972 resultados para fatty acid binding protein


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A key regulatory point in the control of fatty acid (FA) oxidation is thought to be transport of FAs across the mitochondrial membrane by carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT I). To investigate the role of CPT I in FA metabolism, we used in vivo electrotransfer (IVE) to locally overexpress CPT I in muscle of rodents. A vector expressing the human muscle isoform of CPT I was electrotransferred into the right lateral muscles of the distal hindlimb [tibialis cranialis (TC) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL)] of rats, and a control vector expressing GFP was electrotransferred into the left muscles. Initial studies showed that CPT I protein expression peaked 7 days after IVE (+104%, P < 0.01). This was associated with an increase in maximal CPT I activity (+30%, P < 0.001) and a similar increase in palmitoyl-CoA oxidation (+24%; P < 0.001) in isolated mitochondria from the TC. Importantly, oxidation of the medium-chain FA octanoyl-CoA and CPT I sensitivity to inhibition by malonyl-CoA were not altered by CPT I overexpression. FA oxidation in isolated EDL muscle strips was increased with CPT I overexpression (+28%, P < 0.01), whereas FA incorporation into the muscle triacylglycerol (TAG) pool was reduced (−17%, P < 0.01). As a result, intramyocellular TAG content was decreased with CPT I overexpression in both the TC (−25%, P < 0.05) and the EDL (−45%, P < 0.05). These studies demonstrate that acute overexpression of CPT I in muscle leads to a repartitioning of FAs away from esterification and toward oxidation and highlight the importance of CPT I in regulating muscle FA metabolism.


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The present study examined the acute effects of metformin on fatty acid (FA) metabolism in oxidative soleus (SOL) and glycolytic epitrochlearis (EPT) rodent muscle. SOL and EPT were incubated for either 30 or 180 min in the absence or presence of 2 mM metformin and with or without insulin (10 mU/ml). Metformin did not alter basal FA metabolism but countered the effects of insulin on FA oxidation and incorporation into triacylglyerol (TAG). Specifically, metformin prevented the insulin-induced suppression of FA oxidation in SOL but did not alter FA incorporation into lipid pools. In contrast, in EPT metformin blunted the incorporation of FA into TAG when insulin was present but did not alter FA oxidation. In SOL, metformin resulted in a 50% increase in AMP-activated protein kinase α2 activity and prevented the insulin-induced increase in malonyl-CoA content. In both fiber types, basal and insulin-stimulated glucose oxidation were not significantly altered by metformin. All effects were similar regardless of whether they were measured after 30 or 180 min. Because increased muscle lipid storage and impaired FA oxidation have been associated with insulin resistance in this tissue, the ability of metformin to reverse these abnormalities in muscle FA metabolism may be a part of the mechanism by which metformin improves glucose clearance and insulin sensitivity. The present data also suggest that increased glucose clearance is not due to its enhanced subsequent oxidation. Additional studies are warranted to determine whether chronic metformin treatment has similar effects on muscle FA metabolism.


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Fatty acid translocase (FAT/CD36) is a transport protein with a high affinity for long-chain fatty acids (LCFA). It was recently identified on rat skeletal muscle mitochondrial membranes and found to be required for palmitate uptake and oxidation. Our aim was to identify the presence and elucidate the role of FAT/CD36 on human skeletal muscle mitochondrial membranes. We demonstrate that FAT/CD36 is present in highly purified human skeletal mitochondria. Blocking of human muscle mitochondrial FAT/CD36 with the specific inhibitor sulfo-N-succimidyl-oleate (SSO) decreased palmitate oxidation in a dose-dependent manner. At maximal SSO concentrations (200 μM) palmitate oxidation was decreased by 95% (P < 0.01), suggesting an important role for FAT/CD36 in LCFA transport across the mitochondrial membranes. SSO treatment of mitochondria did not affect mitochondrial octanoate oxidation and had no effect on maximal and submaximal carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT I) activity. However, SSO treatment did inhibit palmitoylcarnitine oxidation by 92% (P < 0.001), suggesting that FAT/CD36 may be playing a role downstream of CPT I activity, possibly in the transfer of palmitoylcarnitine from CPT I to carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase. These data provide new insight regarding human skeletal muscle mitochondrial fatty acid (FA) transport, and suggest that FAT/CD36 could be involved in the cellular and mitochondrial adaptations resulting in improved and/or impaired states of FA oxidation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this work was to determine the proximate composition and fatty acid profiles of the Gastrocnemius pars interna intramuscular fat (IMF) of rhea (Rhea americana) thighs. The birds were bred in captivity, fed with balanced feed (Nutriavestruz Crescimento - Purina) and kept in a pen with grass ad lib. The birds of both sexes used in the research weighed 23 kg on average and were aged about twelve (12) months old. They were subjected to hydric diet (12 h) before slaughtering by electric shock. The rhea meat showed an average moisture, protein, ash and total lipid contents of 74.1%, 22.8%, 1.5% and 1.6%, respectively. It was noticed the predominance of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in intramuscular fat (IMF), 42.3% and a high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), 29.7%.. The fatty acids found in higher proportion in rhea IMF were: 18:2n-6 (24.33%), 18: 1n-9 (19.25%),16:0 (13.70%),22: 1n9 (11.40%),18:0 (10.66%),15: 1n-10 (8.62%),24: 1n-9 (2.90%) and 20:4n-6 (1.72%). The PUFA/SFA and n-6/n-3 ratios were 1.06 and 31.30, respectively. The consumption of rhea meat is a healthy alternative to red meat as it points to a lower susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases caused by the high consumption of fat comparatively to the consumption of meat from most domesticated animals.


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Lys49-Phospholipase A(2) (Lys49-PLA(2) - EC homologues damage membranes by a Ca2+-independent mechanism which does not involve catalytic activity. Both MjTX-II from Bothrops moojeni and BthTX-I from Bothrops jararacussu are dimeric in solution and in the crystalline states, and a model for the Ca2+-independent membrane damaging mechanism has been suggested in which flexibility at the dimer interface region pert-nits quaternary structural transitions between open and closed membrane bound dimer conformations which results in the perturbation of membrane phospholipids and disruption of the bilayer structure [1]. With the aim of gaining insights into the structural determinants involved in protein/lipid association, we report here the crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the (i) MjTX-II/SDS complex at a resolution of 2.78Angstrom, (ii) MjTX-II/STE complex at a resolution of 1.8 Angstrom and (W) BthTX-I/DMPC complex at 2.72Angstrom. These complexes were crystallized by the hanging drop vapour-diffusion technique in (i) HEPES buffer (pH 7.5) 1.8M ammonium sulfate with 2% (w/v) polyethyleneglycol 400, in (ii) 0.6-0.8 M sodium citrate as the precipitant (pH 6.0-6.5) and in (iii) sodium citrate buffer (pH 5.8) and PEG 4000 and 20% isopropanol, respectively. Single crystals of these complexes have been obtained and X-ray diffraction data have been collected at room temperature using a R-AXIS IV imaging plate system and graphite monochromated Cu Kalpha X-ray radiation generated by a Rigaku RU300 rotating anode generator for (i) and (W) and using using a Synchrotron Radiation Source (Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron, LNLS, Campinas, Brazil) for (ii).


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Transthyretin and retinal-binding protein are sensitive markers of acute protein-calorie malnutrition both for early diagnosis and dietary evaluation. A preliminary study showed that retinal-binding protein is the most sensitive marker of protein-calorie malnutrition in cirrhotic patients, even those with the mild form of the disease (Child A). However, in addition to being affected by protein-calorie malnutrition, the levels of these short half-life-liver-produced proteins are also influenced by other factors of a nutritional (zinc, tryptophan, vitamin A, etc) and non-nutritional (sex, aging, hormones, renal and liver functions and inflammatory activity) nature. These interactions were investigated in 11 adult male patients (49.9 ± 9.2 years of age) with alcoholic cirrhosis (Child-Pugh grade A) and with normal renal function. Both transthyretin and retinol binding protein were reduced below normal levels in 55% of the patients, in close agreement with their plasma levels of retinal. In 67% of the patients (4/6), the reduced levels of transthyretin and retinal-binding protein were caused by altered liver function and in 50% (3/6) they were caused by protein-calorie malnutrition. Thus, the present data, taken as a whole, indicate that reduced transthyretin and retinal-binding protein levels in mild cirrhosis of the liver are mainly due to liver failure and/or vitamin A status rather than representing an isolated protein-calorie malnutrition indicator.


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O buriti e o patauá são duas palmeiras endêmicas da região Amazônica. As polpas destes frutos são tradicionalmente consumidas pela população local, mas ainda não ganharam os mercados nacional e internacional. A composição nutricional em ácidos graxos e tocoferol foi determinada com metodologias analíticas modernas de cromatografia gasosa (CG) e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) baseadas nos padrões da AOCS (AMERICAN..., 2002) e AOAC (ASSOCIATION..., 1997), respectivamente. As duas polpas se mostraram bastante energéticas, com uma alta concentração em ácidos graxos, respectivamente 38,4% e 29,1% em massa seca (MS), em proteínas, 7,8% e 7,4% MS e em fibras dietéticas, 46% e 44,7%. A polpa de buriti pode ser considerada uma ótima fonte de vitamina E devido ao seu alto teor de tocoferol (1169 µg.g-1 MS). O perfil de ácidos graxos encontrados para a polpa de patauá foi muito semelhante ao de azeite de oliva.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the chemical composition and fatty acid contents of Amazonian and giant river prawns. After four-month farming, with the same diet for both species, palmitic and stearic acids were the main saturated fatty acids. Oleic acid was the main monounsatured fatty acid, and the eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids were the most abundant polyunsaturated acids. Amazonian prawn has higher levels of protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids than those of the giant river prawn, which shows its potential for aquaculture.


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This study evaluated the chemical and lipid composition of uncooked or cooked loin (Longissimus thoracis) and rump (Biceps femoris) in samples of 2.54 cm thick from 35 carcasses of Nellore young bulls finished in feedlot for 96 days and slaughtered at an average weight of 532.17 ± 30.25 kg and 24 months of age. The rump had the lowest level of protein and ash (18.57 and 0.90%, respectively) and the highest level of ether extract compared to loin (3.37 and 1.90%, respectively). Higher levels of cholesterol were found in rump compared to loin (40.91 e 30.93 mg 100 g-1, respectively). The uncooked loin showed lower content of saturated fatty acids and higher content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The best values for the omega-6: omega-3 ratio was observed in the uncooked beef. In the present study, the loin was healthier due to the higher amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to rump. Cooking the meat decreases the levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3, omega-6 and the omega-6: omega-3 ratio.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Steatotic livers show increased hepatic damage and impaired regeneration after partial hepatectomy (PH) under ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), which is commonly applied in clinical practice to reduce bleeding. The known function of retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4) is to transport retinol in the circulation. We examined whether modulating RBP4 and/or retinol could protect steatotic and nonsteatotic livers in the setting of PH under I/R. Steatotic and nonsteatotic livers from Zucker rats were subjected to PH (70%) with 60 minutes of ischemia. RBP4 and retinol levels were measured and altered pharmacologically, and their effects on hepatic damage and regeneration were studied after reperfusion. Decreased RBP4 levels were observed in both liver types, whereas retinol levels were reduced only in steatotic livers. RBP4 administration exacerbated the negative consequences of liver surgery with respect to damage and liver regeneration in both liver types. RBP4 affected the mobilization of retinol from steatotic livers, and this revealed actions of RBP4 independent of simple retinol transport. The injurious effects of RBP4 were not due to changes in retinol levels. Treatment with retinol was effective only for steatotic livers. Indeed, retinol increased hepatic injury and impaired liver regeneration in nonsteatotic livers. In steatotic livers, retinol reduced damage and improved regeneration after surgery. These benefits of retinol were associated with a reduced accumulation of hepatocellular fat. Thus, strategies based on modulating RBP4 could be ineffective and possibly even harmful in both liver types in the setting of PH under I/R. In terms of clinical applications, a retinol pretreatment might open new avenues for liver surgery that specifically benefit the steatotic liver. Liver Transpl 18:1198-1208, 2012. (c) 2012 AASLD.