Acoustic features for multi-level classification of Australian frogs

Autoria(s): Xie, Jie; Zhang, Jinglan; Roe, Paul



Over past few decades, frog species have been experiencing dramatic decline around the world. The reason for this decline includes habitat loss, invasive species, climate change and so on. To better know the status of frog species, classifying frogs has become increasingly important. In this study, acoustic features are investigated for multi-level classification of Australian frogs: family, genus and species, including three families, eleven genera and eighty five species which are collected from Queensland, Australia. For each frog species, six instances are selected from which ten acoustic features are calculated. Then, the multicollinearity between ten features are studied for selecting non-correlated features for subsequent analysis. A decision tree (DT) classifier is used to visually and explicitly determine which acoustic features are relatively important for classifying family, which for genus, and which for species. Finally, a weighted support vector machines (SVMs) classifier is used for the multi- level classification with three most important acoustic features respectively. Our experiment results indicate that using different acoustic feature sets can successfully classify frogs at different levels and the average classification accuracy can be up to 85.6%, 86.1% and 56.2% for family, genus and species respectively.








Xie, Jie, Zhang, Jinglan, & Roe, Paul (2015) Acoustic features for multi-level classification of Australian frogs. In Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS), IEEE, Singapore, pp. 1-5.


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Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #080109 Pattern Recognition and Data Mining #090609 Signal Processing #Frog call classification #acoustic features #decision tree #support vector machine

Conference Paper