14 resultados para V-173, Theodorsen, ipersostentatori, vortex generator, slot

em CaltechTHESIS


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A series of experiments was conducted on the use of a device to passively generate vortex rings, henceforth a passive vortex generator (PVG). The device is intended as a means of propulsion for underwater vehicles, as the use of vortex rings has been shown to decrease the fuel consumption of a vehicle by up to 40% Ruiz (2010).

The PVG was constructed out of a collapsible tube encased in a rigid, airtight box. By adjusting the pressure within the airtight box while fluid was flowing through the tube, it was possible to create a pulsed jet with vortex rings via self-excited oscillations of the collapsible tube.

A study of PVG integration into an existing autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) system was conducted. A small AUV was used to retrofit a PVG with limited alterations to the original vehicle. The PVG-integrated AUV was used for self-propelled testing to measure the hydrodynamic (Froude) efficiency of the system. The results show that the PVG-integrated AUV had a 22% increase in the Froude efficiency using a pulsed jet over a steady jet. The maximum increase in the Froude efficiency was realized when the formation time of the pulsed jet, a nondimensional time to characterize vortex ring formation, was coincident with vortex ring pinch-off. This is consistent with previous studies that indicate that the maximization of efficiency for a pulsed jet vehicle is realized when the formation of vortex rings maximizes the vortex ring energy and size.

The other study was a parameter study of the physical dimensions of a PVG. This study was conducted to determine the effect of the tube diameter and length on the oscillation characteristics such as the frequency. By changing the tube diameter and length by factors of 3, the frequency of self-excited oscillations was found to scale as f~D_0^{-1/2} L_0^0, where D_0 is the tube diameter and L_0 the tube length. The mechanism of operation is suggested to rely on traveling waves between the tube throat and the end of the tube. A model based on this mechanism yields oscillation frequencies that are within the range observed by the experiment.


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Six topics in incompressible, inviscid fluid flow involving vortex motion are presented. The stability of the unsteady flow field due to the vortex filament expanding under the influence of an axial compression is examined in the first chapter as a possible model of the vortex bursting observed in aircraft contrails. The filament with a stagnant core is found to be unstable to axisymmetric disturbances. For initial disturbances with the form of axisymmetric Kelvin waves, the filament with a uniformly rotating core is neutrally stable, but the compression causes the disturbance to undergo a rapid increase in amplitude. The time at which the increase occurs is, however, later than the observed bursting times, indicating the bursting phenomenon is not caused by this type of instability.

In the second and third chapters the stability of a steady vortex filament deformed by two-dimensional strain and shear flows, respectively, is examined. The steady deformations are in the plane of the vortex cross-section. Disturbances which deform the filament centerline into a wave which does not propagate along the filament are shown to be unstable and a method is described to calculate the wave number and corresponding growth rate of the amplified waves for a general distribution of vorticity in the vortex core.

In Chapter Four exact solutions are constructed for two-dimensional potential flow over a wing with a free ideal vortex standing over the wing. The loci of positions of the free vortex are found and the lift is calculated. It is found that the lift on the wing can be significantly increased by the free vortex.

The two-dimensional trajectories of an ideal vortex pair near an orifice are calculated in Chapter Five. Three geometries are examined, and the criteria for the vortices to travel away from the orifice are determined.

Finally, Chapter Six reproduces completely the paper, "Structure of a linear array of hollow vortices of finite cross-section," co-authored with G. R. Baker and P. G. Saffman. Free streamline theory is employed to construct an exact steady solution for a linear array of hollow, or stagnant cored vortices. If each vortex has area A and the separation is L, then there are two possible shapes if A^(1/2)/L is less than 0.38 and none if it is larger. The stability of the shapes to two-dimensional, periodic and symmetric disturbances is considered for hollow vortices. The more deformed of the two possible shapes is found to be unstable, while the less deformed shape is stable.


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This thesis covers four different problems in the understanding of vortex sheets, and these are presented in four chapters.

In Chapter 1, free streamline theory is used to determine the steady solutions of an array of identical, hollow or stagnant core vortices in an inviscid, incompressible fluid. Assuming the array is symmetric to rotation through π radians about an axis through any vortex centre, there are two solutions or no solutions depending on whether A^(1/2)/L is less than or greater than 0.38 where A is the area of the vortex and L is the separation distance. Stability analysis shows that the more deformed shape is unstable to infinitesimal symmetric disturbances which leave the centres of the vortices undisplaced.

Chapter 2 is concerned with the roll-up of vortex sheets in homogeneous fluid. The flow over conventional and ring wings is used to test the method of Fink and Soh (1974). Despite modifications which improve the accuracy of the method, unphysical results occur. A possible explanation for this is that small scales are important and an alternate method based on "Cloud-in-Cell" techniques is introduced. The results show small scale growth and amalgamation into larger structures.

The motion of a buoyant pair of line vortices of opposite circulation is considered in Chapter 3. The density difference between the fluid carried by the vortices and the fluid outside is considered small, so that the Boussinesq approximation may be used. A macroscopic model is developed which shows the formation of a detrainment filament and this is included as a modification to the model. The results agree well with the numerical solution as developed by Hill (1975b) and show that after an initial slowdown, the vortices begin to accelerate downwards.

Chapter 4 reproduces completely a paper that has already been published (Baker, Barker, Bofah and Saffman (1974)) on the effect of "vortex wandering" on the measurement of velocity profiles of the trailing vortices behind a wing.


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The material presented in this thesis concerns the growth and characterization of III-V semiconductor heterostructures. Studies of the interactions between bound states in coupled quantum wells and between well and barrier bound states in AlAs/GaAs heterostructures are presented. We also demonstrate the broad array of novel tunnel structures realizable in the InAs/GaSb/AlSb material system. Because of the unique broken-gap band alignment of InAs/GaSb these structures involve transport between the conduction- and valence-bands of adjacent layers. These devices possess a wide range of electrical properties and are fundamentally different from conventional AlAs/GaAs tunnel devices. We report on the fabrication of a novel tunnel transistor with the largest reported room temperature current gains. We also present time-resolved studies of the growth fronts of InAs/GainSb strained layer superlattices and investigations of surface anion exchange reactions.

Chapter 2 covers tunneling studies of conventional AlAs/GaAs RTD's. The results of two studies are presented: (i) A test of coherent vs. sequential tunneling in triple barrier heterostructures, (ii) An optical measurement of the effect of barrier X-point states on Γ-point well states. In the first it was found if two quantum wells are separated by a sufficiently thin barrier, then the eigenstates of the system extend coherently across both wells and the central barriers. For thicker barriers between the wells, the electrons become localized in the individual wells and transport is best described by the electrons hopping between the wells. In the second, it was found that Γ-point well states and X-point barrier states interact strongly. The barrier X-point states modify the energies of the well states and increase the escape rate for carriers in the quantum well.

The results of several experimental studies of a novel class of tunnel devices realized in the InAs/GaSb/AlSb material system are presented in Chapter 3. These interband tunnel structures involve transport between conduction- and valence-band states in adjacent material layers. These devices are compared and contrasted with the conventional AlAs/GaAs structures discussed in Chapter 2 and experimental results are presented for both resonant and nonresonant devices. These results are compared with theoretical simulations and necessary extensions to the theoretical models are discussed.

In chapter 4 experimental results from a novel tunnel transistor are reported. The measured current gains in this transistor exceed 100 at room temperature. This is the highest reported gain at room temperature for any tunnel transistor. The device is analyzed and the current conduction and gain mechanisms are discussed.

Chapters 5 and 6 are studies of the growth of structures involving layers with different anions. Chapter 5 covers the growth of InAs/GainSb superlattices for far infrared detectors and time resolved, in-situ studies of their growth fronts. It was found that the bandgap of superlattices with identical layer thicknesses and compositions varied by as much as 40 meV depending on how their internal interfaces are formed. The absorption lengths in superlattices with identical bandgaps but whose interfaces were formed in different ways varied by as much as a factor of two. First the superlattice is discussed including an explanation of the device and the complications involved in its growth. The experimental technique of reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) is reviewed, and the results of RHEED studies of the growth of these complicated structures are presented. The development of a time resolved, in-situ characterization of the internal interfaces of these superlattices is described. Chapter 6 describes the result of a detailed study of some of the phenomena described in chapter 5. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies of anion exchange reactions on the growth fronts of these superlattices are reported. Concurrent RHEED studies of the same physical systems studied with XPS are presented. Using the RHEED and XPS results, a real-time, indirect measurement of surface exchange reactions was developed.


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Vortex rings constitute the main structure in the wakes of a wide class of swimming and flying animals, as well as in cardiac flows and in the jets generated by some moss and fungi. However, there is a physical limit, determined by an energy maximization principle called the Kelvin-Benjamin principle, to the size that axisymmetric vortex rings can achieve. The existence of this limit is known to lead to the separation of a growing vortex ring from the shear layer feeding it, a process known as `vortex pinch-off', and characterized by the dimensionless vortex formation number. The goal of this thesis is to improve our understanding of vortex pinch-off as it relates to biological propulsion, and to provide future researchers with tools to assist in identifying and predicting pinch-off in biological flows.

To this end, we introduce a method for identifying pinch-off in starting jets using the Lagrangian coherent structures in the flow, and apply this criterion to an experimentally generated starting jet. Since most naturally occurring vortex rings are not circular, we extend the definition of the vortex formation number to include non-axisymmetric vortex rings, and find that the formation number for moderately non-axisymmetric vortices is similar to that of circular vortex rings. This suggests that naturally occurring vortex rings may be modeled as axisymmetric vortex rings. Therefore, we consider the perturbation response of the Norbury family of axisymmetric vortex rings. This family is chosen to model vortex rings of increasing thickness and circulation, and their response to prolate shape perturbations is simulated using contour dynamics. Finally, the response of more realistic models for vortex rings, constructed from experimental data using nested contours, to perturbations which resemble those encountered by forming vortices more closely, is simulated using contour dynamics. In both families of models, a change in response analogous to pinch-off is found as members of the family with progressively thicker cores are considered. We posit that this analogy may be exploited to understand and predict pinch-off in complex biological flows, where current methods are not applicable in practice, and criteria based on the properties of vortex rings alone are necessary.


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A concise synthetic route to the tunicamycin antibiotics is described, illustrated by the preparation of (+)-tunicamycin-V (1-V). Key features of the synthesis include: (1) the development and application of a silicon-mediated reductive coupling of aldehydes and allylic alcohols to construct the undecose core of the natural product; and (2) the development of an efficient procedure for the synthesis of the trehalose glycosidic bond within the antibiotic. These innovations allow for the coupling of a uridine-derived aldehyde fragment with a preformed trehalose-linked disaccharide allylic alcohol to form the carbohydrate core (1) of the natural product in a highly convergent manner. The resultant amino polyol is a versatile intermediate for the synthesis of any of the homologous tunicamycin antibiotics.


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This thesis details the investigations of the unconventional low-energy quasiparticle excitations in electron-type cuprate superconductors and electron-type ferrous superconductors as well as the electronic properties of Dirac fermions in graphene and three-dimensional strong topological insulators through experimental studies using spatially resolved scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) experiments.

Magnetic-field- and temperature-dependent evolution of the spatially resolved quasiparticle spectra in the electron-type cuprate La0.1Sr0.9CuO2 (La-112) TC = 43 K, are investigated experimentally. For temperature (T) less than the superconducting transition temperature (TC), and in zero field, the quasiparticle spectra of La-112 exhibits gapped behavior with two coherence peaks and no satellite features. For magnetic field measurements at T < TC, first ever observation of vortices in La-112 are reported. Moreover, pseudogap-like spectra are revealed inside the core of vortices, where superconductivity is suppressed. The intra-vortex pseudogap-like spectra are characterized by an energy gap of VPG = 8.5 ± 0.6 meV, while the inter-vortex quasiparticle spectra shows larger peak-to-peak gap values characterized by Δpk-pk(H) >VPG, and Δpk-pk (0)=12.2 ± 0.8 meV > Δpk-pk (H > 0). The quasiparticle spectra are found to be gapped at all locations up to the highest magnetic field examined (H = 6T) and reveal an apparent low-energy cutoff at the VPG energy scale.

Magnetic-field- and temperature-dependent evolution of the spatially resolved quasiparticle spectra in the electron-type "122" iron-based Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 are investigated for multiple doping levels (x = 0.06, 0.08, 0.12 with TC= 14 K, 24 K, and 20 K). For all doping levels and the T < TC, two-gap superconductivity is observed. Both superconducting gaps decrease monotonically in size with increasing temperature and disappear for temperatures above the superconducting transition temperature, TC. Magnetic resonant modes that follow the temperature dependence of the superconducting gaps have been identified in the tunneling quasiparticle spectra. Together with quasiparticle interference (QPI) analysis and magnetic field studies, this provides strong evidence for two-gap sign-changing s-wave superconductivity.

Additionally spatial scanning tunneling spectroscopic studies are performed on mechanically exfoliated graphene and chemical vapor deposition grown graphene. In all cases lattice strain exerts a strong influence on the electronic properties of the sample. In particular topological defects give rise to pseudomagnetic fields (B ~ 50 Tesla) and charging effects resulting in quantized conductance peaks associated with the integer and fractional Quantum Hall States.

Finally, spectroscopic studies on the 3D-STI, Bi2Se3 found evidence of impurity resonance in the surface state. The impurities are in the unitary limit and the spectral resonances are localized spatially to within ~ 0.2 nm of the impurity. The spectral weight of the impurity resonance diverges as the Fermi energy approaches the Dirac point and the rapid recovery of the surface state suggests robust topological protection against perturbations that preserve time reversal symmetry.


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The relentlessly increasing demand for network bandwidth, driven primarily by Internet-based services such as mobile computing, cloud storage and video-on-demand, calls for more efficient utilization of the available communication spectrum, as that afforded by the resurging DSP-powered coherent optical communications. Encoding information in the phase of the optical carrier, using multilevel phase modulationformats, and employing coherent detection at the receiver allows for enhanced spectral efficiency and thus enables increased network capacity. The distributed feedback semiconductor laser (DFB) has served as the near exclusive light source powering the fiber optic, long-haul network for over 30 years. The transition to coherent communication systems is pushing the DFB laser to the limits of its abilities. This is due to its limited temporal coherence that directly translates into the number of different phases that can be imparted to a single optical pulse and thus to the data capacity. Temporal coherence, most commonly quantified in the spectral linewidth Δν, is limited by phase noise, result of quantum-mandated spontaneous emission of photons due to random recombination of carriers in the active region of the laser.

In this work we develop a generically new type of semiconductor laser with the requisite coherence properties. We demonstrate electrically driven lasers characterized by a quantum noise-limited spectral linewidth as low as 18 kHz. This narrow linewidth is result of a fundamentally new laser design philosophy that separates the functions of photon generation and storage and is enabled by a hybrid Si/III-V integration platform. Photons generated in the active region of the III-V material are readily stored away in the low loss Si that hosts the bulk of the laser field, thereby enabling high-Q photon storage. The storage of a large number of coherent quanta acts as an optical flywheel, which by its inertia reduces the effect of the spontaneous emission-mandated phase perturbations on the laser field, while the enhanced photon lifetime effectively reduces the emission rate of incoherent quanta into the lasing mode. Narrow linewidths are obtained over a wavelength bandwidth spanning the entire optical communication C-band (1530-1575nm) at only a fraction of the input power required by conventional DFB lasers. The results presented in this thesis hold great promise for the large scale integration of lithographically tuned, high-coherence laser arrays for use in coherent communications, that will enable Tb/s-scale data capacities.


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The excited-state properties of trans-ReO2(py)4+ (ReO2+) in acetonitrile solution have been investigated. The excited-state absorption spectrum of ReO2+ is dominated by bleaching of the ground state MLCT and d-d systems. The reduction potential of ReO22+/+* is estimated from emission and electrochemical data to be -0.7 V (SSCE). The ReO2+ excited state efficiently reduces methylviologen and other pyridinium and olefin acceptors. The resulting Re(VI) species oxidizes secondary alcohols and silanes. Acetophenone is the product of sec-phenethyl alcohol oxidation.

The emission properties of ReO2+ in aqueous solutions of anionic and nonionic surfactants have been investigated. The emission and absorption maxima of ReO2+ are dependent on the water content of its environment. Emission lifetimes vary over four orders of magnitude upon shifting from aqueous to nonaqueous environments. The emission lifetime has a large (8.6) isotope effect (k(H2O)/k(D2O)) that reflects its sensitivity towards the environment. These properties have been used to develop a model for the interactions of ReO2+ with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). A hydrophobic ReO2+ derivative, ReO2(3-Ph-py)4+, has been used to probe micelles of nonionic surfactants, and these results are consistent with those obtained with SDS.

The emission properties of ReO2+ in Nafion perfluorosulfonated membranes have been investigated. Absorption and emission spectroscopy indicate that the interior of the membrane is quite polar, similar to ethylene glycol. Two well-resolved emission components show different lifetimes and different isotope effects, indicative of varying degrees of solvent accessibility. These components are taken as evidence for chemically distinct regions in the polymer film, assigned as the interfacial region and the ion cluster region.

The unsubstituted pyridine complex shows monophasic, τ = 1.7 µs, emission decay when bound to calf thymus DNA. Switching to the 3-Ph-py complex yields a biphasic emission decay (τ1 = 2.4 µs, τ2 = 10 µs) indicative of an additional, solvent-inaccessible binding mode. Photoinduced electron transfer to methylviologen leads to oxidative cleavage of the DNA as detected by gel electrophoresis. Electrochemical and spectrophotometric techniques used with organic substrates also can be used to monitor the oxidation of DNA. Abstraction of the ribose 4' hydrogen by ReO22+ is a possible mechanism.


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Spontaneous emission into the lasing mode fundamentally limits laser linewidths. Reducing cavity losses provides two benefits to linewidth: (1) fewer excited carriers are needed to reach threshold, resulting in less phase-corrupting spontaneous emission into the laser mode, and (2) more photons are stored in the laser cavity, such that each individual spontaneous emission event disturbs the phase of the field less. Strong optical absorption in III-V materials causes high losses, preventing currently-available semiconductor lasers from achieving ultra-narrow linewidths. This absorption is a natural consequence of the compromise between efficient electrical and efficient optical performance in a semiconductor laser. Some of the III-V layers must be heavily doped in order to funnel excited carriers into the active region, which has the side effect of making the material strongly absorbing.

This thesis presents a new technique, called modal engineering, to remove modal energy from the lossy region and store it in an adjacent low-loss material, thereby reducing overall optical absorption. A quantum mechanical analysis of modal engineering shows that modal gain and spontaneous emission rate into the laser mode are both proportional to the normalized intensity of that mode at the active region. If optical absorption near the active region dominates the total losses of the laser cavity, shifting modal energy from the lossy region to the low-loss region will reduce modal gain, total loss, and the spontaneous emission rate into the mode by the same factor, so that linewidth decreases while the threshold inversion remains constant. The total spontaneous emission rate into all other modes is unchanged.

Modal engineering is demonstrated using the Si/III-V platform, in which light is generated in the III-V material and stored in the low-loss silicon material. The silicon is patterned as a high-Q resonator to minimize all sources of loss. Fabricated lasers employing modal engineering to concentrate light in silicon demonstrate linewidths at least 5 times smaller than lasers without modal engineering at the same pump level above threshold, while maintaining the same thresholds.


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Alternative scaffolds are non-antibody proteins that can be engineered to bind new targets. They have found useful niches in the therapeutic space due to their smaller size and the ease with which they can be engineered to be bispecific. We sought a new scaffold that could be used for therapeutic ends and chose the C2 discoidin domain of factor VIII, which is well studied and of human origin. Using yeast surface display, we engineered the C2 domain to bind to αvβ3 integrin with a 16 nM affinity while retaining its thermal stability and monomeric nature. We obtained a crystal structure of the engineered domain at 2.1 Å resolution. We have christened this discoidin domain alternative scaffold the “discobody.”


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The recombination-activating gene products, RAG1 and RAG2, initiate V(D)J recombination during lymphocyte development by cleaving DNA adjacent to conserved recombination signal sequences (RSSs). The reaction involves DNA binding, synapsis, and cleavage at two RSSs located on the same DNA molecule and results in the assembly of antigen receptor genes. Since their discovery full-length, RAG1 and RAG2 have been difficult to purify, and core derivatives are shown to be most active when purified from adherent 293-T cells. However, the protein yield from adherent 293-T cells is limited. Here we develop a human suspension cell purification and change the expression vector to boost RAG production 6-fold. We use these purified RAG proteins to investigate V(D)J recombination on a mechanistic single molecule level. As a result, we are able to measure the binding statistics (dwell times and binding energies) of the initial RAG binding events with or without its co-factor high mobility group box protein 1 (HMGB1), and to characterize synapse formation at the single-molecule level yielding insights into the distribution of dwell times in the paired complex and the propensity for cleavage upon forming the synapse. We then go on to investigate HMGB1 further by measuring it compact single DNA molecules. We observed concentration dependent DNA compaction, differential DNA compaction depending on the divalent cation type, and found that at a particular HMGB1 concentration the percentage of DNA compacted is conserved across DNA lengths. Lastly, we investigate another HMGB protein called TFAM, which is essential for packaging the mitochondrial genome. We present crystal structures of TFAM bound to the heavy strand promoter 1 (HSP1) and to nonspecific DNA. We show TFAM dimerization is dispensable for DNA bending and transcriptional activation, but is required for mtDNA compaction. We propose that TFAM dimerization enhances mtDNA compaction by promoting looping of mtDNA.


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Photovoltaic energy conversion represents a economically viable technology for realizing collection of the largest energy resource known to the Earth -- the sun. Energy conversion efficiency is the most leveraging factor in the price of energy derived from this process. This thesis focuses on two routes for high efficiency, low cost devices: first, to use Group IV semiconductor alloy wire array bottom cells and epitaxially grown Group III-V compound semiconductor alloy top cells in a tandem configuration, and second, GaP growth on planar Si for heterojunction and tandem cell applications.

Metal catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid grown microwire arrays are an intriguing alternative for wafer-free Si and SiGe materials which can be removed as flexible membranes. Selected area Cu-catalyzed vapor-liquid solid growth of SiGe microwires is achieved using chlorosilane and chlorogermane precursors. The composition can be tuned up to 12% Ge with a simultaneous decrease in the growth rate from 7 to 1 μm/min-1. Significant changes to the morphology were observed, including tapering and faceting on the sidewalls and along the lengths of the wires. Characterization of axial and radial cross sections with transmission electron microscopy revealed no evidence of defects at facet corners and edges, and the tapering is shown to be due to in-situ removal of catalyst material during growth. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy reveal a Ge-rich crystal at the tip of the wires, strongly suggesting that the Ge incorporation is limited by the crystallization rate.

Tandem Ga1-xInxP/Si microwire array solar cells are a route towards a high efficiency, low cost, flexible, wafer-free solar technology. Realizing tandem Group III-V compound semiconductor/Si wire array devices requires optimization of materials growth and device performance. GaP and Ga1-xInxP layers were grown heteroepitaxially with metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on Si microwire array substrates. The layer morphology and crystalline quality have been studied with scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, and they provide a baseline for the growth and characterization of a full device stack. Ultimately, the complexity of the substrates and the prevalence of defects resulted in material without detectable photoluminescence, unsuitable for optoelectronic applications.

Coupled full-field optical and device physics simulations of a Ga0.51In0.49P/Si wire array tandem are used to predict device performance. A 500 nm thick, highly doped "buffer" layer between the bottom cell and tunnel junction is assumed to harbor a high density of lattice mismatch and heteroepitaxial defects. Under simulated AM1.5G illumination, the device structure explored in this work has a simulated efficiency of 23.84% with realistic top cell SRH lifetimes and surface recombination velocities. The relative insensitivity to surface recombination is likely due to optical generation further away from the free surfaces and interfaces of the device structure.

Finally, GaP has been grown free of antiphase domains on Si (112) oriented substrates using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Low temperature pulsed nucleation is followed by high temperature continuous growth, yielding smooth, specular thin films. Atomic force microscopy topography mapping showed very smooth surfaces (4-6 Å RMS roughness) with small depressions in the surface. Thin films (~ 50 nm) were pseudomorphic, as confirmed by high resolution x-ray diffraction reciprocal space mapping, and 200 nm thick films showed full relaxation. Transmission electron microscopy showed no evidence of antiphase domain formation, but there is a population of microtwin and stacking fault defects.


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Recent theoretical developments in the reggeization of inelastic processes involving particles with high spin are incorporated into a model of vector meson production. A number of features of experimental differential cross sections and density matrices are interpreted in terms of this model.

The method chosen for reggeization of helicity amplitudes first separates kinematic zeros and singularities from the parity-conserving amplitudes and then applies results of Freedman and Wang on daughter trajectories to the remaining factors. Kinematic constraints on helicity amplitudes at t = 0 and t = (M – MΔ)2 are also considered.

It is found that data for reactions of types πN→VN and πN→VΔ are consistent with a model of this type in which all kinematic constraints at t = 0 are satisfied by evasion (vanishing of residue functions). As a quantitative test of the parametrization, experimental differential cross sections of vector meson production reactions dominated by pion trajectory exchange are compared with the theory. It is found that reduced residue functions are approximately constant, once the kinematic behavior near t = (M – MΔ)2 has been removed.

The alternative possibility of conspiracy between amplitudes is also discussed; and it is shown that unless conspiracy is present, some amplitudes allowed by angular momentum conservation will not contribute with full strength in the forward direction. An example, γp→π+n in which the data for dσ/dt indicate conspiracy, is studied in detail.