988 resultados para linear approximation


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* This work has been supported by the Office of Naval Research Contract Nr. N0014-91-J1343, the Army Research Office Contract Nr. DAAD 19-02-1-0028, the National Science Foundation grants DMS-0221642 and DMS-0200665, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grant SFB 401, the IHP Network “Breaking Complexity” funded by the European Commission and the Alexan- der von Humboldt Foundation.


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* The research is supported partly by INTAS: 04-77-7173 project, http://www.intas.be


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Two jamming cancellation algorithms are developed based on a stable solution of least squares problem (LSP) provided by regularization. They are based on filtered singular value decomposition (SVD) and modifications of the Greville formula. Both algorithms allow an efficient hardware implementation. Testing results on artificial data modeling difficult real-world situations are also provided.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33 (primary), 35S15 (secondary)


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33 (primary), 35S15


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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A25, 41A10.


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We introduce a modification of the familiar cut function by replacing the linear part in its definition by a polynomial of degree p + 1 obtaining thus a sigmoid function called generalized cut function of degree p + 1 (GCFP). We then study the uniform approximation of the (GCFP) by smooth sigmoid functions such as the logistic and the shifted logistic functions. The limiting case of the interval-valued Heaviside step function is also discussed which imposes the use of Hausdorff metric. Numerical examples are presented using CAS MATHEMATICA.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B70, 41A10, 41A25, 41A27, 41A35, 41A36, 42A10.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34L40, 65L10, 65Z05, 81Q20.


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In this paper we develop set of novel Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms for Bayesian smoothing of partially observed non-linear diffusion processes. The sampling algorithms developed herein use a deterministic approximation to the posterior distribution over paths as the proposal distribution for a mixture of an independence and a random walk sampler. The approximating distribution is sampled by simulating an optimized time-dependent linear diffusion process derived from the recently developed variational Gaussian process approximation method. The novel diffusion bridge proposal derived from the variational approximation allows the use of a flexible blocking strategy that further improves mixing, and thus the efficiency, of the sampling algorithms. The algorithms are tested on two diffusion processes: one with double-well potential drift and another with SINE drift. The new algorithm's accuracy and efficiency is compared with state-of-the-art hybrid Monte Carlo based path sampling. It is shown that in practical, finite sample applications the algorithm is accurate except in the presence of large observation errors and low to a multi-modal structure in the posterior distribution over paths. More importantly, the variational approximation assisted sampling algorithm outperforms hybrid Monte Carlo in terms of computational efficiency, except when the diffusion process is densely observed with small errors in which case both algorithms are equally efficient. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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Mixtures of Zellner's g-priors have been studied extensively in linear models and have been shown to have numerous desirable properties for Bayesian variable selection and model averaging. Several extensions of g-priors to Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) have been proposed in the literature; however, the choice of prior distribution of g and resulting properties for inference have received considerably less attention. In this paper, we extend mixtures of g-priors to GLMs by assigning the truncated Compound Confluent Hypergeometric (tCCH) distribution to 1/(1+g) and illustrate how this prior distribution encompasses several special cases of mixtures of g-priors in the literature, such as the Hyper-g, truncated Gamma, Beta-prime, and the Robust prior. Under an integrated Laplace approximation to the likelihood, the posterior distribution of 1/(1+g) is in turn a tCCH distribution, and approximate marginal likelihoods are thus available analytically. We discuss the local geometric properties of the g-prior in GLMs and show that specific choices of the hyper-parameters satisfy the various desiderata for model selection proposed by Bayarri et al, such as asymptotic model selection consistency, information consistency, intrinsic consistency, and measurement invariance. We also illustrate inference using these priors and contrast them to others in the literature via simulation and real examples.


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Spectral unmixing (SU) is a technique to characterize mixed pixels of the hyperspectral images measured by remote sensors. Most of the existing spectral unmixing algorithms are developed using the linear mixing models. Since the number of endmembers/materials present at each mixed pixel is normally scanty compared with the number of total endmembers (the dimension of spectral library), the problem becomes sparse. This thesis introduces sparse hyperspectral unmixing methods for the linear mixing model through two different scenarios. In the first scenario, the library of spectral signatures is assumed to be known and the main problem is to find the minimum number of endmembers under a reasonable small approximation error. Mathematically, the corresponding problem is called the $\ell_0$-norm problem which is NP-hard problem. Our main study for the first part of thesis is to find more accurate and reliable approximations of $\ell_0$-norm term and propose sparse unmixing methods via such approximations. The resulting methods are shown considerable improvements to reconstruct the fractional abundances of endmembers in comparison with state-of-the-art methods such as having lower reconstruction errors. In the second part of the thesis, the first scenario (i.e., dictionary-aided semiblind unmixing scheme) will be generalized as the blind unmixing scenario that the library of spectral signatures is also estimated. We apply the nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) method for proposing new unmixing methods due to its noticeable supports such as considering the nonnegativity constraints of two decomposed matrices. Furthermore, we introduce new cost functions through some statistical and physical features of spectral signatures of materials (SSoM) and hyperspectral pixels such as the collaborative property of hyperspectral pixels and the mathematical representation of the concentrated energy of SSoM for the first few subbands. Finally, we introduce sparse unmixing methods for the blind scenario and evaluate the efficiency of the proposed methods via simulations over synthetic and real hyperspectral data sets. The results illustrate considerable enhancements to estimate the spectral library of materials and their fractional abundances such as smaller values of spectral angle distance (SAD) and abundance angle distance (AAD) as well.


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The industrial production of aluminium is an electrolysis process where two superposed horizontal liquid layers are subjected to a mainly vertical electric current supplied by carbon electrodes. The lower layer consists of molten aluminium and lies on the cathode. The upper layer is the electrolyte and is covered by the anode. The interface between the two layers is often perturbed, leading to oscillations, or waves, similar to the waves on the surface of seas or lakes. The presence of electric currents and the resulting magnetic field are responsible for electromagnetic (Lorentz) forces within the fluid, which can amplify these oscillations and have an adverse influence on the process. The electrolytic bath vertical to horizontal aspect ratio is such, that it is advantageous to use the shallow water equations to model the interface motion. These are the depth-averaging the Navier-Stokes equations so that nonlinear and dispersion terms may be taken into account. Although these terms are essential to the prediction of wave dynamics, they are neglected in most of the literature on interface instabilities in aluminium reduction cells where only the linear theory is usually considered. The unknown variables are the two horizontal components of the fluid velocity, the height of the interface and the electric potential. In this application, a finite volume resolution of the double-layer shallow water equations including the electromagnetic sources has been developed, for incorporation into a generic three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics code that also deals with heat transfer within the cell.


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We present a detailed analysis of the application of a multi-scale Hierarchical Reconstruction method for solving a family of ill-posed linear inverse problems. When the observations on the unknown quantity of interest and the observation operators are known, these inverse problems are concerned with the recovery of the unknown from its observations. Although the observation operators we consider are linear, they are inevitably ill-posed in various ways. We recall in this context the classical Tikhonov regularization method with a stabilizing function which targets the specific ill-posedness from the observation operators and preserves desired features of the unknown. Having studied the mechanism of the Tikhonov regularization, we propose a multi-scale generalization to the Tikhonov regularization method, so-called the Hierarchical Reconstruction (HR) method. First introduction of the HR method can be traced back to the Hierarchical Decomposition method in Image Processing. The HR method successively extracts information from the previous hierarchical residual to the current hierarchical term at a finer hierarchical scale. As the sum of all the hierarchical terms, the hierarchical sum from the HR method provides an reasonable approximate solution to the unknown, when the observation matrix satisfies certain conditions with specific stabilizing functions. When compared to the Tikhonov regularization method on solving the same inverse problems, the HR method is shown to be able to decrease the total number of iterations, reduce the approximation error, and offer self control of the approximation distance between the hierarchical sum and the unknown, thanks to using a ladder of finitely many hierarchical scales. We report numerical experiments supporting our claims on these advantages the HR method has over the Tikhonov regularization method.


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We propose a positive, accurate moment closure for linear kinetic transport equations based on a filtered spherical harmonic (FP_N) expansion in the angular variable. The FP_N moment equations are accurate approximations to linear kinetic equations, but they are known to suffer from the occurrence of unphysical, negative particle concentrations. The new positive filtered P_N (FP_N+) closure is developed to address this issue. The FP_N+ closure approximates the kinetic distribution by a spherical harmonic expansion that is non-negative on a finite, predetermined set of quadrature points. With an appropriate numerical PDE solver, the FP_N+ closure generates particle concentrations that are guaranteed to be non-negative. Under an additional, mild regularity assumption, we prove that as the moment order tends to infinity, the FP_N+ approximation converges, in the L2 sense, at the same rate as the FP_N approximation; numerical tests suggest that this assumption may not be necessary. By numerical experiments on the challenging line source benchmark problem, we confirm that the FP_N+ method indeed produces accurate and non-negative solutions. To apply the FP_N+ closure on problems at large temporal-spatial scales, we develop a positive asymptotic preserving (AP) numerical PDE solver. We prove that the propose AP scheme maintains stability and accuracy with standard mesh sizes at large temporal-spatial scales, while, for generic numerical schemes, excessive refinements on temporal-spatial meshes are required. We also show that the proposed scheme preserves positivity of the particle concentration, under some time step restriction. Numerical results confirm that the proposed AP scheme is capable for solving linear transport equations at large temporal-spatial scales, for which a generic scheme could fail. Constrained optimization problems are involved in the formulation of the FP_N+ closure to enforce non-negativity of the FP_N+ approximation on the set of quadrature points. These optimization problems can be written as strictly convex quadratic programs (CQPs) with a large number of inequality constraints. To efficiently solve the CQPs, we propose a constraint-reduced variant of a Mehrotra-predictor-corrector algorithm, with a novel constraint selection rule. We prove that, under appropriate assumptions, the proposed optimization algorithm converges globally to the solution at a locally q-quadratic rate. We test the algorithm on randomly generated problems, and the numerical results indicate that the combination of the proposed algorithm and the constraint selection rule outperforms other compared constraint-reduced algorithms, especially for problems with many more inequality constraints than variables.