999 resultados para Tunable luminescence


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo a realização do estudo das propriedades ópticas, magnéticas e estruturais do cristal elpasolita Cs2NaAlF6 dopado com as concentrações de 0,1%, 1,0%, 3,0%, 10,0%, 30,0% e 50,0% de Cr3+. O interesse no estudo deste sistema reside na existência de uma larga e intensa banda de luminescência na temperatura ambiente, que se estende do visível ao infravermelho próximo, podendo então ser utilizado como fonte de radiação sintonizável em dispositivos ópticos, optoeletrônicos e detectores, entre outros. Para a investigação das propriedades ópticas foram feitas medidas de luminescência, excitação e luminescência resolvida no tempo, na temperatura ambiente e a baixas temperaturas. Os resultados obtidos mostram largas bandas de luminescência atribuídas aos íons de Cr3+, ocupando dois sítios octaédricos não equivalentes. Os resultados também mostram que a intensidade integrada da luminescência, o baricentro da banda de emissão e o tempo de vida do estado luminescente variam com a concentração de impureza residente no sistema. Foram realizadas medidas de calor específico em função do campo magnético em uma larga faixa de temperatura, cujos resultados mostram o aparecimento do efeito Schottky a baixas temperaturas. Medidas de susceptibilidade magnética em funcão da temperatura também foram realizadas, e mostram um comportamento paramagnético, típico do íon impureza Cr3+, com um ordenamento magnético de curto alcance. Para a determinação das propriedades estruturais foram realizadas medidas de difração de nêutrons na temperatura ambiente.


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The axial intensity distribution and focal depth of an apoclized focusing optical system are theoretically investigated with two kinds of incident light fields: a uniform-intensity-distribution beam and a Gaussian beam. Both a low-numerical-aperture and a high-numerical-aperture optical system are considered. Numerical results show that the depth of focus can be adjusted by changing the geometrical parameters and transmissivity of the apodizer in the focusing optical system. When a Gaussian beam is employed as the incident beam, the waist width also affects the depth of focus. The tunable range of the focal depth is very considerable. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The effective refractive index of a kind of granular composite, which consists of granular metallic and magnetic inclusions with different radius embedded in a host medium, is theoretically investigated. Results show that for certain volume fractions of these two inclusions, the negative permittivity peak shifts to low frequency and the peak value increases with increasing radius ratio of the radius of magnetic granulae to that of metallic granulae. Simultaneously, peak value of permeability decreases with the radius ratio, and value peak shifts to high frequency with increasing volume fraction of magnetic inclusion. Therefore, the radius ratio can affect the effective refractive index considerably, and it is found that by adjusting the radius ratio, the refractive index may change between negative and positive values for certain volume fractions of the two inclusions. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The three-dimensional distribution of light intensity that is modulated by a pure phase-shifting apodizer is studied. Results show that the Strehl ratio can be altered by the proposed apodizer and by the waist width of incident Gaussian beams. By changing geometrical parameters of the proposed apodizer, we can increase the focal depth to several times that of the original system. The proposed apodizer can also be used to realize focal splitting and local minimum of intensity, which may be advantageous for constructing an optical trap. Furthermore, the local minimum of intensity number is tunable by changing the parameters of the apodizer. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America


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The axial intensity distribution and focal depth of an apoclized focusing optical system are theoretically investigated with two kinds of incident light fields: a uniform-intensity-distribution beam and a Gaussian beam. Both a low-numerical-aperture and a high-numerical-aperture optical system are considered. Numerical results show that the depth of focus can be adjusted by changing the geometrical parameters and transmissivity of the apodizer in the focusing optical system. When a Gaussian beam is employed as the incident beam, the waist width also affects the depth of focus. The tunable range of the focal depth is very considerable. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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We demonstrate that it is possible to reduce the focal spot size by inserting a uniform nonlinear thin film at the aperture of a focusing lens. The reduction of spot size is tunable by adjusting the incoming laser power. In comparison with the original diffraction spot, the transverse spot size can be reduced 0.65 times. The nonlinear thin film acts effectively as a Toraldo filter, and the phase and amplitude modulation stems from the laser-induced variances in the transmission of the thin film. The proposed technique removes the need of fabricating annular pupil filters. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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The pulse-shaping technique has found widespread applications in nonlinear optics and material processing. Experimental research on laser-induced plasma shutter to control the 532 nm pulse width is conducted. The impacts of the total pulse output energy on pulse compression are investigated, and a useful conclusion can be drawn that there exists an optimal value of pulse energy at which the shortest output pulse of 3.23 ns can be obtained without a device for delay-time. Once the device for delay-time is employed to change the optical differences between two laser paths, the pulse width can be further shortened to 1.51 ns. In short, the 1.5-12 ns width-tunable 532 nm laser pulses have been obtained by adopting the laser-induced plasma shutter technique. (C) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Er3+:Yb3+ codoped tellurite-fluorophosphate (TFP) glass ceramic exhibits much stronger upconversion luminescence. The intensity of the 540 nm green light and 651 nm red light of the TFP glass ceramic is 120 times and 44 times stronger than that of the fluorophospahte (FP) glass, respectively. XRD analysis shows that the nanocrystal in TFP glass ceramic is SrTe5O11. TFP glass ceramic also displays much higher upconversion fluorescence lifetime and crystallization stability. The narrow and strong peak at 540 nm is very ideal for practical upconversion luminescence realization. This work is a new trial for exploring non-PbF2 involved nanocrystal upconversion glass ceramics.


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This letter reports the ultrabroadband infrared luminescence from 1000- to 1700-nm wavelength range and demonstrate optical amplification at the second optical communication window in a novel bismuth-doped germanosilicate glass. The full-width at half-maximum of the luminescence is about 300 mn and the optical gain is larger than 1.37 within the wavelength region from 1272 to 1348 nm with pump power 0.97 W. This material could be useful to fabricate ultrabroadband optical fiber amplifiers.


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Bismuth (Bi)-doped and Bi/Dy co-doped chalcohalide glasses are investigated as promising materials for amplifiers in optical communication. The samples synthesized at lower melting temperatures (MTs) are characterized by more intensified infrared emissions. With respect to the redox process of a liquid mixture at different MTs, we attribute an emission at 1230 nm to low-valent Bi ions. The lower MT favors the formation of LVB ions, i.e. Bi+ or Bi2+, while the higher MT promotes the production of higher-valent Bi ions Bi3+. An enhanced broadband infrared luminescence with the full-width at half-maximum over 200 nm is achieved from the present Bi/Dy co-doped chalcohalide glasses.