999 resultados para anterior abdominal wall
The role of the abdominal muscles in trunk rotation is not comprehensively understood. This study investigated the electromyographic (EMG) activity of anatomically distinct regions of the abdominal muscles during trunk rotation in six subjects with no history of spinal pain. Fine-wire electrodes were inserted into the right abdominal wall; upper region of transversus abdominis (TrA), middle region of TrA, obliquus internus abdominis (OI) and obliquus externus abdominis (OE), and lower region of TrA and OI. Surface electrodes were placed over right rectus abdominis (RA). Subjects performed trunk rotation to the left and right in sitting by rotating their pelvis relative to a fixed thorax. EMG activity was recorded in relaxed supine and sitting, and during an isometric hold at end range. TrA was consistently active during trunk rotation, with the recruitment patterns of the upper fascicles opposite to that of the middle and lower fascicles. During left rotation, there was greater activity of the lower and middle regions of contralateral TrA and the lower region of contralateral OI. The upper region of ipsilateral TrA and OE were predominately active during right rotation. In contrast, there was no difference in activity of RA and middle OI between directions (although middle OI was different between directions for all but one subject). This study indicates that TrA is active during trunk rotation, but this activity varies between muscle regions. These normative data will assist in understanding the role of TrA in lumbopelvic control and movement, and the effect of spinal pain on abdominal muscle recruitment.
To study the biocompatibility of surgical meshes for use in pelvic reconstructive surgery using an animal model. Eight different types of mesh: Atrium, Dexon, Gynemesh, IVS tape, Prolene, SPARC tape, TVT tape and Vypro II, were implanted into the abdominal walls of rats for 3 months' duration. Explanted meshes were assessed, using light microscopy, for parameters of rejection and incorporation. Type 1 (Atrium, Gynemesh, Prolene, SPARC and TVT) and type 3 (Vypro II, Dexon and IVS) meshes demonstrated different biocompatible properties. Inflammatory cellular response and fibrosis at the interface of mesh and host tissue was most marked with Vypro II and IVS. All type 1 meshes displayed similar cellular responses despite markedly different mesh architecture. The inflammatory response and fibrous reaction in the non-absorbable type 3 meshes tested (IVS and Vypro II) was more marked than the type 1 meshes. The increased inflammatory and fibrotic response may be because of the multifilamentous polypropylene components of these meshes. Material and filament composition of mesh is the main factor in determining cellular response.
Caudal block results in a motor blockade that can reduce abdominal wall tension. This could interact with the balance between chest wall and lung recoil pressure and tension of the diaphragm, which determines the static resting volume of the lung. On this rationale, we hypothesised that caudal block causes an increase in functional residual capacity and ventilation distribution in anaesthetised children. Fifty-two healthy children (15-30 kg, 3-8 years of age) undergoing elective surgery with general anaesthesia and caudal block were studied and randomly allocated to two groups: caudal block or control. Following induction of anaesthesia, the first measurement was obtained in the supine position (baseline). All children were then turned to the left lateral position and patients in the caudal block group received a caudal block with bupivacaine. No intervention took place in the control group. After 15 nun in the supine position, the second assessment was performed. Functional residual capacity and parameters of ventilation distribution were calculated by a blinded reviewer. Functional residual capacity was similar at baseline in both groups. In the caudal block group, the capacity increased significantly (p < 0.0001) following caudal block, while in the control group, it remained unchanged. In both groups, parameters of ventilation distribution were consistent with the changes in functional residual capacity. Caudal block resulted in a significant increase in functional residual capacity and improvement in ventilation homogeneity in comparison with the control group. This indicates that caudal block might have a beneficial effect on gas exchange in anaesthetised, spontaneously breathing preschool-aged children with healthy lungs.
Purpose: The purpose of this work was to investigate the breast dose saving potential of a breast positioning technique (BP) for thoracic CT examinations with organ-based tube current modulation (OTCM).
Methods: The study included 13 female patient models (XCAT, age range: 27-65 y.o., weight range: 52 to 105.8 kg). Each model was modified to simulate three breast sizes in standard supine geometry. The modeled breasts were further deformed, emulating a BP that would constrain the breasts within 120° anterior tube current (mA) reduction zone. The tube current value of the CT examination was modeled using an attenuation-based program, which reduces the radiation dose to 20% in the anterior region with a corresponding increase to the posterior region. A validated Monte Carlo program was used to estimate organ doses with a typical clinical system (SOMATOM Definition Flash, Siemens Healthcare). The simulated organ doses and organ doses normalized by CTDIvol were compared between attenuation-based tube current modulation (ATCM), OTCM, and OTCM with BP (OTCMBP).
Results: On average, compared to ATCM, OTCM reduced the breast dose by 19.3±4.5%, whereas OTCMBP reduced breast dose by 36.6±6.9% (an additional 21.3±7.3%). The dose saving of OTCMBP was more significant for larger breasts (on average 32, 38, and 44% reduction for 0.5, 1.5, and 2.5 kg breasts, respectively). Compared to ATCM, OTCMBP also reduced thymus and heart dose by 12.1 ± 6.3% and 13.1 ± 5.4%, respectively.
Conclusions: In thoracic CT examinations, OTCM with a breast positioning technique can markedly reduce unnecessary exposure to the radiosensitive organs in the anterior chest wall, specifically breast tissue. The breast dose reduction is more notable for women with larger breasts.
Atresia coli is a congenital defect with disruption of the intestinal flow. Its etiopathogenesis is still unknown and the prognosis is reserved. This paper describes the case of a one week old Holstein Friesian calf that was referred to the HCVC, and was diagnosed with atresia coli. This confirmation was made by contrast radiography and the lesion was detected in dorsal portion of the spiral colon. A cecostomy was performed followed by a marsupialization of the intestinal cecum to the abdominal wall. After 36 hours of surgery, calf’s state worsens dramatically and for reasons of welfare, it was proceeded to sacrifice. The post-operative recovery is possible, even though the mortality rate is high. As in this case, this mortality rate increases when early diagnosis of atresia coli does not take place and there is peritonitis.
In the last years there has been a growing demand of plastic surgery for soft tissue reconstruction. In response to this, many biological and synthetic devices have been produced, aiming to allow wide and complex body reshapings. Acellular dermal matrices are one of these devices, and are made of human or animal tissues made acellular after their sampling. They are used for cervical, breast and abdominal wall reconstruction. Tutopatch®, generally used for face reconstruction or neurosurgery, is made of acellular bovine pericardium, and its high amount of collagen allows a fast tissue healing and a scaffold for the surrounding tissue rigeneration. In our case report Tutopatch® has been used in immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy. This device has been used to close laterally the subpectoral pocket, allowing a bigger volume prosthesis to be placed We have not experienced particular postoperatory complications, and after 12 months of follow up we have found a valid functional and aesthetic result. We consider Tutopatch® as a valid alternative to other acellular dermal matrices specifically designed for breast reconstruction.
Introduction. Endoscopic hernia repair methods have become increasingly popular over the past 15 years. Nonetheless, there is no consensus regarding an optimal fixation method. Transabdominal sutures and titanium tacks or staples are the most traditional ones. Case report. We present a case of mechanic small bowel obstruction due to mesh migration occurring one year and a half after incisional hernia repair with polytetrafluoroethylene mesh fixed by spiral tacks. Discussion. Titanium spiral tacks are dangerous because of their sharp components, which can damage organs such as the small intestine, by causing microperforations. The type of prosthesis used has also contributed to the intraluminal migration, since polytetrafluoroethylene mesh is very flexible and poorly integrates in the abdominal wall. Conclusion. A prosthesis of a different material combined with a different fixation system such as absorbable tacks, biological glue, or mechanical tacks without sharp components, would have obviated mesh migration. .
Introdução: A ecografia é sempre o meio diagnóstico de primeira linha na avaliação das doentes com endometriose. Dada a discrepância de critérios para o diagnóstico desta patologia por esta técnica, o objetivo deste trabalho foi recolher os dados da bibliografia mais recente relativa a este tema e redigir uma compilação sucinta das conclusões dos respectivos autores. Material e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo retrospetivo dos artigos publicados nas revistas científicas sobre o tema Endometriose, quer sobre endometriomas quer sobre endometriose profunda. Resultados: Estão descritos os resultados de achados ecográficos de endometriomas, endometriose da parede abdominal e endometriose profunda publicados por diferentes autores nos últimos anos. Documentamos com imagens recolhidas no Serviço de Radiologia do IPOLFG. Conclusões: Os estudos demonstram que a ecografia transvaginal é, pelo menos, tão sensível e específica como a RM na detecção de implantes profundos de endometriose, sendo portanto o exame de primeira linha em casos de suspeita de endometriose.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar, de maneira quantitativa, as proteoglicanas na fáscia transversal e na bainha anterior do músculo reto abdominal de pacientes homens, adultos, portadores de hérnia inguinal tipo II e IIIA de NYHUS. MÉTODO: Foram constituídos três grupos de estudo: um grupo controle, composto por dez cadáveres com óbito até 24 horas e de dois grupos, cada um com vinte pacientes, portadores de hérnias tipo II e IIIA de NYHUS. Foram retiradas amostras da fáscia transversal e da bainha anterior do músculo reto abdominal que foram coradas com Alcian Blue, pH 2,5. As lâminas foram analisadas no programa IMAGELAB de avaliação histológica informatizada. RESULTADOS: Observou-se menor quantidade de proteoglicanas nos pacientes com hérnia inguinal, em relação ao grupo controle. Essa diferença foi estatisticamente significante. CONCLUSÃO: A concentração de proteoglicanas na matriz extracelular está diminuída na fáscia transversal e na bainha anterior do músculo reto abdominal de pacientes homens adultos, portadores de hérnia inguinal tipo II e IIIA de NYHUS, em relação ao grupo controle, constituído por cadáveres não portadores de hérnia inguinal.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a participação do colágeno na etiopatogenia das hérnias inguinais, através da análise quantitativa histoquímica do colágeno na bainha anterior do músculo reto abdominal e na fascia transversalis MÉTODO: Foram operados quarenta doentes do sexo masculino, na faixa etária entre 20 e 60 anos, portadores de hérnia inguinal tipo II e IIIA de Nyhus e realizadas autópsias em dez cadáveres frescos, na mesma faixa etária. Em ambos os grupos, amostras da bainha anterior do músculo reto abdominal e da fascia transversalis foram colhidas, coradas pela técnica histoquímica do picrocírius e submetidas a análise morfométrica quantitativa através de sistema computadorizado com a finalidade de identificar possíveis alterações quantitativas do colágeno, em cada um dos dois tipos de hérnias em comparação com indivíduos sem hérnias. RESULTADOS: Encontramos maior concentração do colágeno na bainha anterior do músculo reto abdominal, em comparação a fascia transversalis em todos os grupos estudados, embora esta diferença tenha sido estatisticamente significante apenas no grupo controle. Não encontramos diferenças na concentração do colágeno, na bainha anterior do músculo reto abdominal e na fascia transversalis, entre os doentes com hérnias tipo II e tipo IIIA de Nyhus. Não encontramos diferenças na concentração do colágeno quando comparamos os grupos com hérnias com o grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: Não encontramos diferenças na quantidade do colágeno na bainha anterior do músculo reto abdominal e na fascia transversalis entre os pacientes portadores de hérnia inguinal tipo II e IIIA de Nyhus em comparação com indivíduos sem hérnias.
No presente trabalho foram colhidas amostras da aponeurose da linha alba abdominal de 26 pacientes com idades entre 26 e 75 anos, portadores de hérnias da parede abdominal anterior, para avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa do colágeno total, tipo I e III. Oito desses pacientes foram operados no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), quatro no Hospital Pompéia de Caxias do Sul (HP) e 14 na Clínica Particular do autor (CPA) em Caxias do Sul. Todos os pacientes eram portadores de hérnias da parede abdominal anterior, sendo seis casos de hérnias incisionais, 11 casos de hérnias umbilicais e sete casos de hérnias epigástricas, um caso com duas hérnias: incisional e epigástrica e um outro caso também com duas hérnias, sendo uma epigástrica e outra umbilical. As amostras foram retiradas na linha média da linha alba, três centímetros acima da cicatriz umbilical e outra a dois centímetros abaixo dessa cicatriz. Uma vez no laboratório, as amostras foram subdivididas em duas. Em uma delas realizou-se a avaliação quantitativa do colágeno total e na outra a avaliação qualitativa dos colágenos tipo I e III. A avaliação quantitativa foi realizada por meio da coloração com picrosirius e contagem das fibras colágenas em microscópio de luz polarizada e análise digital por birrefringência, tendo sido utilizado o aplicativo Image Pro Plus (Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, USA). A avaliação qualitativa foi feita por meio da imuno-histoquímica, com a utilização de anticorpos monoclonais anticolágeno tipo I e III. Os achados obtidos nesses pacientes foram comparados com os achados obtidos em um grupo-controle de cadáveres não formolizados do Instituto Médico Legal de Caxias do Sul. No grupo-controle de cadáveres sem hérnias, foram realizados os mesmos estudos dos pacientes cirúrgicos portadores de hérnias, para avaliar as diferenças das quantidades de colágeno total, tipo I e III entre os dois grupos. Os resultados mostraram que as quantidades de colágeno total eram 18,05% menores nos pacientes com hérnias da parede anterior do abdome, quando comparados com o grupo-controle de cadáveres sem hérnias (p 0,05). Já as quantidades do colágeno tipo I foram 20,50% menores nos pacientes (p 0,05). O mesmo ocorreu com o colágeno tipo III que apresentou uma percentagem 7,3% menor nesses mesmos pacientes (p = 0,383).
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the repair process in the reconstruction of the anterior wall of the frontal sinus of monkeys with bovine bone matrix. Four adult Cebus apella monkeys underwent an ostectomy of the anterior wall of the frontal sinus. The frontal sinus mucosa and the nasofrontal duct were not manipulated. Reconstruction occurred with implants of bovine bone matrix laminae measuring 2.0 x 2.5 cm and 0.4 mm thick, stabilized under pressure in the lateral wall of the frontal sinus. The monkeys were sacrificed over a period of 150 days and routine laboratory procedures were followed for hematoxylin-eosin staining and histologic evaluation of the specimens. Neoformed bone tissue was observed in contact with the frontal sinus mucosa and the bovine bone matrix. The frontal sinus mucosa remained whole without fibrous tissue or cystic formations. There was no occurrence of cellularization as well as revascularization of the bovine bone matrix, though it has permitted bone conduction on this surface. It was possible to conclude that the demineralized bovine bone matrix was biotolerable, being incorporated into the bone without the presence of inflammatory cells with characteristics of inertness and antigenicity and behaved as an osteoconductive material.
Measurement of bladder wall thickness using transvaginal ultrasound has previously been shown to discriminate between women with diagnosed detrusor overactivity and those with urodynamic stress incontinence. So far, no comparison has been made between abdominal, perineal and vaginal route for the measurement of bladder wall thickness. The aim of this prospective study was to determine if abdominal, perineal and vaginal ultrasound measurements of bladder wall thickness are comparable with each other.
The purpose of this retrospective radiographic study was to analyze the thickness of the facial bone wall at teeth in the anterior maxilla based on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images, since this anatomical structure is important for the selection of an appropriate treatment approach in patients undergoing postextraction implant placement. A total of 125 CBCT scans met the inclusion criteria, resulting in a sample size of 498 teeth. The thickness of the facial bone wall in the respective sagittal scans was measured perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth at two locations: at the crest level (4 mm apical to the cementoenamel junction; MP1) and at the middle of the root (MP2). No existing bone wall was found in 25.7% of all teeth at MP1 and in 10.0% at MP2. The majority of the examined teeth exhibited a thin facial bone wall (< 1 mm; 62.9% at MP1, 80.1% at MP2). A thick bone wall (? 1 mm) was found in only 11.4% of all examined teeth at MP1 and 9.8% at MP2. There was a statistically significant decrease in facial bone wall thickness from the first premolars to the central incisors. The facial bone wall in the crestal area of teeth in the anterior maxilla was either missing or thin in roughly 90.0% of patients. Both a missing and thin facial wall require simultaneous contour augmentation at implant placement because of the well-documented bone resorption that occurs at a thin facial bone wall following tooth extraction. Consequently, radiographic analysis of the facial bone wall using CBCT prior to extraction is recommended for selection of the appropriate treatment approach.
INTRODUCTION: Urogenital prolapse is a very common condition in women with a prevalence of 30%. If conservative therapy fails or is not desired by the patient, prolapse repair is usually performed under general or regional anaesthetic. The aim of the study was to evaluate feasibility, efficacy and functional outcome after fascial prolapse repairs under local anaesthetic (LA). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between November 1999 and December 2000, 130 consecutive patients presenting with anterior or posterior prolapse or both were invited to have their procedure performed under LA. All patients with a symptomatic minimum stage II prolapse were included. Prior to surgery all women completed a standardized questionnaire examining the specific and non-specific symptoms of prolapse and their situation was classified using the ICS Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP-Q) system. Follow up was 30 months. Objective success was defined as a stage 1 or less and no symptoms of bulge, subjective success was defined as lack of specific or non-specific symptoms of prolapse. RESULTS: There were 128 patients who agreed to have their operations performed under LA: 68 in the anterior group, 52 in the posterior group and 8 with a combined anterior and posterior repair. Objective cure rate was 88% for posterior repair, 87% for anterior repair and 63% for combined repair. Success rates were no different in primary from recurrent cases. There were no intraoperative complications and operating time was 21 min (anterior repair) or 23 min (posterior repair). There was no de novo postoperative urinary or stool incontinence and all patients but two would have the operation performed again under the same circumstances. The two remaining refused due to embarrassment but for no other reason. CONCLUSION: Local anaesthetic prolapse repair is feasible and effective in middle term results. It is well accepted by the patients who benefit from less side effects and short hospital stay.