979 resultados para ammonia nitrogen


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The objective was to measure effects of 3-nitrooxypropanol (3NP) on methane production of lactating dairy cows and any associated changes in digestion and energy and nitrogen metabolism. Six Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in mid-lactation were fed twice daily a total mixed ration with maize silage as the primary forage source. Cows received 1 of 3 treatments using an experimental design based on two 3 × 3 Latin squares with 5-wk periods. Treatments were a control placebo or 500 or 2,500 mg/d of 3NP delivered directly into the rumen, via the rumen fistula, in equal doses before each feeding. Measurements of methane production and energy and nitrogen balance were obtained during wk 5 of each period using respiration calorimeters and digestion trials. Measurements of rumen pH (48 h) and postprandial volatile fatty acid and ammonia concentrations were made at the end of wk 4. Daily methane production was reduced by 3NP, but the effects were not dose dependent (reductions of 6.6 and 9.8% for 500 and 2,500 mg/d, respectively). Dosing 3NP had a transitory inhibitory effect on methane production, which may have been due to the product leaving the rumen in liquid outflow or through absorption or metabolism. Changes in rumen concentrations of volatile fatty acids indicated that the pattern of rumen fermentation was affected by both doses of the product, with a decrease in acetate:propionate ratio observed, but that acetate production was inhibited by the higher dose. Dry matter, organic matter, acid detergent fiber, N, and energy digestibility were reduced at the higher dose of the product. The decrease in digestible energy supply was not completely countered by the decrease in methane excretion such that metabolizable energy supply, metabolizable energy concentration of the diet, and net energy balance (milk plus tissue energy) were reduced by the highest dose of 3NP. Similarly, the decrease in nitrogen digestibility at the higher dose of the product was associated with a decrease in body nitrogen balance that was not observed for the lower dose. Milk yield and milk fat concentration and fatty acid composition were not affected but milk protein concentration was greater for the higher dose of 3NP. Twice-daily rumen dosing of 3NP reduced methane production by lactating dairy cows, but the dose of 2,500 mg/d reduced rumen acetate concentration, diet digestibility, and energy supply. Further research is warranted to determine the optimal dose and delivery method of the product. Key words: 3-nitrooxypropanol, methane, digestion, rumen, dairy cow


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Ammonia dissociation is the controlling reaction for several important thermochemical heat treatment processes; nitriding, nitrocarburising (ferritic and austenitic) and carbonitriding. The fluidised bed furnace is a convenient and widely used medium for all of these treatments, yet understanding of the reaction in a fluidised bed context is minimal. This paper deals with the influence of process parameters on nitrogen activity aN; temperature, fluidising flowrate, ammonia inlet level, carbonaceous gas. Two basic behaviours were observed; inlet NH3-dependant and inlet NHr insensitive, with a transition region at intermediate temperatures. The nitrocarburising response of steel specimens was measured by optical microscopy of the layer thicknesses and glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GD-OES) determination of nitrogen depth-penetration profiles. aN was found by gas analysis of the exit stream ammonia with the aid of a dissociation burette.


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The chemiluminescence arising from the oxidation of ammonium chloride by sodium hypobromite in aqueous alkaline solution includes a series of peaks in the near-ultraviolet, which is not commonly observed in liquid-phase chemiluminescence. The dominant peak in that region has an intensity maximum at 292 nm and smaller peaks are observed at 313, 334 and 356 nm. The emitted photons are of similar energy to the Vergard–Kaplan transition of molecular nitrogen, a major product of this reaction. However, the spectral distribution is different to that of previously reported gas-phase chemiluminescence attributed to the Vergard–Kaplan transition.


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Biological nitrogen removal is an important task in the wastewater treatment. However, the actual removal of total nitrogen (TN) in the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is often unsatisfactory due to several causes, one of which is the insufficient availability of carbon source. One possible approach to improve the nitrogen removal therefore is addition of external carbon source, while the amount of which is directly related to operation cost of a WWTP. It is obviously necessary to determine the accurate amount of addition of external carbon source according to the demand depending on the influent wastewater quality. This study focused on the real-time control of external carbon source addition based on the on-line monitoring of influent wastewater quality. The relationship between the influent wastewater quality (specifically the concentration of COD and ammonia) and the demand of carbon source was investigated through experiments on a pilot-scale A/O reactor (1m3) at the Nanjing WWTP, China. The minimum doses of carbon source addition at different situations of influent wastewater quality were determined to ensure the effluent wastewater quality meets the discharge standard. The obtained relationship is expected to be applied in the full-scale WWTPs. .


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Gaseous losses are the main factors affecting the efficiency of nitrogenous fertilizers in pastures. To evaluate NH3-N volatilization losses in Tanzania grass fertilized with urea in autumn, spring and summer, a completely randomized design with repeated measurements over time and fifteen replicates was used. Plots were represented by urea levels (50; 100 and 150 kg ha-1 N) and subplots by time after fertilization (1; 2; 3; 6; 9; 12 and 15 days). The interaction between fertilization leveland time after urea application was significant for the accumulated NH3-N volatilization. Urea application leads to higher percentage N losses in the first three days after application. The average cumulative NH3- N loss for the three occasions (different seasons of the year) was 28%, 20% and 16% of N applied for fertilizer doses of 50; 100 and 150 kg ha-1 of N, respectively. The season of the year influenced NH3-N loss pattern and volume, with the lowest values recorded in spring, followed by summer and autumn. The cumulative NH3-N volatilization loss varies from 78 to 90% up to the third day after application of the total NNH3 loss.


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The quantification of ammonia (NH3) losses from sugarcane straw fertilized with urea can be performed with collectors that recover the NH3 in acid-treated absorbers. Thus, the use of an open NH3 collector with a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-wrapped absorber is an interesting option since its cost is low, handling easy and microclimatic conditions irrelevant. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of an open collector for quantifying NH3-N volatilized from urea applied over the sugarcane straw. The experiment was carried out in a sugarcane field located near Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The NH3-N losses were estimated using a semi-open static collector calibrated with N-15 (reference method) and an open collector with an absorber wrapped in PTFE film. Urea was applied to the soil surface in treatments corresponding to rates of 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha(-1) N. Applying urea-N fertilizer on sugarcane straw resulted in losses NH3-N up to 24 % of the applied rate. The amount of volatile NH3-N measured in the open and the semi-open static collector did not differ. The effectiveness of the collection system varied non-linearly, with an average value of 58.4 % for the range of 100 to 200 kg ha(-1) of urea-N. The open collector showed significant potential for use; however, further research is needed to verify the suitability of the proposed method.


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Bioenergetic analysis may be applied in order to predict microbial growth yields, based on the Gibbs energy dissipation and mass conservation principles of the overall growth reaction. The bioenergetics of the photoautotrophic growth of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis was investigated in different bioreactor configurations (tubular photobioreactor and open ponds) using different nitrogen sources (nitrate and urea) and under different light intensity conditions to determine the best growing conditions in terms of Gibbs energy dissipation, number of photons to sustain cell growth and phototrophic energy yields distribution in relation to the ATP and NADPH formation, and release of heat. Although an increase in the light intensity increased the Gibbs energy dissipated for cell growth and maintenance with both nitrogen sources, it did not exert any appreciable influence on the moles of photons absorbed by the system to produce one C-mol biomass. On the other hand, both bioenergetic parameters were higher in cultures with nitrate than with urea, likely because of the higher energy requirements needed to reduce the former nitrogen source to ammonia. They appreciably increased also when open ponds were substituted by the tubular photobioreactor, where a more efficient light distribution ensured a remarkably higher cell mass concentration. The estimated percentages of the energy absorbed by the cell showed that, compared with nitrate, the use of urea as nitrogen source allowed the system to address higher energy fractions to ATP production and light fixation by the photosynthetic apparatus, as well as a lower fraction released as heat. The best energy yields values on Gibbs energy necessary for cell growth and maintenance were achieved in up to 4-5 days of cultivation, indicating that it would be the optimum range to maintain cell growth. Thanks to this better bioenergetic situation, urea appears to be a quite promising low-cost, alternative nitrogen source for Arthrospira platensis cultures in photobioreactors. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Development within the cleidoic egg of birds and reptiles presents the embryo with the problem of accumulation of wastes from nitrogen metabolism. Ammonia derived from protein catabolism is converted into the less toxic product urea or relatively insoluble uric acid. The pattern of nitrogen excretion of the green iguana, Iguana iguana, was determined during embryonic development using samples from allantoic fluid and from the whole homogenized egg, and in hatchlings and adults using samples of blood plasma. Urea was the major excretory product over the course of embryonic development. It was found in higher concentrations in the allantoic sac, suggesting that there is a mechanism present on the allantoic membrane enabling the concentration of urea. The newly hatched iguana still produced urea while adults produced uric acid. The time course of this shift in the type of nitrogen waste was not determined but the change is likely to be related to the water relations associated with the terrestrial habit of the adult. The green iguana produces parchment-shelled eggs that double in mass during incubation due to water absorption: the eggs also accumulate 0.02 mM of urea, representing 82% of the total measured nitrogenous residues that accumulate inside the allantois. The increase in egg mass and urea concentration became significant after 55 days of incubation then were unchanged until hatching. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The structural and chemical characteristics of fly ash from coal-fired mineral and fly ash zeolitized are similar to those of zeolites. Urea was added with these materials in the proportions of urea: fly ashes of 100:10, 100:20, 100:50, 100:100, with a control containing just urea. These treatments were applied in soil surface and the experimental design was a randomized block with clay and sandy soil. Nitrogen losses by ammonia volatilization and the chemical characteristics of soil fertility were evaluated. In sandy soil there was reduction of ammonia volatilization for the proportions of 100:10 and 100:20, while fly ash zeolitized and fly ash had no difference.


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The quantification of ammonia (NH3) losses from sugarcane straw fertilized with urea can be performed with collectors that recover the NH3 in acid-treated absorbers. Thus, the use of an open NH3 collector with a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-wrapped absorber is an interesting option since its cost is low, handling easy and microclimatic conditions irrelevant. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of an open collector for quantifying NH3-N volatilized from urea applied over the sugarcane straw. The experiment was carried out in a sugarcane field located near Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil. The NH3-N losses were estimated using a semi-open static collector calibrated with 15N (reference method) and an open collector with an absorber wrapped in PTFE film. Urea was applied to the soil surface in treatments corresponding to rates of 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha-1 N. Applying urea-N fertilizer on sugarcane straw resulted in losses NH3-N up to 24 % of the applied rate. The amount of volatile NH3-N measured in the open and the semi-open static collector did not differ. The effectiveness of the collection system varied non-linearly, with an average value of 58.4 % for the range of 100 to 200 kg ha-1 of urea-N. The open collector showed significant potential for use; however, further research is needed to verify the suitability of the proposed method.


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Die biologische Stickstofffixierung durch Molybdän-haltige Nitrogenasen sowie die Erforschung des zugrundeliegenden komplexen Mechanismus (N2-Aktivierung an Metall-Zentren, 6-fache Protonierung und Reduktion, N–N Bindungsspaltung unter Bildung von Ammoniak) ist von erheblichem Interesse. Insbesondere Molybdän-Komplexe wurden bereits erfolgreich als Modellverbindungen für die Untersuchung elementarer Einzelschritte der N2-Aktivierung eingesetzt. Durch die Verwendung von Triamidoamin-Liganden ist es Schrock et al. sogar gelungen mehrere Katalysezyklen zu durchlaufen und einen Mechanismus zu formulieren. Trotz der sterisch anspruchsvollen Substituenten in den Schrock-Komplexen ist die Umsatzrate dieses homogenen Katalysators, aufgrund Komplex-Deaktivierung infolge intermolekularer Reaktionen wie Dimerisierung und Disproportionierung, limitiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden einige dieser Herausforderungen angegangen und die aktiven Spezies auf einer Festphase immobilisiert, um intermolekulare Reaktionen durch räumliche Isolierung der Komplexe zu unterdrücken.rnEin Polymer-verankertes Analogon des Schrock Nitrido-Molybdän(VI)-Komplexes wurde auf einem neuen Reaktionsweg synthetisiert. Dieser beinhaltet nur einen einzigen Reaktionsschritt, um die funktionelle Gruppe „MoN“ einzuführen. Protonierung des immobilisierten Nitrido-Molybdän(VI)-Komplexes LMoVIN (L = Polymer-verankerter Triamidoamin-Ligand) mit 2,6-Lutidinium liefert den entsprechenden Imido-Molybdän(VI)-Komplex. Durch anschließende Ein-Elektronen-Reduktion mit Cobaltocen wird der Polymer-angebundene Imido-Molybdän(V)-Komplex erhalten, bewiesen durch EPR-Spektroskopie (g1,2,3 = 1.989, 1.929, 1.902). Durch die Immobilisierung und die effektive räumliche Separation der Reaktionszentren auf der Festphase werden bimolekulare Nebenreaktionen, die oft in homogenen Systemen auftreten, unterdrückt. Dies ermöglicht zum ersten Mal die Darstellung des Imido-Molybdän(V)-Intermediates des Schrock-Zyklus.rnEPR-Spektren des als Spin-Label eingeführten immobilisierten Nitrato-Kupfer(II)-Komplexes wurden unter verschiedenen Bedingungen (Lösungsmittel, Temperatur) aufgenommen, wobei sich eine starke Abhängigkeit zwischen der Zugänglichkeit und Reaktivität der immobilisierten Reaktionszentren und der Art des Lösungsmittels zeigte. Somit wurde die Reaktivität von LMoVIN gegenüber Protonen und Elektronen, welches zur Bildung von NH3 führt, unter Verwendung verschiedener Lösungsmittel untersucht und optimiert. Innerhalb des kugelförmigen Polymers verläuft die Protonierung und Reduktion von LMoVIN stufenweise. Aktive Zentren, die sich an der „äußeren Schale“ des Polymers befinden, sind gut zugänglich und reagieren schnell nach H+/e− Zugabe. Aktive Zentren im „Inneren des Polymers“ hingegen sind schlechter zugänglich und zeigen langsame diffusions-kontrollierte Reaktionen, wobei drei H+/e− Schritte gefolgt von einer Ligandenaustausch-Reaktion erforderlich sind, um NH3 freizusetzen: LMoVIN  LMoVNH  LMoIVNH2  LMoIIINH3 und anschließender Ligandenaustausch führt zur Freisetzung von NH3.rnIn einem weiteren Projekt wurde der Bis(ddpd)-Kupfer(II)-Komplex EPR-spektroskopisch in Hinblick auf Jahn−Teller-Verzerrung und -Dynamik untersucht. Dabei wurden die EPR-Spektren bei variabler Temperatur (70−293 K) aufgenommen. Im Festkörperspektrum bei T < 100 K erscheint der Kupfer(II)-Komplex als gestreckter Oktaeder, wohingegen das EPR-Spektrum bei höheren Temperaturen g-Werte aufzeigt, die einer pseudo-gestauchten oktaedrischen Kupfer(II)-Spezies zuzuordnen sind. Diese Tatsache wird einem intramolekularen dynamischen Jahn−Teller Phänomen zugeschrieben, welcher bei 100 K eingefroren wird.


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Understanding factors driving the ecology of N cycling microbial communities is of central importance for sustainable land use. In this study we report changes of abundance of denitrifiers, nitrifiers and nitrogen-fixing microorganisms (based on qPCR data for selected functional genes) in response to different land use intensity levels and the consequences for potential turnover rates. We investigated selected grassland sites being comparable with respect to soil type and climatic conditions, which have been continuously treated for many years as intensely used meadows (IM), intensely used mown pastures (IP) and extensively used pastures (EP), respectively. The obtained data were linked to above ground biodiversity pattern as well as water extractable fractions of nitrogen and carbon in soil. Shifts in land use intensity changed plant community composition from systems dominated by s-strategists in extensive managed grasslands to c-strategist dominated communities in intensive managed grasslands. Along the different types of land use intensity, the availability of inorganic nitrogen regulated the abundance of bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxidizers. In contrast, the amount of dissolved organic nitrogen determined the abundance of denitrifiers (nirS and nirK). The high abundance of nifH carrying bacteria at intensive managed sites gave evidence that the amounts of substrates as energy source outcompete the high availability of inorganic nitrogen in these sites. Overall, we revealed that abundance and function of microorganisms involved in key processes of inorganic N cycling (nitrification, denitrification and N fixation) might be independently regulated by different abiotic and biotic factors in response to land use intensity.


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Ocean acidification (OA), caused by the dissolution of increasing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in seawater, is projected to cause significant changes to marine ecology and biogeochemistry. Potential impacts on the microbially driven cycling of nitrogen are of particular concern. Specifically, under seawater pH levels approximating future OA scenarios, rates of ammonia oxidation (the rate-limiting first step of the nitrification pathway) have been shown to dramatically decrease in seawater, but not in underlying sediments. However, no prior study has considered the interactive effects of microbial ammonia oxidation and macrofaunal bioturbation activity, which can enhance nitrogen transformation rates. Using experimental mesocosms, we investigated the responses to OA of ammonia oxidizing microorganisms inhabiting surface sediments and sediments within burrow walls of the mud shrimp Upogebia deltaura. Seawater was acidified to one of four target pH values (pHT 7.90, 7.70, 7.35 and 6.80) in comparison with a control (pHT 8.10). At pHT 8.10, ammonia oxidation rates in burrow wall sediments were, on average, fivefold greater than in surface sediments. However, at all acidified pH values (pH < = 7.90), ammonia oxidation rates in burrow sediments were significantly inhibited (by 79-97%; p < 0.01), whereas rates in surface sediments were unaffected. Both bacterial and archaeal abundances increased significantly as pHT declined; by contrast, relative abundances of bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxidation (amoA) genes did not vary. This research suggests that OA could cause substantial reductions in total benthic ammonia oxidation rates in coastal bioturbated sediments, leading to corresponding changes in coupled nitrogen cycling between the benthic and pelagic realms.


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The present dataset is part of an interdisciplinary project carried out on board the RV Southern Surveyor off New South Wales (Australia) from the 15th to the 31st October 2010. The main objective of the research voyage was to evaluate how the East Australian Current (EAC) affects the optical, chemical, physical, and biological water properties of the continental shelf and slope off the NSW coast.