814 resultados para lessons


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All social surveys suffer from different types of errors, of which one of the most studied is non-response bias. Non-response bias is a systematic error that occurs because individuals differ in their accessibility and propensity to participate in a survey according to their own characteristics as well as those from the survey itself. The extent of the problem heavily depends on the correlation between response mechanisms and key survey variables. However, non-response bias is difficult to measure or to correct for due to the lack of relevant data about the whole target population or sample. In this paper, non-response follow-up surveys are considered as a possible source of information about non-respondents. Non-response follow-ups, however, suffer from two methodological issues: they themselves operate through a response mechanism that can cause potential non-response bias, and they pose a problem of comparability of measure, mostly because the survey design differs between main survey and non-response follow-up. In order to detect possible bias, the survey variables included in non-response surveys have to be related to the mechanism of participation, but not be sensitive to measurement effects due to the different designs. Based on accumulated experience of four similar non-response follow-ups, we studied the survey variables that fulfill these conditions. We differentiated socio-demographic variables that are measurement-invariant but have a lower correlation with non-response and variables that measure attitudes, such as trust, social participation, or integration in the public sphere, which are more sensitive to measurement effects but potentially more appropriate to account for the non-response mechanism. Our results show that education level, work status, and living alone, as well as political interest, satisfaction with democracy, and trust in institutions are pertinent variables to include in non-response follow-ups of general social surveys. - See more at: https://ojs.ub.uni-konstanz.de/srm/article/view/6138#sthash.u87EeaNG.dpuf


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In April 2009, the US government unveiled its blueprint for a national network of high-speed passenger rail (HSR) lines aimed at reducing traffic congestion, cutting national dependence on foreign oil and improving rural and urban environments. In implementing such a program, it is essential to identify the factors that might influence decision making and the eventual success of the HSR project, as well as foreseeing the obstacles that will have to be overcome.


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Tourism is one of the most important sectors in the global economy and is considered an efficient tool with which to promote economic growth. The case of Spain¿s economy is well known in this respect; in fact, widespread consensus exists on the part played by tourism in enhancing the industrialisation process in Spain and the part played by foreign currency receipts from tourism in financing the imports of capital goods, which made the expansion of manufacturing possible. This paper aims to assess the real role of foreign currency receipts from tourism in Spain¿s economy from 1960 to the present. The results of Spain¿s experience may well help to guide policy decisions in developing countries in similar circumstances.


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Tourism is one of the most important sectors in the global economy and is considered an efficient tool with which to promote economic growth. The case of Spain¿s economy is well known in this respect; in fact, widespread consensus exists on the part played by tourism in enhancing the industrialisation process in Spain and the part played by foreign currency receipts from tourism in financing the imports of capital goods, which made the expansion of manufacturing possible. This paper aims to assess the real role of foreign currency receipts from tourism in Spain¿s economy from 1960 to the present. The results of Spain¿s experience may well help to guide policy decisions in developing countries in similar circumstances.


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The results obtained in several yield tests, at an international level (mainly the famous PISA 2003 report, by the OCDE), have raised a multiplicity of performances in order to improve the students' yield regarding problem solving. In this article we set a clear guideline on how problems should be used in Mathematics lessons, not for obtaining better scores in the yield tests but for improving the development of Mathematical thinking in students. From this perspective, the author analyses, through eight reflections, how the concept of problem, transmitted both in the school and from society, influences the students


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Russell's theory of memory as acquaintance with the past seems to square uneasily with his definition of acquaintance as the converse of the relation of presentation of an object to a subject. We show how the two views can be made to cohere under a suitable construal of 'presentation', which has the additional appeal of bringing Russell's theory of memory closer to contemporary views on direct reference and object-dependent thinking than is usually acknowledged. The drawback is that memory as acquaintance with the past falls short of fulfilling Russell's requirement that knowledge by acquaintance be discriminating knowledge - a shortcoming shared by contemporary externalist accounts of knowledge from memory.


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Konsistens och förändring i finländsk etermediapolitik. Implementering av digital television och en jämförelse med Kanada Avhandlingen handlar om hur det finländska televisionssystemet förändrades i slutet av 1990-talet från en nationell institution till ett dualistiskt system som präglas av stark marknadsorientering. Syftet med avhandlingen är att förstå på vilket sätt en så snabb förändring kunde ske och analysera de institutionella faktorerna bakom utvecklingen. På teoretisk nivå diskuteras tesen om det nära sambandet mellan statliga politiska institutioner och rundradioverksamhetens institutioner. Avhandlingen består av två fallstudier. Den första sätter fokus på de första åren av den finländska televisionens digitaliseringsprocess som startade med starka industriell-nationalistiska motiveringar. Analysen, som baserar på offentliga dokument, sträcker sig framtill hösten 2001 då de digitala televisionssändningarna startade och regeringspropositionen om den nya kommunikationsmarknadslagen lämnades till riksdagen. Dessa policy-processer analyseras som en ”marknadisering” av de traditionella styrningsprinciper och idéer gällande finländsk rundradioverksamheten. En jämförelse mellan Finlands och Kanadas nationella rundradiopolitik gör att man kan koppla slutsatserna till den internationella utvecklingen. Jämförelsen visar hur kommunikationspolitiska linjen i de två länderna har kommit att likna varandra trots att ländernas tv-system och deras styrordningar är mycket olika. Exemplet med Kanada visar att den särskilda teknologin inte är viktig utan snarare de kommersiella intressen som står bakom och som beslutsfattare gärna döljer i en nationalistisk retorik. Studien visar att det är viktigt att beakta vilken tyngd man i politiken ger de två sidor som rundradioverksamheten består av: sändningsteknologin och verksamheten som en speciell kulturform. Nationalstatens handlingsutrymme minskar inom fältet om målet är att vara framgångsrik i konkurrensen i den nya internationella ekonomin. Enligt de nyliberalistiska principer som det politiska systemet överlag har tillägnat sig det är önskvärd men också helt inhemska institutionella traditioner och praxis som följdes i den finländska digitaliseringsprocessen främjade utvecklingen som ledde till att nästan alla ursprungliga nationella syften föll sönder.


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Kansainvälinen kriisinhallinta on yksi puolustusvoimien kolmesta päätehtävästä. Suomi on osallistunut kansainvälisiin rauhanturva- ja kriisinhallintaoperaatioihin jo yli puolen vuosisadan ajan. Jokaisessa operaatiossa joukon organisaatio on ollut erilainen, tehtävästä ja mandaatista riippuen. Myös joukkojen koulutuksessa on tapahtunut muutoksia vuosien varrella, lähinnä suoritustasovaatimusten ja edellisistä operaatioista saatujen kokemusten myötä. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan lessons learned -toimintaa ja sen roolia oppivan organisaation ilmentäjänä ja miten puolustusvoimat asiasta käskee liittyen sotilaallisten kriisinhallintajoukkojen toimintaan. Tutkimuksesta on rajattu pois siviilikriisinhallinnan käsittely. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten puolustusvoimat käskee kriisinhallintajoukon toiminnasta liittyen operaatioista saatujen kokemusten raportointiin ja koulutuksen kehittämiseen. Pääkysymykseen, millaisia oppivan organisaation tunnusmerkkejä puolustusvoimien lessons learned -toiminnasta kriisinhallintajoukkojen osalta on löydettävissä, saadaan vastaus selvittämällä seuraavat alakysymykset: 1. Miten lessons learned -toiminta ilmentää oppivan organisaation mallia? 2. Miten lessons learned -toiminta ilmenee puolustusvoimien toiminnassa ja erityisesti kriisinhallintaoperaatioissa? 3. Mitä puolustusvoimat käskee kriisinhallintajoukoille operaatioalueelta saatujen kokemusten keräämisestä ja kuka/ketkä sen suorittaa/-tavat? Tutkimuksen näkökulma on sotilaspedagoginen. Tutkimuksessa keskitytään kriisinhallintajoukon saamien kokemusten jalostamiseen edelleen koulutukseen lessons learned -toiminnan kautta oppivan organisaation ilmentäjänä. Tutkimus toteutetaan käyttämällä sisällönanalyysimenetelmää paneutumalla kirjallisuuslähteisiin ja vertailemalla niitä. Lisäksi perehdytään Puolustusvoimien asiakirjoihin ja asetuksiin/ normeihin.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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We are using molecular, biochemical, and genetic approaches to study the structural and regulatory genes controlling the assimilation of inorganic nitrogen into the amino acids glutamine, glutamate, aspartate and asparagine. These amino acids serve as the principal nitrogen-transport amino acids in most crop and higher plants including Arabidopsis thaliana. We have begun to investigate the regulatory mechanisms controlling nitrogen assimilation into these amino acids in plants using molecular and genetic approaches in Arabidopsis. The synthesis of the amide amino acids glutamine and asparagine is subject to tight regulation in response to environmental factors such as light and to metabolic factors such as sucrose and amino acids. For instance, light induces the expression of glutamine synthetase (GLN2) and represses expression of asparagine synthetase (ASN1) genes. This reciprocal regulation of GLN2 and ASN1 genes by light is reflected at the level of transcription and at the level of glutamine and asparagine biosynthesis. Moreover, we have shown that the regulation of these genes is also reciprocally controlled by both organic nitrogen and carbon metabolites. We have recently used a reverse genetic approach to study putative components of such metabolic sensing mechanisms in plants that may be conserved in evolution. These components include an Arabidopsis homolog for a glutamate receptor gene originally found in animal systems and a plant PII gene, which is a homolog of a component of the bacterial Ntr system. Based on our observations on the biology of both structural and regulatory genes of the nitrogen assimilatory pathway, we have developed a model for metabolic control of the genes involved in the nitrogen assimilatory pathway in plants.


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Syksy Räsänen's presentation at Kirjastoverkkopäivät, Helsinki 21.10.2015.


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ABSTRACTWe discuss historic trends in large metropolitan areas in Brazil showing that manufacturing has decreased its share in the country but the movement was, in general, more intense in large metropolitan areas and particularly in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA). This movement was more intense in the 1980s and in the first half of the 1990s. From mid 1990s up to the end of the 2000s, the manufacturing share trend became flat. We speculate that the first period reflects the exhaustion of the process of import substitution that took place in the previous three decades (1950 to 1980). The second period, from 1993 to 2009, is representative of a new model of growth and the evidence that manufacturing share became flat is reinforcing the idea of a new period in terms of manufacturing employment. While concentration has risen from 1996 to 2005, it decreased again in the second half of the first decade of the 2000s. The SPMA reinvented itself very quickly from late 1970s to mid-2000s.