961 resultados para analytical solution


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Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo para a determinação do tamanho ótimo da malha de elementos, utilizando redes neurais artificiais, para o cálculo da intensidade útil. A ideia principal é treinar as redes de modo a possibilitar a aprendizagem e o reconhecimento do melhor tamanho para diversas áreas superficiais em fontes sonoras com geometria plana. A vantagem de se utilizar redes neurais artificiais deve-se ao fato de apresentarem um único tamanho para a obtenção da intensidade útil, consequentemente, uma redução significativa de tempo computacional quando comparado com o tempo de cálculo de uma malha bem refinada. Ensaios numéricos com placas planas - geometria separável que permite uma solução analítica - são utilizados para se realizar comparações. É apresentado um estudo comparativo entre o tempo computacional gasto para a obtenção da intensidade útil e o mesmo com a malha otimizada via redes neurais artificiais. Também é apresentada uma comparação do nível de potência sonora mediante solução numérica, a fim de validar os resultados apresentados pelas redes neurais.


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Este trabalho apresenta um procedimento numérico para o estudo da precisão e da exatidão da técnica de birrefringência acústica como usada no Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN) para avaliação de tensões residuais e aplicadas em estruturas metálicas. Esse procedimento deverá ser incorporado posteriormente ao módulo de processamento de sinal do sistema ultrassônico utilizado no Laboratório de Ultrassom do IEN para levar em conta, de forma automática e sistemática, as incertezas nos dados de entrada e as suas propagações ao longo dos cálculos efetuados. A birrefringência acústica é geralmente definida a partir das velocidades de duas ondas ultrassônicas volumétricas de incidência normal e ortogonais entre si. A birrefringência pode ser definida diretamente a partir dos tempos de percurso dessas duas ondas, uma vez que elas percorrem o mesmo espaço físico. Os tempos de percurso das ondas podem ser assim considerados como as variáveis primárias de interesse. Por meio da teoria da acustoelasticidade é possível relacionar a birrefringência acústica com as tensões atuantes no material explorando o fato da velocidade da onda ultrassônica ser afetada pela presença de um campo de tensões. Nesta dissertação elaborou-se um conjunto de planilhas eletrônicas no aplicativo Microsoft Excel para efetuar de forma automática todos os cálculos necessários ao objetivo proposto, levando em conta as incertezas nos dados, sua propagação ao longo dos cálculos e o número de dígitos significativos nos resultados. Como exemplo do procedimento desenvolvido, o estudo da precisão e da exatidão na determinação das tensões em uma viga de aço sob flexão pela técnica da birrefringência acústica é apresentado. Como valor de referência, para fins do cálculo da exatidão alcançada, utilizou-se uma solução analítica derivada da teoria clássica da resistência de materiais. Os resultados encontrados indicaram uma razoável precisão, com um erro relativo menor do que 8%, e uma baixa exatidão, menor do que 57%, nos pontos da viga sujeitos às maiores tensões principais de flexão.


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An analytical solution is presented for the vertical consolidation of a cylindrical annulus of clay with horizontal drainage occurring to concentric internal and external drainage boundaries. Numerical results are given for various ratios of internal and external radii and it is shown that solutions for conventional one-dimensional consolidation, and for consolidation of a cylindrical block of clay with drainage only to the outer cylindrical boundary form extremes to the analysis presented here. An application of the solution to the estimation of horizontal permeability of clay is briefly described.


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Design work involves uncertainty that arises from, and influences, the progressive development of solutions. This paper analyses the influences of evolving uncertainty levels on the design process. We focus on uncertainties associated with choosing the values of design parameters, and do not consider in detail the issues that arise when parameters must first be identified. Aspects of uncertainty and its evolution are discussed, and a new task-based model is introduced to describe process behaviour in terms of changing uncertainty levels. The model is applied to study two process configuration problems based on aircraft wing design: one using an analytical solution and one using Monte-Carlo simulation. The applications show that modelling uncertainty levels during design can help assess management policies, such as how many concepts should be considered during design and to what level of accuracy. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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The effects of multiple scattering on acoustic manipulation of spherical particles using helicoidal Bessel-beams are discussed. A closed-form analytical solution is developed to calculate the acoustic radiation force resulting from a Bessel-beam on an acoustically reflective sphere, in the presence of an adjacent spherical particle, immersed in an unbounded fluid medium. The solution is based on the standard Fourier decomposition method and the effect of multi-scattering is taken into account using the addition theorem for spherical coordinates. Of particular interest here is the investigation of the effects of multiple scattering on the emergence of negative axial forces. To investigate the effects, the radiation force applied on the target particle resulting from a helicoidal Bessel-beam of different azimuthal indexes (m = 1 to 4), at different conical angles, is computed. Results are presented for soft and rigid spheres of various sizes, separated by a finite distance. Results have shown that the emergence of negative force regions is very sensitive to the level of cross-scattering between the particles. It has also been shown that in multiple scattering media, the negative axial force may occur at much smaller conical angles than previously reported for single particles, and that acoustic manipulation of soft spheres in such media may also become possible.


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A three-dimensional (3D) numerical model is proposed to solve the electromagnetic problems involving transport current and background field of a high-T c superconducting (HTS) system. The model is characterized by the E-J power law and H-formulation, and is successfully implemented using finite element software. We first discuss the model in detail, including the mesh methods, boundary conditions and computing time. To validate the 3D model, we calculate the ac loss and trapped field solution for a bulk material and compare the results with the previously verified 2D solutions and an analytical solution. We then apply our model to test some typical problems such as superconducting bulk array and twisted conductors, which cannot be tackled by the 2D models. The new 3D model could be a powerful tool for researchers and engineers to investigate problems with a greater level of complicity.


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This paper presents a new formulation for trailing edge noise radiation from rotating blades based on an analytical solution of the convective wave equation. It accounts for distributed loading and the effect of mean flow and spanwise wavenumber. A commonly used theory due to Schlinker and Amiet (1981) predicts trailing edge noise radiation from rotating blades. However, different versions of the theory exist; it is not known which version is the correct one and what the range of validity of the theory is. This paper addresses both questions by deriving Schlinker and Amiet's theory in a simple way and by comparing it to the new formulation, using model blade elements representative of a wind turbine, a cooling fan and an aircraft propeller. The correct form of Schlinker and Amiet's theory (1981) is identified. It is valid at high enough frequency, i.e. for a Helmholtz number relative to chord greater than one and a rotational frequency much smaller than the angular frequency of the noise sources.


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Observations of a tethered meteorological balloon show that a strong vibration coupling exists between axial forcing of the tether and ovalling deformations of the balloon. Such coupling may lead to system instabilities and fatigue failure in a tethered-balloon system. This is particularly relevant in the case of a balloon launched from a moving vessel, as is proposed as part of the SPICE geoengineering project. This paper investigates the vibration characteristics of a tethered, spherical balloon using a simple analytical model: a tensioned, spherical membrane attached to a spring. The analytical solution for the natural frequencies and modeshapes of this system is compared to transfer functions obtained by laser vibrometry. These results are then used to determine the most suitable method of modelling the dynamic response of a tethered balloon.


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High temperature superconducting (HTS) synchronous motors can offer significant weight and size reductions, as well as improved efficiency, over conventional copper-wound machines due to the higher current density of high temperature superconducting (HTS) materials. In order to optimise the design parameters and performance of such a machine, this paper proposes a basic physical model of an air-cored HTS synchronous motor with a copper armature winding and HTS field winding. An analytical method for the field analysis in the synchronous motor is then presented, followed by a numerical finite element analysis (FEA) model to verify the analytical solution. The model is utilised to study the influence of the geometry of the HTS coils on the magnetic field at the armature winding, and geometrical parameter optimisation is carried out using this theoretical model to obtain a more sinusoidal magnetic field at the armature, which has a major influence on the performance of the motor.


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The dynamical behaviour of the sidewall has an important influence on tyre vibration characteristics. Nonetheless, it remains crudely represented in many existing models. The current work considers a geometrically accurate, two-dimensional, sidewall description, with a view to identifying potential shortcomings in the approximate formulations and identifying the physical characteristics that must be accounted for. First, the mean stress state under pressurisation and centrifugal loading is investigated. Finite-Element calculations show that, while the loaded sidewall shape remains close to a toroid, its in-plane tensions differ appreciably from the associated analytical solution. This is largely due to the inability of the anisotropic sidewall material to sustain significant azimuthal stress. An approximate analysis, based on the meridional tension alone, is therefore developed, and shown to yield accurate predictions. In conjunction with a set of formulae for the 'engineering constants' of the sidewall material, the approximate solutions provide a straightforward and efficient means of determining the base state for the vibration analysis. The latter is implemented via a 'waveguide' discretisation of a variational formulation. Its results show that, while the full geometrical description is necessary for a complete and reliable characterisation of the sidewall's vibrational properties, a one-dimensional approximation will often be satisfactory in practice. Meridional thickness variations only become important at higher frequencies (above 500 Hz for the example considered here), and rotational inertia effects appear to be minor at practical vehicle speeds. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes a new formulation of the material point method (MPM) for solving coupled hydromechanical problems of fluid-saturated soil subjected to large deformation. A soil-pore fluid coupled MPM algorithm based on Biot's mixture theory is proposed for solving hydromechanical interaction problems that include changes in water table location with time. The accuracy of the proposed method is examined by comparing the results of the simulation of a one-dimensional consolidation test with the corresponding analytical solution. A sensitivity analysis of the MPM parameters used in the proposed method is carried out for examining the effect of the number of particles per mesh and mesh size on solution accuracy. For demonstrating the capability of the proposed method, a physical model experiment of a large-scale levee failure by seepage is simulated. The behavior of the levee model with time-dependent changes in water table matches well to the experimental observations. The mechanisms of seepage-induced failure are discussed by examining the pore-water pressures, as well as the effective stresses computed from the simulations © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Balloons are one example of pressurised, elastic, spherical shells. Whilst analytical solutions exist for the vibration of pressurised spheres, these models only incorporate constant tension in the membrane. For elastic shells, changes in curvature will result in restoring forces that are proportional to the elasticity in the membrane; hence the assumption of constant tension is not valid. This paper describes an analytical solution for the natural frequencies of an elastic spherical shell subject to internal pressure. When the membrane tension is set to zero, the results are shown to converge to the analytical solution for a spherical shell, and when the skin elasticity is neglected, the results converge to the constant-tension solution. This analytical solution is used to predict the natural frequencies of a small balloon, based on a value for the elastic modulus that is determined using biaxial tensile testing. These predictions are compared to experimental measurements of balloon vibrations using impact hammer testing, and good agreement is seen.


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Modes in rectangular resonators are analyzed and classified according to symmetry properties, and quality factor (Q-factor) enhancement due to mode coupling is observed. In the analysis, mode numbers p and q are used to denote the number of wave nodes in the direction of two orthogonal sides. The even and odd mode numbers correspond to symmetric and antisymmetric field distribution relative to the midlines of sides, respectively. Thus, the modes in a rectangle resonator can be divided into four classes according to the parity of p and q. Mode coupling between modes of different classes is forbidden; however, anti-crossing mode coupling between the modes in the same class exists and results in new modes due to the combination of the coupled modes. One of the combined modes has very low power loss and high Q-factor based on far-field emission of the analytical field distribution, which agrees well with the numerical results of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation. Both the analytical and FDTD results show that the Q-factors of the high Q-factor combined modes are over one order larger than those of the original modes. Furthermore, the general condition required to achieve high-Q modes in the rectangular resonator is given based on the analytical solution.


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A novel and simple method for measuring the chirp parameter, frequency, and intensity modulation indexes of directly modulated lasers is proposed in a small-signal modulation scheme. A graphical approach is presented. An analytical solution to the measurement of low chirp parameters is also given. The measured results agree well with those obtained using the conventional methods.


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The mode characteristics of a three-dimensional (3D) microdisk with a vertical refractive index distribution of n(2)/3.4/n(2) are investigated by the S-matrix method and 3D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique. For the microdisk with a thickness of 0.2 mu m. and a radius of 1 mu m, the mode wavelengths and quality factors for the HE7,1 mode obtained by 3D FDTD simulation and the S-matrix method are in good agreement as n(2) increases from 1.0 to 2.6. But the Q factor obtained by the 3D FDTD rapidly decreases from 1.12 X 10(4) to 379 as n2 increases from 2.65 to 2.8 owing to the vertical radiation losses, which cannot be predicted by the proposed S-matrix method. The comparisons also show that quality factors obtained from the analytical solution of two-dimensional microdisks under the effective index approximation are five to seven times smaller than those of the 3D FDTD as n(2) = 1 and R = 1 mu m. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.