913 resultados para liquid chromatography-tandem MS


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The concentration of 11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THCCOOH) in whole blood is used as a parameter for assessing the consumption behavior of cannabis consumers. The blood level of THCCOOH-glucuronide might provide additional information about the frequency of cannabis use. To verify this assumption, a column-switching liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the rapid and direct quantification of free and glucuronidated THCCOOH in human whole blood was newly developed. The method comprised protein precipitation, followed by injection of the processed sample onto a trapping column and subsequent gradient elution to an analytical column for separation and detection. The total LC run time was 4.5 min. Detection of the analytes was accomplished by electrospray ionization in positive ion mode and selected reaction monitoring using a triple-stage quadrupole mass spectrometer. The method was fully validated by evaluating the following parameters: linearity, lower limit of quantification, accuracy and imprecision, selectivity, extraction efficiency, matrix effect, carry-over, dilution integrity, analyte stability, and re-injection reproducibility. All acceptance criteria were analyzed and the predefined criteria met. Linearity ranged from 5.0 to 500 μg/L for both analytes. The method was successfully applied to whole blood samples from a large collective of cannabis consumers, demonstrating its applicability in the forensic field.


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The larger of two diuretic hormones of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, (Mas-DH) is a peptide of 41 residues. It is one of a family of seven currently known insect diuretic hormones that are similar to the corticotropin-releasing factor–urotensin–sauvagine family of peptides. We investigated the possible inactivation of Mas-DH by incubating it in vitro with larval Malpighian tubules (Mt), the target organ of the hormone. The medium was analyzed, and degradation products were identified, using on-line microbore reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (RPLC-ESI-MS). This sensitive technique allows identification of metabolites of Mas-DH (present at an initial level of ≈1 μM). An accurate Mr value for a metabolite is usually sufficient for unambiguous identification. Mas-DH is cleaved by Mt proteases initially at L29–R30 and R30–A31 under our assay conditions; some Mas-DH is also oxidized, apparently at M2 and M11. The proteolysis can be inhibited by 5 mM EDTA, suggesting that divalent metals are needed for peptide cleavage. The oxidation of the hormone can be inhibited by catalase or 1 mM methionine, indicating that H2O2 or related reactive oxygen species are responsible for the oxidative degradation observed. RPLC-ESI-MS is shown here to be an elegant and efficient method for studying peptide hormone metabolism resulting from unknown proteases and pathways.


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We report that silver ion HPLC provides remarkable separations of C27 sterols differing only in the number or location of olefinic double bonds. This technique has been extended to LC-MS, analysis of purified components by GC, GC-MS, and 1H NMR, and to its use on a semipreparative scale. The application of this methodology for the demonstration of the catalysis, by rat liver microsomes, of the conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol to cholesta-5,8-dien-3 beta-ol is also presented.


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Free drug measurement and pharmacodymanic markers provide the opportunity for a better understanding of drug efficacy and toxicity. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful analytical technique that could facilitate the measurement of free drug and these markers. Currently, there are very few published methods for the determination of free drug concentrations by HPLC-MS. The development of atmospheric pressure ionisation sources, together with on-line microdialysis or on-line equilibrium dialysis and column switching techniques have reduced sample run times and increased assay efficiency. The availability of such methods will aid in drug development and the clinical use of certain drugs, including anti-convulsants, anti-arrhythmics, immunosuppressants, local anaesthetics, anti-fungals and protease inhibitors. The history of free drug measurement and an overview of the current HPLC-MS applications for these drugs are discussed. Immunosuppressant drugs are used as an example for the application of HPLC-MS in the measurement of drug pharmacodynamics. Potential biomarkers of immunosuppression that could be measured by HPLC-MS include purine nucleoside/nucleotides, drug-protein complexes and phosphorylated peptides. At the proteomic level, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight (TOF) MS is a powerful tool for identifying proteins involved in the response to inflammatory mediators. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Therapeutic monitoring with dosage individualization of sirolimus drug therapy is standard clinical practice for organ transplant recipients. For several years sirolimus monitoring has been restricted as a result of lack of an immunoassay. The recent reintroduction of the microparticle enzyme immunoassay (MEIA (R)) for sirolimus on the IMx (R) analyser has the potential to address this situation. This Study, using patient samples, has compared the MEIA (R) sirolimus method with an established HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry method (HPLC-MS/MS). An established HPLC-UV assay was used for independent cross-validation. For quality control materials (5, 11, 22 mu g/L), the MEIA (R) showed acceptable validation criteria based on intra-and inter-run precision (CV) and accuracy (bias) of < 8% and < 13%, respectively. The lower limit of quantitation was found to be approximately 3 mu g/L. The performance of the immunoassay was compared with HPLC-MS/MS using EDTA whole-blood samples obtained from various types of organ transplant recipients (n = 116). The resultant Deming regression line was: MEIA = 1.3 x HPLC-MS/MS+ 1.3 (r = 0.967, s(y/x) = 1) with a mean bias of 49.2% +/- 23.1 % (range, -2.4% to 128%; P < 0.001). The reason for the large and variable bias was not explored in this study, but the sirolimus-metabolite cross-reactivity with the MEIA (R) antibody could be a substantive contributing factor. Whereas the MEIA (R) sirolimus method may be an adjunct to sirolimus dosage individualization in transplant recipients, users must consider the implications of the substantial and variable bias when interpreting results. In selected patients where difficult clinical issues arise, reference to a specific chromatographic method may be required.


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Soft ionization methods for the introduction of labile biomolecules into a mass spectrometer are of fundamental importance to biomolecular analysis. Previously, electrospray ionization (ESI) and matrix assisted laser desorption-ionization (MALDI) have been the main ionization methods used. Surface acoustic wave nebulization (SAWN) is a new technique that has been demonstrated to deposit less energy into ions upon ion formation and transfer for detection than other methods for sample introduction into a mass spectrometer (MS). Here we report the optimization and use of SAWN as a nebulization technique for the introduction of samples from a low flow of liquid, and the interfacing of SAWN with liquid chromatographic separation (LC) for the analysis of a protein digest. This demonstrates that SAWN can be a viable, low-energy alternative to ESI for the LC-MS analysis of proteomic samples.


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Dans les dernières années, les perturbateurs endocriniens ont été observés dans les rivières qui reçoivent des entrées importantes d’eaux usées. Parmi les perturbateurs endocriniens, les hormones stéroïdiennes naturelles et synthétiques sont des composés dont le potentiel d'imiter ou d'interférer avec les fonctions hormonales normales (développement, croissance et reproduction), est reconnu même au niveau ultra-traces (ng L-1). Bien que les hormones conjuguées soient moins actives que les hormones libres, elles peuvent être clivées et redevenir libres une fois exposées aux processus microbiens avant ou pendant le traitement des eaux usées. En raison de la nécessité d'identifier et de quantifier ces composés dans l'eau, une nouvelle méthode, entièrement automatisée, a été développée pour la détermination simultanée des deux formes de plusieurs hormones stéroïdiennes (conjuguées et libres) dans les matrices d'eau et dans l’urine des femmes. La méthode est basée sur l'extraction en phase solide couplée en ligne à la chromatographie liquide et la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (SPE-LC-MS/MS). Plusieurs paramètres ont été évalués dans le but d'optimiser l'efficacité de la méthode, tels que le type et le débit de la phase mobile, des différentes colonnes de SPE et de chromatographie, ainsi que différentes sources et modes d'ionisation des échantillons pour la MS. La méthode démontre une bonne linéarité (R2 > 0.993), ainsi qu'une précision avec un coefficient de variance inférieure à 10%. Les limites de quantification varient d’un minimum de 3 à 15 ng L-1 pour un volume d'injection entre 1 mL et 5 mL et le recouvrement des composés varie de 72 % à 117 %.


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Chemical speciation in foodstuffs is of uttermost importance since it is nowadays recognized that both toxicity and bioavailability of an element depend on the chemical form in which the element is present. Regarding arsenic, inorganic species are classified as carcinogenic while organic arsenic, such as arsenobetaine (AsB) or arsenocholine (AsC), is considered less toxic or even non-toxic. Coupling a High Performance Liquid Chromatographer (HPLC) with an Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) combines the power of separation of the first with the selectivity and sensitivity of the second. The present work aims at developing a method, using HPLC-ICP-MS technique, to identify and quantify the chemical species of arsenic present in two food matrices, rice and fish. Two extraction methods, ultrasound and microwave, and different settings were studied. The best method was chosen based on recovery percentages. To ensure that no interconversion of species was occurring, individual spikes of each species of arsenic were made in both matrices and recovery rates were calculated. To guaranty accurate results reference material BCR-627 TUNA FISH, containing certified values for AsB and DMA, was analyzed. Chromatographic separation was achieved using an anion exchange column, HAMILTON-PRP X-100, which allowed to separate the four arsenic species for which standards were available (AsB, dimethylarsenic (DMA), arsenite (AsIII), arsenate (AsV). The mobile phase was chosen based on scientific literature and adjusted to laboratory conditions. Different gradients were studied. As a result we verified that the arsenic species present in both matrices were not the same. While in fish 90% of the arsenic present was in the form of arsenobetaine, in rice 80% of arsenic was present as DMA and 20% as inorganic arsenic.


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Livestock industries have maintained a keen interest in pasture legumes because of the high protein content and nutritive value. Leguminous Indigofera plant species have been considered as having high feeding values to be utilized as pasture, but the occurrence of the toxic constituent indospicine in some species has restricted this utility. Indospicine has caused both primary and secondary hepatotoxicosis and also reproductive losses, but has only previously been determined in a small number of Indigofera species. This paper validates a high throughput ultra-performance liquid chromatography−tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC−MS/MS) method to determine indospicine content of various Indigofera species found in Australian pasture. Twelve species of Indigofera together with Indigastrum parviflorum plants were collected and analysed. Out of the 84 samples analyzed, *I. spicata contained the highest indospicine level (1003 ± 328 mg/kg DM, n = 4) followed by I. linnaei (755 ± 490 mg/kg DM, n = 51). Indospicine was not detected in 9 of the remaining 11 species, and at only low levels (<10 mg/kg DM) in 2 out of 8 I. colutea specimens and in 1 out of 5 I. linifolia specimens. Indospicine concentrations were below quantitation levels for other Indigofera spp. (I. adesmiifolia, I. georgei, I. hirsuta, I. leucotricha,* I. oblongifolia, I. australis and I. trita) and Indigastrum parviflorum. One of the more significant findings to emerge from this study is that the indospicine content of I. linnaei is highly variable (159 to 2128 mg/kg DM, n = 51), and differs across both regions and seasons. Its first re-growth after spring rain has a higher (p < 0.01) indospicine content than growth following more substantial summer rain. The species collected include the predominant Indigofera in Australia pasture, and of these, only *I. spicata and I. linnaei contain high enough levels of indospicine to pose a potential toxic threat to grazing herbivores.


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A preocupação com a poluição das águas por agrotóxicos tem aumentado, visto que aumentou o número de detecções de agrotóxicos em águas. A falta de avaliação da qualidade da água consumida pela população de áreas rurais onde não existe o abastecimento público de água potável, deve ser considerada, pois essas águas se encontram próximo a áreas de cultivo, onde há intensa aplicação de agrotóxicos. Nessas regiões, o abastecimento de água para as residências e para a irrigação é feito geralmente através das águas de poços. Neste trabalho, um método para determinação dos agrotóxicos carbofurano, clomazona, 2,4-D e tebuconazol em água subterrânea foi desenvolvido e validado. O método utilizou a Extração em Fase Sólida (SPE) e determinação por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta eficiência com Detecção por Arranjo de Diodos (HPLC-DAD) e confirmação por Cromatografia Líquida tandem Espectrometria de Massas (LC-MS/MS). Para a SPE utilizou-se cartuchos C18 de 200 mg, e eluição com 1 mL de metanol. Após a otimização dos parâmetros de extração e separação dos compostos, o método foi validado avaliando-se curva analítica, linearidade, limites de detecção e quantificação, precisão (repetitividade e precisão intermediária) e exatidão (recuperação). Todas as curvas analíticas apresentaram valores de r maiores que 0,99. Os LOQs para o método, considerando a etapa de pré-concentração de 250 vezes, foram de 0,2 µg L -1 para todos os agrotóxicos por HPLC-DAD e, por LC-MS/MS, 4,0 ng L -1 para clomazona, carbofurano e tebuconazol e de 40,0 ng L -1 para 2,4-D. As recuperações foram entre 60,3 e 107,7% para a repetitividade e entre 67,5 e 115,3% para a precisão intermediária, com RSD de 0,8 a 20,7% para todos os compostos por HPLC-DAD. Para o LC-MS/MS a precisão em termos de repetitividade, variou entre 0,97 e 20,7%, e as recuperações entre 67,0 e 108,9%. O método foi aplicado na determinação de agrotóxicos em amostras de águas subterrâneas durante um ano. Nas amostras foram detectados agrotóxicos em níveis de µg L -1 . Dentro do contexto atual da Química Analítica, de desenvolver métodos mais rápidos, que utilizem menor quantidade de solvente, de amostra e com altos fatores de enriquecimento, foi otimizado um método de extração para os agrotóxicos carbofurano, clomazona e tebuconazol utilizando a Microextração Líquido-Líquido Dispersiva (DLLME) e determinação por LC-MS/MS. Foram otimizados alguns parâmetros que influenciam no processo de extração, como: tipo e volume dos solventes dispersores e extratores, tempo de extração, força iônica e velocidade de centrifugação. Nas condições otimizadas, as recuperações para os níveis de concentração entre 0,02 e 2,0 g L -1 variaram entre 62,7 e 120,0%, com valores de RSD entre 1,9 e 9,1%. O LOQ do método foi de 0,02 µg L -1 para todos os compostos. Quando comparado com a SPE se demonstrou rápido, simples, de baixo custo, além de necessitar de menores volumes de amostra para determinação de agrotóxicos em águas. O método mostrou-se adequado à análise dos agrotóxicos em água subterrânea e todos os parâmetros de validação obtidos estão dentro dos limites sugeridos para validação de métodos cromatográficos


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Dans les dernières années, les perturbateurs endocriniens ont été observés dans les rivières qui reçoivent des entrées importantes d’eaux usées. Parmi les perturbateurs endocriniens, les hormones stéroïdiennes naturelles et synthétiques sont des composés dont le potentiel d'imiter ou d'interférer avec les fonctions hormonales normales (développement, croissance et reproduction), est reconnu même au niveau ultra-traces (ng L-1). Bien que les hormones conjuguées soient moins actives que les hormones libres, elles peuvent être clivées et redevenir libres une fois exposées aux processus microbiens avant ou pendant le traitement des eaux usées. En raison de la nécessité d'identifier et de quantifier ces composés dans l'eau, une nouvelle méthode, entièrement automatisée, a été développée pour la détermination simultanée des deux formes de plusieurs hormones stéroïdiennes (conjuguées et libres) dans les matrices d'eau et dans l’urine des femmes. La méthode est basée sur l'extraction en phase solide couplée en ligne à la chromatographie liquide et la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (SPE-LC-MS/MS). Plusieurs paramètres ont été évalués dans le but d'optimiser l'efficacité de la méthode, tels que le type et le débit de la phase mobile, des différentes colonnes de SPE et de chromatographie, ainsi que différentes sources et modes d'ionisation des échantillons pour la MS. La méthode démontre une bonne linéarité (R2 > 0.993), ainsi qu'une précision avec un coefficient de variance inférieure à 10%. Les limites de quantification varient d’un minimum de 3 à 15 ng L-1 pour un volume d'injection entre 1 mL et 5 mL et le recouvrement des composés varie de 72 % à 117 %.


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Purpose: To study the in vivo metabolism of kurarinone, a lavandulyl flavanone which is a major constituent of Kushen and a marker compound with many biological activities, using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with linear ion trap Orbitrap mass spectrometry (UPLC-LTQ-Orbitrap- MS). Methods: Six male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups. First, kurarinone was suspended in 0.5 % carboxymethylcellulose sodium (CMC-Na) aqueous solution, and was given to rats (n = 3, 2 mL for each rat) orally at 50 mg/kg. A 2 mL aliquot of 0.5 % CMC-Na aqueous solution was administered to the rats in the control group. Next, urine samples were collected over 0-24 h after the oral administrations and all urine samples were pretreated by a solid phase extraction (SPE) method. Finally, all samples were analyzed by a UPLC-LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometry coupled with an electrospray ionization source (ESI) that was operated in the negative ionization mode. Results: A total of 11 metabolites, including the parent drug and 10 phase II metabolites in rat urine, were first detected and interpreted based on accurate mass measurement, fragment ions, and chromatographic retention times. The results were based on the assumption that kurarinone glucuronidation was the dominant metabolite that was excreted in rat urine. Conclusion: The results from this work indicate that kurarinone in vivo is typically transformed to nontoxic glucuronidation metabolites, and these findings may help to characterize the metabolic profile of kurarinone.


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Chlorophenylpiperazines (CPP) are psychotropic drugs used in nightclub parties and are frequently used in a state of sleep deprivation, a condition which can potentiate the effects of psychoactive drugs. This study aimed to investigate the effects of sleep deprivation and sleep rebound (RB) on anxiety-like measures in mCPP-treated mice using the open field test. We first optimized our procedure by performing dose-effect curves and examining different pretreatment times in naïve male Swiss mice. Subsequently, a separate cohort of mice underwent paradoxical sleep deprivation (PSD) for 24 or 48h. In the last experiment, immediately after the 24h-PSD period, mice received an injection of saline or mCPP, but their general activity was quantified in the open field only after the RB period (24 or 48h). The dose of 5mgmL(-1) of mCPP was the most effective at decreasing rearing behavior, with peak effects 15min after injection. PSD decreased locomotion and rearing behaviors, thereby inhibiting a further impairment induced by mCPP. Plasma concentrations of mCPP were significantly higher in PSD 48h animals compared to the non-PSD control group. Twenty-four hours of RB combined with mCPP administration produced a slight reduction in locomotion. Our results show that mCPP was able to significantly change the behavior of naïve, PSD, and RB mice. When combined with sleep deprivation, there was a higher availability of drug in plasma levels. Taken together, our results suggest that sleep loss can enhance the behavioral effects of the potent psychoactive drug, mCPP, even after a period of rebound sleep.


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Background: Mutations in TP53 are common events during carcinogenesis. In addition to gene mutations, several reports have focused on TP53 polymorphisms as risk factors for malignant disease. Many studies have highlighted that the status of the TP53 codon 72 polymorphism could influence cancer susceptibility. However, the results have been inconsistent and various methodological features can contribute to departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, a condition that may influence the disease risk estimates. The most widely accepted method of detecting genotyping error is to confirm genotypes by sequencing and/or via a separate method. Results: We developed two new genotyping methods for TP53 codon 72 polymorphism detection: Denaturing High Performance Liquid Chromatography (DHPLC) and Dot Blot hybridization. These methods were compared with Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) using two different restriction enzymes. We observed high agreement among all methodologies assayed. Dot-blot hybridization and DHPLC results were more highly concordant with each other than when either of these methods was compared with RFLP. Conclusions: Although variations may occur, our results indicate that DHPLC and Dot Blot hybridization can be used as reliable screening methods for TP53 codon 72 polymorphism detection, especially in molecular epidemiologic studies, where high throughput methodologies are required.


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Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchoring is a common, relevant posttranslational modification of eukaryotic surface proteins. Here, we developed a fast, simple, and highly sensitive (high attomole-low femtomole range) method that uses liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS(n)) for the first large-scale analysis of GPI-anchored molecules (i.e., the GPIome) of a eukaryote, Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease. Our genome-wise prediction analysis revealed that approximately 12% of T. cruzi genes possibly encode GPI-anchored proteins. By analyzing the GPIome of T. cruzi insect-dwelling epimastigote stage using LC-MS(n), we identified 90 GPI species, of which 79 were novel. Moreover, we determined that mucins coded by the T. cruzi small mucin-like gene (TcSMUG S) family are the major GPI-anchored proteins expressed on the epimastigote cell surface. TcSMUG S mucin mature sequences are short (56-85 amino acids) and highly O-glycosylated, and contain few proteolytic sites, therefore, less likely susceptible to proteases of the midgut of the insect vector. We propose that our approach could be used for the high throughput GPIomic analysis of other lower and higher eukaryotes. Molecular Systems Biology 7 April 2009; doi:10.1038/msb.2009.13