798 resultados para applicazione web, semantic web, semantic publishing, angularJS, user experience, usabilità
Embora os progressos na área de informática sejam bastante significativos e velozes, na tradução automática há muito ainda o que ser feito. Desde meados dos anos 40 já havia um interesse, em especial pelos americanos e ingleses, numa tradução mais rápida e eficiente de documentos russos, porém até hoje o que se vê em termos de tradução automática está aquém daquilo que se possa chamar de uma boa tradução. Para buscar uma tradução automática eficiente os cientistas têm usado como fonte principal meios estatísticos de solução para tal problema. Esse trabalho visa dar um novo enfoque a tal questão, buscando na ciência cognitiva sua principal fonte de inspiração. O resultado a que se chega com o presente trabalho é que a estatística deve continuar sendo sim uma fonte de auxílio em especial na definição de padrões. Porém, o trabalho trás consigo o propósito de levantar a sobreposição semântica como via de possível solução que possa vir auxiliar, ou, até mesmo trazer maior rapidez a questão da tradução automática. No campo organizacional levanta uma questão interessante, o valor da experiência como meio inteligente de buscar melhores resultados para as empresas.
In questo lavoro di tesi abbiamo ideato e implementato un nuovo social network combinando in una sola applicazione per dispositivi mobili alcune nuove idee con altre già esistenti, ma ancora poco sviluppate. Dopo aver analizzato le app attualmente esistenti, si sono definite le caratteristiche dell'applicazione che si vuole creare, traendo ispirazione da Snapchat, Foursquare e Whisper. L'obiettivo è un'applicazione che permette agli utenti di inviare messaggi con testo e immagini geotaggati sulla loro posizione. Essi saranno anonimi, dato che gli utenti avranno la possibilità di creare e utilizzare facilmente più identità. I messaggi potranno essere votati e commentati e avranno una durata definita dall'autore, dopo di che si autodistruggeranno. Tutti i messaggi saranno visibili su una mappa che li mostrerà nel punto in cui l'autore si trovava quando li ha inviati. Gli utenti riceveranno una notifica per i nuovi messaggi inviati nelle loro vicinanze. I primi mesi di lavoro sul progetto sono stati dedicati al perfezionamento dell'idea originale e alla realizzazione della parte server. In questa fase è stato acquisito e configurato un Virtual Private Server, è stato progettato e creato il database MySql, ed è stata implementata la logica applicativa lato server in PHP. Successivamente, ci si è concentrati sulla progettazione e realizzazione dell'applicazione stessa, scegliendo la piattaforma Android e programmando in linguaggio Java. In questa fase si è definita e implementata l'interfaccia utente e la logica applicativa lato client. Giunti ad un buon livello di sviluppo, si è cominciato a distribuire limitatamente una versione alpha dell'applicazione per ottenere feedback dagli utenti, soprattutto riguardanti l'usabilità. La seguente tesi descrive in dettaglio l'idea di partenza, l'architettura del progetto e le funzionalità realizzate, per concludersi con una previsione degli sviluppi futuri. Vi è inoltre in allegato il codice sorgente dell'applicazione Android realizzata.
A presente dissertação é resultado de uma pesquisa acerca de um cisma pentecostal na Convenção Batista Brasileira, na década de 1960. No foco do conflito encontra-se um Movimento de Renovação Espiritual, que defendia uma experiência de êxtase religioso, designada de batismo com o Espírito Santo, como confirmação da relação do crente com Deus. A progressiva adesão de comunidades batistas a tal proposta transformou-a numa rede alternativa de poder que causou instabilidade nas relações de poder no interior da denominação batista no Brasil. A pesquisa reconstrói os embates decisivos deste episódio e ofereceu uma interpretação a partir das teorias de Michel Foucault e Michel de Certeau, na medida em que tenta decifrar os mecanismos institucionais de controle em confronto com as táticas das redes de poder. No contexto histórico brasileiro de efervescência não só religiosa, os mecanismos de vigilância da Convenção Batista Brasileira mostraram-se insuficientes para a manutenção da unidade ameaçada, uma vez que puniu os grupos opositores com a exclusão.(AU)
A presente dissertação é resultado de uma pesquisa acerca de um cisma pentecostal na Convenção Batista Brasileira, na década de 1960. No foco do conflito encontra-se um Movimento de Renovação Espiritual, que defendia uma experiência de êxtase religioso, designada de batismo com o Espírito Santo, como confirmação da relação do crente com Deus. A progressiva adesão de comunidades batistas a tal proposta transformou-a numa rede alternativa de poder que causou instabilidade nas relações de poder no interior da denominação batista no Brasil. A pesquisa reconstrói os embates decisivos deste episódio e ofereceu uma interpretação a partir das teorias de Michel Foucault e Michel de Certeau, na medida em que tenta decifrar os mecanismos institucionais de controle em confronto com as táticas das redes de poder. No contexto histórico brasileiro de efervescência não só religiosa, os mecanismos de vigilância da Convenção Batista Brasileira mostraram-se insuficientes para a manutenção da unidade ameaçada, uma vez que puniu os grupos opositores com a exclusão.(AU)
A presente dissertação é resultado de uma pesquisa acerca de um cisma pentecostal na Convenção Batista Brasileira, na década de 1960. No foco do conflito encontra-se um Movimento de Renovação Espiritual, que defendia uma experiência de êxtase religioso, designada de batismo com o Espírito Santo, como confirmação da relação do crente com Deus. A progressiva adesão de comunidades batistas a tal proposta transformou-a numa rede alternativa de poder que causou instabilidade nas relações de poder no interior da denominação batista no Brasil. A pesquisa reconstrói os embates decisivos deste episódio e ofereceu uma interpretação a partir das teorias de Michel Foucault e Michel de Certeau, na medida em que tenta decifrar os mecanismos institucionais de controle em confronto com as táticas das redes de poder. No contexto histórico brasileiro de efervescência não só religiosa, os mecanismos de vigilância da Convenção Batista Brasileira mostraram-se insuficientes para a manutenção da unidade ameaçada, uma vez que puniu os grupos opositores com a exclusão.(AU)
Computing devices have become ubiquitous in our technologically-advanced world, serving as vehicles for software applications that provide users with a wide array of functions. Among these applications are electronic learning software, which are increasingly being used to educate and evaluate individuals ranging from grade school students to career professionals. This study will evaluate the design and implementation of user interfaces in these pieces of software. Specifically, it will explore how these interfaces can be developed to facilitate the use of electronic learning software by children. In order to do this, research will be performed in the area of human-computer interaction, focusing on cognitive psychology, user interface design, and software development. This information will be analyzed in order to design a user interface that provides an optimal user experience for children. This group will test said interface, as well as existing applications, in order to measure its usability. The objective of this study is to design a user interface that makes electronic learning software more usable for children, facilitating their learning process and increasing their academic performance. This study will be conducted by using the Adobe Creative Suite to design the user interface and an Integrated Development Environment to implement functionality. These are digital tools that are available on computing devices such as desktop computers, laptops, and smartphones, which will be used for the development of software. By using these tools, I hope to create a user interface for electronic learning software that promotes usability while maintaining functionality. This study will address the increasing complexity of computing software seen today – an issue that has risen due to the progressive implementation of new functionality. This issue is having a detrimental effect on the usability of electronic learning software, increasing the learning curve for targeted users such as children. As we make electronic learning software an integral part of educational programs in our schools, it is important to address this in order to guarantee them a successful learning experience.
Computing devices have become ubiquitous in our technologically-advanced world, serving as vehicles for software applications that provide users with a wide array of functions. Among these applications are electronic learning software, which are increasingly being used to educate and evaluate individuals ranging from grade school students to career professionals. This study will evaluate the design and implementation of user interfaces in these pieces of software. Specifically, it will explore how these interfaces can be developed to facilitate the use of electronic learning software by children. In order to do this, research will be performed in the area of human-computer interaction, focusing on cognitive psychology, user interface design, and software development. This information will be analyzed in order to design a user interface that provides an optimal user experience for children. This group will test said interface, as well as existing applications, in order to measure its usability. The objective of this study is to design a user interface that makes electronic learning software more usable for children, facilitating their learning process and increasing their academic performance. This study will be conducted by using the Adobe Creative Suite to design the user interface and an Integrated Development Environment to implement functionality. These are digital tools that are available on computing devices such as desktop computers, laptops, and smartphones, which will be used for the development of software. By using these tools, I hope to create a user interface for electronic learning software that promotes usability while maintaining functionality. This study will address the increasing complexity of computing software seen today – an issue that has risen due to the progressive implementation of new functionality. This issue is having a detrimental effect on the usability of electronic learning software, increasing the learning curve for targeted users such as children. As we make electronic learning software an integral part of educational programs in our schools, it is important to address this in order to guarantee them a successful learning experience.
Influencing more environmentally friendly and sustainable behaviour is a current focus of many projects, ranging from government social marketing campaigns, education and tax structures to designers’ work on interactive products, services and environments. There is a wide variety of techniques and methods used, intended to work via different sets of cognitive and environmental principles. These approaches make different assumptions about ‘what people are like’: how users will respond to behavioural interventions, and why, and in the process reveal some of the assumptions that designers and other stakeholders, such as clients commissioning a project, make about human nature. This paper discusses three simple models of user behaviour – the pinball, the shortcut and the thoughtful – which emerge from user experience designers’ statements about users while focused on designing for behaviour change. The models are characterised using systems terminology and the application of each model to design for sustainable behaviour is examined via a series of examples.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07
User Quality of Experience (QoE) is a subjective entity and difficult to measure. One important aspect of it, User Experience (UX), corresponds to the sensory and emotional state of a user. For a user interacting through a User Interface (UI), precise information on how they are using the UI can contribute to understanding their UX, and thereby understanding their QoE. As well as a user’s use of the UI such as clicking, scrolling, touching, or selecting, other real-time digital information about the user such as from smart phone sensors (e.g. accelerometer, light level) and physiological sensors (e.g. heart rate, ECG, EEG) could contribute to understanding UX. Baran is a framework that is designed to capture, record, manage and analyse the User Digital Imprint (UDI) which, is the data structure containing all user context information. Baran simplifies the process of collecting experimental information in Human and Computer Interaction (HCI) studies, by recording comprehensive real-time data for any UI experiment, and making the data available as a standard UDI data structure. This paper presents an overview of the Baran framework, and provides an example of its use to record user interaction and perform some basic analysis of the interaction.
An overview is given of a user interaction monitoring and analysis framework called BaranC. Monitoring and analysing human-digital interaction is an essential part of developing a user model as the basis for investigating user experience. The primary human-digital interaction, such as on a laptop or smartphone, is best understood and modelled in the wider context of the user and their environment. The BaranC framework provides monitoring and analysis capabilities that not only records all user interaction with a digital device (e.g. smartphone), but also collects all available context data (such as from sensors in the digital device itself, a fitness band or a smart appliances). The data collected by BaranC is recorded as a User Digital Imprint (UDI) which is, in effect, the user model and provides the basis for data analysis. BaranC provides functionality that is useful for user experience studies, user interface design evaluation, and providing user assistance services. An important concern for personal data is privacy, and the framework gives the user full control over the monitoring, storing and sharing of their data.
In this paper, we present interim results from the Communities and Place project, which is exploring methods for understanding communities in a variety of contexts, and how to inform the design of technology to support them. We report on our experience with adapting an existing game-based approach for working with video as a resource in participatory design processes. Our adaptations allow the approach to be used with diverse data arising out of the different communities we are engaged with, and different design traditions we approach the problem from, leading to the formation of common design themes to inform our future work on this project.
This paper suggests ways for educators and designers to understand and merge priorities in order to inform the development of mobile learning (m-learning) applications that maximise user experiences and hence learning opportunities. It outlines a User Experience Design (UXD) theory and development process that requires designers to conduct a thorough initial contextual inquiry into a particular domain in order to set project priorities and development guidelines. A matrix that identifies the key contextual considerations namely the social, cultural, spatial, technical and temporal constructs of any domain is presented as a vital tool for achieving successful UXD. The frame of reference provided by this matrix ensures that decisions made throughout the design process are attributable to a desired user experience. To illustrate how the proposed UXD theory and development process supports the creation of effective m-learning applications, this paper documents the development process of MILK (Mobile Informal Learning Kit). MILK is a support tool that allows teachers and students to develop event paths that consist of a series SMS question and answer messages that lead players through a series of checkpoints between point A and point B. These event paths can be designed to suit desired learning scenarios and can be used to explore a particular place or subject. They can also be designed to facilitate formal or informal learning experiences.
The emergence of sophisticated multimedia phones in combination with improvements to the mobile Internet provides the possibility to read texts and stories on mobile handsets. However, the question is, how to adapt stories in order to take advantage of the user’s mobility and create an engaging and appealing experience. To address these new conditions, a Mobile Narrative was created and access to individual chapters of the story was restricted. Authors can specify constraints, such as a location or time, which need to be met by the reader if they want to read the story. This concept allows creative writers of the story to exploit the fact that the reader’s context is known, by intensifying the user experience and integrating this knowledge into the writing process. Interviews with authors and creative writers and two user studies explored the effects of this way of writing on both parties. The paper presents our preliminary research findings discussing this new experience that was found to be exciting and interesting by both sides.
People have adopted various formats of media such as graphics, photo and text (nickname) in order to represent themselves when communicate with others online. Avatar is known as a visual form representing a user oneself and one's identity wished. Its form can vary from a two-dimensional model to a three-dimensional model, and can be visualised with various visual forms and styles. In general, two-dimensional images including an animated image are used in online forum communities and live chat software; while three-dimensional models are often used in computer games. Avatar design is often regarded as a graphic designer's visual image creation or a user's output based on one's personal preference, yet it often causes the avatar design having no consideration of its practical visual design and users' interactive communication experience aspects. This paper will review various types and styles of avatar and discuss about avatar design from visual design and online user experience perspectives. It aims to raise a design discourse in avatar design and build up a well-articulated set of design principles for effective avatar design.