967 resultados para Veterinary microbiology


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This chapter describes the systematics and evolution of Pasteurellaceae with emphasis on new information generated since the 3rd edition of The Prokaryotes which only included chapters dealing with Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, and Pasteurella. A major source of new information for the current chapter has been provided by whole genome sequences now available for many taxa of the family. Some 100 species and species-like taxa have been documented and 18 genera of Pasteurellaceae reported so far. Members of the family include specialized commensals, potential pathogens, or pathogens of vertebrates and mainly survive poorly in other habitats including the external environment. The pathogenic members are of major importance to animal production and human health. Members of Pasteurellaceae have relatively small genomes, probably as a result of adaption to a special habitat. The most important species in veterinary microbiology include Pasteurella multocida, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, [Haemophilus] parasuis, Mannheimia haemolytica, Bibersteinia trehalosi, and Avibacterium paragallinarum, while Haemophilus influenzae and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans represent the most important species as to human disease. Traditional isolation techniques are still used in both human and veterinary clinical diagnostic laboratories although genetically based diagnostic methods have replaced traditional biochemical/physiological methods for characterization and identification. For all species, MALDI-TOF can now be used as a diagnostic tool. As control and if MALDI-TOF equipment is not at hand, PCR-based specific detection is possible for Pasteurella multocida, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, [Haemophilus] parasuis, Mannheimia haemolytica, Avibacterium paragallinarum, Gallibacterium anatis, Haemophilus influenzae, and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. A lot of work has been directed towards identification of virulence factors and understanding host microbe interactions involved in disease.


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Diagnostic tests based on cell-mediated immunity are used in programmes for eradication of bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis). Serological assays could be applied as ancillary methods to detect infected animals. Our objective was to evaluate two serological techniques: M. bovis Ab Test (IDEXX, USA) and Enferplex™ TB assay (Enfer, Ireland) in animals tested simultaneously with the single and comparative intradermal tests and the interferon-gamma assay. This work was performed at two stages. First, a preliminary panel of samples collected prior to intradermal tests from tuberculosis-free (n=60) and M. bovis-infected herds (n=78) was assayed, obtaining high specificity: 100% (M. bovis Ab Test) and 98.3% (Enferplex TB assay) but low sensitivity (detection of M. bovis infected animals): 23.9% (M. bovis Ab Test) and 32.6% (Enferplex TB assay). Subsequently, the use of serological techniques was further studied in two herds with M. bovis infection (n=77) using samples collected prior to, and 72 h and 15 days after PPD inoculation. The highest level of detection of infected animals for serology was achieved at 15 days post-intradermal tests taking advantage of the anamnestic effect: 70.4% and 85.2% in herd A, and 66.7% and 83.3% in herd B, using M. bovis Ab Test and Enferplex TB assay, respectively. Quantitative results (average values obtained with M. bovis Ab Test ELISA and degree of positivity obtained with Enferplex TB assay) were higher in animals showing lesions compatible with tuberculosis. No significant differences were observed in the number of confirmed infected animals detected with either serological technique.


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Listeria (L.) monocytogenes causes orally acquired infections and is of major importance in ruminants. Little is known about L. monocytogenes transmission between farm environment and ruminants. In order to determine potential sources of infection, we investigated the distribution of L. monocytogenes genetic subtypes in a sheep farm during a listeriosis outbreak by applying four subtyping methods (MALDI-TOF-MS, MLST, MLVA and PFGE). L. monocytogenes was isolated from a lamb with septicemia and from the brainstem of three sheep with encephalitis. Samples from the farm environment were screened for the presence of L. monocytogenes during the listeriosis outbreak, four weeks and eight months after. L. monocytogenes was found only in soil and water tank swabs during the outbreak. Four weeks later, following thorough cleaning of the barn, as well as eight months later, L. monocytogenes was absent in environmental samples. All environmental and clinical L. monocytogenes isolates were found to be the same strain. Our results show that the outbreak involving two different clinical syndromes was caused by a single L. monocytogenes strain and that soil and water tanks were potential infection sources during this outbreak. However, silage cannot be completely ruled out as the bales fed prior to the outbreak were not available for analysis. Faeces samples were negative, suggesting that sheep did not act as amplification hosts contributing to environmental contamination. In conclusion, farm management appears to be a crucial factor for the limitation of a listeriosis outbreak.


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Bovine viral diarrhea- and Border disease viruses of sheep belong to the highly diverse genus pestivirus of the Flaviviridae. Ruminant pestiviruses may infect a wide range of domestic and wild cloven-hooved mammals (artiodactyla). Due to its economic importance, programs to eradicate bovine viral diarrhea are a high priority in the cattle industry. By contrast, Border disease is not a target of eradication, although the Border disease virus is known to be capable of also infecting cattle. In this work, we compared single dose experimental inoculation of calves with Border disease virus with co-mingling of calves with sheep persistently infected with this virus. As indicated by seroconversion, infection was achieved only in one out of seven calves with a dose of Border disease virus that was previously shown to be successful in calves inoculated with BVD virus. By contrast, all calves kept together with persistently infected sheep readily became infected with Border disease virus. The ease of viral transmission from sheep to cattle and the antigenic similarity of bovine and ovine pestiviruses may become a problem for demonstrating freedom of BVD by serology in the cattle population.


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The ribonuclease activity of the soluble glycoprotein E(rns) of pestiviruses represents a unique mechanism to circumvent the host's innate immune system by blocking interferon type-I synthesis in response to extracellularly added single- (ss) and double-stranded (ds) RNA. However, the reason why pestiviruses encode a ribonuclease in addition to the abundant serum RNases remained elusive. Here, we show that the 5' UTR and NS5B regions of various strains of the RNA genome of the pestivirus bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) are resistant to serum RNases and are potent TLR-3 agonists. Inhibitory activity of E(rns) was restricted to cleavable RNA products, and did not extend to the synthetic TLR-7/8 agonist R-848. RNA complexed with the antimicrobial peptide LL37 was protected from degradation by E(rns)in vitro but was fully inhibited by E(rns) in its ability to induce IFN in cell cultures, suggesting that the viral protein is mainly active in cleaving RNA in an intracellular compartment. We propose that secreted E(rns) represents a potent IFN antagonist, which degrades viral RNA that is resistant to the ubiquitous host RNases in the extracellular space. Thus, the viral RNase prevents its own pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) to inadvertently activate the IFN response that might break innate immunotolerance required for persistent pestivirus infections.


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Listeria (L.) monocytogenes is an environmental bacterium that may become an intracellular pathogen upon ingestion to cause gastroenteritis, septicaemia, abortions, and/or fatal infections of the central nervous system. We here describe a L. monocytogenes field strain (JF5171) isolated from a bovine placenta in the context of abortion, which exhibited attenuation in bovine brain-slice cultures. The whole genome of strain JF5171 was sequenced, and the invasion, replication, and intercellular spread of JF5171 were further analyzed by quantification of colony forming units and immunofluorescence studies. Phospholipase and hemolysis activity of JF5171 were also quantified along with transcription levels of actA, hly and prfA. The data obtained were compared to those of the widely used L. monocytogenes reference strain, EGD-e. JF5171 exhibited reduced replication and lower levels of phospholipase and hemolysis activity. Invasion and cell-to-cell spread was strongly decreased compared to EGD-e, and actin polymerization was absent. A frame shift deletion was identified in the JF5171 coding region of the major regulator for virulence, prfA. This resulted in a truncated C-terminus sequence (WEN* vs. WGKLN*). In addition, a point mutation resulted in a lysine to arginine substitution at amino acid position 197. Complementation with prfA from EGD-e and with (EGD-e) prfA-K197N increased the replication and spread efficiency of JF5171. In contrast, complementation with the truncated version of prfA had no effect. Taken together, these results suggest that the truncated C-terminus of prfA considerably contributes to the strongly attenuated phenotype observed in vitro.


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Schmallenberg virus (SBV), an arthropod-borne orthobunyavirus was first detected in 2011 in cattle suffering from diarrhea and fever. The most severe impact of an SBV infection is the induction of malformations in newborns and abortions. Between 2011 and 2013 SBV spread throughout Europe in an unprecedented epidemic wave. SBV contains a tripartite genome consisting of the three negative-sense RNA segments L, M, and S. The virus is usually isolated from clinical samples by inoculation of KC (insect) or BHK-21 (mammalian) cells. Several virus passages are required to allow adaptation of SBV to cells in vitro. In the present study, the porcine SK-6 cell line was used for isolation and passaging of SBV. SK-6 cells proved to be more sensitive to SBV infection and allowed to produce higher titers more rapidly as in BHK-21 cells after just one passage. No adaptation was required. In order to determine the in vivo genetic stability of SBV during an epidemic spread of the virus the nucleotide sequence of the genome from seven SBV field isolates collected in summer 2012 in Switzerland was determined and compared to other SBV sequences available in GenBank. A total of 101 mutations, mostly transitions randomly dispersed along the L and M segment were found when the Swiss isolates were compared to the first SBV isolated late 2011 in Germany. However, when these mutations were studied in detail, a previously described hypervariable region in the M segment was identified. The S segment was completely conserved among all sequenced SBV isolates. To assess the in vitro genetic stability of SBV, three isolates were passage 10 times in SK-6 cells and sequenced before and after passaging. Between two and five nt exchanges per genome were found. This low in vitro mutation rate further demonstrates the suitability of SK-6 cells for SBV propagation.


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Bovine mycoplasmosis due to Mycoplasma bovis causes several important bovine diseases such as pneumonia, mastitis, arthritis, otitis, genital disorders or keratoconjunctivitis. Variable surface lipoproteins, adhesion, invasion of host cells, modulation of the host immune system, biofilm formation and the release of secondary metabolites like hydrogen peroxide, as well as synergistic infections with other bacterial or viral pathogens are among the more significantly studied characteristics of the bacterium. The aim of this review is to summarize the current knowledge regarding the virulence of M. bovis and additionally, factors contributing to the dissemination and persistence of this pathogen in the bovine host will be discussed.


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Mycoplasma bovis is an emerging bacterial agent causing bovine mastitis. Although these cell wall-free bacteria lack classical virulence factors, they are able to activate the immune system of the host. However, effects on the bovine mammary immune system are not yet well characterized and detailed knowledge would improve the prevention and therapy of mycoplasmal mastitis. The aim of this study was to investigate the immunogenic effects of M. bovis on the mammary gland in an established primary bovine mammary epithelial cell (bMEC) culture system. Primary bMEC of four different cows were challenged with live and heat-inactivated M. bovis strain JF4278 isolated from acute bovine mastitis, as well as with the type strain PG45. The immune response was evaluated 6 and 24h after mycoplasmal challenge by measuring the relative mRNA expression of selected immune factors by quantitative PCR. M. bovis triggered an immune response in bMEC, reflected by the upregulation of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin(IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-8, lactoferrin, Toll-like receptor-2, RANTES, and serum amyloid A mRNA. Interestingly, this cellular reaction was only observed in response to live, but not to heat-inactivated M. bovis, in contrast to other bacterial pathogens of mastitis such as Staphylococcus aureus. This study provides evidence that bMEC exhibit a strong inflammatory reaction in response to live M. bovis. The lack of a cellular response to heat-inactivated M. bovis supports the current hypothesis that mycoplasmas activate the immune system through secreted secondary metabolites.


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Knowledge about the dynamics of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in pigs lacks detail at the level of individual animal. The aim of our study was therefore to determine the colonisation status of MRSA in individual pigs from birth to slaughter in order to gain a better understanding of substantial factors involved in transmission. Two farrow-to-finish and two grow-to-finish herds were included in the study. A total of 1728 nasal swabs from 390 pigs and 592 environmental wipes were collected at 11 different time points. Intermittent colonisation throughout the entire production cycle was conspicuous in the tracking of MRSA in individual pigs. Almost all pigs from a MRSA-positive herd changed MRSA status several times, which implies that pigs are transiently rather than permanently colonised. We highly recommend the definition of MRSA status at herd level rather that at the level of the individual pig when considering prevention measures against MRSA. Therefore, to avoid the further spread of MRSA in countries with moderate prevalence, such as in Switzerland, defining farms as MRSA positive or MRSA negative and allowing the trade of pigs only within herds of the same status seems feasible. This will also be important for combating the further dissemination of livestock-associated (LA)-MRSA into healthcare facilities and the community via humans who have close contact with animals.


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Mycoplasma bovis is a highly contagious bacterium, which predominantly causes chronic pneumonia, otitis and arthritis in calves and mastitis in adult cattle. In humans, Mycoplasma species have been associated with post-surgical infections. The present study aimed to identify the bacteria associated with three outbreaks of infected seromas after caesarian section in Belgian Blue beef cattle. A total of 10 cases occurred in three herds which were in close proximity of each other and shared the same veterinary practice. M. bovis could be cultured from seroma fluid in five of the six referred animals, mostly in pure culture and was isolated from multiple chronic sites of infection (arthritis and mastitis) as well. DNA fingerprinting of the isolates targeting two insertion sequence elements suggested spread of M. bovis from chronic sites of infection (udder and joints) to the postsurgical seromas. Identical genetic profiles were demonstrated in two animals from two separate farms, suggesting spread between farms. Mortality rate in the referred animals positive for M. bovis in a seroma was 80% (4/5), despite intensive treatment. A massive increase in antimicrobial use was observed in every affected farm. These observations demonstrate involvement of mycoplasmas in outbreaks of postsurgical seromas in cattle.


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Mycoplasma hyorhinis is a common inhabitant of the upper respiratory tract and tonsils of pigs. Its role as a possible pathogen remains controversial. In order to gain more insight into the epidemiology and population structure of M. hyorhinis we genetically characterized 60 isolates by multi locus sequence typing (MLST). The M. hyorhinis strains originated from Swiss and German pig herds with knowledge on the clinical background. The MLST scheme of Tocqueville et al. (J. Clin. Microbiol. 2014) was optimized, primers for the six MLST gene fragments were newly designed to allow amplification and sequencing with a single protocol. A total of 27 ST were observed with the 60 strains, 26 of those were previously unknown types. Generally identical genotypes were observed within a farm but they differed between farms. The identical genotype was also observed in three different Swiss farms. On the other Hand different genotypes within a farm were found with three German farms. The Swiss isolates formed a distinct cluster but otherwise there was no geographical nor a clinical association with specific Clusters observed. Data shows a high variability of M. hyorhinis comparable to what is observed for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Similar to this pathogen the population structure of M. hyorhinis also shows some limited clonality with predominant genotypes within an animal and a single farm but different ones between farms. The comparable population structure of M. hyopneumoniae and M. hyorhinis could indicate a similar evolution of the two species in the common pig host.


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The DNA sequence of the chromosomal gene cluster encoding the SEF14 fimbriae of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis was determined. Five contiguous open reading frames, sefABCDE, were identified. The sefE gene shared significant homology with araC-like positive regulators. Serovar-associated virulence plasmid (SAP) genes orf7,8,9 and pefI were identified immediately adjacent to the sef operon. The pefI gene encoded a putative regulator of the Plasmid-encoded fimbrial antigen (PEF) expression. The entire sef--pef region, flanked by two IS-like elements, was inserted adjacent to leuX that encoded a transfer RNA molecule. The organisation of this region was suggestive of a classic pathogenicity islet. Southern hybridisation confirmed two copies of the SAP derived orf7,8,9 and pefI region in S. Enteritidis, one in the chromosome and one on the SAP. Of other group D Salmonella, only S. Blegdam and S. Moscow harboured both chromosomal and plasmid copies of pefI--orf9 region although polymorphism was evident.


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The isolation of spirochetes from severe ovine foot disease has been reported recently by our research group. In this study we describe the preliminary classification of this spirochete based on nucleotide sequence analysis of the PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene. Phylogenetic analysis of this sequence in comparison with other previously reported 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that the spirochete belonged to the treponemal phylotype Treponema vincentii which has been associated with bovine digital dermatitis and human periodontal disease. Further work is required to define the common virulence determinants of these closely related treponemes in the aetiology of these tissue destructive diseases.


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A significant gap, in not only peramelid nutritional physiology but marsupial nutrition as a whole, is the lack of information relating to microorganisms of the gastrointestinal tract. This research is a preliminary investigation that will provide a baseline for comparisons among peramelids. The high degree of 16S rRNA gene clones identified in this research that are closely related to culturable bacteria suggests that additional research will enable a more complete description of the gastrointestinal bacteria of I. macrourus. Most identifiable clones belonged to Clostridium and Ruminococcus. This research has confirmed that the hindgut of I. macrourus, the caecum, proximal colon and distal colon, are the main sites for microbial activity.