992 resultados para financial reforms
Prepared for presentation at the Portuguese Finance Network International Conference 2014, Vilamoura, Portugal, June 18-20
"The purpose of the XII Iberian-Italian Congress of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics is to provide a meeting point for researchers in Financial Economics from different countries and research backgrounds in universities, government or financial institutions. In fact, the Congress which is currently taking place in Lisbon has been organized to encourage communication and debate among the participants as well as to reinforce the bonds between us.The current edition of the Congress is characterized by the quality and diversity of the papers that have been submitted with special attention to the International Financial Crisis and measures of risk in different financial markets. However, as the Congress Program indicates, there are also parallel sessions about traditional topics in finance such as asset pricing, insurance, corporate finance, etc.Although this Congress has always been organized alternately between Spain and Italy, this year we have the great pleasure of celebrating it in Portugal which will be included as a permanent partner." [prefácio]
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientação: Doutora Alcina Augusta de Sena Portugal Dias Coorientação: Doutora Amélia Cristina Ferreira Silva
The application of mathematical methods and computer algorithms in the analysis of economic and financial data series aims to give empirical descriptions of the hidden relations between many complex or unknown variables and systems. This strategy overcomes the requirement for building models based on a set of ‘fundamental laws’, which is the paradigm for studying phenomena usual in physics and engineering. In spite of this shortcut, the fact is that financial series demonstrate to be hard to tackle, involving complex memory effects and a apparently chaotic behaviour. Several measures for describing these objects were adopted by market agents, but, due to their simplicity, they are not capable to cope with the diversity and complexity embedded in the data. Therefore, it is important to propose new measures that, on one hand, are highly interpretable by standard personal but, on the other hand, are capable of capturing a significant part of the dynamical effects.
Comunicação apresentada na Universidade de Wroclow.
Poster apresentado na 8.ª Conferência da European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, em Valencia, 12-14 de novembro de 2008.
Comunicação apresentada na Conferência Anual do IASIA, em Paris, a 6 de julho de 2015
8th International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications (MACOM2015), Helsinki, Finland.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Antropologia dos Direitos Humanos e Movimentos Sociais.
ABSTRACT: Financing is a critical factor in ensuring the optimal development and delivery of a mental health system. The primary method of financing worldwide is tax-based. However many low income countries depend on out-of-pocket payments. There is a report on Irish Health Care funding but none that deals exclusively with mental health care. This paper analyses the various financial models that exist globally with respect to financing the mental health sector, examines the impact of various models on service users, especially in terms of relative ‘financial burden’ and provides a more detailed examination of the current mental health funding situation in Ireland After extensive internet and hardcopy research on the above topics, the findings were analysed and a number of recommendations were reached. Mental health service should be free at the point of delivery to achieve universal coverage. Government tax-based funding or mandatory social insurance with government top-ups, as required, appears the optimal option, although there is no one funding system applicable everywhere. Out-of-pocket funding can create a crippling financial burden for service users. It is important to employ improved revenue collection systems, eliminate waste, provide equitable resource distribution, ring fence mental health funding and cap the number of visits, where necessary. Political, economic, social and cultural factors play a role in funding decisions and this can be clearly seen in the context of the current economic recession in Ireland. Only 33% of the Irish population has access to free public health care and the number health insurance policy holders has dramatically declined, resulting in increased out-of-pocket payments. This approach risks negatively impacting on the social determinants of health, increasing health inequalities and negatively affecting economic productivity. It is therefore important the Irish government examines other options to provide funding for mental health services.
RESUMO – A atribuição de incentivos financeiros em função do desempenho e do alcance de metas de qualidade, aos prestadores e especificamente aos médicos constitui um dos principais paradigmas das reformas dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários (CSP) que ocorrem em diversos países. O pay for performance (P4P) - pagamento em função do desempenho tem sido considerado, a nível internacional, como uma estratégia capaz de imputar mais qualidade, eficiência, acessibilidade e equidade aos CSP, pilares fundamentais na prossecução dos objectivos dos sistemas de saúde. Recompensar financeiramente os prestadores de cuidados pelos resultados em saúde e pela concretização de metas específicas, que reflectem prioridades assistenciais é uma forma de promover a satisfação profissional e estimular o envolvimento no processo de cuidados e nas novas formas de governação clínica. O interesse em desenvolver uma comparação internacional e em particular, através de três sistemas de saúde com serviço nacional de saúde (SNS) no âmbito da caracterização do impacto da implementação do P4P nos CSP prende-se com a importância atribuída aos contributos das experiências do P4P decorridas em diferentes países, onde os mesmos objectivos foram procurados de formas diferentes e obtiveram resultados diferentes. A implementação de programas de P4P no Reino Unido, na Nova Zelândia e em Portugal é geradora de melhorias na qualidade assistencial e nos resultados em saúde, determinantemente influenciados pelos contextos e processos de implementação dos programas de P4P, bem como, pela magnitude dos incentivos financeiros.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics