684 resultados para hidden curriculum


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This case study of curriculum at Dubai Women's College (DWC) examines perceptions of international educators who designed and implemented curriculum for female Emirati higher-educational students in the UAE, and sheds light on the complex social, cultural, and religious factors affecting educational practice. Participants were faculty and supervisors, mainly foreign nationals, while students at DWC are exclusively Emirati. Theories prominent in this study are: constructivist learning theory, trans formative curriculum theory, and sociological theory. Change and empowerment theory figure prominently in this study. Findings reveal this unique group of educators understand curriculum theory as a "contextualized" construct and argue that theory and practice must be viewed through an international lens of religious, cultural, and social contexts. As well, the study explores how mandated "standards" in education-in the form of the International English Language Testing System (IEL TS) and integrated, constructivist curriculum, as taught in the Higher Diploma Year 1 program-function as dual curricular emphases in this context. The study found that tensions among these dual emphases existed and were mediated through specific strategies, including the use of authentic texts to mirror the IEL TS examination during in-class activities, and the relevance of curricular tasks.


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This project focuses on the bullying found in the 21st century elementary classrooms, more specifically in grades 4-8. These grades were found to have high levels of bullying because of major shifts in a student’s life that may place a student of this age at risk for problems with their peer relationships (Totura et al., 2009). Supporting the findings in the literature review, this handbook was created for Ontario grade 4-8 classroom teachers. The resource educates teachers on current knowledge of classroom bullying, and provides them with information and resources to share with their students so that they can create a culture of upstanders. Upstanders are students who stand up for the victims of bullying, and have the self-esteem and strategies to stand up to classroom bullies. These upstanders, with the support of their classroom teachers and their peers, will be a force strong enough to build the government-mandated Safe School environment.


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This project focuses on the bullying found in the 21st century elementary classrooms, more specifically in grades 4-8. These grades were found to have high levels of bullying because of major shifts in a student’s life that may place a student of this age at risk for problems with their peer relationships (Totura et al., 2009). Supporting the findings in the literature review, this handbook was created for an Ontario grade 4-8 classroom teachers. The resource educates teachers on current knowledge of classroom bullying, and provides them with information and resources to share with their students so that they can create a culture of upstanders. Upstanders are students who stand up for the victims of bullying, and have the self-esteem and strategies to stand up to classroom bullies. These upstanders, with the support of their classroom teachers and their peers, will be a force strong enough to build the government-mandated Safe School environment.


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This study sought to determine if and how the Ontario approach to integrating media education into the curriculum can be applied to Chinese education. The study used thematic analyses to identify the Ontario curriculum‘s attributes and approach to teaching media literacy, and to investigate relevant policies and national curriculum standards in Chinese compulsory education to reveal the status quo of Chinese media education. Finally, the study explored the feasibility of applying the Ontario media education model in China. Findings indicate that the Ontario model can be employed in the Chinese context, but only partly so, because current Chinese media education is limited by protectionism and restrictive policies corresponding to the use of media merely as research tools.


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Abstract This descriptive study sought to identify the similarities and differences between the various educational institutions offering therapeutic recreation curriculum across Canada. The study utilized mixed methods, including open and closed-ended questions on a survey and document analysis. The research participants were from 14 educational institutions located across the nation. Results from this study identify similarities and differences in the curriculum used to prepare students pursuing a career in the TR field. Core competencies and standards of practice for the field of therapeutic recreation were defined and discussed. Accreditation and the accrediting bodies in the field of TR are reviewed because of their significant impact on curriculum. Implications regarding certification and regulation pertaining to the education for therapeutic recreation practitioners were discussed along with suggestions for future research.


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Hidden Motives: An Analysis of Online English as a Second Language (ESL) Teacher Hiring Practices in Japan and Hong Kong is a qualitative research paper examines and compares two large-scale Asian English language teaching programs: Japan’s Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme (JET Programme, 2010) and Hong Kong’s Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) Scheme (NET Scheme, 2013). Both government sponsored programs recruit internationally and invite participants to work within each country’s public schools while living amongst local communities and both programs utilize their online presence to attract, inform, and recruit individuals. The purpose of this research is to investigate whether the JET and NET websites are transparent with their governmental motives aside from improving their students’ English language abilities. While JET and NET websites were interrogated, the research questions were regularly revisited to determine if the two sites made any underlying motives clear to the candidates. The research, supported by academic literature, exposed the JET Programme website to be a branch of the Japanese government’s soft power campaign, whereby JET teachers were hired firstly as potential advocates for Japan and Japanese culture rather than English teachers. Conversely, the NET Scheme appeared to be solely commissioned for English language improvement as reflected by their website. Findings from the research can provide insight to applicants to help them decide if they want to participant in these programs. Without clearly understanding the background that motivates these programs, participants may unknowingly be used to support the host government’s agendas.


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The way in which individuals seek romantic partners has changed considerably in the past decades, most notably through online dating sites (ODSs). Despite the possibility of misrepresentation amongst client users, such sites continue to grow in popularity because ODSs provide a large pool from which individuals can select and attract potential partners. While much research has been undertaken on ODSs, little empirical research has examined postsecondary students’ use of ODSs. Therefore, this study sought to investigate why postsecondary students have become involved with and how they present themselves on ODSs. The researcher surveyed 20 postsecondary students and conducted in-depth interviews with 2 participants who use ODSs. Although the limited sample prevented results from being generalized, quantitative and qualitative analyses suggest that participants became involved with ODSs for various purposes, such as seeking long-term relationships and/or marriage partners, or simply exploring or visiting ODSs out of curiosity. Findings indicate that ODS users’ physical appearance and/or “attractiveness” is considered the strongest predictor of relationship success. The study discusses how participants’ self-presentation affects outcomes of ODS usage, particularly when negative self-identification and presentation corresponding to factors such as individuals’ weight and age are taken into account.


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This meta-analytic study sought to determine if cross-national curricula are aligned with burgeoning digital learning environments in order to help policy makers develop curriculum that incorporates 21st-century skills instruction. The study juxtaposed cross- national curricula in Ontario (Canada), Australia, and Finland against Jenkins’s (2009) framework of 11 crucial 21st-century skills that include: play, performance, simulation, appropriation, multitasking, distributed cognition, collective intelligence, judgment, transmedia navigation, networking, and negotiation. Results from qualitative data collection and analysis revealed that Finland implements all of Jenkins’s 21st-century skills. Recommendations are made to implement sound 21st-century skills in other jurisdictions.


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In times of educational change, educators are given the task of implementing new initiatives that meet the needs of a changing environment; yet, they are often dismissed from developmental phases of the reform. This top-down structure deters educators’ personal capacity building as their knowledge, values, assumptions, and beliefs are not acknowledged or explicitly developed as part of the initiative. This study explored Ontario dental hygiene educators’ perspectives of how they may build personal capacity during an externally mandated national curriculum reform, the Entry-to-Practice Competencies and Standards for Canadian Dental Hygienists (National Competencies). Narratives were collected from 5 dental hygiene educators of diverse educational training and teaching organizations. Three themes emerged that included perceptions of structural influence, perceptions of learning access, and perceptions of identity. Each theme was linked to tasks that were required to build personal capacity for sustainable school change. The theoretical framework and the required tasks demonstrated the interconnectedness between educators, leaders, and the organization for building educators’ personal capacity.


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This study sought to explore ways to work with a group of young people through an arts-based approach to the teaching of literacy. Through the research, the author integrated her own reflexivity applying arts methods over the past decade. The author’s past experiences were strongly informed by theories such as caring theory and maternal pedagogy, which also informed the research design. The study incorporated qualitative data collection instruments comprising interviews, journals, sketches, artifacts, and teacher field notes. Data were collected by 3 student participants for the duration of the research. Study results provide educators with data on the impact of creating informal and alternative ways to teach literacy and maintain student engagement with resistant learners.


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Tesis (Maestría en Enseñanza Superior) UANL


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Tesis (Doctor en Filosofía con especialidad en Educación) U.A.N.L. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2008.


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Les politiques éducatives se multiplient à l’échelle des pays industrialisés mais celles-ci semblent rencontrer de graves problèmes d’atteinte de résultats concrets et satisfaisants. La mise en œuvre d’une politique, notamment les stratégies gouvernementales « hybrides » sélectionnées, c’est-à-dire des stratégies d’implantation de politiques qui misent à la fois sur des stratégies « top-down » et aussi « bottom-up », semble être un élément-clé à considérer pour leur efficience (Gather-Thurler, 2000; Van Zanten, 2004; Fullan, 2005, 2007). Or, les connaissances concernant ces stratégies de mise en œuvre sont partielles, encore peu développées et les raisons qui expliquent ces choix politiques se font rares; ce qui rend la production de politiques effectives et durables difficile (Fullan, 2000; Leithwood et Earl, 2000; Van Zanten, 2004). Le Québec a entrepris, en 1997, une réforme à grande échelle de son système d’éducation; réforme qui mise explicitement sur des stratégies gouvernementales « hybrides » pour sa réalisation. Cette étude s’attarde à cette réforme, plus spécifiquement à sa réforme du curriculum au primaire, afin de : 1) retracer les grands moments-clés de la mise en œuvre de la politique associés aux différentes dimensions du concept d’« hybridité »; 2) identifier et décrire les stratégies gouvernementales « hybrides » qui leur sont associées; 3) formuler des hypothèses explicatives provisoires et les valider; 4) élaborer un modèle explicatif et 5) expliciter l’incidence du modèle proposé sur les théories existantes. Cette étude de cas est effectuée par l’entremise de deux formes de cueillette de données complémentaires : une analyse documentaire et des entrevues semi-dirigées. Une analyse documentaire est réalisée à partir des documents formels de l’autorité publique (N=14) et d’une revue de presse, de 1995 à 2003 (N=648). Les entrevues (N=23) visent, pour leur part, à recueillir les propos des : 1) concepteurs et décideurs; 2) opérationnalisateurs; 3) concepteurs-opérationnalisateurs et 4) experts. La combinaison des données recueillies permet d’établir la comparaison entre le processus et la structure (Meny et Thoenig, 1989), le prescriptif et l’effectif, afin de comprendre la vraie dynamique qui a animé le processus de mise en œuvre de la politique étudiée. Ainsi, l’examen du processus de mise en œuvre de la réforme du curriculum québécois du primaire permet de retracer le modèle d’implantation de la politique curriculaire québécoise. Ce modèle d’implantation novateur fait état du fait que des stratégies hybrides non improvisées et exigeantes furent pensées et proposées par les autorités québécoises. Ce modèle d’implantation élaboré permettait de penser que la politique curriculaire québécoise allait, possiblement, permettre d’obtenir des résultats tangibles et durables dans les milieux scolaires. L’analyse de la structure de mise en œuvre révèle, pour sa part, que les stratégies d’implantation qui se sont déployées sur le terrain rejoignaient presqu’intégralement les stratégies « hybrides » initialement prévues. Le processus d’implantation a cependant connu une évolution différente de celle attendue. La mise en œuvre concrète qui s’est vécue sur le terrain fut difficile et hasardeuse, malgré l’approche « hybride » adoptée. Les éléments qui expliquent les difficultés d’implantation vécues sont présentés et analysés dans cette étude.