583 resultados para interviewing
En el presente TFG se ha realizado un diagnóstico de las necesidades emocionales de los menores de entre 6 y 12 años diagnosticados de trastorno mental grave que acuden al Centro Terapéutico-Educativo de Ortuella. En la metodología de análisis se han utilizado dos técnicas.: la observación participante en los distintos espacios en los que se desenvuelven los usuarios y la entrevista con cada uno de los profesionales de la entidad. Este análisis ha tenido como objetivo detectar las carencias emocionales de los usuarios que requieren de mayor atención educativa. Además se realiza una propuesta de intervención cuyo eje central es desarrollar las competencias emocionales a través de la teatralización.
Lan honetan, marketinean eman diren azkeneko aldaketak direla eta Omnikanalitatearen ingurune berrira egokitzeko enpresen beharra adierazten da, gai honen garapena burutzeko marko teoriko bat sortuz. Marko teoriko honetan, marka-esperientzia, kontsumitzaileen lotura eta kontsumitzaile berrien portaera aipatzen dira, bakoitzaren alderik garrantzitsuenen azalpena emanez eta aldagai hauek Omnikanalitatearekin duten lotura adieraziz. Gainera, lanaren azkeneko zatian, bi ikerketa praktiko garatu dira; bat kontsumitzaileen ikuspuntua zehaztuz bi enpresa garrantzitsuren kontsumitzaileei galdeketa eginez eta bigarrena, gaian aditua denarekin izandako elkarrizketaren ikuspuntua adieraziz. Azkenik, aztertu diren aldagaiak kontuan hartuta eta bateratuta, lanaren ondorioak atera dira.
La salud es un aspecto muy importante en la vida de cualquier persona, de forma que, al ocurrir cualquier contingencia que merma el estado de salud de un individuo o grupo de personas, se debe valorar estrictamente y en detalle las distintas alternativas destinadas a combatir la enfermedad. Esto se debe a que, la calidad de vida de los pacientes variará dependiendo de la alternativa elegida. La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) se entiende como el valor asignado a la duración de la vida, modificado por la oportunidad social, la percepción, el estado funcional y la disminución provocadas por una enfermedad, accidente, tratamiento o política (Sacristán et al, 1995). Para determinar el valor numérico asignado a la CVRS, ante una intervención, debemos beber de la teoría económica aplicada a las evaluaciones sanitarias para nuevas intervenciones. Entre los métodos de evaluación económica sanitaria, el método coste-utilidad emplea como utilidad, los años de vida ajustado por calidad (AVAC), que consiste, por un lado, tener en cuenta la calidad de vida ante una intervención médica, y por otro lado, los años estimados a vivir tras la intervención. Para determinar la calidad de vida, se emplea técnicas como el Juego Estándar, la Equivalencia Temporal y la Escala de Categoría. Estas técnicas nos proporcionan un valor numérico entre 0 y 1, siendo 0 el peor estado y 1 el estado perfecto de salud. Al entrevistar a un paciente a cerca de la utilidad en términos de salud, puede haber riesgo o incertidumbre en la pregunta planteada. En tal caso, se aplica el Juego Estándar con el fin de determinar el valor numérico de la utilidad o calidad de vida del paciente ante un tratamiento dado. Para obtener este valor, al paciente se le plantean dos escenarios: en primer lugar, un estado de salud con probabilidad de morir y de sobrevivir, y en segundo lugar, un estado de certeza. La utilidad se determina modificando la probabilidad de morir hasta llegar a la probabilidad que muestra la indiferencia del individuo entre el estado de riesgo y el estado de certeza. De forma similar, tenemos la equivalencia temporal, cuya aplicación resulta más fácil que el juego estándar ya que valora en un eje de ordenadas y abscisas, el valor de la salud y el tiempo a cumplir en esa situación ante un tratamiento sanitario, de forma que, se llega al valor correspondiente a la calidad de vida variando el tiempo hasta que el individuo se muestre indiferente entre las dos alternativas. En último lugar, si lo que se espera del paciente es una lista de estados de salud preferidos ante un tratamiento, empleamos la Escala de Categoría, que consiste en una línea horizontal de 10 centímetros con puntuaciones desde 0 a 100. La persona entrevistada coloca la lista de estados de salud según el orden de preferencia en la escala que después es normalizado a un intervalo entre 0 y 1. Los años de vida ajustado por calidad se obtienen multiplicando el valor de la calidad de vida por los años de vida estimados que vivirá el paciente. Sin embargo, ninguno de estas metodologías mencionadas consideran el factor edad, siendo necesario la inclusión de esta variable. Además, los pacientes pueden responder de manera subjetiva, situación en la que se requiere la opinión de un experto que determine el nivel de discapacidad del aquejado. De esta forma, se introduce el concepto de años de vida ajustado por discapacidad (AVAD) tal que el parámetro de utilidad de los AVAC será el complementario del parámetro de discapacidad de los AVAD Q^i=1-D^i. A pesar de que este último incorpora parámetros de ponderación de edad que no se contemplan en los AVAC. Además, bajo la suposición Q=1-D, podemos determinar la calidad de vida del individuo antes del tratamiento. Una vez obtenido los AVAC ganados, procedemos a la valoración monetaria de éstos. Para ello, partimos de la suposición de que la intervención sanitaria permite al individuo volver a realizar las labores que venía realizando. De modo que valoramos los salarios probables con una temporalidad igual a los AVAC ganados, teniendo en cuenta la limitación que supone la aplicación de este enfoque. Finalmente, analizamos los beneficios derivados del tratamiento (masa salarial probable) si empleamos la tabla GRF-95 (población femenina) y GRM-95 (población masculina).
The River Ribble bailiff team completed a total of 377 salmonid creel censuses by interviewing anglers fishing on the banks of the Rivers Ribble and Hodder during 1994. The study was undertaken for a number of reasons: (i) , To determine which areas of the river were fished by anglers. (ii) To ascertain which fishing methods were used in these areas. (iii) To identify the success of each fishing method within each area of the River Ribble system. In a limited 1993 sampling programme, 55 censuses were carried out. Results from these indicated that fishing with worm as bait was the most common method (39% of anglers interviewed) and also resulted in the greatest number of salmon being caught (61% of all salmon). The 1994 census data were collected from all areas of the Ribble system during the months of June to October. The data presented here are for anglers fishing for salmon only or for those fishing for salmon and sea trout at the same time. All of the fish caught were salmon.
O tema central da pesquisa foi pensar a família partindo do ponto de vista de crianças: como crianças, enquanto sujeitos sociais que são, estão compreendendo e experimentando o que é família. A ideia de entrevistar crianças partiu da suposição de que estas estão vivenciando muitos modelos de famílias diferentes dos tradicionais e, possivelmente, sem o cunho de novidade, diferença ou estranheza. Acreditamos que escutar as crianças é justamente alcançar um discurso que não ocupa um lugar de destaque, um lugar oficial, mas nem por isso é menos importante. Levando em consideração a tensão entre entender criança como faixa etária e pensar através de um devir-criança que pode estar em qualquer um de nós, optamos por entrevistar 22 crianças de idade entre 6 e 11 anos, contabilizando 6 grupos. Inspirada na Cartografia, que compreende a pesquisa como ocorrendo num espaço do meio, onde não há polos estáveis sujeito-objeto, mas que a pesquisa se constrói em conjunto. Essa perspectiva nos fez eleger como dispositivo o formato de entrevistas em grupo, onde era pedido que desenhassem sua própria família ou uma família. Para as crianças entrevistadas, a vivência pessoal parece ser o molde para a construção do sentimento de união e pertinência que se carrega ao longo da vida, cujos critérios variam de acordo com as histórias de cada um. A noção de processo de subjetivação presente no pensamento de Michel Foucault foi importante instrumento conceitual para compreender as ideias de famílias que emergiram dos depoimentos das crianças entrevistadas. Percebemos através das afirmações dessas crianças que há um jogo onde elas experimentam possibilidades de sentido para conjugar aspectos que consideram importantes do que seja família: afeto, convivência, relações sanguíneas, que se combinam no que denominamo s camadas de família. As crianças parecem gozar de certa liberdade para inventar e definir categorias, testando também critérios comuns cotidianos que ajudam a incluir e/ou excluir membros. Foi marcante uma extrema flexibilidade na escolha dos critérios, um momento devir-criança, aberto a novas possibilidades, ao singular que se criava na interação coletiva. Ao focalizarmos os critérios sugeridos pelas crianças, ficamos com a impressão de que elas nos oferecem um olhar mais rizomático (Deleuze e Guattari) em direção às famílias. O trabalho incorpora uma análise do percurso da pesquisa que descartou questões e priorizou outras, a partir da análise de implicação da pesquisadora no processo desde que a pesquisa começou a ser pensada até a intervenção realizada.
O objetivo dessa pesquisa é discutir o cenário de uso de crack no município do Rio de Janeiro contextualizado com a condição de vulnerabilidade e risco social, através do mapeamento das controvérsias entre os atores dessa rede. As percepções e experiências relatadas neste trabalho dizem respeito aos diferentes espaços profissionais voltados ao atendimento e prestação de serviço a este público. Inicialmente, é trazida a trajetória teórica e prática que levaram a construção desta dissertação. Foram relatadas experiências vividas nas ações conjuntas de abordagem com a SMDS (Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Social) e a prática como entrevistadora de usuários de crack na Pesquisa Nacional do Crack pela FIOCRUZ. No segundo momento, é feito um breve histórico da origem do crack e suas marcas pelo mundo. São trazidos também, dados sobre a droga no Brasil, em particular sua história no Rio de Janeiro. Ainda nesta sequência, é apresentada a política de Redução de Danos, mostrando de que maneira o sujeito é significado a partir dessa perspectiva, e suas principais contribuições pelo mundo e também no país. A dissertação é construída pela perspectiva das práticas profissionais do psicólogo SMDS pensada através da Teoria Ator-rede. Foi importante destacar as principais ações de política pública voltadas para essa temática, considerando os avanços na discussão da temática. Foram mapeadas e exploradas as relações entre os atores envolvidos nesta temática (usuários de crack, SMDS, SMS Secretaria Municipal de Saúde, Segurança Pública, Mídia, Sociedade), colocando em evidencia as controvérsias existentes nessas relações, como recolhimento compulsório. De maneira conclusiva, são trazidas as impressões tiradas ao final deste percurso, problematizando os papéis do poder público e daqueles que atuam para garantir a população que faz uso abusivo de crack e outras drogas o direito de acessar e exercia sua cidadania.
The Gap Analysis of Marine Ecosystem Data project is a review of available geospatial data which can assist in marine natural resource management for eight park units. The project includes the collection of geospatial information and its incorporation in a single consistent geodatabase format. The project also includes a mapping portal which can be seen at: http://ccma.nos.noaa.gov/explorer/gapanalysis/gap_analysis.html In addition to the collection of geospatial information and mapping portal we have conducted a gap analysis of a standard suite of available information for managing marine resources. Additional gap were identified by interviewing park service staff.
Disease is the main restraining factor for the development of shrimp sector in Bangladesh. Both brackish water shrimp bagda (Penaeus monodon) and freshwater prawn golda, (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming in Bangladesh have been facing disease problem. A study on disease outbreak in both brackish water and freshwater small-scale shrimp farms (gher) in Khulna district was carried out through interviewing randomly selected 3-5% of shrimp farmers with a structured questionnaire during March to December, 2002. The study showed that 97% bagda farming ghers and 80% golda farming ghers were affected by disease. White spot disease was the severe disease for bagda, whereas, antenna rot was the main disease for freshwater prawn. Change of water and liming were carried out as control measures of disease for bagda shrimp farming, while it was only liming for golda farming. A small number of shrimp farmers (15%) used chemicals for treatment of shrimp diseases. Development of suitable farming technology to prevent disease contamination and innovation of proper treatments for diseases are required to overcome the disease problems for sustainable shrimp farming in Bangladesh.
Although Sri Lanka is endowed with favourable climatic conditions and resources for breeding and rearing ornamental fish for export, a considerable number of ornamental fish producers as well as exporters have given up the industry within a relatively short period of time. This study was conducted to understand the present status of the industry and to identify the problems that have caused these failures. The study was conducted from March to December in the year 2007 and covered Colombo, Kaluthara, Polonnaruwa, Negombo, Wattala, Rathnapura, Avissawella, Kandy, Kegalle, Padukka, and Gampaha areas, where ornamental fish culture is known to be popular. The survey was carried out by interviewing ornamental fish farmers using a structured questionnaire survey that was designed to elicit the required information. Most (75%) of those surveyed were identified as small scale farmers. A majority (56%) of them used only cement tanks for their culture activities. Only 47% of farmers had proper technical knowledge or training on fish culture while 42% directly supplied their fish products to the expo1iers. The most important constraints identified by the study were as follows: (1) the sale price offish not changing in keeping with the increase in the material costs of production - Feed, cement, sand, transport and labour - in recent years. (2) Difficulty to find export markets for newcomers to enter the export market. (3) Lack of quality brooders and information on the most suitable fish varieties for the different climatic and water conditions in different areas in the country (3) Feed availability and cost. (4) Lack of adequate knowledge and technical support with regard to disease control and water quality management. (5) Difficulty to survive in the off season. (6) Difficulty in obtaining credit for expansion and the lack of sufficient involvement of responsible authorities in overcoming all these identified constraints.
BACKGROUND: Central Venous Catheterisation (CVC) has occasionally been associated with cases of retained guidewires in patients after surgery. In theory, this is a completely avoidable complication; however, as with any human procedure, operator error leading to guidewires being occasionally retained cannot be fully eliminated. OBJECTIVE: The work described here investigated the issue in an attempt to better understand it both from an operator and a systems perspective, and to ultimately recommend appropriate safe design solutions that reduce guidewire retention errors. METHODS: Nine distinct methods were used: observations of the procedure, a literature review, interviewing CVC end-users, task analysis construction, CVC procedural audits, two human reliability assessments, usability heuristics and a comprehensive solution survey with CVC end-users. RESULTS: The three solutions that operators rated most highly, in terms of both practicality and effectiveness, were: making trainees better aware of the potential guidewire complications and strongly emphasising guidewire removal in CVC training, actively checking that the guidewire is present in the waste tray for disposal, and standardising purchase of central line sets so that differences that may affect chances of guidewire loss is minimised. CONCLUSIONS: Further work to eliminate/engineer out the possibility of guidewires being retained is proposed.
Forage selection plays a prominent role in the process of returning cultivated lands back into grasslands. The conventional method of selecting forage species can only provide attempts for problem-solving without considering the relationships among the decision factors globally. Therefore, this study is dedicated to developing a decision support system to help farmers correctly select suitable forage species for the target sites. After collecting data through a field study, we developed this decision support system. It consists of three steps: (1) the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), (2) weights determination, and (3) decision making. In the first step, six factors influencing forage growth were selected by reviewing the related references and by interviewing experts. Then a fuzzy matrix was devised to determine the weight of each factor in the second step. Finally, a gradual alternative decision support system was created to help farmers choose suitable forage species for their lands in the third step. The results showed that the AHP and fuzzy logic are useful for forage selection decision making, and the proposed system can provide accurate results in a certain area (Gansu Province) of China.
This research addresses the problems of public policy-making procedures. In conducting our research, we considered public policy as the allocation or reallocation of interests or resources among different members of the public. Due to limited resources, administrations should trade off all interests among different segments of society when formulating a policy. Unfortunately, in recent years there have been several mass conflicts with administration of public policy. This infers that some people’s interests were ignored or harmed by certain policies. According to the theory of procedural justice, people may accept the unexpected result if they consider the procedure is just. This research hypothesizes that there are certain problems in current policy-making procedures and that improving these procedures may make policies more acceptable. A pilot study was conducted by interviewing ten scholars from a range of disciplines. The interview record transcripts were coded by three analysts. The results indicate that: 1) Most of the scholars criticized current public policies as lacking sensitivity to public issues; 2) Most of them considered that current public policies do not resolve problems effectively; and 3) They all considered that psychology research may enhance awareness of public issues and improve the effectiveness of policy. In study 2, the procedure of public policy was tracked and compared with a social survey. The Beijing government would like to increase the taxi fare rate to cope with the rising price of petroleum. Although the majority of delegates in a hearing of witnesses supported the policy consideration, the social survey of 186 residents and 63 taxi drivers indicated that both of them oppose the consideration. The findings indicate that the hearing of witnesses was not able to delegate the opinions of the public, resulting in the policy failing to resolve the problem. Study 3 was a nonequivalent control group quasi-experiment. Visitors of two Internet Website were chosen as subjects for original photo games. For the experiment group, visitors were invited to express their desires and suggestions on the game rules for one week, and then declare rules referencing the suggestions before starting the game. Meanwhile, the control group simply declared the rules at the beginning of the game. Compared with the two games during 23 days, the experiment group submitted more photos than the control group. The results of this research imply that, the good will of policy makers is not enough to make a policy effective. Surveys on public attitudes at the beginning of the policy-making process can allow policy makers to better determine public issues, assess the tradeoff of public interests, help ensure policies are more acceptable, and help foster a harmonious society. The authors of this research suggest that psychology research should take more social level problems into account in the policy-making process.
Both perceived organizational support and job stresses have impact on employees’ work outcomes. Great progresses have been made in past researches. However, there are many disputes about the impact of perceived organizational support (POS) on job performance (especially, safety performance), the impact of job stresses on job performance (especially, safety performance) and job attitudes, as well as the interaction of subordinates’ POS and job stresses, and the impact of supervisor on subordinates’ POS et al.. Thus, the aim of the study is to explore the impact of supervisors’ POS, leader-member exchange(LMX) on subordinates’ POS, the direct impact of subordinates’ POS and job stressors from task and rewards on work attitudes(job satisfaction, turnover intention) and safety behaviors(safety compliance and safety participation), and the interaction of subordinates’ POS and job stresses. Analyses are based on the data from interviewing of 20 staff, posts of a Chinese civil aviation Bulletin Board System (BBS) and surveys of 216 subordinates and 42 supervisors from two Chinese civil aviation Air traffic control centers (ATC). The major findings are listed as follows: Firstly, the exchange relationship between supervisors and members has impact on subordinates’ POS by the fully mediating role of subordinates’ perceived supervisor support (PSS). But supervisors’ POS have no impact on subordinates’ POS. Secondly, subordinates’ POS has a direct and positive impact on their job satisfaction and safety behaviors, and a negative impact on turnover intention. Specifically, the higher the employees’ perceived organizational support, the higher job satisfaction and safety behaviors, as well as the lower turnover intention they have. Moreover, POS has stronger relationship with safety participation behaviors than that of safety compliance behaviors. Thirdly, task-related stressor has no significant impact on job satisfaction, turnover intention and safety behaviors. And compensation-related stressor has significant and positive impact on turnover intention and safety behaviors, which means that with the compensation-related stress increases, turnover intention increases, safety behaviors including safety compliance and safety participation also increases. Fourthly, POS and task-related stressor, POS and compensation-related stressor have significant interaction, respectively. Specifically, POS moderates the relationship between task-related stressor and job satisfaction, and between task-related stressor and turnover intention. Moreover, POS also moderates the relationship between compensation-related stressor and safety compliance behaviors.
Two kinds of rating bias ——halo effect and ego-centric effect were analyzed in multitrait-multirater matrix by this research. To get the multitrait-multirater matrix, ten college students watched the video-tapes of football matches and rated the performance of the players on several traits. After the interviewing of 41 football fans, the performance traits of four different positions in a football team were obtained using critical incident technique. The results indicate: comparing the heterotrait-monorater triangless, some rater's rating showed halo effect obviously; comparing the monotrait-heterorater diagonals, ego-centric effect can be shown in some extent on different traits. There were less interrater reliability on the rating of some ambiguous traits. The conclusion can be used on rater training. We can give the raters feedback about their rating bias by analyzing the multitrait-multirater matrix. The results are also helpful for rater training.
Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia, especialização em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde.