966 resultados para candida guilliermondii


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Fifteen new endoperoxides have been synthesised and tested for activity against pathogenic Candida species. These endoperoxides can be prepared in high yields, in one to three steps, from inexpensive starting materials. Despite chemical and structural similarities, their inhibitory activity against Candida growth varied greatly from one endoperoxide to another, and one species to another. This study of susceptibility to endoperoxide compounds presented here may lead to the development of potent new antifungal agents.


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BACKGROUND: Most studies describing vaginal Candida spp. in pregnancy focus on symptomatic vaginitis, rather than asymptomatic colonisation, and solely utilise microbiological culture. The extent to which asymptomatic vaginal carriage may represent a reservoir for infant oral colonisation has been highly debated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study formed part of the Candida and Staphylococcus Transmission Longitudinal Evaluation (CASTLE) study, in Melbourne, Australia, from 2009 to 2011 and used culture and molecular methods to examine vaginal swabs collected late in the third trimester of pregnancy for Candida spp. Oral swabs from infants were also examined using culture methods. RESULTS: Overall, 80 of 356 (22%) women were positive for Candida spp; the majority being Candida albicans (83%). Candida glabrata and other Candida spp. were also identified, but in much lower numbers. Molecular analysis identified numerous positive samples not detected by culture, including 13 cases of C. albicans. In addition, some positive samples only recorded to genus level by culture were accurately identified as either C. albicans or C. glabrata following molecular analyses. Eighteen infants recorded positive Candida spp. cultures, predominantly C. albicans. However, there were only four (25%) mother/infant dyads where C. albicans was detected. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides valuable data on asymptomatic colonisation rates of Candida spp. within an asymptomatic population of women late in pregnancy. The utilisation of molecular methods improved the rate of detection and provided a more accurate means for identification of non-albicans Candida spp. The low mother/infant colonisation rate suggests that non-maternal sources are likely involved in determining infant oral colonisation status.


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In an ongoing effort to rationally design new antimicrobials, 47 new 1,2-dioxines have been synthesised. Broad antifungal structure-activity relationships governing aromatically substituted epoxy-1,2-dioxines 2 and 3 and their parent 1,2-dioxines 1 were assessed primarily against the pathogenic yeast, Candida albicans, with haemolytic activity of selected examples also reported.


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O objetivo do presente estudo é mapear e quantificar as populações de células CD 20, CD 8 e CD 4+ em Hiperplasias inflamatórias (HI) e estabelecer relação com a infecção por Candida sp. Foram utilizados 41 casos de HI do Laboratório de Patologia Bucal da UFRGS. Novos cortes de todos os casos foram submetidos à técnica de coloração do PAS, criando – se 2 grupos: com e sem infecção por Candida sp. Seguiu – se a marcação imunohistoquímica com os anticorpos monoclonais anti CD 20, anti CD 8 e anti CD 4, para se avaliar a localização, a distribuição e quantificação das células positivamente marcadas em 3 campos consecutivos (400x), escolhidos sobre a área de maior concentração do infiltrado inflamatório. Os resultados da recontagem dos campos mostraram que o examinador estava calibrado pelo teste “t”de Student. As células CD 8+ apresentaram localização próxima às hifas de Candida sp. e foram mais numerosas no grupo com infecção (diferença estatisticamente significante p= 732 x 10-20). As células CD 20 e CD 4 positivas não apresentaram relação com a infecção por Candida sp. Concluiu – se que as células CD 8+ apresentaram localização relacionada às hifas de Candida sp., além de uma razão células positivamente marcada/ linfócitos totais estatisticamente mais alta no grupo com infecção por Candida sp.


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Objetivos: definir os dados demográficos, as doenças de base e os fatores de risco associados aos episódios de candidemia ocorridos na Santa Casa Complexo Hospitalar entre 17/02/1995 e 31/12/2003; identificar as espécies envolvidas nestes episódios de candidemia e determinar a mortalidade global entre estes pacientes. Métodos: estudo de coorte retrospectivo não-controlado com inclusão de todos os casos consecutivos de candidemia diagnosticados na instituição entre 17/02/1995 e 31/12/2003. Como critério de inclusão no estudo, foi exigida a presença de sinais ou sintomas temporalmente relacionados ao isolamento de Candida em hemocultivo coletado de veia periférica. Resultados: 210 pacientes com candidemia foram incluídos (infecção nosocomial em 91,0%). O sexo feminino foi mais prevalente (51,4%) e a idade mediana foi de 41,0 anos. A doença de base mais prevalente foi câncer (neoplasias sólidas 30,5% e hematológicas 9,0%). Candida albicans foi a espécie mais freqüente (38,1%), seguida de Candida parapsilosis (27,6%) e Candida tropicalis (15,7%); candidemia por Candida glabrata ocorreu em 3,8%, e por Candida krusei, em 2,4%. Procedimentos cirúrgicos foram realizados em 43,8%, cateter venoso central estava presente em 74,8%, cateter urinário em 57,1%, ventilação mecânica em 48,6% e nutrição parenteral em 33,8%; o número mediano de antimicrobianos foi 4,0 por paciente (glicopeptídeos 54,3%, carbapenêmicos 25,7%). A maioria dos pacientes com candidemia comunitária (52,6%) havia sido hospitalizada nos 60 dias anteriores à candidemia; em 21,1%, Candida foi isolada de cateter; insuficiência renal crônica (p<0,001) e hemodiálise (p=0,027) foram mais freqüentes no grupo de candidemia comunitária do que no nosocomial; a distribuição das espécies de Candida foi semelhante entre os grupos. Comparadas aos adultos, as crianças com candidemia nosocomial foram mais expostas a antimicrobianos de amplo espectro (p<0,001), ventilação mecânica invasiva (p=0,002) e nutrição parenteral (p<0,001). Candidemia nosocomial por Candida parapsilosis foi mais freqüente em crianças (p=0,002), bem como o isolamento de Candida de cateteres (p=0,019); crianças foram mais freqüentemente tratadas com anfotericina B do que adultos (p<0,001), os quais receberam mais fluconazol (p=0,013). Entre os pacientes com câncer e candidemia nosocomial, tratamento prévio com corticosteróides (p=0,004), quimioterapia (p<0,001) e cefepima (p=0,004) foram mais comuns naqueles com malignidades hematológicas; cirurgias foram mais comuns em pacientes com tumores sólidos (p<0,001), principalmente do trato gastrointestinal (p=0,016); a distribuição das espécies de Candida foi semelhante entre os grupos. Candidemia breakthrough (“de escape”) ocorreu em 10,5% dos pacientes com candidemia nosocomial; a maioria destes vinha em uso de anfotericina B em doses terapêuticas, por período mediano de 6,5 dias; o isolamento de Candida de sítios outros que o sangue foi mais freqüente nestes pacientes (p=0,028). A mortalidade dos pacientes com candidemia foi 50,5%, sem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre pacientes com candidemia comunitária ou nosocomial, com câncer ou outros diagnósticos e com infecção breakthrough ou não-breakthrough; a mortalidade foi maior em adultos do que em crianças (p=0,005). Conclusões: espécies não-Candida albicans foram os principais agentes de candidemia; assim como em outros estudos brasileiros, a prevalência de espécies como Candida glabrata e Candida krusei foi baixa. Fatores de risco já descritos na literatura foram freqüentemente encontrados, e a distribuição dos mesmos variou de acordo com as diferentes características dos pacientes estudados. A mortalidade em pacientes com candidemia foi semelhante \à descrita na literatura.


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Despite Candida species are often human commensals isolated from various oral sites such as: tongue, cheek and palatal mucosa plus subgingival region, there are some properties linked to the organism commonly known as virulence factors which confer them the ability to produce disease. Oral candidiasis is one of the main oral manifestations reported in literature related to kidney transplant patients. The objectives of the present study were to identify and investigate virulence factors of yeasts isolated from the oral cavity of kidney transplant recipients admitted at the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes, in Natal RN. Seventy Candida species isolated from 111 kidney transplant recipients were investigated in this study. Identification of the isolates was performed by using the evidence of germ tube formation, hypertonic broth, tolerance to grow at 42°C, micromorphology and biochemical profiles. We observed a high rate of isolation of yeasts from the oral cavity of kidney transplant recipients (63.1%) being C. albicans was the most prevalent species. Oral candidiasis was diagnosed in 14.4% of transplant recipients. We evaluated virulence properties of the isolates regarding to: biofilm formation on polystyrene microplates as well as XTT reduction, adherence to acrylic resin and human buccal epithelial cells and proteinase activity. Most isolates were able to form biofilm by the method of adhesion to polystyrene. All isolates of Candida spp. remained viable during biofilm formation when analyzed by the method of XTT reduction. The number of CFU attached to the acrylic resin suggested high adherence for C. parapsilosis. C. albicans isolates showed higher median adherence to human buccal epithelial cells than non-C. albicans Candida isolates. Nevertheless, this difference was not statistically significant. C. dubliniensis showed low ability to adhere to plastic and epithelial cells and biofilm formation. Proteolytic activity was observed for all the isolates investigated, including the unique isolate of C. dubliniensis. There was a statistically significant association between proteinase production and the presence of oral candidiasis. Studies related to oral candidiasis in renal transplant recipients are limited to clinical and epidemiological data, but investigations concerning Candida spp. virulence factor for this group of individuals are still scarce. We emphasize the importance of studies related to virulence factors of yeasts isolated from this population to contribute to the knowledge of microbiological aspects of oral candidiasis


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Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is one of the most common causes of vaginitis and affects about 75% of women of reproductive age. The majority of cases (80 to 90%) are due to C. albicans, the most virulent species of the genus Candida. Virulence attributes are scarcely investigated and the source of infection remains uncertain. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the virulence factors and genotypes of clinical isolates of C. albicans sequentially obtained from the anus and vagina of patients with sporadic and recurrent VVC. Materials and methods: We analyzed 62 clinical isolates of C. albicans (36 vaginal and 26 anal strains). Direct examination of vaginal and anal samples and colony forming units (CFU) counts were performed. Yeasts were identified using the chromogenic media CHROMagar Candida® and by classical methodology, and phenotypically characterized regarding to virulence factors, including the ability to adhere to epithelial cells, proteinase activity, morphogenesis and biofilm formation. The genotypes of the strains were investigated with ABC genotyping, microsatellite genotyping with primer M13 and RAPD. Results: We found 100% agreement between direct examination and culture of vaginal samples. Filamentous forms were present in most of the samples of vaginal secretion, which presented CFU counts significantly higher than the samples of anal secretion. There was no statistically significant difference between virulence factors of infecting vaginal isolates and those presented by colonizing anal isolates; as well as for the comparison of the vaginal isolates from patients with different clinical conditions (sporadic or recurrent VVC). There was a decrease in the ability to adhere to HBEC, morphogenesis and biofilm formation of the vaginal isolates during the progress of infection. There was an association between the ability to express different virulence factors and the clinical manifestations presented by the patients. Genotype A was the most prevalent (93.6%), followed by genotype C (6.4%). We found maintenance of the same ABC genotype and greater prevalence of microevolution for the vaginal strains of C. albicans sequentially obtained. Vaginal and anal isolates of C. albicans obtained simultaneously from the same patient presented the same ABC genotype and high genetic relatedness. Conclusion: It is noteworthy that the proliferation of yeast and bud-to-hypha transition are important for the establishment of CVV. The expression of virulence factors is important for the pathogenesis of VVC, although it does not seem to be determinant in the transition from colonization to infection or to the installation of recurrent condition. Genotype A seems to be dominant over the others in both vaginal and anal isolates of patients with VVC. The most common scenario was microevolution of the strains of C. albicans in the vaginal environment. It is suggested that the anal reservoir constituted a possible source of vaginal infection, in most cases assessed


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Candida albicans is a diploid yeast that in some circumstances may cause oral or oropharyngeal infections. The investigation of natural products is mandatory for the discovery of new targets for antifungal drugs development. This study aimed to determine the genotypes of 48 clinical isolates of C. albicans obtained from the oral cavity of kidney transplant patients from two distinct geographic regions of Brazil. In addition, we investigated three virulence factors in vitro: phospholipase activity, morphogenesis and the ability to evade from polymorphonuclear neutrophils. The expression of these virulence factors in vitro was also investigated in the presence of the crude extract of Eugenia uniflora. The genotype A was the most prevalent (30 isolates; 62.5%), followed by genotype C (15 isolates; 31.5%) and genotype B (3 isolates; 6.25%). When microsatellite technique with primer M13 was applied, 80% of the isolates from the South were placed within the same cluster. All Genotype C strains were grouped together within two different clusters. Genotype C was considered more resistant to PMNs attack than genotypes A and B. Strains isolated from the South of Brazil showed higher ability to combat PMNs phagocytosis. We found a high rate of genotype C strains isolated from the oral cavity of this group of patients. The crude extract of E. uniflora inhibited proper hypha formation and phagocytosis by PMNs, but had no significant effect on phospholipase activity. This study characterized oral C. albicans strains isolated from kidney transplant recipients and will contribute for the better understanding of the pathogenesis and alternative therapeutics for oral candidiasis


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The frequency of disseminated candidiasis caused by yeast has enhancing in intensive care unit. Despite the availability of new antifungal drugs, C. albicans sepsis mortality causes can be as high as 30-40%. So, it has been needed to looking for a new therapeutic medicament that helps in treatment and prevention of this infection. Previous data that demonstrated that particulated β-glucan stimulates the immune system and experiments of this work were conducted to investigating if β-glucan extracted from Saccharomices cerevisiae, could modified the evolution of mouse model C. albicans systemic infection. Balb/c mice with sepsis and β-1,3 glucan treated or not were analyzed the influence of β-1,3 glucan in survival of the animals, in the fungal burdens in kidney, in the production of urea and TNF even in the histopathology of kidney. The experiments shown that the infected animals a nd glucan treated had great survival (p<0,05), less unit form colony in kidney and normal levels of urea. In the kidney histopathology of not glucan treated animals it has seen more lesions when compared with treated animals. So we conclude that β-1,3 glucan could stimulate the immune system against disseminated C. albicans


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The activity of usnic acid against Candida orthopsilosis and Candida parapsilosis on planktonic and biofilm conditions was investigated by using a broth microdilution and microplate methods. Potent in vitro activities against different Candida species were obtained. The metabolic activity of sessile cells of C. parapsilosis complex was reduced by 80% at four times the 80% inhibitory concentration. The in vitro studies support further efforts to determine whether usnic acid can be used clinically to cure patients with Candida infections.


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OBJETIVO: Monitorar e caracterizar fungos anemófilos e leveduras de fontes bióticas e abióticas de uma unidade hospitalar. MÉTODOS: As coletas foram realizadas mensalmente e em dois períodos, do centro cirúrgico e unidades de terapia intensiva adulto e neonatal em hospital de Araraquara, Estado de São Paulo. Para coleta de fungos anemófilos foi utilizado amostrador tipo Andersen de simples estágio. A pesquisa de leveduras foi feita das mãos e de orofaringe de profissionais de saúde, bem como de superfícies de leitos e de maçanetas das áreas críticas. RESULTADOS: Foram recuperados do centro cirúrgico 32 gêneros de fungos anemófilos e 31 das unidades de terapia intensiva. Os gêneros mais freqüentemente isolados foram Cladophialophora spp., Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp., Chrysosporium spp. e Aspergillus spp. Durante o período de estudo, houve reforma e implantação de uma unidade dentro do hospital, que coincidiu com o aumento na contagem de colônias de Cladophialophora spp., Aspergillus spp. e Fusarium spp. Leveduras foram encontradas em 39,4% dos profissionais de saúde (16,7% das amostras dos espaços interdigitais, 12,1% do leito subungueal e 10,6% da orofaringe) e, em 44% das amostras do mobiliário, com predomínio do gênero Candida (C. albicans, C. guilliermondii, C. parapsilosis e C. lusitaniae) seguido por Trichosporon spp. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se número relativamente elevado de fungos anemófilos (potencialmente patogênicos) em áreas especiais e níveis expressivos de leveduras em fontes bióticas e abióticas. O monitoramento microbiológico ambiental deve ser realizado, principalmente em salas especiais com pacientes imunocomprometidos, sujeitos à exposição de patógenos do meio ambiente, assim como, advindos de profissionais de saúde.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)