978 resultados para contact pressure


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Increasing evidence from human epidemiological studies suggests that poor growth before birth is associated with postnatal growth retardation and the development of cardiovascular disease in adulthood. We have shown previously that nutritional deprivation in the pregnant rat leads to intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), postnatal growth failure, changes in the endocrine parameters of the somatotrophic axis, and to increased blood pressure in later life. In the present study, we investigated whether administration of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) or bovine growth hormone (GH) during pregnancy could prevent IUGR and/or alter long-term outcome. Dams h-om day 1 of pregnancy throughout gestation received a diet of nd libitum available food or a restricted dietary intake of 30% of ad libitum fed dams. From day 10 of gestation, dams were treated for 10 days with three times daily subcutaneous injections of saline (100 mu l), IGF-I (2 mu g/g body weight) or GH (2 mu g/g body weight). Maternal weight gain was significantly increased (P


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Preparation of a series of specific penta- and tetra-amine derivatives of Co-III and Cr-III with a neutral leaving ligand has been carried out in order to accomplish a fine tuning of the associativeness/dissociativeness of their substitution reactions. Spontaneous aquation reactions of the neutral ligands have been studied at variable temperature and pressure. Although rate constants and thermal activation parameters show an important degree of scatter, the values determined for the activation volumes of the substitution process illustrate the mechanistic fine tuning that may be achieved for these reactions. In all cases, in the absence of important steric constraints in the molecule, electronic inductive effects seem to be the most important factor accounting for the dissociative shifts observed both for pentaamine (i.e.Delta V double dagger=+4.0 or +14.0 cm(3) mol(-1) and +5.2 or +16.5 cm(3) mol(-1) for the aquation of cis- or trans-[Co(MeNH2)(NH3)(4)(DMF)](3+) and cis- or trans-[CoL15(DMF)](3+) respectively, where L-15 represents a pentaamine macrocyclic ligand), and tetraamine systems (i.e.Delta V double dagger=+4.1 or +8.4 cm(3) mol(-1) and -10.8 or -7.4 cm(3) mol(-1) for the aquation of cis-[Co(NH3)(4)Cl(DMAC)](2+) (DMAC=dimethylacetamide) or cis-[Co(en)(2)Cl(DMAC)](2+) and cis-[Cr(NH3)(4)Cl(DMF)](2+) or cis -[Cr(en)(2)Cl(DMF)](2+)). From the results, clear evidence is obtained which indicates that, only when the situation is borderline I-a/I-d, or the steric demands are increased dramatically, dissociative shifts are observed; in all other cases electronic inductive effects seem to be dominant for such a tuning of the substitution process.


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In humans, when the stability of the trunk is challenged in a controlled manner by repetitive movement of a limb, activity of the diaphragm becomes tonic but is also modulated at the frequency of limb movement. In addition, the tonic activity is modulated by respiration. This study investigated the mechanical output of these components of diaphragm activity. Recordings were made of costal diaphragm, abdominal, and erector spinae muscle electromyographic activity; intra-abdominal, intrathoracic, and transdiaphragmatic pressures; and motion of the rib cage, abdomen, and arm. During limb movement the diaphragm and transversus abdominis were tonically active with added phasic modulation at the frequencies of both respiration and limb movement. Activity of the other trunk muscles was not modulated by respiration. Intra-abdominal pressure was increased during the period of limb movement in proportion to the reactive forces from the movement. These results show that coactivation of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles causes a sustained increase in intra-abdominal pressure, whereas inspiration and expiration are controlled by opposing activity of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to vary the shape of the pressurized abdominal cavity.


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To facilitate the investigation of free mycophenolic acid concentrations we developed a high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method using indomethacin as an internal standard. Free drug was isolated from plasma samples (500 mul) using ultrafiltration, The analytes were extracted from the ultrafiltrate (200 mul) using C-18 solid-phase extraction. Detection was by selected reactant monitoring of mycophenolic acid (m/z 318.9-->190.9) and the internal standard (m/z 356.0-->297.1) with an atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation interface. The total chromatographic analysis time was 12 min. The method was found to be linear over the range investigated, 2.5-200 mug/l (r>0.990, n=6). The relative recovery of the method for the control samples studied (7.5, 40.0 and 150 mug/l) ranged from 95 to 104%. The imprecision of the method, expressed in terms of intra- and inter-day coefficients of variation, was


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In humans, intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) is elevated during many everyday activities. This experiment aimed to investigate the extent to which increased IAP-without concurrent activity of the abdominal or back extensor muscles-produces an extensor torque. With subjects positioned in side lying on a swivel table with its axis at L3, moments about this vertebral level were measured when IAP was transiently increased by electrical stimulation of the diaphragm via the phrenic nerve. There was no electromyographic activity in abdominal and back extensor muscles. When IAP was increased artificially to similar to 15% of the maximum IAP amplitude that could be generated voluntarily with the trunk positioned in flexion, a trunk extensor moment (similar to6 Nm) was recorded. The size of the effect was proportional to the increase in pressure. The extensor moment was consistent with that predicted from a model based on measurements of abdominal cross-sectional area and IAP moment arm. When IAP was momentarily increased while the trunk was flexed passively at a constant velocity, the external torque required to maintain the velocity was increased. These results provide the first in vivo data of the amplitude of extensor moment that is produced by increased IAP. Although the net effect of this extensor torque in functional tasks would be dependent on the muscles used to increase the IAP and their associated flexion torque, the data do provide evidence that IAP contributes, at least in part, to spinal stability. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Most Western countries have, for some time, provided income support and/or taxation relief to parents with children in their care. The significant amount of research into the costs of children to couple and sole parent households has been important in assessing and developing family support policies. Changing societal expectations about the level of involvement of fathers in child rearing activities has highlighted the need to understand the costs facing usually male non-resident parents in having contact with their children. The budget standards methodology is used in this paper to estimate the costs for non-resident parents exercising regular contact with their children. Costs of contact are found to be high. For contact with one child for 20 per cent of the year, costs of contact represent about 40 per cent of the costs of that same child in an intact couple household with a medium income and more than half of the costs of that child in a household with low income. Household infrastructure and transportation is the reason for high costs. One implication of this finding is that the total cost of children substantially increases when parents separate. The article discusses some policy implications of these findings. This research is of relevance to social security, taxation, family law and child support policies and administration.


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This paper describes the kinematics and muscle activity associated with the standard sit-up, as a first step in the investigation of complex motor coordination. Eight normal human subjects lay on a force table and performed at least 15 sit-ups, with the arms across the chest and the legs straight and unconstrained. Several subjects also performed sit-ups with an additional weight added to the head. Support surface forces were recorded to calculate the location of the center of pressure and center of gravity; conventional motion analysis was used to measure segmental positions; and surface EMG was recorded from eight muscles. While the sit-up consists of two serial components, 'trunk curling' and 'footward pelvic rotation', it can be further subdivided into five phases, based on the kinematics. Phases I and II comprise trunk curling. Phase I consists of neck and upper trunk flexion, and phase II consists of lumbar trunk lifting. Phase II corresponds to the point of peak muscle contraction and maximum postural instability, the 'critical point' of the sit-up. Phases III-V comprise footward pelvic rotation. Phase III begins with pelvic rotation towards the feet. phase W with leg lowering, and phase V with contact between the legs and the support surface. The overall pattern of muscle activity was complex with times of EMG onset, peak activity, offset, and duration differing for different muscles. This complex pattern changed qualitatively from one phase to the next, suggesting that the roles of different muscles and, as a consequence, the overall form of coordination, change during the sit-up. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) is important for neonatal ventilation but is not considered in guidelines for resuscitation. Our aim was to investigate the effects of PEEP on cardiorespiratory parameters during resuscitation of very premature lambs delivered by hysterotomy at similar to125 d gestation (term similar to147 d). Before delivery, they were intubated and lung fluid was drained. Immediately after delivery, they were ventilated with a Drager Babylog plus ventilator in volume guarantee mode with a tidal volume of 5 mL/kg. Lambs were randomized to receive 0, 4, 8, or 12 cm H2O of PEEP. They were ventilated for a 15-min resuscitation period followed by 2 h of stabilization at the same PEEP. Tidal volume, peak inspiratory pressure, PEEP, arterial pressure, oxygen saturation, and blood gases were measured regularly, and respiratory system compliance and alveolar/ arterial oxygen differences were calculated. Lambs that received 12 cm H2O of PEEP died from pneumothoraces; all others survived without pneumothoraces. Oxygenation was significantly improved by 8 and 12 cm H2O of PEEP compared with 0 and 4 cm H2O of PEEP. Lambs with 0 PEEP did not oxygenate adequately. The compliance of the respiratory system was significantly higher at 4 and 8 cm H2O of PEEP than at 0 PEEP. There were no significant differences in partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood between groups. Arterial pressure was highest with 8 cm H2O of PEEP, and there was no cardiorespiratory compromise at any level of PEEP. Applying PEEP during resuscitation of very premature infants might be advantageous and merits further investigation.


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An experiment explored the hypothesis that inhibitory ability helps people stop themselves from engaging in socially inappropriate behavior. All participants completed a Stroop color-naming task, after which half of the participants were asked to remember an eight-digit number (inducing divided attention). Participants were then offered an unfamiliar and visually unappetizing food product (a chicken foot) under conditions of either low or high social pressure to pretend that it was appealing. Participants who had full attention available and were under pressure to pretend the food was appealing were least likely to emit a negative response, and performance on the Stroop task predicted the degree to which they successfully restrained negative responses. These results suggest that the cognitive ability to inhibit unwanted information facilitates socially appropriate behavior.


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The combined approach of the molecular-kinetic and hydrodynamic theories for description of the motion of three-phase gas-liquid-solid contact lines has been examined using the Wilhelmy plate method. The whole dynamic meniscus has been divided into molecular, hydrodynamic, and static-like regions. The Young-Laplace equation and the molecular-kinetic and hydrodynamic dewetting theories have been applied to describe the meniscus profiles and contact angle. The dissipative forces accompanying the dynamic dewetting have also been investigated. The experiments with a Wilhelmy plate made from an acrylic polymer sheet were carried out using a computerized apparatus for contact angle analysis (OCA 20, DataPhysics, Germany). The extrapolated dynamic contact angle versus velocity of the three-phase contact line for Milli-Q water and 5 x 10(-4) M SDBS solution was experimentally obtained and compared with the combined MHD models with low and moderate Reynolds numbers. The models predict similar results for the extrapolated contact angle. SDBS decreases the equilibrium contact angle and increases the molecular jumping length but does not affect the molecular frequency significantly. The hydrodynamic deformation of the meniscus, viscous dissipation, and friction were also influenced by the SDBS surfactant. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: Obesity and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are both associated with the prevalence of major cardiovascular illnesses and certain common factors they are considered responsible for, such as stress oxidative increase, sympathetic tonus and resistance to insulin. Objective: The aim of the present study was to compare the effect of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on oxidative stress and adiponectin levels in obese patients with and without OSA. Methods: Twenty-nine obese patients were categorized into 3 groups: group 1: 10 individuals without OSA (apnea-hypopnea index, AHI <= 5) who did not have OSA diagnosed at polysomnography; group 2: 10 patients with moderate to severe OSA (AHI >= 20) who did not use CPAP; group 3: 9 patients with moderate to severe OSA (AHI >= 20) who used CPAP. Results: Group 3 showed significant differences before and after the use of CPAP, in the variables of diminished production of superoxide, and increased nitrite and nitrate synthesis and adiponectin levels. Positive correlations were seen between the AHI and the superoxide production, between the nitrite and nitrate levels and the adiponectin levels, between superoxide production and the HOMA-IR, and between AHI and the HOMA-IR. Negative correlations were found between AHI and the nitrite and nitrate levels, between the superoxide production and that of nitric oxide, between the superoxide production and the adiponectin levels, between AHI and the adiponectin levels, and between the nitrite and nitrate levels and the HOMA-IR. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the use of CPAP can reverse the increased superoxide production, the diminished serum nitrite, nitrate and plasma adiponectin levels, and the metabolic changes existing in obese patients with OSA. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel