HOCH2C(pz)(3)}] 2 were obtained from reaction of [VO(acac)(2)] with hydrotris(1-pyrazolyl)methane or of VCl(3)with 2,2,2-tris(1-pyrazolyl)ethanol. The compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, IR, Far-IR and EPR spectroscopies, FAB or ESI mass-spectrometry and, for 1, by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. 1 and 2 exhibit catalytic activity for the oxidation of cyclohexane to the cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone mixture in homogeneous system (TONS up to 1100) under mild conditions (NCMe, 24h, room temperature) using benzoyl peroxide (BPO), tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP), m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid (mCPBA), hydrogen peroxide or the urea-hydrogen peroxide adduct (UHP) as oxidants. 1 and 2 were also immobilized on a polydimethylsiloxane membrane (1-PDMS or 2-PDMS) and the systems acted as supported catalysts for the cyclohexane oxidation using the above oxidants (TONs up to 620). The best results were obtained with mCPBA or BP0 as oxidant. The effects of various parameters, such as the amount of catalyst, nitric acid, reaction time, type of oxidant and oxidant-to-catalyst molar ratio, were investigated, for both homogeneous and supported systems. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The hydrotris(pyrazol-1-yl)methane iron(II) complex [FeCl2{eta(3)-HC(pz)(3)}] (Fe, pz = pyrazol-1-yl) immobilized on commercial (MOR) or desilicated (MOR-D) zeolite, catalyses the oxidation of cyclohexane with hydrogen peroxide to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone, under mild conditions. MOR-D/Fe (desilicated zeolite supported [FeCl2{eta(3)-HC(pz)(3)}] complex) provides an outstanding catalytic activity (TON up to 2.90 x 10(3)) with the concomitant overall yield of 38%, and can be easy recovered and reused. The MOR or MOR-D supported hydrotris(pyrazol-1-yl)methane iron(II) complex (MOR/Fe and MOR-D/Fe, respectively) was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, ICP-AES, and TEM studies as well as by IR spectroscopy and N-2 adsorption at -196 degrees C. The catalytic operational conditions (e.g., reaction time, type and amount of oxidant, presence of acid and type of solvent) were optimized. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
New rhenium(VII or III) complexes [ReO3(PTA)(2)][ReO4] (1) (PTA = 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane), [ReO3(mPTA)][ReO4] (2) (mPTA = N-methyl-1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane cation), [ReO3(HMT)(2)] [ReO4] (3) (HMT = hexamethylenetetramine), [ReO3(eta(2)-Tpm)(PTA)][ReO4] (4) [Tpm = hydrotris(pyrazol-1-yl)methane, HC(pz)(3), pz = pyrazolyl), [ReO3(Hpz)(HMT)][ReO4] (5) (Hpz = pyrazole), [ReO(Tpms)(HMT)] (6) [Tpms = tris(pyrazol-1-yl)methanesulfonate, O3SC(pz)(3)(-)] and [ReCl2{N2C(O)Ph} (PTA)(3)] (7) have been prepared from the Re(VII) oxide Re2O2 (1-6) or, in the case of 7, by ligand exchange from the benzoyldiazenido complex [ReCl2(N2C-(O)Ph}(Hpz)(PPh3)(2)], and characterized by IR and NMR spectroscopies, elemental analysis and electrochemical properties. Theoretical calculations at the density functional theory (DFT) level of theory indicated that the coordination of PTA to both Re(III) and Re(VII) centers by the P atom is preferable compared to the coordination by the N atom. This is interpreted in terms of the Re-PTA bond energy and hard-soft acid-base theory. The oxo-rhenium complexes 1-6 act as selective catalysts for the Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of cyclic and linear ketones (e.g., 2-methylcyclohexanone, 2-methylcyclopentanone, cyclohexanone, cyclopentanone, cyclobutanone, and 3,3-dimethyl-2-butanone or pinacolone) to the corresponding lactones or esters, in the presence of aqueous H2O2. The effects of a variety of factors are studied toward the optimization of the process.