699 resultados para Vietnam-China
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Schistosomiasis japonica has long been endemic in the People's Republic of China. In the 1950s, the number of the infected persons was estimated at 10 million; infected snail habitats were estimated at more than 14 billion square metres and infected cattle at 1.2 million. After schistosomiasis control measures were carried out, it was a great success. According to the survey of 1989, infected persons were estimated at 0.95 million; infected snails at 3.47 billion and infected cattle at about 0.1 million.These results compared with those of the 1950s show big reductions in prevalence rates 90.5%, 75.2% and 91.6%, respectively. At present, the disease is a threat in the marshland and lake regions and the high mountainous regions. To maintain the success achieved in effective control and to bring the yet endemic marshland and lake regions and mountainous areas under control are hard and long-term tasks confronting the People's Republic of China.
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Relações Internacionais, Especialidade de Estudos Políticos de Área
We assess the determinants of Chinese direct investment in Africa compared with those of global FDI. We find that economic size and macroeconomic stability are positively correlated with Chinese and global FDI in Africa. Institutional variables, such as accountability and rule of law, are not significant in either case and the same can be said about FDI-aid complementarities. The presence of oil is a determinant of Chinese FDI but not of global FDI into Africa. Conversely, the openness of the economy is a determinant for global FDI but not of Chinese FDI, which appears to favour closed economies possibly due to industrial organizational concerns. While these differences accord with intuition, we find no evidence for the claim that Chinese FDI in Africa is related to non-economic governance in a specific way that differs from global practice. More refined governance indicators should be used to verify whether Chinese and global FDI into Africa remain indistinguishable on this score: we plan to do this in future research.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
O Brasil tem assumido um protagonismo crescente nas Relações Internacionais, cuja importância aumentou sobremaneira desde a sua consolidação como Potência Emergente no discurso global, sendo beneficiado pela sua aproximação à China. No entanto, continuam a persistir dificuldades no seu enquadramento dentro do conceito, devido aos problemas estruturais que o país tem, como o seu atraso tecnológico, dependência na exportação de bens primários e disparidades sociais. Assim, procurámos discutir o seu enquadramento como Potência, e entender de que maneira a sua aproximação à China foi fundamental para o reconhecimento do seu estatuto como potência. Na América do Sul, o Brasil é reconhecido como Potência Regional, e foi o impulsionador da criação da mais importante organização da região, o Mercosul. Sobretudo nas últimas décadas, a mudança na política externa do país para o multilateralismo tem tido um impacto bastante benéfico para o país, com a diversificação de parcerias, e a participação em fóruns de discussão importantes, como é o exemplo dos BRICs. A nível interno, o país progrediu bastante desde o governo de Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, conseguindo retirar milhões de pessoas da pobreza extrema, expandindo significativamente a classe média. Aliado a estes fatores, o país procura abandonar a sua imagem de país subdesenvolvido e consolidar-se internacionalmente como um poder global. Exemplos importantes e que refletem o novo lugar do Brasil no mundo são a mediação Irão/Turquia, a missão do Haiti, a presidência da OMC e a persecução do lugar permanente no Conselho de Segurança. Por todo o seu potencial, o país é uma Potência Emergente, com capacidades reais de vir a tornar-se num Poder Global.
Transport is an essential sector in modern societies. It connects economic sectors and industries. Next to its contribution to economic development and social interconnection, it also causes adverse impacts on the environment and results in health hazards. Transport is a major source of ground air pollution, especially in urban areas, and therefore contributing to the health problems, such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, cancer, and physical injuries. This thesis presents the results of a health risk assessment that quantifies the mortality and the diseases associated with particulate matter pollution resulting from urban road transport in Hai Phong City, Vietnam. The focus is on the integration of modelling and GIS approaches in the exposure analysis to increase the accuracy of the assessment and to produce timely and consistent assessment results. The modelling was done to estimate traffic conditions and concentrations of particulate matters based on geo-references data. A simplified health risk assessment was also done for Ha Noi based on monitoring data that allows a comparison of the results between the two cases. The results of the case studies show that health risk assessment based on modelling data can provide a much more detail results and allows assessing health impacts of different mobility development options at micro level. The use of modeling and GIS as a common platform for the integration of different assessments (environmental, health, socio-economic, etc.) provides various strengths, especially in capitalising on the available data stored in different units and forms and allows handling large amount of data. The use of models and GIS in a health risk assessment, from a decision making point of view, can reduce the processing/waiting time while providing a view at different scales: from micro scale (sections of a city) to a macro scale. It also helps visualising the links between air quality and health outcomes which is useful discussing different development options. However, a number of improvements can be made to further advance the integration. An improved integration programme of the data will facilitate the application of integrated models in policy-making. Data on mobility survey, environmental monitoring and measuring must be standardised and legalised. Various traffic models, together with emission and dispersion models, should be tested and more attention should be given to their uncertainty and sensitivity
Currently, China has the biggest automobile industry in the world. China’s economic situation helped the automobile market, as the internal demand of passenger cars increased substantially in the last years. Chinese automobile industry’s astonishing expansion over the past years has attracted many foreign automobile groups. SEAT decided to enter the Chinese market, following its expansion strategy to enter new markets. The purpose of this study is to analyse and understand the strategic entry of SEAT in the Chinese market, hence the choice of an explanatory case study (Yin, 2003). This study extends this analysis by examining the chines automobile market, more specifically the demand, the market segmentation and the intensity of competition, reviewing the SEAT company history, their competitive positioning and resources. I conclude that, although the Chinese market has growing potential, SEAT has failed to achieve its initial objective. The company has not been able to create a brand awareness in the Chinese market, unlike other foreign brands that have managed to accomplish that. This occurred, mostly, because of the high prices in comparison to its competitors due to additional import cost, such as import duties, transportation and distribution.
This report presents a case study to be used in courses of negotiation in masters and executive programs. The case studies the topics of the coalitions´ formation and stability from a negotiation analysis perspective, linking it to value creation. Moreover, it illustrates the problem of western companies investing in the Chinese market. The methodology utilized was the construction of a negotiation case, inspired by a real negotiation in the Consumer Electronics industry. Its purpose is to illustrate the value creation problems in coalitions. It is concluded that by maximizing value creation, negotiating parties are more likely to obtain stable coalitions
Introduction The control of bacillary dysentery (BD) remains a big challenge for China. Methods Negative binomial multivariable regression was used to study relationships between meteorological variables and the occurrence of BD during the period of 2006-2012. Results Each 1°C rise of temperature corresponded to an increase of 3.60% (95%CI, 3.03% to 4.18%) in the monthly number of BD cases, whereas a 1 hPa rise in atmospheric pressure corresponded to a decrease in the number of BD cases by 2.85% (95%CI = 3.34% to 2.37% decrease). Conclusions Temperature and atmospheric pressure may be considered as predictors for the occurrence of BD in Guangzhou.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: To provide information for cervical cancer screening and vaccination in Henan province, China, the distribution of human papillomavirus (HPV) was analyzed. METHODS: The HPV genotypes were detected using gene array and flow-through hybridization. RESULTS: Overall, 38.1% (1,536/4,033) of the women were human papillomavirus deoxyribonucleic acid (HPV DNA) positive. The prevalence of high-risk HPV types was 32.4%. HPV 16 was the most prevalent genotype (8.9%), followed by HPV 52 (5.8%) and HPV 58 (4.4%). CONCLUSIONS: The data support close surveillance of women for cervical cancer screening, and HPV prophylactic vaccines including HPV16, HPV 52, and HPV 58 might offer greater protection in this area.
O objetivo deste estudo centra-se na análise e na comparação do contributo do petróleo do golfo da Guiné para a segurança energética dos EUA e da China no período 1990-2000, tendo presente a afirmação recente da região africana num quadro de escassez da matéria-prima. Foram elaborados três case studies visando caracterizar as potencialidades e riscos associados à região produtora e analisar o crescente envolvimento dos EUA e da China, através da implementação de políticas públicas conducentes à obtenção dos resultados visados e mediante o reforço da exposição da vertente empresarial. Os resultados obtidos traduziram-se no reforço do abastecimento dos EUA, mantendo uma posição ímpar perante o maior fornecedor regional, a Nigéria, enquanto a China assumiu posição de crescente relevância na região e sedimentou uma relação de grande preponderância face ao outro grande produtor, Angola. A existência de nexos de causalidade entre níveis de segurança energética e o recurso a instrumentos de políticas públicas é um domínio complexo, sendo de referir que o recurso ao economic statecraft pelos EUA, não afigura hipótese fundamentada enquanto fator explicativo das performances alcançadas por este país na região.