990 resultados para curriculum planning -- Victoria


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Future land use change will have a profound effect on the water balance of agricultural and rural catchments in Australia. It is therefore imperative that any such consequences likely to arise from impending land use changes are predicted accurately so that strategies can be implemented to minimise or prevent undesirable impacts to the water balance of catchments. SWAT is a comprehensive hydrologic model developed to predict the impacts of land use change on water balance. SWAT has been applied in Australia but it has not yet been widely adopted. The application of SWAT to the Woady Yaloak River catchment in southwest Victoria is described in this paper. SWAT is being evaluated to determine whether it is suitable for modelling the water balance of catchments in the southwest region of Victoria and to determine if it could be adopted as a planning tool to manage land use change. The results achieved in this initial application of SWAT were very pleasing. However it is shown that the groundwater and tree growth components of the model are not entirely adequate. These shortcomings with SWAT affect its ability to accurately model the water balance of catchments in Australia. It is recommended that both these components be modified to improve model performance.


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In response to the forces of globalisation, societies and organisations have had to adapt and even proactively transform themselves. Universities, as knowledge-based organisations, have recognised that there are now many other important sites of knowledge construction and use. The apparent monopoly over valued forms of knowledge making and knowledge certification is disappearing. Universities have had to recognise the value of practical working knowledge developed in workplace settings beyond university domains, and promote the value of academic forms of knowledge making to the practical concerns of everyday learning. It is within this broader systems view that professional curriculum development undertaken by universities needs to be examined.

University educational planning responds to these external forces in ways that are drawing together formal academic capability/competence and practice-based capability/competence. Both forms of academic and practice-based knowledge and knowing are being equally valued and related one to the other. University planning in turn gives impetus to the development of new forms of professional education curricula. This paper presents a contemporary case of a designed professional curriculum in the field of information technology that situates workplace learning as a central element in the education of Information Technology (IT)/Information Systems (IS) professionals.

The key dimensions of the learning environment of Deakin University’s BIT (Hons) program are considered with a view to identifying areas of strong integration between the worlds of academic and workplace learning from the perspectives of major stakeholders. The dynamic interplay between forms of theorising and practising is seen as critical in educating students for professional capability in their chosen field. From this analysis, an applied research agenda, relating to desired forms of professional learning in higher education, is outlined, with specific reference to the information and communication technology professions.


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The National Review of School Music Education represents a unique opportunity to identify and find solutions to some of the very long-standing problems in Australian school music education, particularly in the government school sector. This paper is based on the premise that there are lessons to be learned from the over 150 years of music education in Victorian government schools and that it is only by considering the current status, provision and quality of school music from an historical perspective and resolving emergent issues that effective and worthwhile music education can be provided for future generations of Australian students. Developments in school music education since the 1850s are discussed and analysed in terms of the present-day issues to be addressed by National Review and a number of mutually-dependent factors are identified as combining to produce almost cyclic patterns of ebb and flow in the status, provision and quality of music education in Victoria. The paper identifies several such factors requiring immediate attention including the inadequacy of generalist primary teacher education in music, what has effectively become the extra-curricular status of music in many government schools, and the more recent problems associated with 'the over-crowded curriculum' and the emergence of The Arts as the generic Key Learning Area in which Music now finds itself as just one of many arts disciplines. The paper concludes by making three key recommendations for consideration in the context of the current National Review of School Music Education.


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This paper presents preliminary findings of a project investigating the integration and application of ecological public health principles in Melboume 2030, the Victorian Government's urban planning blueprint for Melboume for the next 30 years. The study examines the political, organisational, social, and inter-personal factors that impact on the integration and application of broad health considerations into urban planning policy in Victoria. We are testing the premise that achieving integrated planning requires a systematic integration of government activity across sectors. Using discourse analysis and key informant interviews, we examined relevant government policy and legislation and its implementation against world's best practice. Preliminary findings show that the degree of leadership in relation to deploying the mission, and implementation processes sustain or impede integrated planning at a whole-of-government and intersectoral level.

These findings may inform a much-needed national agenda on promoting health through integrated planning. Findings will identify future research directions and action to bridge the gap between urban planning and health planning systems


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There are many proposals for managing biodiversity by using surrogates, such as umbrella, indicator, focal, and flagship species. We use the term biodiversity management unit for any ecosystem-based classificatory scheme for managing biodiversity. The sufficiency of biodiversity management unit classification schemes depends upon (1) whether different biotic elements (e.g., trees, birds, reptiles) distinguish between biodiversity management units within a classification (i.e., coherence within classes}; and (2) whether different biotic elements agree upon similarities and dissimilarities among biodiversity management unit classes (i.e., conformance among classes). Recent evaluations suggest that biodiversity surrogates based on few or single taxa are not useful. Ecological vegetation classes are an ecosystem-based classification scheme used as one component for biodiversity management in Victoria, Australia. Here we evaluated the potential for ecological vegetation classes to be used as biodiversity management units in the box-ironbark ecosystem of central Victoria, Australia. Eighty sites distributed among 14 ecological vegetation classes were surveyed in the same ways for tree species, birds, mammals, reptiles, terrestrial invertebrates, and nocturnal flying insects. Habitat structure and geographic separations also were measured, which, with the biotic elements, are collectively referred to as variables. Less than half of the biotic element-ecological vegetation class pairings were coherent. Generalized Mantel tests were used to examine conformance among variables with respect to ecological vegetation classes. While most tests were not significant, birds, mammals, tree species, and habitat structure together showed significant agreement on the rating of similarities among ecological vegetation classes. In this system, use of ecological vegetation classes as biodiversity management units may account reasonably well for birds, mammals, and trees; but reptiles and invertebrates would not be accommodated. We conclude that surrogates will usually have to be augmented or developed as hierarchies to provide general representativeness.


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Aim and objectives: This article reports on the current discharge planning beliefs in relation to the co-ordination of the discharge planning process in the critical care environment in the health care system in the state of Victoria, Australia. As there is a paucity of previous studies examining discharge planning in critical care nursing knowledge about the phenomena is consequently limited. Background: The study reported here is part of a larger study exploring critical care nurses' perceptions and understanding of the discharge planning process in the health care system in the state of Victoria, Australia. While a number of different discharge planning models are reported in the literature there is no agreement on the most effective or the most efficient model. Design: An exploratory descriptive research design was used for this study. Methods: A total of 502 Victorian critical care nurses were approached to take part in the study. A total of 218 participants completed the survey, which represented a nett response rate of 43·4%. The data from the questionnaire were entered into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Base 10.0. This allowed calculation of descriptive statistics and statistical analysis using chi-square test for goodness-of-fit.  Results: While just over half the participants reported that the discharge planning process in their unit was co-ordinated by a combination of personnel that included a nurse, just under half the participants believed that this was an appropriate model. Another key finding was of those participants who worked in critical care units using primary nursing, just over half responded that the bedside nurse/primary nurse co-ordinated the discharge planning process while just under half responded that a combination of health care team members, including a nurse, co-ordinated the process. Overall there was little support for the designated discharge planning nurse to co-ordinate the process. Conclusions: The findings presented here suggest critical care nurses need to examine who has the ultimate responsibility of co-ordinating the critical care patient's discharge plan irrespective of the nursing model employed within the critical care ward. There is the need to ensure that when discharge planning becomes everybody's responsibility it ultimately does not become no-one's responsibility. Relevance to clinical practice: If discharge planning practices are to be changed with the introduction of new discharge planning models in the critical care environment then it is important not only to know current practice but also the perceptions of critical care nurses in terms of who they believe should co-ordinate the discharge planning process.


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There is ample evidence that in many countries school science is in difficulty, with declining student attitudes and uptake of science. This presentation argues that a key to addressing the problem lies in transforming teachers’ classroom practice, and that pedagogical innovation is best supported within a school context. Evidence for effective change will draw on the School Innovation in Science (SIS) initiative in Victoria, which has developed and evaluated a model to improve science teaching and learning across a school system. The model involves a framework for describing effective teaching and learning, and a strategy that allows schools flexibility to develop their practice to suit local conditions and to maintain ownership of the change process. SIS has proved successful in improving science teaching and learning in primary and secondary schools. Experience from SIS and related projects, from a national Australian science and literacy project, and from system wide science initiatives in Europe, will be used to explore the factors that affect the success and the path of innovation in schools.


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This report is in essence a critique of the Victorian Coastal Management Act 1995 (VCMA), followed by recommendations for improving the Act and its implementation. The author recognises that of course the Coastal Management Act 1995 is far from the sole piece of legislation or element of governance for Victorian coastal planning and management (see Wescott, 1988.1990,1993,1995, Birrell,1994). But the Act is the leading element of Victorian coastal governance and hence an analysis and critique of its operation after ten years, and recommendations for improvements to the Act, should enhance future coastal planning and management.


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This article considers the issue of acceleration in lower secondary school mathematics in the Victorian Curriculum and Standards Framework.


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How do you get information and communication technology working for authentic learning across the curriculum? It depends on quality professional development. The author draws on her research and evaluation work on a Quality Teacher Program pilot project by the Victorian Department of Education and Training to explain why listening to teachers is leading to just that.