934 resultados para few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses


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We implement a parallel, time-dependent hybrid finite-difference Lagrange mesh code to model the electron dynamics of the fixed-nuclei hydrogen molecular ion subjected to intense ultrashort laser Pulses, Ionization rates are calculated and compared with results from a previous finite-difference approach and also with published Floquet results. The sensitivity of the results to the gauge describing the electron-field interaction is studied. Visualizations of the evolving wave packets are also presented in which the formation of a stable bound-state resonance is observed.


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The influence of the plasma density scale length on the production of MeV protons from thin foil targets irradiated at I lambda (2) = 5 x 10(19) Wcm(-2) has been studied. With an unperturbed foil, protons with energy >20 MeV were formed in an exponential energy spectrum with a temperature of 2.5 +/- 0.3 MeV. When a plasma with a scale length of 100 mum was preformed on the back of the foil, the maximum proton energy was reduced to


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We report on a study comparing absolute K-alpha yield from Ti foils measured with a calibrated system of an X-ray CCD coupled to a curved LiF Von-Hamos crystal spectrometer to the difference in the signals measured simultaneously with two similar photodiodes fitted with two different filters. Our data indicate that a combination of photodiodes with different filters could be developed into an alternative and inexpensive diagnostic for monitoring single shot pulsed emission in a narrow band of X-ray region.


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Experimental investigations of the late-time ion structures formed in the wake of an ultrashort, intense laser pulse propagating in a tenuous plasma have been performed using the proton imaging technique. The pattern found in the wake of the laser pulse shows unexpectedly regular modulations inside a long, finite width channel. On the basis of extensive particle in cell simulations of the plasma evolution in the wake of the pulse, we interpret this pattern as due to ion modulations developed during a two-stream instability excited by the return electric current generated by the wakefield.


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Two-color above threshold ionization of helium and xenon has been used to analyze the synchronization between individual pulses of the femtosecond extreme ultraviolet (XUV) free electron laser in Hamburg and an independent intense 120 fs mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser. Characteristic sidebands appear in the photoelectron spectra when the two pulses overlap spatially and temporally. The cross-correlation curve points to a 250 fs rms jitter between the two sources at the experiment. A more precise determination of the temporal fluctuation between the XUV and infrared pulses is obtained through the analysis of the single-shot sideband intensities. ©2007 American Institute of Physics


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Electron-ion recombination in a laser-induced electron recollision is of fundamental importance as the underlying mechanism responsible for the generation of high harmonic radiation, and hence for the production of attosecond pulse trains in the extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray spectral regions. By using an ion beam target, remotely prepared to be partially in long-lived excited states, the recombination process has for the first time been directly observed and studied.


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Non-sequential processes in the multiple ionization of Xe and Xe+ targets subject to intense femtosecond laser pulses have been investigated. A precise ratio has been determined for the direct comparison of ionization using circular and linear polarized fields. Suppression of non-sequential effects where an ionic target is compared to a neutral atom target has been confirmed.