998 resultados para Typological Classification


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Avian species richness surveys, which measure the total number of unique avian species, can be conducted via remote acoustic sensors. An immense quantity of data can be collected, which, although rich in useful information, places a great workload on the scientists who manually inspect the audio. To deal with this big data problem, we calculated acoustic indices from audio data at a one-minute resolution and used them to classify one-minute recordings into five classes. By filtering out the non-avian minutes, we can reduce the amount of data by about 50% and improve the efficiency of determining avian species richness. The experimental results show that, given 60 one-minute samples, our approach enables to direct ecologists to find about 10% more avian species.


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Frog species have been declining worldwide at unprecedented rates in the past decades. There are many reasons for this decline including pollution, habitat loss, and invasive species [1]. To preserve, protect, and restore frog biodiversity, it is important to monitor and assess frog species. In this paper, a novel method using image processing techniques for analyzing Australian frog vocalisations is proposed. An FFT is applied to audio data to produce a spectrogram. Then, acoustic events are detected and isolated into corresponding segments through image processing techniques applied to the spectrogram. For each segment, spectral peak tracks are extracted with selected seeds and a region growing technique is utilised to obtain the contour of each frog vocalisation. Based on spectral peak tracks and the contour of each frog vocalisation, six feature sets are extracted. Principal component analysis reduces each feature set down to six principal components which are tested for classification performance with a k-nearest neighbor classifier. This experiment tests the proposed method of classification on fourteen frog species which are geographically well distributed throughout Queensland, Australia. The experimental results show that the best average classification accuracy for the fourteen frog species can be up to 87%.


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Acoustic classification of anurans (frogs) has received increasing attention for its promising application in biological and environment studies. In this study, a novel feature extraction method for frog call classification is presented based on the analysis of spectrograms. The frog calls are first automatically segmented into syllables. Then, spectral peak tracks are extracted to separate desired signal (frog calls) from background noise. The spectral peak tracks are used to extract various syllable features, including: syllable duration, dominant frequency, oscillation rate, frequency modulation, and energy modulation. Finally, a k-nearest neighbor classifier is used for classifying frog calls based on the results of principal component analysis. The experiment results show that syllable features can achieve an average classification accuracy of 90.5% which outperforms Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients features (79.0%).


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Frog protection has become increasingly essential due to the rapid decline of its biodiversity. Therefore, it is valuable to develop new methods for studying this biodiversity. In this paper, a novel feature extraction method is proposed based on perceptual wavelet packet decomposition for classifying frog calls in noisy environments. Pre-processing and syllable segmentation are first applied to the frog call. Then, a spectral peak track is extracted from each syllable if possible. Track duration, dominant frequency and oscillation rate are directly extracted from the track. With k-means clustering algorithm, the calculated dominant frequency of all frog species is clustered into k parts, which produce a frequency scale for wavelet packet decomposition. Based on the adaptive frequency scale, wavelet packet decomposition is applied to the frog calls. Using the wavelet packet decomposition coefficients, a new feature set named perceptual wavelet packet decomposition sub-band cepstral coefficients is extracted. Finally, a k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) classifier is used for the classification. The experiment results show that the proposed features can achieve an average classification accuracy of 97.45% which outperforms syllable features (86.87%) and Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) feature (90.80%).


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Frogs have received increasing attention due to their effectiveness for indicating the environment change. Therefore, it is important to monitor and assess frogs. With the development of sensor techniques, large volumes of audio data (including frog calls) have been collected and need to be analysed. After transforming the audio data into its spectrogram representation using short-time Fourier transform, the visual inspection of this representation motivates us to use image processing techniques for analysing audio data. Applying acoustic event detection (AED) method to spectrograms, acoustic events are firstly detected from which ridges are extracted. Three feature sets, Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), AED feature set and ridge feature set, are then used for frog call classification with a support vector machine classifier. Fifteen frog species widely spread in Queensland, Australia, are selected to evaluate the proposed method. The experimental results show that ridge feature set can achieve an average classification accuracy of 74.73% which outperforms the MFCCs (38.99%) and AED feature set (67.78%).


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Over past few decades, frog species have been experiencing dramatic decline around the world. The reason for this decline includes habitat loss, invasive species, climate change and so on. To better know the status of frog species, classifying frogs has become increasingly important. In this study, acoustic features are investigated for multi-level classification of Australian frogs: family, genus and species, including three families, eleven genera and eighty five species which are collected from Queensland, Australia. For each frog species, six instances are selected from which ten acoustic features are calculated. Then, the multicollinearity between ten features are studied for selecting non-correlated features for subsequent analysis. A decision tree (DT) classifier is used to visually and explicitly determine which acoustic features are relatively important for classifying family, which for genus, and which for species. Finally, a weighted support vector machines (SVMs) classifier is used for the multi- level classification with three most important acoustic features respectively. Our experiment results indicate that using different acoustic feature sets can successfully classify frogs at different levels and the average classification accuracy can be up to 85.6%, 86.1% and 56.2% for family, genus and species respectively.


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Remote sensing provides a lucid and effective means for crop coverage identification. Crop coverage identification is a very important technique, as it provides vital information on the type and extent of crop cultivated in a particular area. This information has immense potential in the planning for further cultivation activities and for optimal usage of the available fertile land. As the frontiers of space technology advance, the knowledge derived from the satellite data has also grown in sophistication. Further, image classification forms the core of the solution to the crop coverage identification problem. No single classifier can prove to satisfactorily classify all the basic crop cover mapping problems of a cultivated region. We present in this paper the experimental results of multiple classification techniques for the problem of crop cover mapping of a cultivated region. A detailed comparison of the algorithms inspired by social behaviour of insects and conventional statistical method for crop classification is presented in this paper. These include the Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC), Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) and Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) techniques. The high resolution satellite image has been used for the experiments.


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Australian providers of aged care are facing a rapidly ageing population and growth in demand for services. Beyond a sheer increase in consumers and major regulatory changes from Federal Government, many customers are becoming progressively discontented with a medically dominated model of care provision. This period of turbulence presents an opportunity for new entrants and forward-thinking organisations to disrupt the market by designing a more compelling value offering. Under this line of inquiry, the researchers conducted a qualitative content analysis study of over 37 Australian aged care organisations, clustering providers into six business model typologies. The study revealed that providers of aged care are becoming increasingly aware of emerging customer needs, and, in addressing these needs, are seeking to establish innovative models of care provision. This paper therefore presents a future model of care, along with implications for practice and policy.


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A complete list of homogeneous operators in the Cowen-Douglas class B-n(D) is given. This classification is obtained from an explicit realization of all the homogeneous Hermitian holomorphic vector bundles on the unit disc under the action of the universal covering group of the bi-holomorphic automorphism group of the unit disc.


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This paper proposes new metrics and a performance-assessment framework for vision-based weed and fruit detection and classification algorithms. In order to compare algorithms, and make a decision on which one to use fora particular application, it is necessary to take into account that the performance obtained in a series of tests is subject to uncertainty. Such characterisation of uncertainty seems not to be captured by the performance metrics currently reported in the literature. Therefore, we pose the problem as a general problem of scientific inference, which arises out of incomplete information, and propose as a metric of performance the(posterior) predictive probabilities that the algorithms will provide a correct outcome for target and background detection. We detail the framework through which these predicted probabilities can be obtained, which is Bayesian in nature. As an illustration example, we apply the framework to the assessment of performance of four algorithms that could potentially be used in the detection of capsicums (peppers).


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The influence of the architecture of the Byzantine capital spread to the Mediterranean provinces with travelling masters and architects. In this study the architecture of the Constantinopolitan School has been detected on the basis of the typology of churches, completed by certain morphological aspects when necessary. The impact of the Constantinopolitan workshops appears to have been more important than previously realized. This research revealed that the Constantinopolitan composite domed inscribed-cross type or cross-in-square spread everywhere to the Balkans and it was assumed soon by the local schools of architecture. In addition, two novel variants were invented on the basis of this model: the semi-composite type and the so-called Athonite type. In the latter variant lateral conches, choroi, were added for liturgical reasons. Instead, the origin of the domed ambulatory church was partly provincial. One result of this study is that the origin of the Middle Byzantine domed octagonal types was traced to Constantinople. This is attested on the basis of the archaeological evidence. Also some other architectural elements that have not been preserved in the destroyed capital have survived at the provincial level: the domed hexagonal type, the multi-domed superstructure, the pseudo-octagon and the narthex known as the lite. The Constantinopolitan architecture during the period in question was based on the Early Christian and Late Antique forms, practices and innovations and this also emerges at the provincial level.


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Ninety-two strong-motion earthquake records from the California region, U.S.A., have been statistically studied using principal component analysis in terms of twelve important standardized strong-motion characteristics. The first two principal components account for about 57 per cent of the total variance. Based on these two components the earthquake records are classified into nine groups in a two-dimensional principal component plane. Also a unidimensional engineering rating scale is proposed. The procedure can be used as an objective approach for classifying and rating future earthquakes.


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A review was carried out of the radiographs of twenty-five infants with birth weights under 1000 G, who survived for more than twenty-eight days; eighteen of these had enough suitable films for a survey of the progressive bone changes which occur in these infants, including estimation of humeral cortical cross-sectional area. The incidence of the changes has been assessed and a typical progression of radiographic appearances has been shown, with a suggested system of staging. All infants showed some loss of bone mineral, with frank changes of rickets occurring in forty-four percent. Aetiological factors are mainly concerned with the difficulty of supplying and ensuring absorption of sufficient bone mineral (calcium and phosphate) and vitamin D. Liver immaturity may be another factor. Disease states additional to prematurity accentuate the problem. Rib fractures occurring around 80–90 days post-nataEy commonly draw attention to the bone disorder and are probably the major clinical factor of importance; there is a high incidence of associated lung disease of uncertain pathology. Attention is drawn to possible confusion with other bone disorders in the post-natal period.


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This paper presents the site classification of Bangalore Mahanagar Palike (BMP) area using geophysical data and the evaluation of spectral acceleration at ground level using probabilistic approach. Site classification has been carried out using experimental data from the shallow geophysical method of Multichannel Analysis of Surface wave (MASW). One-dimensional (1-D) MASW survey has been carried out at 58 locations and respective velocity profiles are obtained. The average shear wave velocity for 30 m depth (Vs(30)) has been calculated and is used for the site classification of the BMP area as per NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program). Based on the Vs(30) values major part of the BMP area can be classified as ``site class D'', and ``site class C'. A smaller portion of the study area, in and around Lalbagh Park, is classified as ``site class B''. Further, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis has been carried out to map the seismic hazard in terms spectral acceleration (S-a) at rock and the ground level considering the site classes and six seismogenic sources identified. The mean annual rate of exceedance and cumulative probability hazard curve for S. have been generated. The quantified hazard values in terms of spectral acceleration for short period and long period are mapped for rock, site class C and D with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years on a grid size of 0.5 km. In addition to this, the Uniform Hazard Response Spectrum (UHRS) at surface level has been developed for the 5% damping and 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years for rock, site class C and D These spectral acceleration and uniform hazard spectrums can be used to assess the design force for important structures and also to develop the design spectrum.


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Being able to accurately predict the risk of falling is crucial in patients with Parkinson’s dis- ease (PD). This is due to the unfavorable effect of falls, which can lower the quality of life as well as directly impact on survival. Three methods considered for predicting falls are decision trees (DT), Bayesian networks (BN), and support vector machines (SVM). Data on a 1-year prospective study conducted at IHBI, Australia, for 51 people with PD are used. Data processing are conducted using rpart and e1071 packages in R for DT and SVM, con- secutively; and Bayes Server 5.5 for the BN. The results show that BN and SVM produce consistently higher accuracy over the 12 months evaluation time points (average sensitivity and specificity > 92%) than DT (average sensitivity 88%, average specificity 72%). DT is prone to imbalanced data so needs to adjust for the misclassification cost. However, DT provides a straightforward, interpretable result and thus is appealing for helping to identify important items related to falls and to generate fallers’ profiles.