938 resultados para historical ethnomusicology, mulatismo, Francisco Curt Lange Brazilian colonial music, professional musicians, Minas Gerais


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Tendo como pano de fundo a confessionalidade da rede adventista de educação presente de maneira marcante no espaço escolar e a intensa diversidade religiosa discente, esta pesquisa analisa a relação de possíveis tensões entre a confessionalidade escolar e a diversidade religiosa presente neste espaço. Leva em consideração o processo de modernidade causadora de importantes transformações na educação, na religião e na forma dos dois institutos se relacionarem. Levou-se em consideração o perfil socioeconômico e religioso dos alunos e possíveis tensões na recepção do religioso no espaço escolar adventista por parte dos discentes, inclusive por aqueles que se declaram adventistas. O espaço escolhido para esta pesquisa foi o de colégios adventistas localizadas no contexto do ABCD Paulista, que ofertam o Ensino Médio. Estas unidades escolares estão situadas nas cidades de Diadema, Santo André e São Caetano do Sul, cidades localizadas na mesma microrregião, mas com distintas realidades socioeconômicas


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O trabalho tem a proposta de analisar os desdobramentos do teatro musical brasileiro desde a primeira encenação em território nacional de adaptações de espetáculos do Teatro de Revista, gênero originário da França, até as superproduções musicais realizadas nos últimos 16 anos de adaptações de espetáculos americanos. O panorama histórico e analítico será estudado, com ênfase no teatro musical que se utiliza de elementos midiatizados para estar inserido em uma sociedade em que a produção cultural é vista como internacionalizada e mercantilizada. Como forma de marketing, os produtores utilizam-se da notoriedade midiática presente em formatos estrangeiros já consagrados, adaptações renomadas e bem aceitas pelo público, além da fama de celebridades que são escaladas para os musicais. Tudo para a conquista de um patrocinador que, por sua vez, acaba fazendo exigências que interferem de maneira decisiva na montagem dos espetáculos. Em meio a um processo onde são tantos os direcionamentos pré-estabelecidos por patrocinadores, onde se encontra o genuíno teatro musical brasileiro? A pesquisa abrange o ineditismo da presença de temáticas nacionais em formatos estrangeiros e agrega o conjunto de fatores que possibilitam que um roteiro de musical saia do papel e adentre os palcos, tais como as políticas públicas de incentivos fiscais; a ligação de empresas patrocinadoras e suas marcas a musicais; o fato de que, mesmo as produções sendo pagas por dinheiro público, possuírem ingressos que não são a preços populares. Para auxiliar nas conjecturas a serem formadas, será utilizada uma metodologia histórico-descritiva com foco na relação do tema com elementos notórios na mídia, como os artistas e obras a serem adaptadas no palco.


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A sistematização dos recursos administrativos na legislação federal consiste em um trabalho de elaboração de um modelo de identificação e organização das diversas normas processuais administrativas disciplinadoras das regras de cabimento, processamento e julgamento dos recursos administrativos no âmbito da administração pública federal. Trata-se de uma pesquisa acadêmica de revisão normativa das principais legislações infraconstitucionais administrativas federais desenvolvida a partir da perspectiva das normas gerais de processo administrativo estabelecidas pela Lei Federal n. 9.784/99 (Lei de processo administrativo federal). Inicialmente, são analisados os aspectos históricos e conceituais do processo administrativo brasileiro considerados mais relevantes para a compreensão do sistema recursal administrativo. Posteriormente à fixação desses pressupostos conceituais na primeira parte do trabalho, o estudo direciona-se ao estabelecimento da tipologia recursal administrativa, por meio do exame dos princípios, regras e demais orientações apresentados pela Lei Federal n. 9.784/99. Tendo sido estipulados as espécies recursais, suas características, bem como as regras de cabimento, processamento e julgamento dos recursos administrativos, empreende-se o diagnóstico das legislações infraconstitucionais federais escolhidas com fundamento nos elementos fixados na segunda parte do trabalho. A sistematização dos recursos administrativos na legislação federal tem como finalidade demonstrar que a previsibilidade dos resultados obtida por meio do conhecimento das regras do jogo em matéria recursal administrativa, é responsável por um incremento das garantias constitucionais do processo administrativo nos entes públicos federais.


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A new interaction between insects and carnivorous plants is reported from Brazil. Larvae of the predatory flower fly Toxomerus basalis (Diptera: Syrphidae: Syrphinae) have been found scavenging on the sticky leaves of several carnivorous sundew species (Drosera, Droseraceae) in Minas Gerais and São Paulo states, SE Brazil. This syrphid apparently spends its whole larval stage feeding on prey trapped by Drosera leaves. The nature of this plant-animal relationship is discussed, as well as the Drosera species involved, and locations where T. basalis was observed. 180 years after the discovery of this flower fly species, its biology now has been revealed. This is (1) the first record of kleptoparasitism in the Syrphidae, (2) a new larval feeding mode for this family, and (3) the first report of a dipteran that shows a kleptoparasitic relationship with a carnivorous plant with adhesive flypaper traps. The first descriptions of the third instar larva and puparium of T. basalis based on Scanning Electron Microscope analysis are provided.


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Patrimônio cultural é tudo aquilo que possui significado social e representa identidades, sendo dividido em duas principais categorias: material e imaterial. O reconhecimento deste último foi construído ao longo de um processo de maturação, ampliação de debates, legislação e ação de órgãos públicos nacionais e internacionais. No Brasil, a Constituição Federal de 1988 incorporou, ao lado do patrimônio material, as diversas formas de expressão e os modos de criar, fazer e viver, como patrimônio imaterial, adotando novos instrumentos de proteção aos bens culturais: o registro e o inventário. Entretanto, somente pelo Decreto 3.551/2000 é que o registro do imaterial foi definitivamente normatizado. Paulatinamente, ocorreu a descentralização da legislação e das políticas públicas, que passaram a ser compartilhadas por União, Estados e Municípios e, nesse sentido, um caso peculiar na gestão do patrimônio cultural ocorreu no estado de Minas Gerais, no qual o Instituto Estadual do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico de Minas Gerais (IEPHA/MG) assumiu um valioso papel na preservação do patrimônio cultural, onde as ações municipais voltadas ao patrimônio cultural no Estado contam com repasses financeiros, via distribuição do Imposto Sobre Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS). Esse cenário propiciou um campo para a reflexão e debate sobre o papel e a função desse órgão estadual frente às práticas de identificação, valorização e promoção do patrimônio imaterial de Minas Gerais.


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O trabalho aborda o empobrecimento estético-discursivo da canção popular massiva exposta na mídia televisiva brasileira, na comparação entre o contexto histórico-midiático-musical das décadas de 1960 e 1970 e o contexto da primeira metade da segunda década do século XXI. Para definir tal empobrecimento discursivo encontrou-se o conceito de desmusicalização da mídia televisiva . O trabalho, de natureza teórica, tem como objetivo apontar que a mídia televisiva tem papel preponderante e parte importante da responsabilidade pelo empobrecimento na construção do discurso da música popular brasileira. Para tanto, primeiramente, por meio da análise poético-estética dos elementos estruturais das linguagens musical e literária de uma canção popular, delimitou-se a espécie de obra musical estruturada com acuro poético, que a ela empresta um padrão estético de excelência. Tais canções tinham espaços de veiculação nas grades de programação da mídia televisiva de outrora e nos dias atuais não mais os têm. Em seguida, por meio de pesquisas bibliográfica, documental e empírica, descreve-se de modo analítico-interpretativo o período histórico em que ocorreu essa desmusicalização da mídia. Por fim, constata-se que a partir da popularização da Internet e da proliferação de diversas mídias que permitem ao ouvinte o acesso, o armazenamento, o compartilhamento de repertórios musicais e, sobretudo, a audição em movimento, a canção popular massiva pautada pelo acuro poético deixou de estar presente na mídia televisiva e passou a figurar em outras diversas mídias. Essa ampla presença da Música nas mídias digitais definiu-se pelo conceito de hipermidiatização da música, que seria um dos componentes da desmusicalização da mídia televisiva.


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O presente trabalho procura analisar e avaliar a instalação de uma instituição de ensino metodista na cidade de Juiz de Fora/MG ao final do século XIX, bem como identificar e analisar a educação metodista, a partir de uma investigação a respeito do movimento religioso que se iniciou na Inglaterra, no século XVII, sob a liderança de John Wesley. Com a sua consolidação, o movimento adotou o nome de Metodismo, de acordo com a visão que observadores tinham a respeito do grupo de adeptos, sempre disciplinados, metódicos e comprometidos com a filosofia que acreditavam. A investigação se estendeu às demais regiões pelas quais o Metodismo se instalou, passando pela América do Norte, chegando ao Brasil e abrangendo o sudeste brasileiro, mais especificamente, a Zona da Mata mineira, na cidade de Juiz de Fora/Minas Gerais. O estudo bibliográfico apresenta reflexões sobre o processo de formação, desenvolvimento e expansão da doutrina religiosa metodista e sua concepção educacional. Busca também analisar as relações do Metodismo com o processo de formação e transformação política, social e cultural do Brasil, no final do século XIX, quando acontece a implantação do regime republicano em substituição ao regime monárquico. Além disso, procura analisar as contribuições da educação metodista na construção e desenvolvimento da educação brasileira, que, juntamente com a política estavam sendo pensadas e questionadas por um grupo social e intelectual em ascensão na sociedade brasileira naquele momento histórico. Juntamente com as obras consultadas, a análise documental utilizou os livros de atas da congregação dos primórdios da fundação da instituição, o primeiro livro de matrícula, os estatutos e regulamento e as revistas editados na própria instituição, além de fragmentos do mais importante jornal da cidade à época. A análise destes documentos permite que sejam comprovadas as reflexões realizadas à luz da história e da teoria pesquisada, que serviram de base na pesquisa.


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This research studies two cases of implementation of alternative strategies for municipal government reform in Brazil, decentralisation and People's Councils. The aim is to answer the following general question: `Can decentralisation and People's Councils be a means for democratization of municipal government in Brazil?'. The hypothesis is that initiatives to reform Brazilian municipal governments face problems that are characteristic of the Brazilian political and administrative reality. These problems are considered obstacles for the development of those initiatives and accordingly, for democratization of municipal government in Brazil. After an introduction and outline in Chapter One, Chapter Two discusses four main theories concerning local government. Chapter Three discusses decentralisation and People's Councils are discussed in Chapter Four. Chapter Five presents a historical, political and economic overview of Brazil. Chapter Six deals with Brazilian Federalism and Municipal Government. The main aspects of the Municipal Government are presented as well as the development of municipal autonomy through the various Federal Constitutions and cases of People's Councils and decentralisation in municipalities in Brazil. Chapter Seven presents the political parties responsible for the initiatives, the PSDB (Brazilian Social Democratic Party) in the case of decentralisation, and the PT (Workers' Party) in the case of People's Councils. In Chapter Eight the research strategy and the data collection techniques are described. Chapters Nine and Ten present decentralisation implemented by the PSDB in Belo Horizonte, the Minas Gerais state capital and People's Councils introduced by the PT in the town of Ipatinga in the same state. Conclusions are presented in Chapter Eleven and include a comparison and discussion of the two cases. The thesis shows that these experiments with alternative strategies of local government face problems that are generally current in Brazilian political and administrative reality. Those problems are concerned with unwillingness to decentralise power, clientelism, low levels of participation of civil society and the `political' use of the structures implemented.


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From the second half of the twentieth century the state bega n to use exaction beyond your fiscalist character, also as a means of alignment deformities economic and social balance, influencing in different directions, according to economic, social and political policy. It is what is usually called the extrafiscalit y. It is in light of this phenomenon and the constitutional perspective, the present work aims to analyze item IV of article. 8 of Law n. 6.967/96, regulatory Property Tax Vehicle Automotive (property taxes) in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, in view of its possible incompatibility with the principles of the Basic Statute and with international guidelines for protection of the environment The problem of this research is Seated in art. 225 of the Constitution, which provides that everyone has the right to an ecologically balanced environment. From the reading of this standard, extracted it is the responsibility of the state protecting the environment, which requires the adoption of suitable actions to that end. However, we look to state law cited follows th e constitutional path, since it exempts the collection of property taxes automotive vehicles with over 10 years of manufacturing, which could encourage the conservation of a fleet of old vehicles, mostly more polluting and harmful to the environment and hu man health. Would the state legislature oblivious to the constitutional principles and the global trend of environmental preservation? Thus questions whether such an incentive for more polluting vehicles, emitting more gases in the atmosphere. Moreover, th e international community is already moving through important conventions in an attempt to minimize and control global warming and climate change. Predicting the theme in CF/88 demonstrates that the country is no stranger to the issue. Thus, the work is a retelling of Law No. 6.967/96 order to check whether it is compatible with the existing system. The methodology consists of a documentary, deductive, dialectical literature. At the end of the survey, it was found that provide a tax benefit to these vehicle s is encouraged to maintain them in circulation and contribute to the increase in air and noise pollution, in addition to the traffic problems generated. Thus, this potiguar anything standard can be expressed extrafiscality because the medium and long term there is encouragement and worsening environmental problem. Despite the ability to pay clause, but this remission is an affront to legally protected interests. Thus, this device goes in reverse order compared to the values of the legal system and in relat ion to sustainable development. Modern Tax Law should be used as a tool to achieve the purposes collimated by the State, and not otherwise. It was noticed that the vast majority of Brazilian states does not follow this rule, including Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais have no such exemption. Therefore, the RN State does not constitute a model for sustainable public policies, nor example of environmental protection by state law.


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In this study, we focus on the relativization strategies, in diachronic corpus of Brazilian Portuguese (BP). Generally speaking, we aim to investigate the use of the relative in a historical perspective on BP, focusing on semantic-cognitive and discursive-pragmatic motivations involved and the correlation with the discursive traditions. The theoretical perspective underlying our study is the North-American Functional Linguistics, inspired by Talmy Givón, Sandra Thompson, Paul Hopper, Joan Bybee, Elizabeth Traugott, Mario Martelotta, Angelica Furtado da Cunha, among others, combined with contributions of Discursive Traditions, based on authors such as Kabatek, Koch and Oesterreicher. As for the methodology, our research is eminently qualitative, in the sense that it seeks to elucidate semantic-cognitive and discursive-pragmatic motivations related to the use of relativization strategies in BP; and it has quantitative support, with respect to measurable data aspect and characterization of the object of study and its frequency of use. For this investigation, we use the corpora of the project Para a História do Português Brasileiro (PHPB), more specifically, the particular, official, reader and redactor letters written between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries, from four states: Minas Gerais, Paraná, Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro. The results of this research reveal the variation in relativization strategies, in view of the increase in the relativa cortadora (prepositional chopping strategy) percentage in the corpus of this investigation, even though the occurrence of this strategy is more restricted to private letters. In addition, we found factors of cognitive nature such as reduction in cognitive cost and economy related to the occurrence of that relative strategy, principally in private letters; aspects such as the need for expressiveness and clearness related to the use, even if infrequent, of the relativa copiadora (resumptive strategy), especially in official letters; and factors of communicative order such as the public sphere of circulation of the sample letters, as in the redactor and reader letters, and the gap between the parties most directly involved in the use of the standard relative of our sample.


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The present research results of the studies and debates inherent in PhD in Education at the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Uberlândia, belonging to the Research Line "Politics and Knowledge in Education." This thesis aims to analyze the contradictory meaning of education as training human history, specifically educational representative under the logic of the industrial business associated FIEMG (Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais) in the context 1961-1974. This definition is justified by the historical fact that it was a period marked by the cyclical crises of capital and their impacts in the final phase of the industrialization process in Brazil: it starts with one of the apexes of economic growth in the country , driven by national developmental , continues with a severe political crisis in 1966 , also impacting the economic sphere, and finally, with the constant quest for economic stability even under high prices, hatch the factors that led to the Brazilian economy to the context of the "Economic Miracle". For this, it was necessary to link the debate between education and work from the perspective of historical materialism and dialectical their subsidies theoretical-methodological and epistemological. In the first chapter, we designed a "State of the art" category "human formation", conceived as a process of education and history, from the Marxist assumptions, aiming at the reconstruction of concepts and meanings of which is the formation of workers in contradictory logic, the bias of comprehensive training and the prospect of capital accumulation. Then, in the second chapter, we present a review about industrialization, the industrial business and its development perspective 1961-1974. The third chapter was established on a contextualization of the state and its peculiarities, the industrial business and its proposed development both nationally and at the state (Minas Gerais). Finally, in the fourth chapter, was organized dialogue with the sources, from a historical survey of the shares of the industrial business with an emphasis on education, which converged in a pedagogy industrial consolidation in line with the political and economic conditions specific period from 1961 to 1974. It has mailing bibliographic reference business thinking expressed in the concreteness of training workers and industry of Minas Gerais, in agreement with the demands of work and training of mining companies. The thesis of this study is the defense that the corporate actions which constituted pedagogy industrial concepts were articulated to political and economic development in Brazil, since the discipline to work imposed by such conceptions met the human worker training geared to the accumulation the general capital and industrial capital in particular. Establish, therefore, different logics, the state level, the scope of private foreign capital and domestic private capital, which came up the process of capital accumulation, loading, contradictorily, the possibilities of building the human beyond capital, or a teaching job.


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Cette thèse, complémentaire à deux récitals donnés dans le cadre de la réalisation d’un doctorat en études pédagogiques et pratiques musicales instrumentales, a comme fil conducteur l’enseignement collectif du trombone au Brésil et examine le trombone sous trois angles : historique, pédagogique et dans une perspective d’interprétation musicale. Bien que le sujet ne soit pas nouveau, le projet présente une réflexion, sur le trombone et son enseignement, encore inexplorée en raison principalement du répertoire sélectionné pour la présente étude. En effet, à notre connaissance, le répertoire populaire brésilien n’a jusqu’à maintenant pas fait l’objet d’arrangements musicaux écrits, en vue d’une exploitation non seulement en contexte de représentation publique, mais aussi avec des visées pédagogiques. Les morceaux choisis ont été retenus en raison de leur contenu, qui présente un vocabulaire musical lié à la culture régionale de quatre des cinq régions géographiques du Brésil. Dans le processus de réalisation du projet, les morceaux choisis ont fait l’objet d’arrangements dans la perspective qu’ils servent comme outil pédagogique pour la formation en trombone, en contexte de musique brésilienne. Les arrangements ont été conçus pour des ensembles réduits, où le trombone tient fréquemment le rôle de soliste. Ainsi, au-delà des concepts et techniques issus de la formation traditionnelle reçue, l’interprétation des arrangements a été une occasion pour le doctorant et soliste de présenter, à travers l’improvisation dans le langage de la musique populaire brésilienne, les résultats de processus développés au cours des deux dernières années. Les partitions sont annexées au texte de la thèse, afin d’illustrer certains propos et avec l’objectif de soutenir les recherches futures dans ce domaine. La thèse est divisée en quatre chapitres lesquels, bien que présentés séparément, possèdent entre eux d’étroites relations. Le premier chapitre donne un aperçu général de l’histoire de l’instrument, à travers les cinq siècles de son existence. Le deuxième chapitre s’articule autour de l’histoire de la musique brésilienne et de la présence du trombone au Brésil. Le troisième chapitre présente d’abord un aperçu de l’enseignement artistique et musical au Brésil au 20e et 21e siècle, poursuit en abordant la situation de l’enseignement du trombone au Brésil et aboutit à une proposition favorisant l’apprentissage du trombone en contexte d’enseignement musical collectif. Finalement, le quatrième chapitre fait un retour sur l’expérience musicale vécue dans le premier volet du projet, celui se rapportant à la pratique musicale instrumentale, établit des liens et trace des pistes dans une perspective d’enseignement et d’apprentissage du trombone.


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This book didactically addresses relevant issues for researchers in the linguistic field as well as professors, journalists and whoever else is interested in understating the so called “paranaense dialect”. It is relevant to clarify, however, that there is not one single dialect from Parana as the state has three distinctive dialectal areas. That means the traditional speech from the state corresponds to its historical settlement. The first area dates back to the XVIII century in the center-south-coast direction; the second area dates from the 1920´s and 1930´s matching the arrival of immigrants from Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina in the search for new territories, clearing forestry regions from the Southwest and Western regions in Parana, turning them into harvesting areas. The third linguistic area corresponds to the North and Northwest of Parana, which were colonized in the 1940´s and 1950´s by immigrants from Minas Gerais and São Paulo who came to grow coffee plants in its rich red land. Such dialectal diversity constitutes only a small fraction of what is understood as the Brazilian Portuguese. So, having it described means to collaborate to map the great linguistic mosaic that characterizes the whole Brazilian territory. We then seek to offer readers a small sample of the analyses carried out by researchers concerning the different performances of the Portuguese spoken in Parana (Banco VARSUL, ALERS, Atlas Linguístico do Paraná, Banco VARLINFE). We expect these findings encourage new approaches and Linguistic studies from other regions of the state.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, 2015.


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This work aims to investigate the historical narratives in which the graphic designer Alexandre Wollner assembled about the development of its own profession in Brazil, focusing the ways in which his discourse points relations among design (with greater emphasis in graphic design) and visual arts, the industrial development and notions about technology. Firstly, the theoretical setup searched for dialogues with design historians, with Mikhail Bakhtin, specially his concepts about “ideology” and “discourse’, and the theory of Field Autonomy by Pierre Bourdieu applied in the artistic practice. Following, the relation between Wollner’s own journey and the Brazilian industrial development is shown, and, at last, three of his historical texts are studied, which are written in different moments (1964; 1983; 1998), being those in which the analyzed author wished to point out the origens, events and names that are more remarkable. Throughout the work, it is pointed the importance of Wollner’s contact with the modernist european ideologies that share an abstract and rationalist matrix found at Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm (HfG Ulm), the german design school from the city of Ulm, in the 1950s. Such modernist discourse understood the practice of design as a method with scientific character, being then different of some other more recurring artistic professional practices in some productive sectors. Wollner aimed to apply such ideals in his professional practice, being the foundation of the paulista office forminform, in 1958, one of his first expressions of such posture, and in his academic practice, helping the foundation of the Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial (ESDI), in Rio de Janeiro, in 1963. Such modernist ideals went along with moments of the Brazilian industrial development during the government of Juscelino Kubitschek (1956–1961) and the “Economical Miracle” from the military government (1968–1973). Wollner argued about the need for the development of national design as a technological and productive differential that would help the growth of national industry, based on Ulm’s project model concept. It is defended that Wollner’s professional and intelectual path, in his efforts of thinking a history of Brazilian design through the choice of pioneers in the area, was founded on an “ideal model” of design, leaving aside the modernist experiences from the 1950s. Such posture would indicate a search for validation of his own profession that was beginning to become more evident in Brazilian productive means, aiming the creation of a differential space in comparison with pre-established practices, usually link to graphic artists from the time.