993 resultados para V-173, Theodorsen, ipersostentatori, vortex generator, slot


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In this work we investigate the dynamics of vortices in a square mesoscopic superconductor. As time evolves we show how the vortices are nucleated into the sample to form a multivortex, single vortex, and giant vortex states. We illustrate how the vortices move around at the transition fields before they accommodate into an equilibrium configuration. We also calculate the magnetization and the free energy as functions of the applied magnetic field for several values of temperature. In addition, we evaluate the upper critical field.


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We considered a system of two vortex lines running in different directions with their average vortex direction making an arbitrary angle theta with respect to the crystal c axis. The free energy of this system is calculated as a function of the relative angle 2 alpha between the two inclined vortex lines with respect to each other. For sufficiently high anisotropy, it is shown that, as the induction is tilted away from the crystal c axis (theta not equal 0), the inclined vortex lines (alpha not equal 0) suddenly becomes more stable than that with parallel vortex lines (alpha = 0). While theta is increased, the system continuously changes towards the parallel configuration before the angle theta approaches 90 degrees.


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The scheme named generator coordinate Hartree-Fock method (GCHF) is used to build (22s14p) and (33s22p16d9f) gaussian basis sets to S ((3)P) and Pt ((3)D) atoms, respectively. Theses basis sets are contracted to [13s10p] and [19s13p9d5f] through of Dunning's segmented contraction scheme and are enriched with d and g polarization functions, [13s10p1d] and [19s13p9d5flg]. Finally, the [19s13p9d5f1g] basis Set to Pt ((3)D) was supplemented with s and d diffuse functions, [20s13p10d5flg], and used in combination with [13s10p1d] to study the effects of adsorption of S ((3)D) atom on a pt ((3)D) atom belonged to infinite Pt (200) surface. Atom-atom overlap population, bond order, and infrared spectrum of [pt(_)S](2 -) were calculated properties and were carried out at Hartree-Fock-Roothaan level. The results indicate that the process of adsorption of S ((3)P) on pt ((3)D) in the infinite Pt (200) surface is mainly caused by a strong contribution of sigma between the 3p(z) orbital of S ((3)P) and the 6s orbital of pt ((3)D). (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a new expert system: a constraints generator for structure determination of natural products. The constraints that the system furnishes are: skeleton (reliability: 95%), large substructures (reliability: 98%) and their associated assignments (reliability: 90%) This system is intended for structure determination of carbon-rich compounds (sesqui-, di- and triterpenes, sterols etc.) for which most structures generators are not very effective. We also present a new algorithm that can avoid the combinatorial explosion during subspectrum/substructure analysis.


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In the present work we study an anisotropic layered superconducting film of finite thickness. The film surfaces are considered parallel to the be face of the crystal. The vortex lines are oriented perpendicular to the film surfaces and parallel to the superconducting planes. We calculate the local field and the London free energy for this geometry. Our calculation is a generalization of previous works where the sample is taken as a semi-infinite superconductor. As an application of this theory we investigate the flux spreading at the super conducting surface.


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The Generator Coordinate Hartree-Fock (GCHF) method is employed to generate uncontracted 15s and 18s11p gaussian basis sets for the H, C and O atoms, respectively. These basis sets are then contracted to 3s and 4s H atom and 6s5p, for C and O atoms by a standard procedure. For quality evaluation of contracted basis sets in molecular calculations, we have accomplished calculations of total and orbital energies in the Hartree-Fock-Roothaaii (HFR) approach for CH, C(2) and CO molecules. The results obtained with the uncontracted basis sets are compared with values obtained with the standard D95, 6-311G basis sets and with values reported in the literature. The 4s and 6s5p basis sets are enriched with polarization and diffuse functions for atoms of the parent neutral systems and of the enolates anions (cycloheptanone enolate, 2,5-dimethyleyelopentanone enolate, 4-heptanone enolate, and di-isopropyl ketone enolate) from the literature, in order to assess their performance in ab initio molecular calculations, and applied for calculations of electron affinities of the enolates. The calculations were performed at the DFT (BLYP and B3LYP) and HF levels and compared with the corresponding experimental values and with those obtained by using other 6-3 1 + +G((*)) and 6-311 + +G((*)) basis sets from literature. For the enolates studied, the differences between the electron affinities obtained with GCHF basis sets, at the B3LYP level, and the experimental values are -0.001, -0,014, -0.001, and -0.001 eV. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied the effects of niobium beam filtration on absorbed doses, on image density and contrast, and on photon spectra with conventional and high-frequency dental x-ray generators. Added niobium reduced entry and superficial absorbed doses in periapical radiography by 9% to 40% with film and digital image receptors, decreased the radiation necessary to produce a given image density on E-speed film and reduced image contrast on D- and E-speed films. As shown by increased half-value layers for aluminum, titanium, and copper and by pulse-height analyses of beam spectra, niobium increased average beam energy by 6% to 19%. Despite the benefits of adding niobium on patient dose reduction and on narrowing the beams' energy spectra, the beam can be overhardened. Adding niobium, therefore, strikes the best balance between radiation dose reduction and beam attenuation, with its risks of increased exposure times, motion blur, and diminished image contrast, when it is used at modest thicknesses (30 μm) and at lower kVp (70) settings. © 1995 Mosby-Year Book, Inc.


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Two distinct expressions of the interaction potential between arbitrarily oriented curved vortex lines with respect to the crystal c axis are derived within the London approximation. One of these expressions is used to compute the eigenvalues of the elasticity matrix. We examine the elastic properties of the vortex chain lattice, recently proposed, concerning shearing deformation.


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We investigate the flux penetration patterns and matching fields of a long cylindrical wire of circular cross section in the presence of an external magnetic field. For this study we write the London theory for a long cylinder both for the mixed and Meissner states, with boundary conditions appropriate for this geometry. Using the Monte Carlo simulated annealing method, the free energy of the mixed state is minimized with respect to the vortex position and we obtain the ground state of the vortex lattice for N=3 up to 18 vortices. The free energy of the Meissner and mixed states provides expressions for the matching fields. We find that, as in the case of samples of different geometry, the finite-size effect provokes a delay on the vortex penetration and a vortex accumulation in the center of the sample. The vortex patterns obtained are in good agreement with experimental results.


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Group theoretical-based techniques and fundamental results from number theory are used in order to allow for the construction of exact projectors in finite-dimensional spaces. These operators are shown to make use only of discrete variables, which play the role of discrete generator coordinates, and their application in the number symmetry restoration is carried out in a nuclear BCS wave function which explicitly violates that symmetry. © 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A numerical study of the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation for an axially symmetric trap to obtain insight into the free expansion of vortex states of BEC is presented. As such, the ratio of vortex-core radius to radia rms radius xc/xrms(<1) is found to play an interesting role in the free expansion of condensed vortex states. the larger this ratio, the more prominent is the vortex core and the easier is the possibility of experimental detection of vortex states.


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The dynamics of small repulsive Bose-Einstein condensed vortex states of 85Rb atoms in a cylindrical traps with low angular momentum was studied. The time-dependent mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii equation was used for the study. The condensates collapsed and atoms ejected via explosion and a remnant condensate with a smaller number of atoms emerges that survived for a long time.


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Using the explicit numerical solution of the axially symmetric Gross-Pitaevskii equation we study the dynamics of interaction among vortex solitons in a rotating matter-wave bright soliton train in a radially trapped and axially free Bose-Einstein condensate to understand certain features of the experiment by Strecker et al (2002 Nature 417 150). In a soliton train, solitons of opposite phase (phase δ = π) repel and stay apart without changing shape; solitons with δ = 0 attract, interact and coalesce, but eventually come out; solitons with a general δ usually repel but interact inelastically by exchanging matter. We study this and suggest future experiments with vortex solitons.


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We suggest the possibility of observing and studying bright vortex solitons in attractive Bose-Einstein condensates in three dimensions with a radial trap. Such systems lie on the verge of critical stability and we discuss the conditions of their stability. We study the interaction between two such solitons. Unlike the text-book solitons in one dimension, the interaction between two radially trapped and axially free three-dimensional solitons is inelastic in nature and involves exchange of particles and deformation in shape. The interaction remains repulsive for all phase δ between them except for δ ≈ 0.


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We present a simple mathematical model of a wind turbine supporting tower. Here, the wind excitation is considered to be a non-ideal power source. In such a consideration, there is interaction between the energy supply and the motion of the supporting structure. If power is not enough, the rotation of the generator may get stuck at a resonance frequency of the structure. This is a manifestation of the so-called Sommerfeld Effect. In this model, at first, only two degrees of freedom are considered, the horizontal motion of the upper tip of the tower, in the transverse direction to the wind, and the generator rotation. Next, we add another degree of freedom, the motion of a free rolling mass inside a chamber. Its impact with the walls of the chamber provides control of both the amplitude of the tower vibration and the width of the band of frequencies in which the Sommerfeld effect occur. Some numerical simulations are performed using the equations of motion of the models obtained via a Lagrangian approach.