994 resultados para labor supply incentives
A presente tese engloba três artigos sobre diferencial de salários e estimação de demanda no Brasil. O primeiro artigo investiga o diferencial de salários entre os trabalhadores dos setores público e privado. A principal contribuição deste estudo é a estimação de um modelo de regressão com mudança endógena (endogenous switching regression model), que corrige o viés de seleção no processo de escolha setorial realizada pelos trabalhadores e permite a identificação de fatores determinantes na entrada do trabalhador no mercado de trabalho do setor público. O objetivo do segundo trabalho é calcular a elasticidade-preço e a elasticidade-despesa de 25 produtos alimentares das famílias residentes nas áreas rurais e urbanas do Brasil. Para tanto, foram estimados dois sistemas de equações de demanda por alimentos, um referente às famílias residentes nas áreas rurais do país e o outro sistema associado às famílias residentes nas áreas urbanas. O terceiro artigo busca testar a validade do modelo unitário para solteiros(as) e a validade do modelo de racionalidade coletiva de Browning e Chiappori (1998) para casais no Brasil. Para tanto, foi estimado um sistema de demanda do consumo brasileiro com base no modelo QUAIDS, que apresenta uma estrutura de preferências flexível o suficiente para permitir curvas de Engel quadráticas.
Neste trabalho, serão apresentados artigos que abordam modelos de equilíbrio geral e parcial que tratem da acumulação de capital humano, sistemas de previdência, oferta de trabalho e aposentadoria. São feitas análises entre diferentes mecanismos de acumulação humano e sua relação com produtividade; relações entre incertezas e hipóteses sobre mercados de crédito; e.a in uência dessas variáveis na aposentadoria das pessoas.
This paper assesses whether eligibility for conditional cash transfer programs have been manipulated, as well as the impact of this phenomenon on time allocation within households. To perform this analysis, we use data from the 2006 PNAD (Brazilian national household survey) and investigate the eligibility manipulation for the Bolsa Família (Family Stipend) program during this time period. The program assists families with a monthly per capita income of around R$120.00 (US$60.00). By applying the tests developed by McCrary (2008), we find suggestive evidence that individuals manipulate their income by voluntarily reducing their labor supply in order to become eligible to the program. Moreover, the reduction in labor supply is greater among women, especially single or divorced mothers. This evidence raises some concern about the unintended consequences related to the eligibility criteria utilized by Bolsa Família, as well as the program’s impact on individuals living in extreme poverty.
This paper documents the empirical relation between the interest rates that emerging economies face in international capital markets and their business cycles. It shows that the patterns observed in the data can be interpreted as the equilibrium of a dynamic general equilibrium model of a small open economy, in which (i) firms have to pay for a fraction of the input bill before production takes place, and (ii) preferences generate a labor supply that is independent of the interest rate. In our sample, interest rates are strongly countercyclical, strongly positively correlated with net exports, and they lead the cycle. Output is very volatile and consumption is more volatile than output. The sample includes data for Argentina during 1983-2000 and for four other large emerging economies, Brazil, Mexico, Korea, and Philippines, during 1994-2000. The model is calibrated to Argentina’s economy for the period 1983-1999. When the model is fed with actual US interest rates and the actual default spreads of Argentine sovereign interest rates, interest rates alone can explain forty percent of output fluctuations. When simulated technology shocks are added to the model, it can account for the main empirical regularities of Argentina’s economy during the period. A 1% increase in country risk causes a contemporaneous fall in output of 0.5 ’subsequent recovery. An increase in US rates causes output to fall by the same on impact and by almost 2% two years after the shock. The asymetry in the effect of shocks to US rates and country risk is due to the fact that US interest rates are more persistent than country risk and that there is a significant spillover effect from US interest rates to country risk.
I estimate the impact of social security benefits on retirement decisions of rural workers by studying changes in the roles governing social security in Brazil. I focus on a 1991 reform, which brought a reduction in the minimum eligibility age for males and females, a doubling of benefit values and the extension of benefits to non-heads of households. Because beneficiaries are not subject to means or retirement tests, I estimate apure income effect. I find that a reduction in the minimum eligibility age for old-age benefits was an important determinant in the reduction in labor supply of elderly rural workers in Brazil. Finally, I find that benefit take-up rates are larger among the better educated, but least-schooled workers show the largest labor supply responses to the reform.
A taxa de desemprego no Brasil sofreu redução significativa do começo do século XXI até o fim do ano de 2014. No entanto, esta redução significativa não foi acompanhada do esperado crescimento econômico disposto na teoria. Desta forma, constata-se que embora a taxa de desemprego tenha se reduzido, não necessariamente as pessoas estavam trabalhando e produzindo. Procurará se entender os fatores que influenciaram esta trajetória de redução da taxa de desemprego por meio de influência na PEA e no número de admissões de empregados, que aproximaremos à oferta e à demanda por mão de obra. Ou seja, pretende-se verificar as variáveis que influenciaram uma possível redução da oferta de trabalho, assim como uma maior demanda por trabalho, resultantes em uma redução da taxa de desemprego. Serão consideradas variáveis de renda, de transferência de renda, de educação e de crescimento econômico na análise das influências da baixa taxa de desemprego. Com base em um modelo vetor de correção de erros (VEC) pretende-se identificar quais variáveis efetivamente afetaram o panorama do desemprego.
In 1980, housing prices in the main US cities rose with distance to the city center. By 2010, that relationship had reversed. We propose that this development can be traced to greater labor supply of high-income households through reduced tolerance for commuting. In a tract-level data set covering the 27 largest US cities, years 1980-2010, we employ a city-level Bartik demand shifter for skilled labor and find support for our hypothesis: full-time skilled workers favor proximity to the city center and their increased presence can account for the observed price changes, notably the rising price premium commanded by centrality.
Como orientar políticas públicas de modo a promover o bem-estar da população? Para responder a essa questão a comunidade acadêmica tem enfocado a necessidade de se conhecer melhor as escolhas de consumo individuais. Essa tendência encontra apoio no número, cada vez maior, de bases de microdados disponibilizadas pelos órgãos governamentais e iniciativa privada. O presente trabalho analisa as escolhas dos brasileiros com relação às decisões de financiamento e de oferta de trabalho. O estudo é dividido em três ensaios empíricos distintos. Como a contratação de crédito em mercados informais é motivada pelo déficit de educação financeira é o foco do primeiro ensaio. Considerando mais de 2.000 observações sobre tomadas de crédito, utiliza-se um modelo logit multinomial para estimar a propensão à tomada de crédito na informalidade em contraste com o crédito bancário. Os resultados indicam que a educação financeira pode ter uma relevância maior para a seleção de financiamentos informais do que a restrição de crédito. O segundo ensaio analisa o comportamento de uso de cartões de crédito dentre 1.458 jovens adultos residentes no Brasil, EUA ou França. Um modelo de equações estruturais é utilizado para incorporar relações entre as variáveis latentes. O modelo validado pelo estudo representa uma situação em que o bem-estar financeiro é afetado pela forma com que o indivíduo utiliza o cartão de crédito que, por sua vez, é afetado pelo sentimento de comparação social e pela autoconfiança financeira, essa última sendo impactada também pela educação financeira recebida dos pais. Na comparação entre grupos encontramos evidências de que a comparação social tem um efeito mais forte sobre os jovens brasileiros e que homens são mais dependentes da educação dos pais do que as mulheres. No último ensaio a população pobre brasileira é analisada em relação a um suposto efeito preguiça, que seria causado pela diminuição de oferta de trabalho das famílias que recebem o benefício financeiro do governo via o Programa Bolsa Família. Um modelo de sobrevivência foi usado para comparar a duração no emprego entre beneficiários do programa e um grupo controle, utilizando uma base de dados com mais de 3 milhões de indivíduos. A hipótese de um efeito preguiça é rejeitada. O risco de desligamento do emprego para os beneficiários do Bolsa Família é medido como sendo de 7% a 10% menor, o que é capaz de anular, por exemplo, o maior risco de saída do emprego causado pela presença de filhos pequenos na composição familiar. Uma vez que a rotatividade no emprego dificulta o recebimento de aposentadorias por tempo de contribuição, pode-se concluir que o programa de transferência de renda brasileiro terá um impacto positivo sobre o bem-estar financeiro futuro do trabalhador.
This paper investigates income tax revenues response to tax rate changes taking into consideration that cash-cum-in-kind transfers are used as a redistributive package to the community. First, we show that when cash and in-kind transfers are not tied to be substitute instruments, a marginal income tax increase may unambiguously decrease the quantity supplied of labor (and tax revenues therein). Next, we show that whenever the government chooses the optimum provision for the publicly provided good the tax revenue function has a negatively-sloped part with respect to tax rates except for one case. Last, we consider Brazilian data - PNAD - from 1976 to 2008 to test our theoretical implications. Our estimations suggest a weak evidence in favor of the existence of a La er-type curve for Brazilian income tax revenues data. Moreover, wend that the actual average income tax rate seems to be below the estimated optimum level. In a shorter sample from 1996-1999, we nd evidence that labor supply decreases with tax rate when cash and in-kind transfers are in play. Using a pseudo-panel from the same shorter sample, we try to estimate the elasticity of taxable income, following Creedy and Gemmell (2012) and Saez et al. (2009). We explore a small tax reform between 1997 and 1998 that a ected only the higher income tax bracket, and evidence that Brazil is on the revenue reducing side of the La er Curve, at least for individuals in the higher income tax bracket.
This study aims to analyze the main effect of social programs and cash transfers on the labor supply of non-farm family members in poverty in rural areas of the Northeast. Among the specific objectives, we sought to investigate the effects of these programs and individual characteristics on the decision of participation and allocation of working hours of parents and children in non-agricultural activities. It was assumed, as a theoretical basis, the model of neoclassical labor supply as well as the principle that the decision of allocation of working hours, non-agricultural, is subject to the initial choice of the worker devote or not the non-agricultural employment . The hypothesis assumes that access to social programs and income transfer contributes to the dismay of rural workers, in poverty, in its decision to participate and offer hours of work in non-agricultural activities. To achieve this objective, we applied the models of Heckman (1979) and Double Hurdle, of Cragg (1971), consisting of associating the decision to participate in the labor market with the decision on the amount of hours allocated. The database used was the National Survey by Household Sampling (PNAD) of 2006. The results of the heads of households showed that transfers of income, although they may have some effect on labor supply rural nonfarm, the magnitude has to say that there may be some dependence on benefits. The estimates for the joint children of 10 to 15 years showed that the programs have negatively influenced participation in suggesting an increase in school participation, although for the allocation of working hours the results were not significant on the incidence of child labor
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Structural changes and labor market in Brazil. In the present article, we attempt to identify the sources of the changes in the labor schooling level in the three main sectors of the Brazilian economy: manufacturing, services and agriculture. It was verified that, despite the changes in the product and employment among sectors, mainly in the 1990s, the relative demands for qualified workers has not experimented significant changes. Moreover, in the periods in which schooling has increased more, the workers' wage has decreased more. This fact suggests that the increase in labor qualification was mainly due to the increase of this factor supply. The structural changes had contributed, in general, in a marginal and negative way to labor force level of qualification demand in all the three sectors.
This paper utilizes a novel database collected by the authors to document features of the progressivity of personal income tax systems across 209 countries for the years 1980-2009. We measure progressivity in several ways. First, we associate it with the increase in effective average (marginal) tax rates between a wage of zero and ten times the average wage in a country. Second, we consider the curvature of the tax schedule expressed as the difference between the effective average (marginal) tax schedule from a wage of zero to ten times the average wage and a linear average tax schedule and, alternatively, the diference between the effective average (marginal) tax schedule from the minimum positive taxable income, to ten times the average wage as opposed to a linear average tax schedule. Moreover, the paper assesses patterns regarding the conditional correlation of country-specifc tax progressivity measures with a host of economic and political country-specific characteristics and find the labor supply elasticity and the income replacement rates for the unemployed to be key determinants of progressivity around the globe, in line with economic theory.
This cursory literature review discusses the direct and indirect effects of institutions, governance, and democracy on economic growth, and the following conclusions are drawn. First, institutions and governance have a positive effect on growth. Even reforms that are less than comprehensive can stimulate, though not sustain, growth. Second, democracy neither promotes nor hampers growth directly. It secures stability and resilience in growth. It also exerts impacts on sources of growth but its net effect remains inconclusive. There remains unanswered the question of why institutions and governance matter but not democracy does not. The difference may be partly due to negative effects on investment and labor supply as well as the low credibility of young or partial democracies.
Using a unique dataset obtained from rural Andhra Pradesh, India that contains direct observations of household access to credit and detailed time use, results of this study indicate that credit market failures lead to a substantial reallocation of time used by children for activities such as schooling, household chores, remunerative work, and leisure. The negative effects of credit constraints on schooling amount to a 60% decrease of average schooling time. However, the magnitude of decrease due to credit constraints is about half that of the increase in both domestic and remunerative child labor, the other half appearing to come from a reduction in leisure.