961 resultados para Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli


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The basic types of hybrid PV/thermal solar system and their performance were analyzed comparatively. The research method and recent developments of PV/T system were described. This paper gave some examples of PV/T products and demonstration project. Finally, some main problems, which should be solved in R&D of PV/T system, were presented and the outlook of PV/T technology was briefly discussed.


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An electronic load interface (ELI) for improving the operational margin of a photovoltaic (PV) dual-converter system under dynamic conditions is presented. The ELI - based on a modified buck-boost converter - interfaces the output of the converters and the load system. It improves the operational margin of the PV dual-converter system by extending the conditions under which the dual-converter system operates at the maximum power point. The ELI is activated as and when needed, so as minimise system losses. By employing the ELI, utilisation and efficiency of a PV dual-converter system increases. In general, the concept of the ELI can be applied to multi-converter PV systems - such as multi-converter inverters, and multi-converter DC-DC converter systems - for performance and efficiency improvement. © 2013 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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Pico-PV is an excellent technology for bringing electric light to rural areas in the developing world and replacing kerosene lanterns and candles. However, as pico-PV is a comparatively new technology, relatively little is known about appropriate methods for sustainable product development and deployment. For this reason current dissemination methods are often ineffective and unsustainable. This research aims to help project developers deploy pico-PV technologies successfully and in a sustainable manner. To achieve this, a conceptual framework of key sustainability criteria along the value chain was developed and tested. The analysis revealed that the most important criteria for the sustainable deployment of pico-PV systems are: (a) easy and safe operation of the product; (b) that a system for product return is established; (c) the retailer understands the target market and (d) the end-user is aware of the product's existence and its benefits. This research reveals that criteria (b) and (c) are of greatest concern. In light of these findings, the authors propose to focus on the following five factors; namely: (a) raising awareness for certification and creating market reassurance; (b) introducing support mechanisms to facilitate local repair; (c) using existing supply channels and establishing in-country (dis)assembly; (d) introducing financial support mechanisms at product supply stages and; (e) undertaking marketing campaigns. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A complete set of match calculation methods for optimum sizing of PV/wind hybrid system is presented. In this method, the more accurate and practical mathematic models for characterizing PV module, wind generator and battery are adopted; combining with hourly measured meteorologic data and load data, the performance of a PV/wind hybrid system is determined on a hourly basis; by fixing the capacity of wind generators, the whole year's LPSP (loss of power supply probability) values of PV/wind hybrid systems with different capacity of PV array and battery bank are calculated, then the trade-off curve between battery bank and PV array capacity is drawn for the given LPSP value; the optimum configuration which can meet the energy demand with the minimum cost can be found by drawing a tangent to the trade-off curve with the slope representing the relationship between cost of PV module and that of the battery. According to this match calculation method, a set of match calculation programs for optimum sizing of PV/wind hybrid systems have been developed. Applying these match calculation programs to an assumed PV/wind hybrid system to be installed at Waglan island of Hong Kong, the optimum configuration and its hourly, daily, monthly and yearly performances are given. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Neste comunicado são relatados os procedimentos para a identificação molecular das quatro espécies de Xanthomonas associadas à mancha bacteriana do tomateiro.


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Flourensia campestris (FC) y F. oolepis (FO), son arbustos nativos que crecen en zonas áridas de Córdoba, formando comunidades ('chilcales') de alto valor ecológico en estos ecosistemas. Estos ambientes se hallan expuestos a diversos factores de estrés abiótico a los que las plantas se han adaptado. Esta tesis se centró en dilucidar adaptaciones morfológicas y funcionales claves que les permitan a estas especies crecer y persistir en su ambiente natural. Los estudios arquitecturales, y exo- y endomorfológicos demostraron que ambas especies comparten características xeromórficas, lo cual les confiere ventajas adaptativas. Asimismo, la presencia de Micorrizas Arbusculares (MA) y Septados Oscuros (DSE) podría aumentar la competitividad de estas especies. FC y FO mostraron plasticidad en relación a su respuesta frente a variaciones en las condiciones ambientales entre ciclos de crecimiento. Las relaciones entre la biomasa total producida por cada tipo de módulo (vegetativo y reproductivo) y la biomasa en hojas resultó positiva y significativa. El número de hojas, y el número y tamaño de las semillas fueron las variables más afectadas. La germinación está controlada por la temperatura, y la viabilidad de las semillas se relacionó con las condiciones ambientales en las que se produjeron. La viabilidad se mantuvo relativamente constante durante un año, disminuyendo luego en forma abrupta, lo cual sugiere que a campo el banco de semillas dependería de los aportes continuos de la reproducción sexual. Los extractos acuosos de hojas de FC poseen un potente efecto inhibitorio sobre la germinación y el crecimiento de Lactuca sativa, mientras que los de FO sólo afectaron el crecimiento de tallo y raíz. Mediante fraccionamiento cromatográfico bio-guiado y técnicas espectrales se aisló e identificó el (-) -ácido hamanásico A ((-) AHA), como el principal metabolito responsable del efecto fitotóxico, siendo este trabajo el primero en reportar la actividad fitotóxica de (-) AHA y su presencia en FC. En FO el (-) AHA se encuentra en muy bajas concentraciones. En ambas especies, las características descriptas, les otorgarían ventajas adaptativas para su supervivencia, aumentando la competitividad en las comunidades de las que forman parte.


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The feeding of neonate larvae of Pieris brassicae (Order Lepidoptera) on leaves of brassica plants that had been colonised by Bacillus thuringiensis resulted in the death of 35% of the population within 72 h. The bacteria Multiplied in the cadavers, resulting in an increase of about 50-fold compared to the living insects. Surviving insects showed no ill effects during the time of the study. There was negligible multiplication of B. thuringiensis in the frass. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.